سَدَسَ(n. ac. سَدْس)
a. Was the sixth, made six.
b.(n. ac. سَدْس), Took a sixth from.
c. Divided into six parts, sectisected.
سَدَّسَa. Repeated six times; made six fold, made
سِدْسa. The watering camels on the sixth day. —
سُدْس سُدُس
أَسْدَاْس), Sixth part.
سَاْدِسa. Sixth.
سُدَاْسa. By sixes.
سُدَاْسِيّa. Composed of six letters; six feet long.
سَدِيْسa. Six years old; six feet long.
N. P.
سَدَّسَa. Hexagon; sixsided &c.