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97462. شديف1 97463. شُدَيْفَات1 97464. شديفة1 97465. شَدِيفة1 97466. شُدَيْفَة1 97467. شذ597468. شذّ1 97469. شَذَّ2 97470. شَذَّ 1 97471. شذا4 97472. شَذَا3 97473. شَذَاء1 97474. شُذانِق1 97475. شذب15 97476. شَذَبَ1 97477. شَذَبَ 1 97478. شذح3 97479. شذحف2 97480. شذخ2 97481. شذذ11 97482. شَذَذَ1 97483. شذر15 97484. شَذَرَ1 97485. شذر مذر1 97486. شَذَرَ 1 97487. شَذْرَاء1 97488. شَذْرَة1 97489. شذره1 97490. شذف3 97491. شَذَفْتُ1 97492. شذق4 97493. شذك1 97494. شذكن2 97495. شذل1 97496. شذم5 97497. شَذَمَ 1 97498. شذمن1 97499. شذن1 97500. شذنج1 97501. شذو8 97502. شَذُونَةُ2 97503. شذى1 97504. شَذَى 1 97505. شذي1 97506. شَذَي1 97507. شَرّ1 97508. شر6 97509. شرّ1 97510. شَرُّ خَلَفٍ1 97511. شَرَّ ضَرْبَة1 97512. شَرَّ 1 97513. شرأ1 97514. شرأب1 97515. شَرَا1 97516. شَرّا1 97517. شرا1 97518. شِرَاء1 97519. شَرَّاء1 97520. شَرائح1 97521. شَرَّاب2 97522. شَرَاب1 97523. شُرَّاب1 97524. شراب خام1 97525. شرابي1 97526. شَرَّابِيّ1 97527. شَرَّابي1 97528. شِراج1 97529. شَرَّاج1 97530. شِرَاجُ الحَرّةِ1 97531. شراجة1 97532. شَرَّاجة1 97533. شَرَّاح2 97534. شُرَّاح1 97535. شُرَّاحلي1 97536. شراحيلُ1 97537. شَرَاحيلي1 97538. شَرَّاخ1 97539. شرَّاد1 97540. شَرَّادة1 97541. شَرَّادِي1 97542. شِرَادِي1 97543. شَرَّادين1 97544. شِرار1 97545. شَرَّار2 97546. شَرَار1 97547. شَرَّارات1 97548. شَرَارات1 97549. شَرَارة1 97550. شرَّاري1 97551. شَرَارِيّ1 97552. شَرَّاريَّة1 97553. شَرارية1 97554. شراز1 97555. شَرَّاز1 97556. شراسة1 97557. شَرَّاط1 97558. شَرَّاطِي1 97559. شُرَاعَةُ1 97560. شَرَاعة1 97561. شُرَّاعة1 Prev. 100


شذ: شذَّ الرَّجُلُ: إذا انْفَرَدَ من أصْحَابِه. والكَلِمَةُ الشّاذَّةُ: العائرَةُ. وشُذّاذ النّاسِ: الذين لَيْسُوا في قَبَائلهم ولا مَنَ مازِلهم. وشَذّانُ النّاسِ: مُتَفَرِّقُوهم، وكذلك شَذّانُ الحَصى. ويُقال: شَذَّ عَنّي يَشِذُّ ويَشُذُ. وأشْذَذْتُه: أي أقْصَيْته ونَحَّيْته.
باب الشين والذّال ش ذ يستعمل فقط

شذ: شذّ الرَّجلُ من أصحابه، أي: انفرد عنهم. وكلّ شيء مُنفرد فهو شاذٌ.. وكلمةٌ شاذّة. وشُذّاذ النّاس: متفرِّقوهم. وكذلك شُذّانُ الحصى، قال:

تتركُ شُذّانَ الحصى قنابلا  
الشين والذال

الشَّبَرْذُ شبيه الرطبة إلا أنه أجلُّ منها وأعظمُ ورقاً قال أبو حنيفة هو فارسيّ وناقةٌ شَبَرْذاةٌ وشَمَرْذاةٌ سريعةٌ والشَّبَرْذَي والشَّمَرْذَي السريعُ فيما أخذ فيه والشَّبَرْذَي اسمُ رَجُلٍ قال

(لقد أُوِقدَتْ نارُ الشَّبَرْذَي بأرؤُسٍ ... عِظَامِ اللِّحَى مُعْزَيز ماتِ اللَّهازِمِ)

ويروى الشَّمَرْذَي والميم في كل ذلك لغةٌ والشِّرْذِمَة القِطعةُ من الشيءِ والجمع شَراذِمُ قال ساعدةُ بن جُؤَيَّةَ

(فَخَرَّتْ وألقَتْ كُلَّ نَعْلٍ شَراذماً ... يَلُوحُ بِضاحِي الجِلْدِ منها جُذُورُها)

والشِّرْذِمةُ القليل من الناسِ وقيل الجماعةُ من الناس القليلة وفي التنزيل {إن هؤلاء لشرذمة قليلون} الشعراء 54 وثيابٌ شَرَاذِمُ أخْلاَق وثَوْبٌ شَرَاذِمُ عن اللحيانيِّ والشَّمْرَذَةُ السُّرعةُ والشَّمَيْذَرُ من الإِبلِ السريعُ والأُنثَى شَمَيْزَرَةٌ وشَمْذَرةٌ وشَمْذَرٌ ورجلٌ شِمْذَارٌ يَعْنُفُ في السَّوق
الشين والذال

شَذّ الشَّيْء يشِذّ، ويشُذّ شَذاًّ، وشُذُوذا: ندر عَن جمهوره.

وشَذَّه هُوَ يشُذّه، لَا غير.

وشَذَّذَه، وأشَذّه، أنْشد أَبُو الْفَتْح ابْن جني:

فأشذّني لمرورهم فكانني ... غُصْن لأوّل عاضدِ أَو عاسف

وَأبي الْأَصْمَعِي شذَّه. وسمى أهل النَّحْو مَا فَارق مَا عَلَيْهِ بَقِيَّة بَابه وَانْفَرَدَ عَن ذَلِك إِلَى غَيره شاذا حملا لهَذَا الْموضع على حكم غَيره.

وَجَاءُوا شُذّاذاً: أَي فُلاَّلا.

وَقوم شُذَّاذ: إِذا لم يَكُونُوا فِي مَنَازِلهمْ وَلَا حيهم. وشُذَّان النَّاس: مَا تفرق مِنْهُم.

وشُذَّان الْحَصَى وَنَحْوه: مَا تطاير مِنْهُ.

وَحكى ابْن جني شذان الْحَصَى، قَالَ امْرُؤ الْقَيْس:

تُطايِر شَذّان الحَصَى بمناسمٍ ... صِلابِ العُجَى مَلْثُومُها غَيْرُ أَمْعَرا

وشُذَّان الْإِبِل، وشَذَّانها: مَا افترق مِنْهَا، انشد ابْن الْأَعرَابِي:

شذّانها رائعة لَهْدره

رائعة: مرتاعة.


1 شَذَّ, (S, M, A, &c.,) aor. ـِ and شَذُّ, (S, M, L, Msb, K,) the former agreeable with analogy, and that which is mentioned by the leading writers on inflection, and the latter anomalous, (TA,) and Esh-Shiháb mentions شَذَ3َ, but this is not known, and there is no reason for it unless فَعِلَ be established as a form of the pret., and this has not been mentioned, (MF,) inf. n. شُذُوذٌ (S, M, Mgh, L, Msb, K) and شَذٌّ, (M, L, K,) It (a thing, M, L) was, or became, apart, (S, A, L, Msb,) and it fell, or went, or came, out, or forth, (S, M, L, K,) from the generality of things, or the general assemblage, main body, bulk, or common mass, (S, M, A, L, K,) to which it pertained, (M, L,) or from other things: (Msb:) it (anything) was, or became, apart, or alone: and he (a man) was, or became, apart from his companions, or alone: (Lth, L:) and (assumed tropical:) he [app. a beast] took fright, and ran away. (Msb.) You say, شَذَّ عَنْهُ It was, or became, apart, &c., from it. (S, L.) And شَذَّ عَنِ الجَمَاعَةِ He was, or became, apart from the collective body [or generality] of people. (Mgh.) And مَا يَشِذُّ عَلَيْهِ شَىْءٍ (assumed tropical:) [Nothing is out of his way, or sphere, or compass]. (S and K in art. حوذ.) And شَذَّ الحَصَى The pebbles became scat-tered, or dispersed. (L.) b2: شَذَّ, aor. ـِ and شَذُّ, inf. n. شُذُوذٌ and شَذٌّ, also signifies (tropical:) It (a word, form or measure, construction, or government,) deviated from the common, or constant, course of speech in respect of analogy, or rule; deviated from common, or constant, analogy, or rule; was extraordinary, or exceptional, as to rule; or was anomalous, abnormal, or irregular: and it (the same) deviated from the common, or constant, course of speech in respect of usage; deviated from common, or constant, usage; was extraordinary, or exceptional, as to usage; or was unusual: [the verb is used absolutely to express each of these meanings; the context in general showing clearly which meaning is intended: the former is that which is most frequently intended: and] the former meaning is also expressed by the phrase شَذَّ فِى القِيَاسِ or عَنِ القِيَاسِ: and the latter, by the phrase شَذَّ فِى الاِسْتِعْمَالِ. (Mz, 12th نوع.) [See also the contr. اِطَّرَدَ: and see شَاذٌّ, below.]

A2: See also 4.2 شَذَّّ see what next follows.4 اشذّهُ; (S, M, K;) and ↓ شذّذهُ; (K;) and ↓ شَذَّهُ, aor. ـُ only; (M, K;) but As disallows this last form of the verb; (IJ, L;) He, or it, caused it to be, or to become, apart, (S, L,) to fall, or go, or come, out, or forth, from the generality of things, or the general assemblage, main body, bulk, or common mass, (S, M, L, K,) to which it pertained: (M, L:) and the first signifies he removed it, and put it far away; namely, a thing: (K:) and he set him, or exposed him, apart from his companions, or alone: (IJ, L:) and he scattered, or dispersed, it. (IKtt.) A poet says, فَأَشَذَّنِى لِمُرُورِهِمْ فَكَأَنَّنِى

غُصْنٌ لِأَوَّلِ عَاضِدٍ أَوْ عَاصِفِ [And he, or it, (perhaps meaning fortune,) exposed me apart from my companions, to their passing by, or by reason of their passing away, so that I was as though I were a branch that should become a prey for the first lopper or stormy wind]. (IJ, L.) And one says of a she-camel, اشذّت الحَصَى She scattered, or dispersed, the pebbles [with her feet]. (TA.) b2: اشذّ also signifies نَادٍّ ↓ جَآءَ بِقَوْلٍ شَاذٍّ (assumed tropical:) [He said what deviated from the common course of speech]. (K, TA.) شَذَّان: see شَاذٌّ, in four places.

شِذَّانٌ The [species of lote-tree called] سِدْر. (K.) شَاذٌّ A thing that is, or becomes, apart, (S, L, Msb,) and that falls, or goes, or comes, out, or forth, from the generality of things, general assemblage, main body, bulk, or common mass, (S, L,) to which it pertains: (L:) anything apart, or alone: and a man apart from his companions, or alone: (Lth, L:) and [app. a beast] taking fright, and running away: (Msb:) شُذَّانٌ is a pl. thereof, like as شُبَّانٌ is of شَابٌّ; [and so is شُذَّاذٌ, agreeably with analogy;] and ↓ شَذَّان is used in a similar sense, but is an epithet of the measure فِعْلَان, not a pl. of شَاذٌّ. (L.) مَا يَدَعُ فُلَانٌ شَاذًّا وَلَا نَادًّا إِلَّا قَتَلَهُ [Such a one does not leave any one apart from his companions, nor any one taking fright and running away, but he slays him,] is said of a courageous man whom no one encounters without his slaying him. (IAar, L.) and one says شُذَّانُ قَوْمٍ Those, of a people, who have become apart, or separate, from their companions. (L, from a trad.) And شُذَّاذُ النَّاسِ Those who are among a people but do not belong to their tribes (S, L) nor to their places of abode: (L:) and those who are scattered, or dispersed, of people; (A, L;) as also النَّاسِ ↓ شَذَّانُ, (S, L,) and شُذَّانُهُمْ. (L.) And قَوْمٌ شُذَّاذٌ A people not among their own tribe nor in their own places of abode: (L, K: *) or a people among another people, not among their own tribes nor in their own places of abode. (M, TA.) And شُذَّاذُ الآفَاقِ The strangers. (Har p. 352.) And جَاؤُوا شُذَّاذًا They came few in number. (L, K. *) And الإِبِلِ ↓ شَذَّانُ and شُذَّانُهَا Those that are scattered, or dispersed, of the camels. (L.) And شُذَّانُ الحَصَى (M, L) and الحَصَى ↓ شَذَّانُ (S, IJ, M, L, K) What are scatterred, or dispersed, of pebbles; (S, L, K;) what have flown about, and become scattered or dispersed, thereof: (M, L:) and in like manner one says of other things, (L, K,) or of similar things. (M, L.) b2: Applied to a word, form or measure, construction, or government, it signifies (tropical:) Deviating from the common, or constant, course of speech in respect of analogy, or rule; deviating from common, or constant, analogy or rule; extraordinary, or exceptional, as to rule; or anomalous, abnormal, or irregular: such a word, &c., though itself admitted if agreeable with common usage, is not taken as an example to be imitated: also, applied to the same, deviating from the common, or constant, course of speech in respect of usage; deviating from common, or constant, usage; extraordinary, or exceptional, as to usage; unusual: [used absolutely to express each of these significations; the context in general showing clearly which signification is meant: the former is that which is most frequently intended:] a word, &c., may be شاذّ in respect of usage but agreeable with common analogy or rule; as the pret. of يَذَرُ and يَدَعُ; and the regular phrase مَكَانٌ مُبْقِلٌ, the epithet more commonly heard being بَاقِلٌ: and شاذّ in respect of analogy, or rule, but agreeable with common usage; as أَخْوَصَ الرِّمْثُ, and اِسْتَصْوَبْتُ الأَمْرَ: and شاذّ in respect of analogy, or rule, and of usage, together; as ثَوْبٌ مَصْوُونٌ, and مِسْكٌ مَدْوُوفٌ: (Mz, 12th نوع: [and the like is said, but less fully, in the Msb:]) the pl. masc. is شُذَّاذٌ; and pl. fem. شَوَاذُّ. (Mz, ib.) See 4, last sentence. [See also the contr. مُطَّرِدٌ: and see شَذَّ, latter part.] b3: Applied to a tradition, (assumed tropical:) Having a single ascription, attested by a [single] sheykh, whether he be trustworthy or not: in the latter case, not accepted: in the former case, one hesitates respecting it, and does not adduce it as an argument, or evidence. (KT.)
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