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97376. شُخَيْب1 97377. شَخِّيَّة1 97378. شُخَيْت1 97379. شَخِير2 97380. شِخِّير1 97381. شد697382. شدّ2 97383. شَدَّ 1 97384. شدا4 97385. شَدَا1 97386. شَدَّاء1 97387. شَدّاخِي1 97388. شَدَّاد1 97389. شِداد1 97390. شَدَّادِي1 97391. شدار1 97392. شَدَّان1 97393. شدانق1 97394. شَدَّة1 97395. شدة1 97396. شِدَّة1 97397. شَدَحَ1 97398. شدح5 97399. شَدَحَ 1 97400. شَدَخٌ1 97401. شدخَ1 97402. شدخ12 97403. شَدَخَ1 97404. شَدَخَ 1 97405. شدخت1 97406. شدخه1 97407. شِدَد1 97408. شُدُد1 97409. شدد13 97410. شَدَدَ1 97411. شدره1 97412. شدري1 97413. شدف12 97414. شَدَفَ1 97415. شَدَفَ 1 97416. شدفه1 97417. شِدْق1 97418. شدق16 97419. شَدَقَ1 97420. شَدَقَ 1 97421. شدقم6 97422. شدك1 97423. شدل1 97424. شَدْمُوه1 97425. شَدَنَ1 97426. شَدَنُ1 97427. شدن12 97428. شَدَنَ 1 97429. شدنا وشدنج1 97430. شَدَنِيّ1 97431. شَدْنِي1 97432. شَدَهَ1 97433. شده11 97434. شَدَهَ 1 97435. شَدْهَان1 97436. شَدَو1 97437. شَدْو1 97438. شدو9 97439. شَدَوَ 1 97440. شَدَوَانِ1 97441. شَدْوَة1 97442. شدوخ1 97443. شَدُوخ1 97444. شُدُوخ1 97445. شُدُوخي1 97446. شَدوف1 97447. شدوف1 97448. شُدُوف1 97449. شَدُونْبَة1 97450. شدوه1 97451. شَدْوِيّ1 97452. شَدّي1 97453. شِدّي1 97454. شِدْياق1 97455. شَدْية1 97456. شَدِيَّة1 97457. شُدَيْد1 97458. شَدِيد1 97459. شديرة1 97460. شُدَيْف1 97461. شَدِيف1 97462. شديف1 97463. شُدَيْفَات1 97464. شديفة1 97465. شَدِيفة1 97466. شُدَيْفَة1 97467. شذ5 97468. شذّ1 97469. شَذَّ2 97470. شَذَّ 1 97471. شذا4 97472. شَذَا3 97473. شَذَاء1 97474. شُذانِق1 97475. شذب15 Prev. 100


باب الشين والدّال ش د يستعمل فقط

شد: الشَّدُّ: الحملُ، تقول: شدّ عليه في القتال. وشددنا عليهم شدَّةً واحدةً في الحملة، قال :

شددنا شدّةً لا عيب فيها ... وقلنا بالضُّحى فيحي فياحِ

والشَّدُّ: العدو والفعل: اشتدَّ والشِّدَّة: الصلابة. والشِّدَّةُ: النّجدة، وثبات القلب. والشِّدَّةُ: المجاعةُ. ورجلٌ شديد: شجاع. والشدائد الهزاهز. [والأشد: مبلغ الرجل الحنكة والمعرفة. قال الله عز وجل: حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ أَشُدَّهُ

الشين والدال

الشُّنْدُفُ من الخَيْلِ الذي يَمِيلُ رأسهُ من النشاطِ والفَنْدَشَةُ الذَّهَابُ في الأرضِ وفَنْدَشٌ اسمٌ قال

(أمِنْ ضَرْبَةٍ بالعُودِ لم يَدْمَ كَلْمُها ... ضَرَبْتُ بمَصْقولٍ عُلاَوَةَ فَنْدَشِ)
شد: الشَّدُّ: العَدْوُ. والعقْدُ. والشِّدَّةُ: مَصْدَرُ الشَّدِيدِ. والقُوَّةُ. وشَدَدْنا شَدَّةً: أي حمْلةً، وشُدُوْداً: مِثْلُه. وشَدَّدْتُ فلاناً: قَوَّيْته. وتَشَدَّدَ في كذا. وأصابني شُدّى بَعْدَكَ: أي شِدَّةٌ. وِفْتُ جَرِيْرَتَه وشُدّاه. ولَقِيْتُ شِدّاً: مِثْلُه. وشَدَّ مَشَدَّةً: أي قَهَرَ. وأشَدَّ القَوْمُ: إذا كانَتْ دَوَابُّهم شِدَاداً. وفلانٌ مُشِدٌّ: مُنْشِطٌ. وشَدَّ الشَّيْءَ يَشُدَّ÷ ويَشِدُّه. وما شَدَّ فلاناً: بمعنى ما أشَدَّه. والأَشُدُّ: يُذَّكَّرُ ويُؤَنَّثُ؛ وهو جَمْعُ الشِّدَّةِ؛ واحِدُها شِدٌّ، [والقِيلسُ شَدَّ] مِثْلُ قَدٍّ وأَقُدٍ. وتُضَمُّ الهَمْزَةُ فيه. وشَدُّ النَّهارِ: ارْتِفَاعُه. والشِّدَّةُ: الأرْضُ الصُّلْبَةُ. ويقولون: أشَدُّ لَقَدْ كانَ كذا: بمعنى أشْهَدُ.
الشَّدُّ: العقد القويّ. يقال: شَدَدْتُ الشّيء:
قوّيت عقده، قال الله: وَشَدَدْنا أَسْرَهُمْ
[الإنسان/ 28] ، حَتَّى إِذا أَثْخَنْتُمُوهُمْ فَشُدُّوا الْوَثاقَ [محمد/ 4] . والشِّدَّةُ تستعمل في العقد، وفي البدن، وفي قوى النّفس، وفي العذاب، قال: وَكانُوا أَشَدَّ مِنْهُمْ قُوَّةً
[فاطر/ 44] ، عَلَّمَهُ شَدِيدُ الْقُوى
[النجم/ 5] ، يعني: جبريل عليه السلام، وقال تعالى: عَلَيْها مَلائِكَةٌ غِلاظٌ شِدادٌ
[التحريم/ 6] ، وقال:
بَأْسُهُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ شَدِيدٌ [الحشر/ 14] ، فَأَلْقِياهُ فِي الْعَذابِ الشَّدِيدِ [ق/ 26] . والشَّدِيدُ والْمُتَشَدِّدُ: البخيل. قال تعالى: وَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الْخَيْرِ لَشَدِيدٌ [العاديات/ 8] . فَالشَّدِيدُ يجوز أن يكون بمعنى مفعول، كأنه شدّ، كما يقال:
غلّ عن الأفضال ، وإلى نحو هذا: وَقالَتِ الْيَهُودُ يَدُ اللَّهِ مَغْلُولَةٌ غُلَّتْ أَيْدِيهِمْ [المائدة/ 64] ، ويجوز أن يكون بمعنى فاعل، فَالْمُتَشَدِّدُ كأنه شدّ صرّته، وقوله تعالى: حَتَّى إِذا بَلَغَ أَشُدَّهُ وَبَلَغَ أَرْبَعِينَ سَنَةً

[الأحقاف/ 15] ، [ففيه تنبيه أنّ الإنسان إذا بلغ هذا القدر يتقوّى خلقه الذي هو عليه، فلا يكاد يزايله بعد ذلك، وما أحسن ما نبّه له الشاعر حيث يقول:
إذا المرء وافى الأربعين ولم يكن له دون ما يهوى حياء ولا ستر
فدعه ولا تنفس عليه الّذي مضى وإن جرّ أسباب الحياة له العمر
] وشَدَّ فلان واشْتَدَّ: إذا أسرع، يجوز أن يكون من قولهم: شدّ حزامه للعدو، كما يقال: ألقى ثيابه: إذا طرحه للعدو، وأن يكون من قولهم: اشتدّت الرّيح، قال تعالى: اشْتَدَّتْ بِهِ الرِّيحُ
[إبراهيم/ 18] .
الشين وَالدَّال

الشَّدَّة: نقيض اللين. تكون فِي الْجَوَاهِر والأعراض.

وَالْجمع: شِدَد، عَن سِيبَوَيْهٍ، قَالَ جَاءَ على الأَصْل لِأَنَّهُ لم يشبه الْفِعْل.

وَقد شدَّه يشِدَه، ويشُدّه فاشتدّ.

وكل مَا احكم: فقد شُدّ وشُدِّد، وتشدَّد هُوَ، وتشادّ.

وَشَيْء شَدِيد: مشتد قوي، وَمن كَلَام يَعْقُوب فِي صفة المَاء: " وَأما مَا كَانَ شَدِيدا سقيه غليظا أمره " إِنَّمَا يُرِيد بِهِ: مشتدا سقيه: أَي صعبا، وَقَوله تَعَالَى: وشددنا ملكه: أَي قويناه، وَكَانَ من تَقْوِيَة ملكه أَنه كَانَ يحرس محرابه فِي كل لَيْلَة ثَلَاثَة وَثَلَاثُونَ الْفَا من الرِّجَال. وَقيل: إِن رجلا استعدى إِلَيْهِ على رجل فَادّعى عَلَيْهِ أَنه اخذ مِنْهُ بقرًا فانكر الْمُدَّعِي عَلَيْهِ فَسَالَ دَاوُد عَلَيْهِ السَّلَام الْمُدَّعِي الْبَيِّنَة فَلم يقمها. فراى دَاوُد فِي مَنَامه أَن الله يامره أَن يقتل الْمُدَّعِي عَلَيْهِ فَتثبت دَاوُد وَقَالَ: هُوَ الْمَنَام، فَأَتَاهُ الْوَحْي بعد ذَلِك أَن يقْتله، فَأحْضرهُ ثمَّ اعلمه أَن الله يَأْمُرهُ بقتْله، فَقَالَ الْمُدَّعِي عَلَيْهِ: إِن الله مَا أَخَذَنِي بِهَذَا الذَّنب، وَإِنِّي قتلت أَبَا هَذَا غيلَة، فَقتله دَاوُد، فَذَلِك مِمَّا عظم الله بِهِ هيبته وشدد ملكه.

وشدَّ على يَده: قواه وأعانه، قَالَ:

فَإِنِّي بِحَمْد الله لاسم حيَّة ... سقتني وَلَا شدّت على كف ذابح

وَرجل شَدِيد: قوي.

وَالْجمع: أشِدَّاء، وشِداد، وشُدُد عَن سِيبَوَيْهٍ قَالَ: جَاءَ على الأَصْل لِأَنَّهُ لم يشبه الْفِعْل.

وَقد شدّ يَشِدّ، بِالْكَسْرِ لَا غير، شِدّةً.

وشادَّه مشادّة، وشِدادا: غالبه، وَفِي الحَدِيث: " من يشادّ هَذَا الدَّين يغلبه ". أَرَادَ: يغلبه الدَّين.

وأشَدَّ الرجل: إِذا كَانَت دوابه شِدّادا.

والشديد من الْحُرُوف: ثَمَانِيَة احرف: وَهِي الْهمزَة وَالْقَاف وَالْكَاف وَالْجِيم والطاء وَالدَّال وَالتَّاء وَالْبَاء. قَالَ ابْن جني: ويجمعها فِي اللَّفْظ أَجدت طبقك وأجدك طبقت.

والحروف الَّتِي بَين الشِدَّة والرخوة ثَمَانِيَة: وَهِي الْألف وَالْعين وَالْيَاء وَاللَّام وَالنُّون وَالرَّاء وَالْمِيم وَالْوَاو ويجمعها فِي اللَّفْظ لم يروعنا. وَإِن شِئْت قلت: لم يرعونا.

وَمعنى الشَّديد: أَنه الْحَرْف الَّذِي يمْنَع الصَّوْت أَن يجْرِي فِيهِ: أَلا ترى أَنَّك لَو قلت: الْحق والشط ثمَّ رمت مد صَوْتك فِي الْقَاف والطاء لَكَانَ مُمْتَنعا.

ومِسْك شَدِيد الرَّائِحَة: قويها ذكيها.

وَرجل شَدِيد الْعين: لَا يغلبه النّوم، وَقد يستعار ذَلِك فِي النَّاقة، قَالَ الشَّاعِر:

بَات يقاسي كل نَاب ضِرِزَّةٍ ... شَدِيدَة جَفْن الْعين ذَات ضريرِ

وَقَوله تَعَالَى: (رَبنَا اطْمِسْ على اموالهم واشدُدْ على قُلُوبهم) : أَي اطبع على قُلُوبهم.

والشِّدَّة: صعوبة الزَّمن.

وَقد اشتدَّ عَلَيْهِم.

والشِّدَّة، والشديدة: من مكاره الدَّهْر.

وَجَمعهَا: شَدَائِد، فَإِذا كَانَ جمع شَدِيدَة فَهُوَ على الْقيَاس. وَإِذا كَانَ جمع شدَّة، فَهُوَ نَادِر.

وشِدَّة الْعَيْش: شظفه.

وَرجل شَدِيد: شحيح، وَفِي التَّنْزِيل: (وإِنَّه لحب الْخَيْر لشديد) .

والمتشدد: كالشديد، قَالَ طرفَة:

أَرَى الموتَ يعتام الكِرامَ ويصطفي ... عقِيلة مالِ الفاحِش المتشدّد

وَقَول أبي ذُؤَيْب:

حَدَرْناه بالأثواب فِي قَعْر هُوّةٍ ... شديِدٍ على مَا ضُمّ فِي اللَّحْد جولُها

أَرَادَ: شحيح على ذَلِك. وشَدّدَ الضَّرْب وكل شَيْء: بَالغ فِيهِ.

وشَدَّ فِي الْعَدو شداًّ، واشتدَّ: أسْرع، وَفِي الْمثل: " ربّ شَدّ فِي الكُرْز ". وَذَلِكَ أَن رجلا خرج يرْكض فرساله فرمت بسخلتها فالقاها فِي كرز بَين يَدَيْهِ، والكرز: الجوالق، فَقَالَ لَهُ إِنْسَان: لم تحمله؟ مَا تصنع بِهِ؟ فَقَالَ: " رب شَدّ فِي الكرز " يَقُول: هُوَ سريع الشَّدّ كامه. يضْرب للرجل يحتقر عنْدك وَله خبر قد عَلمته أَنْت، قَالَ عَمْرو ذُو الْكَلْب:

فَقُمْت لَا يشتدّ شَدِّى ذُو قَدَم

جَاءَ بِالْمَصْدَرِ على غير الْفِعْل. وَمثله كثير.

وَقَول مَالك بن خَالِد الخناعي:

بأسرعَ الشَّدَّ مني يَوْم لَا نِيَةٍ ... لمَّا عرفتهم واهْتَزَّت اللِّمَمُ

أَرَادَ: بأسرع شَدّا مني، فَزَاد اللَّام كزيادتها فِي بَنَات الأوبر. وَقد يجوز أَن يُرِيد: بأسرع فِي الشد فَحذف الْجَار وأوصل الْفِعْل.

قَالَ سِيبَوَيْهٍ: وَقَالُوا: شَدَّ مَا انك ذَاهِب، كَقَوْلِك: حقاًّ أَنَّك ذَاهِب. قَالَ: وَإِن شِئْت جعلت شَدَّ مَا بِمَنْزِلَة نعم كَمَا تَقول: نعم الْعَمَل أَنَّك تَقول الْحق.

وشَدّ على الْقَوْم يشُدّ شَداّ وشُدُودا: حمل.

وشَدّ الذِّئْب على الْغنم شَدّا، وشُدُودا: كَذَلِك.

ورؤى فَارس يَوْم للكلاب من بني الْحَارِث يشُّد على الْقَوْم فيردهم وَيَقُول: أَنا أَبُو شدّاد. فَإِذا كروا عَلَيْهِ ردهم وَقَالَ: أَنا أَبُو ردَّاد.

وَبلغ الرجل أشُدَّه: إِذا اكتهل.

وَقَالَ الزّجاج: هُوَ من نَحْو سبع عشرَة إِلَى الْأَرْبَعين. وَقَالَ مرّة: هُوَ مَا بَين الثَّلَاثِينَ وَالْأَرْبَعِينَ وَهُوَ يذكر وَيُؤَنث.

قَالَ أَبُو عبيد: وَاحِدهَا شَدّ، فِي الْقيَاس وَلم اسْمَع لَهَا بِوَاحِد. وَقَالَ سِيبَوَيْهٍ: واحدتها: شِدَّة كنعمة وأنعم.

ابْن جني: جَاءَ على حذف التَّاء كَمَا كَانَ ذَلِك فِي نعْمَة وأنعم. وَقد تقدم.

وَقَالَ ابْن جني: قَالَ أَبُو عُبَيْدَة: هُوَ جمع أَشَدّ على حذف الزِّيَادَة، قَالَ: وَقَالَ أَبُو عُبَيْدَة: رُبمَا اسْتكْرهُوا على حذف هَذِه الزِّيَادَة فِي الْوَاحِد، وانشد بَيت عنترة: عَهْدي بِهِ شَدَّ النهارِ كأنَّما ... خُضِبَ اللَّبَانُ ورأسهُ بالعِظْلِم

أَي أشدّ النَّهَار يَعْنِي: أَعْلَاهُ وأمتعه، وَذهب أَبُو عُثْمَان فِيمَا روينَاهُ عَن احْمَد بن يحيى عَنهُ: أَنه جمع لَا وَاحِد لَهُ.

وَقَالَ السيرافي: الْقيَاس شَدَّ وأشُدّ كَمَا يُقَال: قد وأقد. وَقَالَ مرّة أُخْرَى: هُوَ جمع لَا وَاحِد لَهُ وَقد يُقَال: بلغ أَشَدَّه، وَهِي قَليلَة.

وشَدُّ النَّهَار: ارتفاعه.

وَكَذَلِكَ: شَد الضحا. يُقَال: جئْتُك شَدَّ النَّهَار وَفِي شَدِّ النَّهَار، وشدَّ الضحا، وَفِي شَدَّ الضحا.

وشَدَّاد: اسْم.

وَبَنُو شَدَّاد، وَبَنُو الأشدِّ: بطْنَان من الْعَرَب.


1 شَدَّ, as an intrans. verb, aor. ـِ inf. n. شِدَّةٌ: see 8; and see also شِدَّةٌ. b2: [Hence,] لَشَدَّ مَا is an expression used in the same sense as لَعَزَّ مَا (A and K in art. عز) and لَحَقَّ مَا: (A and TA in that art.:) [and in like manner without the ل: thus] one says, شَدَّ مَا أَنَّكَ ذَاهِبٌ, meaning حَقَّ أَنَّكَ ذَاهِبٌ [i. e. It is distressing, or it distresses me, that thou art going away]: and if you please, you may consider شَدَّ as similar to نِعْمَ; as when you say, نِعْمَ العَمَلُ أَنَّكَ تَقُولُ الحَقَّ [Excellent, or most excellent, is the deed, thy saying the truth]. (Sb, TA.) [And it is also used to render intensive a verb following it; as in the saying, لَشَدَّ مَا أَبْغَضَنِى Much indeed, or greatly indeed, did he hate me.] b3: شَدَّ عَلَيْهِ, aor. ـَ (S, L) and شَدِّ, (L,) inf. n. شَدٌّ (S, L) and شُدُودٌ, (L,) He charged, or made an assault or attack, upon him, in war, or battle. (S, L.) You say, شَدَّ عَلَى العَدُوِّ شَدَّةً وَاحِدَةً, and شَدَّاتٍ كَثِيرَةً, He made one charge, or assault, or attack, upon the enemy, and many charges, &c. (L.) And شَدَّ عَلَى قِرْنِهِ بِسِكِّينٍ, or بِعَصًا, He made an assault, or attack, upon his adversary, with a knife, or with a staff; as also عَلَيْهِ ↓ اشتدّ. (Mgh.) And شَدَّ الذِّئْبُ عَلَى الغَنَمِ The wolf asaulted, or attacked, the sheep or goats. (L.) In the phrase, شَدُّوا الإِغَارَةَ, the meaning is شَدُّوا لِلْإِغَارَةِ [They made a charge for the purpose of a sudden attack upon an enemy, or a predatory incursion]; and therefore الاغارة is put in the accus. case, not as an objective complement. (Ham p. 8.) b4: شَدَّ, (S,) aor. ـُ and شَدِّ, (TK,) inf. n. شَدٌّ, (S, L, K,) also signifies He ran; (S, L, * K; *) and so ↓ اشتدّ. (S, L, K.) رُبَّ شَدٍّ فِى

الكُرْزِ [Many a run is in the sack] is a prov., originating from the fact that a man riding a pregnant mare was pursued by an enemy, and she cast her foal, which ran with its mother, whereupon the horseman alighted, and carried it off in a sack; and the enemy overtook him, and said to him, “Throw to me the foal;” and he replied in these words, meaning that the foal was of generous race: it is applied to him whose internal, or intrinsic, qualities are commended. (Meyd.) And one says, شَدَّ فِى العَدْوِ, (A, Mgh, L,) inf. n. شَدٌّ; (L;) and ↓ اشتدّ; (A, Mgh, L;) He hastened, or was quick, in running: (Mgh, L:) and شَدَّ الإِحْضَارَ [meaning the same]. (S in art. افر.) b5: شَدَّ النَّهَارُ, (S, L,) and الضُّحَى, (L,) inf. n. شَدٌّ; (L, K; but in the latter, النَّار is erroneously put for النَّهَار; TA;) and ↓ اشتدّ; (L;) The day, and the morning, became advanced, the sun being high. (S, * L, K. *) [See also شَدٌّ below.]

A2: شَدَّهُ, aor. ـُ (S, A, L, Msb) and شَدِّ, the latter anomalous, for the aor. of a trans. verb of this class, of the measure فَعَلَ, should be شَدُّ only, and that of an intrans. verb of the same class and measure should be شَدِّ, and this is the only instance, or almost the only one, of its kind, with both of these forms of aor. , except عَلَّ [and بَتَّ] and نَمَّ الحَدِيثَ, but there is one trans. verb of the same class having the latter form of aor. only, namely, حَبَّ, (Fr, S, L,) inf. n. شَدٌّ, (L, Msb, K,) He made it, or rendered it, hard; used in relation to substances and attributes: (L:) he made, or rendered, it, or him, firm, compact, or sound; and strong, powerful, or forcible; vigorous, robust, or sturdy; syn. أَحْكَمَهُ, (L,) and قَوَّاهُ; (S, A, L, K; *) as also ↓ شدّدهُ, [inf. n. تَشْدِيدٌ,] i. e. as syn. with احكمهُ (L) and قوّاهُ: (S, A, L:) he bound, or tied, him, or it, firmly, fast, or strongly; syn. أَوْثَقَهُ: [which may also be meant to convey the signification immediately preceding this last:] (S, L, Msb, K:) and [simply] he tied, bound, or made fast, him, or it; syn. رَبَطَهُ. (S and Msb and K &c. in art. ربط.) One says, شَدَّ عَضُدَهُ i. e. He strengthened [his fore arm, or perhaps his upper arm, but the former is app. here meant]. (S, L.) And شَدَّ عَلَى يَدِهِ He strengthened him, [lit. his arm, or hand,] and aided him. (L.) And شَدَّ اللّٰهُ مُلْكَهُ, and ↓ شَدَّدَهُ, God strengthened, or may God strengthen, his dominion. (S, L. [See also a similar ex. voce أَزْرٌ.]) And شَدَّ العُقْدَةَ [He tied firmly or fast or strongly, or he pulled tight, or tightened, the knot], (A, Mgh, Msb,) and الوَثَاقَ [the bond]. (Kur xlvii. 4.) [And شَدَّ الدَّابَّةَ He bound the saddle on the beast: see an ex. voce دَلِيلٌ.] شَدُّ الرِّحَالِ [lit. The binding of the camels' saddles upon their backs] is a metonymical phrase for (tropical:) the going a journey. (Mgh, Msb.) and شَدُّ المِئْزَرِ, occurring in a trad., [lit. The binding of the waist-wrapper upon the waist] is a metonymical phrase for (tropical:) the avoiding of women: or the exerting oneself, or employing oneself vigorously or laboriously, in work: or for both of these together. (L.) مَا أَمْلِكُ شَدًّا وَلَا إِرْخَآءً [lit. I possess not power to tighten nor to slacken] meansI am not able to do anything. (TA.) [And شَدَّهُ also signifies He pressed, compressed, or squeezed, it: and he pulled, or strained, it.] وَاشْدُدْ عَلَى

قُلُوبِهِمْ, in the Kur [x. 88], means And put Thou a seal upon their hearts, so that they may not heed admonition, nor be disposed, or directed, to that which is good. (L.) A3: أَشَدُّ لَقَدْ كَانَ كَذَا, as also أَشَدُ without teshdeed, means أَشْهَدُ [q. v.]: (K:) a strange saying. (TA.) 2 شَدَّّ see the preceding paragraph, latter half, in two places. b2: شدّدهُ, inf. n. تَشْدِيدٌ, also signifies He made it, or rendered it, namely, a beating, and anything, hard to be borne, heavy, vehement, violent, intense, severe, strict, rigorous, or excessive; he intensified it, or aggravated it: (L:) تَشْدِيدٌ is the contr. of تَخْفِيفٌ [in this sense and in other senses here following]. (S.) [Hence, the objective complement being understood,] one says, شدّد عَلَيْهِ, (A, Msb,) which is the contr. of خَفَّفَ [i. e. of خَفَّفَ عَنْهُ; thus meaning He rendered his burden, suffering, distress, uneasiness, or the like, hard to be borne, heavy, vehement, violent, intense, severe, strict, rigorous, or excessive; intensified it, or aggravated it; or he pressed hard upon him; treated him with hardness, strictness, severity, or rigour]: (Msb:) and مَنْ شَدَّدَ شَدَّدَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ [Whoso treateth others hardly, God will treat him hardly]. (A. [See also 8.]) b3: [تَشْدِيدٌ, as opposed to تَخْفِيفٌ, also signifies The characterizing of a letter by a lengthened pronunciation equivalent in grammatical analysis and in prosody to doubling, denoted in writing by the sign called ↓ شَدَّة, i. e. by the sign ّ over that letter; as also تَثْقِيلٌ.] b4: See also سَدَّدَهُ.3 شادّهُ, (A, L,) inf. n. مُشَادَّةٌ and شِدَادٌ, (L,) He vied with him, contended with him for superiority, or strove to surpass him, in strength, power, or force. (A, L.) [Hence,] مَنْ يُشَادِدِ الدِّينَ يَغْلِبْهُ, (A,) or مَنْ يُشَادَّ هٰذَا الدِّينَ بِغْلِبْهُ, i. e. Whoso contendeth for superiority in strength with this religion, and withstandeth it, or opposeth it, and tasketh himself with religious service beyond his power, it (the religion) will overcome him: a trad. (L.) And لَنْ يُشَادَّ الدِّينَ أَحَدٌ إِلَّا غُلِبَ No one shall contend for superiority in strength with religion, &c. but he will be overcome by the religion. (K, * TA.) b2: See also 5.4 اشدّ, (S, A, L, K,) inf. n. إِشْدَادٌ, (K,) He, (a man, S, L, K, *) or they, (a company of men, A, L,) had, (A, L,) or had with him, (S, L, K,) [or had with them,] a strong beast, (S, L, K,) or strong beasts. (A, L.) A2: [مَا أَشَدَّ كَذَا How hard, hard to be borne, vehement, violent, intense, or the like, or how great, is such a thing!]5 تشدّد He acted, or behaved, with forced hardness, firmness, strength, vigour, hardiness, courage, vehemence, severity, strictness, or rigour; he exerted his strength, force, or energy; strained, or strained himself, or tasked himself severely; syn. تَصَلَّبَ; (A and TA in art. صلب;) and جَهَدَ نَفْسَهُ; (L;) [فِى الشَّىْءِ in the thing; as also فِيهِ ↓ شَادَّ; for] المُشَادَّةُ فِى الشَّىْءِ and التَّشَدُّدُ فِيهِ signify the same: (S, L, K: * [see an ex. of تشدّد in the first paragraph of art. جلد:]) [and] both of these phrases signify the showing hardness, &c., in the thing. (PS.) You say also تشدّد لِلْأَمْرِ He applied himself with hardness, firmness, vigour, hardiness, severity, or rigour, to the affair. (MA.) And تَشَدَّدَتِ القَيْنَةُ The slavesongstress strained herself, or tasked herself severely, in raising her voice in singing. (L.) b2: Also He (a man) was, or became, hard, or difficult: you say, سَأَلْنَا فُلَانًا حَاجَةً فَتَشَدَّدَ عَلَيْنَا [We asked of such a one a thing wanted, and he was hard, or difficult, to us]. (TA in art. وعر.) b3: And He was, or became, niggardly, tenacious, or avaricious. (MA, KL.) 6 تشادّوا [They vied, contended for superiority, or strove to surpass one another, in strength, power, or force: see 3]. (TA in art. حمس: there coupled with اِقْتَتَلُوا.) b2: See also the next paragraph.8 اشتدّ; (S, A, L, Msb;) and ↓ شَدَّ, aor. ـِ (L, Msb,) the only form of its aor. , (L,) inf. n. شِدَّةٌ, (S, Msb,) whence the former verb; (S;) and ↓ تشادّ; (L;) It was, or became, hard, (L, and MA and KL and PS in explanation of the first,) said of a substance and of an attribute: (L:) it, or he, was, or became, firm, compact, or sound; (L &c. as above;) strong, powerful, or forcible; vigorous, robust, or sturdy; (L, and A and MA and KL in explanation of the first, and Msb in explanation of the second:) [also it was, or became, bound, or tied, firmly, fast, or strongly:] and the first of these verbs, [and the second also,] it was, or became, hard to be borne, heavy, vehement, violent, intense, pressing, severe, strict, rigorous, tight, strait or difficult, distressing or distressful, afflictive, calamitous, or adverse. (MA, L, KL.) It is said in a trad., لَا تَبِيعُوا الحَبَّ حَتَّى يَشْتَدَّ i. e. [Ye shall not sell grain] until it becomes hard, or firm, or strong. (L.) And you say, اشتدّت العُقْدَةُ [The knot became tied firmly, fast, or strongly; or became tight]. (A, Mgh, Msb.) And اشتدّ الزَّمَنُ عَلَيْهِمْ The time, or fortune, became hard upon them; or severe, rigorous, distressful, afflictive, calamitous, or adverse, to them. (L. [See also 2.]) And اشتدّ بِهِ الأَمْرُ [The affair, or event, distressed, or afflicted, him; like اشتدّ عَلَيْهِ]. (L in art. جد, &c.) b2: See also 1, former half, in four places.

شَدٌّ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, L, &c.) b2: [Hence,] شَدُّ النَّهَارِ, and شَدُّ الضُّحَى, The time when the day, and the morning, is advanced, the sun being high. (L.) One says, جِئْتُكَ شَدَّ النَّهَارِ, and شَدَّ الضُّحَى, (L, and the like is said in the A,) and فِى شَدِّ النَّهَارِ, and فِى شَدِّ الضُّحَى, (L,) I came to thee in the time when the day, and the morning, was advanced, the sun being high. (A, * L.) شَدَّةٌ [inf. n. of un. of شَدَّهُ: as such signifying] A single act [of making, or rendering, hard, firm, compact, or sound; strong, powerful, or forcible: and] of binding, or tying, firmly, fast, or strongly. (Msb.) b2: See also 2, last sentence but one.

A2: Also [inf. n. of un. of the intrans. verb شَدَّ: as such signifying] A single charge or assault or attack in war or battle. (S, A, * Mgh, L, K. *) شِدَّةٌ inf. n. of ↓ شَدَّ (L, Msb) as syn. with اِشْتَدَّ: (L:) [and] a subst. from [i. e. syn. with] اِشْتِدَادٌ: (K:) The attribute denoted by the epithet شَدِيدٌ: (S:) hardness, (A, MA, L,) in substances and in attributes; (L;) firmness, compactness, or soundness; strength, power, or force; vigour, robustness, sturdiness, or hardiness; (MA, L; see أَشُدٌّ, which, accord. to some, is a pl. of شِدَّةٌ;) courage, bravery, firmness of heart: (L:) niggardliness, tenaciousness, or avarice: (A: [see also 5, last sentence:]) vehemence, violence, intenseness, stress, pressure, severity, strictness, rigour, tightness, straitness or difficulty: (MA:) hardship, rigour of fortune: (MA, L:) famine, dearth, want of victuals; hardness, straitness, or difficulty, of subsistence [&c.]: (L:) trouble, distress, affliction, calamity, or adversity; (MA, L;) as also [↓ شُدَّى, in these as well as in some of the preceding senses, and] ↓ شَدِيدَةٌ, [rather meaning a hard, or distressing, event, an affliction, or a calamity, and rarely used,] of which, (L,) or of شِدَّةٌ, (MA, L,) the pl. is شَدَائِدُ, (MA, L,) agreeably with analogy if of شَدِيدَةٌ, but extr. if of شِدَّةٌ: and this pl. also signifies seditions, discords, or dissensions, whereby men are put into a state of commotion: (L:) and the rigours, or pangs, (غَمَرَات,) of death: (S and Msb in art. غمر:) accord. to Sb, the pl of شِدَّةٌ is شِدَدٌ, which, he says, preserves its original form [without idghám] because it does not resemble a verb. (L.) One says, قَاسَيْتُ مِنْهُ شِدَّةً [I endured, from him, hardness, &c.; or from it, hardship, &c.]. (A.) And فُلَانٍ ↓ خفْتُ شُدَّى meaning شِدَّتَهُ [i. e. I feared the hardness, &c., of such a one]: so says Az: and he cites this verse: ↓ فَإِنِّى لَا أَلِينُ لِقَوْلِ شُدَّى

مِنَ الحَدِيدِ ↓ وَلَوْ كَانَتْ أَشَدَّ [And, or for, I will not become gentle for a hard saying, (lit. a saying of hardness,) though it should be harder than iron]. (L.) And أَصَابَتْنِى

↓ شُدَّى meaning شِدَّةٌ [i. e. Hardship, &c., befell me]. (Az, S.) [And شِدَّةٌ also signifies A strong, an intense, or a great, degree of any quality &c.]

شُدَّى: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.

شَدِيدٌ Possessing the quality of شِدَّة: (S, L:) i. e. hard; applied to a substance and to an attribute: firm, compact, or sound: (L:) strong, powerful, forceful; vigorous, robust, sturdy, or hardy; (A, Mgh, L, Msb;) applied to a thing, (Msb,) and to a man; (A, Mgh, L;) as also شَدِيدُ القُوَى: (Mgh:) pl., applied to men, أَشِدَّآءُ and [applied to things and men] شِدَادٌ (A, L) and شُدُدٌ, (Sb, L,) which last preserves its original form [without idghám] because not resembling a verb: (L:) also courageous, brave, firm of heart: (L, K: *) and niggardly, tenacious, or avaricious; (A, L, Msb, K;) as also ↓ مُتَشَدِّدٌ: (S, A, L, K:) and [as is implied by the first explanation above, and shown by frequent usage,] vehement, violent, intense, pressing, severe, strict, rigorous, tight, strait or difficult, hard as meaning hard to be borne, troublesome, distressing or distressful, afflictive, calamitous, or adverse. (L, KL, PS, &c.) You say, هُوَ شَدِيدٌ عَلَى قَوْمِهِ [He is hard, or severe, or rigorous, to his people]. (A.) [And شَدِيدٌ عَلَى كَذَا Niggardly, tenacious, or avaricious, of such a thing.] Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, using شَدِيد in the sense of شَحِيح, حَدَرْنَاهُ بِالأَثْوَابِ فِى قَعْرِ هُوَّةٍ

شَدِيدٍ عَلَى مَا ضُمَّ فِى اللَّحْدِ جُولُهَا [We lowered him, with the grave-clothes, into the bottom of a cavity in the ground, the sides whereof were tenacious of what was comprised in the lateral hollow which was the place of the corpse]. (L.) And the words of the Kur [c. 8], وَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الخَيْرِ لَشَدِيدٌ, accord. to Zj, mean and verily, on account of the love of wealth, he is niggardly, or tenacious, or avaricious. (L.) شَدِيدُ العَيْنِ applied to a man, and شَدِيْدَةُ جَفْنِ العَيْنِ metaphorically applied by a poet to a she-camel, mean Whom sleep does not overcome. (L.) And الشَّدِيدُ means The lion; (K;) because of his strength and hardiness. (TA.) [شَدِيد with a subst. or an inf. n. following it in the gen. case, the latter having the article ال prefixed to it, or being prefixed to another noun in the gen. case, supplies the place of an intensive epithet; as in شَدِيدُ السَّوَادِ Intensely, or very, black; and شَدِيدُ الغَضَبِ Vehemently, or exceedingly, or very, angry; and] مِسْكٌ شَدِيدُ الرَّائِحَةِ Strong-smelling musk; (L;) [and رَجُلٌ شَدِيدُ بَيَاضِ العَيْنِ A man intensely white in the eye.] b2: الحُرُوفُ الشَّدِيدَةُ [The strong letters] are those letters which, in a state of quiescence, prevent the current of the voice in their utterance; namely أ, ب, ت, ج, د, ط, ق, and ك; (TA;) the letters comprised in the words أَجَدْتَ طَبَقَكَ. (K.) شَدِيدَةٌ [as a subst. from شَدِيدٌ, rendered such by the affix ة]: see شِدَّةٌ.

أَشَدُّ [Possessing the quality of شِدَّة, in a greater, and in the greatest, degree; i. e. more, and most, hard, &c.]. See an ex. in a verse cited voce شِدَّةٌ.

حَلَبْتَ بِالسَّاعِدِ الأَشَدِّ, or حَلَبْتُهَا الخ, is a prov., expl. in art. حلب. And بَقِىَ أَشَدُّهُ. [The hardest part of it has remained] is another prov., applied to him who attains a part of that which he wants, and is unable to attain the completion thereof. (TA. [See also Freytag's “ Arab. Prov.,” i. 169.]) [With an indeterminate subst. or inf. n. following it in the accus. case, it supplies the place of a simple epithet denoting the comparative and superlative degrees; as in أَشَدُّ سَوَادًا More, and most, black; and أَشَدُّ غَضَبًا More, and most, angry.] b2: أَشَدُّ النَّهَارِ The time when the day is most advanced, the sun being at the highest. (L. [See شَدُّ النَّهَارِ.]) أَشُدٌّ, (S, A, Mgh, L, K, &c.,) also pronounced أُشُدٌّ, (Seer, K,) but the latter form is rare, (TA,) is both masc. and fem., (Zj, TA,) and as used in the Kur it has somewhat different meanings: (Az, TA:) in the phrase حَتَّى يَبْلُغَ أَشُدَّهُ, (S, K,) and other phrases in the Kur, (TA,) أَشُدّ is expl. as meaning The state of strength; (S, Mgh, L, K;) which is from eighteen to thirty years: (S, L, K:) or from about seventeen to forty: (Zj:) or from thirty to forty: (Zj in another place:) or puberty: (Az, Mgh, L:) or firmness, or soundness, of judgment, produced by experience: (L:) or puberty together with such maturity as gives evidence of rectitude of conduct or course of life; (Zj, Az, Mgh, L;) which may be at, or before, the age of eighteen years; accord. to most of the men of science, and among them Esh-Sháfi'ee; (Zj, Az, L;) and the extreme term of which is three and thirty years: (Mgh:) or the age of forty years; as in the Kur xlvi. 14: (L:) أَشُدٌّ [originally أَشْدُدٌ] is a sing. having a pl. form, like آنُكٌ; and these two words are [said to be] the only instances of the kind: (S, K: [but see آنُكٌ:]) or a pl. having no proper sing., (S, Mgh, K,) like

آسَالٌ and أَبَابِيلُ and عَبَادِيدُ and مَذَاكِيرُ: (S:) or its sing. is ↓ شِدَّةٌ, (AHeyth, S, Mgh, K,) accord. to Sb; and this is good with respect to the meaning, because one says, بَلَغَ الغُلَامُ شِدَّتَهُ; (S;) but فِعْلَةٌ does not form a pl. of the measure أَفْعُلٌ; (S, K;) for as to أَنْعُمٌ, (S,) which is said by AHeyth to be pl. of نِعْمَةٌ, (TA,) [and respecting which Mtr says that] أَشُدٌّ is said to be pl. of شِدَّةٌ like as أَنْعُمٌ is of نِعْمَةٌ, formed by regarding the ة as elided, (Mgh, [and AHeyth says the like,]) it is only pl. of نُعْمٌ in the phrase يَوْمُ نُعْمٍ: (S:) or its sing. is شَدٌّ, like as كَلْبٌ is of أَكْلُبٌ; or شِدٌّ, like as ذِئْبٌ is of أَذْؤُبٌ; (S, K;) accord. to some; (S;) but neither شَدٌّ nor شِدٌّ has been heard from the Arabs [as sing. of أَشُدٌّ]; and they are only deduced from analogy: (S, K:) or it is pl. of أَشَدُّ; and the أ is not regarded in the formation of this pl. (IJ, from A 'Obeyd.) مَشَدُّ العِصَابَةِ [The place, or part, where the fillet, or the like, is bound, or tied]. (A.) مُشِدٌّ A man having, (A, Mgh, L,) or having with him, (L,) a strong beast, (A, Mgh, L,) or strong beasts; (L;) contr. of مُضْعِفٌ. (Mgh, L.) It is said in a trad., يَرُدُّ مُشِدُّهُمْ عَلَى مُضْعِفِهِمْ [He among them who has a strong beast, or strong beasts, shall give back a portion of the spoil to him of them who has a weak beast, or weak beasts]; meaning that the strong warrior and plunderer shall share with (يُسَاهِمُ) the weak in the plunder that he gains. (L.) مُتَشَدِّدٌ: see شَدِيدٌ.
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