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98186. شَظِيٌّ1 98187. شَظِيَ 1 98188. شَظِيّاتُ1 98189. شَظْيَة1 98190. شعّ1 98191. شع398192. شَعَّ 1 98193. شعا4 98194. شَعَّاء1 98195. شَعَّاب1 98196. شِعّاب1 98197. شِعَار1 98198. شَعَّار1 98199. شَعَار1 98200. شِعارات1 98201. شُعَارَى1 98202. شُعَاع1 98203. شَعَاع1 98204. شُعَاعَة1 98205. شُعَاف1 98206. شِعَاف1 98207. شَعَّالة1 98208. شَعَّالِيَّة1 98209. شَعَانِبيّ1 98210. شَعايب1 98211. شَعَبَ1 98212. شَعْب1 98213. شعب20 98214. شِعْبٌ1 98215. شَعْبٌ1 98216. شُعْبٌ1 98217. شِعْبُ أبي دُبٍّ1 98218. شِعبُ أبي يُوسُف1 98219. شِعْبُ الحَيْسِ1 98220. شِعبُ الخُوزِ1 98221. شِعبُ العَجُوز1 98222. شِعْبُ بَوّانَ1 98223. شِعبُ جَبَلَةَ1 98224. شِعبُ خُرَه1 98225. شَعِبَ 1 98226. شَعْبَاء1 98227. شعبان1 98228. شِعبان1 98229. شَعْبَان1 98230. شِعْبَانِ1 98231. شعْبَان1 98232. شَعْبانِيّ1 98233. شَعْبَانِيَّة1 98234. شَعْباوِيّ1 98235. شُعْبَةُ1 98236. شُعْبَتَا الفِرْدَوْس...1 98237. شعبثة1 98238. شعبد2 98239. شعبذ6 98240. شَعَبْعَبٌ1 98241. شَعْبن1 98242. شَعَبُو1 98243. شُعَبُو1 98244. شَعْبُو1 98245. شِعْبُو1 98246. شَعْبُون1 98247. شَعْبُونِيّ1 98248. شُعَبَى1 98249. شَعْبِيّ1 98250. شَعَبِيّ1 98251. شُعَبِيّ1 98252. شِعْبِيّ1 98253. شَعَبِيّة1 98254. شَعْبِيَّة1 98255. شُعْبِيَّة1 98256. شُعَبَيْن1 98257. شَعْبَين1 98258. شِعَبَيْن1 98259. شَعَّة1 98260. شَعَت1 98261. شعْتي1 98262. شَعَثَ1 98263. شَعَث1 98264. شعث16 98265. شُعْثٌ1 98266. شَعَثَ 1 98267. شَعْثَمُ1 98268. شعثم1 98269. شَعْثَنٌ1 98270. شعثن1 98271. شعدة1 98272. شعذ8 98273. شَعَذَ 1 98274. شعر24 98275. شَعَرَ2 98276. شِعْر1 98277. شَعْر1 98278. شَعِر1 98279. شَعَرٌ1 98280. شَعْرٌ1 98281. شِعْرٌ1 98282. شَعُرَ بـ1 98283. شعر شَاعِر1 98284. شَعَرَ 1 98285. شُعَراءٌ1 Prev. 100


الشَّيْء شعا تفرق وانتشر وَفُلَان عجل وَالْمَاء شعا صبه
شَعْشَعْتُ الشرابَ: مزجته. وشَعْشعْتُ القومَ: سقيتهم لبناً شَعْشاعاً ومُشَعْشَعاً، وهو ما أخِذ طعماً فَصُب عليه ماء. وظل مَشَعْشَع: فيه خَلَل. وتَشَعْشَع: ضعف بصرهُ.
والشعْشاع والشعْشَعان: الطويل العنق من كل شيء. والحَسَن. والشعْشاع والشعيع والشعاع والشع: المتفرق. والشعاع: انتشار الدم. وشعغ الغارةَ: صَبها.
وأشع الزرعُ: خرج شَعاعُه؛ وهو سَفاه اليابس.
وشُع الشمس وشُعاعته، واحد، وأشعتْ: شُعاعُها. وتطَايَرَ القومُ شَعاعاً: متفرقين. وشَع البعيرُ ببوله وأشَع: فرقه.


1 شَعَّ, (O, K, TA,) aor. ـِ (O, TA,) inf. n. شَعَاعٌ (S, * O, * K, * TA) and شَعٌّ, (TA,) It became scattered, or dispersed; (S, O, K, TA;) said of a thing; like شَاعَ, aor. ـِ (TA;) of the urine of a camel; (O, K;) and of a people, or party; (IAar, O, K;) [like شَغَّ;] and [in like manner]

شَعَاعٌ is used in relation to blood, &c., as meaning the being scattered. (S, O, K, TA. [See also شَعَاعٌ, below; and شُعَاعٌ.]) A2: شَعَّ بَوْلَهُ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. شَعٌّ (O, TA) and شَعَاعٌ, (K, * TA,) He (a camel) scattered his urine; as also ↓ اشعّهُ: (S, O, K:) or both signify he scattered his urine, and stopped it. (TA.) b2: and شَعَّ الغَارَةَ, (K, TA,) inf. n. شَعٌّ; and ↓ شَعْشَعَهَا; (TA;) He poured upon them the horsemen making a sudden attack and engaging in conflict, or urging on their horses; (K, TA;) and in like manner, الخَيْلَ. (TA.) 4 أَشْعَ3َ see 1. b2: اشعّت الشَّمْسُ The sun spread, or diffused, its شُعَاع [or beams], (S, K,) or its light. (TA.) b3: اشعّ الزَّرْعُ The corn put forth its شَعَاع, (S, K, TA,) i. e., its awn. (TA.) b4: And اشعّ السُّنْبُلُ The ears of corn became compact in their grain, (K, TA,) and dry therein. (TA.) 7 انشعّ الذِّئْبُ فِى الغَنَمِ The wolf made an incursion among the sheep or goats. (O, K, TA.) R. Q. 1 شَعْشَعَهُ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. شَعْشَعَةٌ, (TA,) He mixed it, namely, wine, (S, O, K,) with water. (O.) And He mixed one part of it, namely, a thing, with another part, (O, * K,) like as one mixes wine with water. (O.) And شَعْشَعَ الثَّرِيدَةَ He mixed the ثريدة [or mess of crumbled bread] with olive-oil: (O:) or he put much clarified butter to it, (ISh, O, K,) and much grease, or gravy: (K:) or he raised its head; (O, K;) as some say: (Sh, O:) or he made its head high; (O, K;) as some say; from شَعْشَاعٌ as an epithet applied to a man, meaning “ tall. ” (O.) But the verb is used more in relation to wine than to ثريد. (TA.) b2: See also 1.

R. Q. 2 تَشَعْشَعَ, said of a man, is from ↓ شَعْشَاعٌ applied to a man as meaning حُلْوٌ خَفِيفٌ [i. e.

“ such as is excited to briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, and esteemed pleasing in the eye, and is light, or active; ” so that the verb may be rendered He was, or became, such as is excited to briskness, &c.: or he was, or became, such as is termed شَعْشَاعٌ, q. v.]. (Ham, p. 246.) b2: Said of the month It nearly came to an end; little remained of it: (K, TA:) occurring in a trad.: but accord. to one relation thereof, it is تَشَعْسَعَ; from الشُّسُوعُ “ the being distant, or remote: ” and accord. to another, تَشَعْسَعَ, with two سs. (TA.) شَعٌّ: see شَعَاعٌ, first and last sentences.

A2: Also Haste: (IAar, K, TA:) and so شَعِيعٌ accord. to the K; but this is wrong; the meaning of the latter word being only that given below, voce شَعَاعٌ. (TA.) شُعٌّ A spider's web. (AA, K.) b2: See also شُعَاعٌ.

شَعَاعٌ [an inf. n. (see 1) used as an epithet, and therefore as masc. and fem. and sing. and pl.;] Scattered, or dispersed; and disordered, or unsettled; syn. مُتَفَرِّقٌ; (S, K;) as also ↓ شَعٌّ, [likewise an inf. n. used as an epithet,] applied [like the former] to anything, (K, TA,) such as blood, and an opinion, and a purpose, or an intention; (TA;) and ↓ شَعِيعٌ, which is wrongly expl. in the K as syn. with شَعٌّ in another sense, as stated above; (TA;) and ↓ شَعْشَاعٌ. (S, K.) One says, ذَهَبَ دَمُهُ شَعَاعًا His blood went scattered, or dispersed: (TA:) or شَعَاعٌ applied to blood signifies spirtling from a wound made with a spear or the like; as in a verse cited voce نَفَذٌ. (Az, TA. [See also شُعَاعٌ.]) And ذَهَبُوا شَعَاعًا They went away scattered, or dispersed. (K.) And أُمَّةٌ شَعَاعٌ A nation, or people, scattered, or dispersed. (TA, from a trad.) And تَطَايَرَتِ العَصَا شَعَاعًا The staff, or stick, broke into scattered pieces; as when one has broken it by striking with it upon a wall: and in like manner, القَصَبَةُ the reed, or cane. (TA.) And رَأْىٌ شَعَاعٌ A disordered, or an unsettled, opinion. (S, K.) And نَفْسٌ شَعَاعٌ A mind of which the purposes, or intentions, (هِمَمُهَا, as in the S [and O], for which, in the K, هُمُومُهَا is erroneously substituted, TA,) and the opinions, (Z, TA,) are disordered, or unsettled, (S, K, TA,) so that it is not directed to a decided affair. (Z, TA.) And طَارَ فُؤَادُهُ شَعَاعًا [His mind fled in a disordered, or an unsettled, state, as though dissipated; expl. as] meaning تَفَرَّقَتْ هُمُومُهُ [a mistranscription, as before: correctly تفرّقت هِمَمُهُ i. e. his purposes, or intentions, became disordered, or unsettled: see also Ham p. 44, and Har p.

366]. (K.) And a rájiz says, الغَدَرْ ↓ صَدْقُ اللِّقَآءِ غَيْرُ شَعْشَاعِ meaning [Firm, or steady, in encounter, or conflict,] not disordered, or unsettled, in respect of purpose, or intention. (S.) b2: Hence, app., (TA,) Milk mixed with much water; (ISh, O;) syn. ضَيَاحٌ. (ISh, O, K, TA.) A2: Also [as a subst.] The awn, or beard, of the ears of corn; (S, O, K;) and so ↓ شُعَاعٌ and ↓ شِعَاعٌ (K) and ↓ شَعٌّ: (TA:) or the awn, or beard, when it has become dry, as long as it remains on the ears; as also ↓ شُعَاعٌ. (Lth, O.) شَعَاعٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ شُعٌّ (AA, K) [The rays, or beams, of the sun; or] what one sees, (S, O, K,) of the light, like rods, (S,) or extending like spears, (O, K,) at the rising, or the beginning of the rising, (S,) or a little after the rising, (O, K,) of the sun; (S, O, K;) or what one sees, like cords coming towards him, when looking at the sun; or the dispersing light of the sun: (K:) n. un. with ة: (S, O, K) [and Freytag states that ↓ شِعْشِعَةٌ is said by Jac. Schultens to signify rays: but this I do not find in any lexicon:] the pl. (of شُعَاعٌ, O) is أَشِعَّةٌ, (O, K,) accord. to analogy, (O,) [a pl. of pauc.,] and شُعُعٌ (O, K) and ↓ شِعَاعٌ; (K;) the last anomalous. (TA.) Hence, in a trad. respecting [the night called]

لَيْلَةُ القَدْرِ, it is said, إِنَّ الشَّمْسَ تَطْلُعُ مِنْ غَدِ يَوْمِهَا لَا شُعَاعَ لَهَا [Verily the sun will rise on its morrow having no rays]. (S: in the O, مِنْ غَدِهَا.) b2: In the verse cited voce نَفَذٌ, As is related to have read الشُّعَاعُ instead of الشَّعَاعُ, as meaning The light, [or brightness] and redness, and scattered state, of the blood: ISd says, I know not whether he said it meaning by original application or by way of comparison. (TA.) b3: See also شَعَاعٌ, last sentence, in two places.

شِعَاعٌ: see شَعَاعٌ, last sentence: b2: and see also شُعَاعٌ.

شَعِيعٌ: see شَعَاعٌ, first sentence.

شَعْشَعٌ, (S, O,) or ↓ شَعْشَاعٌ, (K,) or both, (TA,) and ↓ مُشَعْشَعٌ, (S, TA,) Shade that is not thick, or dense; (S, O, K, TA;) or which has not wholly shaded one, having in it interspaces. (TA.) b2: See also شَعْشَاعٌ, in two places.

شُعْشُعٌ: see the next paragraph but one, in two places: and see شُلْشُلٌ.

شِعْشِعَةٌ: see شُعَاعٌ.

شَعْشَاعٌ: see شَعَاعٌ, in two places: and شَعْشَعٌ. b2: Also, (S, O, S,) and ↓ شَعْشَعٌ (O, K) and ↓ شَعْشَعَانٌ (IDrd, S, O, K) and ↓ شَعْشَعَانِىٌّ, (O, K,) in which last the relative ى is without cause, as in أَحْمَرِىٌّ and دَوَّارِىٌّ, (TA,) applied to a man, (S,) Tall: (O, K:) or tall and goodly (S, TA) and light of flesh; applied to a man as being likened to the thin [or much diluted] wine termed مُشَعْشَعَة: or the first signifies long-necked; and so ↓ the third, and ↓ the fourth; applied to anything, or the last, accord. to the R, applied to a man only: and the first, long applied to a neck: (TA:) and light, or active: (O, K:) or so in journeying; as also ↓ شُعْشُعٌ like هُدْهُدٌ, applied to a man, or, accord. to Th, to a boy, or young man: or light in spirit: (TA:) see also R. Q. 2: and (K) as some say, (O,) the first signifies goodly, or beautiful, (O, K, TA,) in face: (TA:) and ↓ شَعْشَعٌ, (so in the O,) or ↓ شُعْشُعٌ, with damm to the ش, (TA,) a boy, or young man, goodly, or beautiful, in face, light in spirit; (O, TA;) on the authority of AA. (TA.) A2: Also Certain trees; or a kind of tree. (TA.) شَعْشَعَانٌ: see شَعْشَاعٌ, in two places. With ة, applied to a she-camel, meaning Tall: (S, * O:) or large in body: (TA:) pl. شَعْشَعَانَاتٌ. (S, O. [In the TA, شَعْشَعَانَاتٌ is said to be mistranscribed in the S شَعْشَعَانَان: but it is not so in either of my copies.]) شَعْشَعَانِىٌّ: see شَعْشَاعٌ, in two places. Also Long and thin; applied to a camel's lip. (TA.) مُشَعْشَعٌ: see شَعْشَعٌ. b2: With ة, applied to wine (خَمْرٌ), Mixed with water: (O, * EM p. 183:) accord. to some, [much diluted; i. e.] mixed so as to be thin. (TA.)
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