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92185. ستو2 92186. ستواك1 92187. ستوديو1 92188. ستوقة1 92189. ستون1 92190. ستى392191. ستي3 92192. سِتِّي1 92193. سَتِّيّ1 92194. ستية1 92195. سُتَيت1 92196. سُتَيْتَان1 92197. سُتَيْتُو1 92198. سَتِيرة1 92199. ستيفاني1 92200. سُتِيفَغْنه1 92201. سِتِّيكٌ1 92202. سُتِيكَن1 92203. ستيلا1 92204. سِتّينُ1 92205. سِتِّين طبيبٍ1 92206. سِتِّينات1 92207. سِتِّينيّ1 92208. ستيه1 92209. ستيوه1 92210. سجّ1 92211. سج2 92212. سَجَّ1 92213. سَجَّ 1 92214. سَجَا3 92215. سجا5 92216. سَجا1 92217. سُجَّاتي1 92218. سَجَّاتِي1 92219. سجَاح1 92220. سَجَّاح1 92221. سَجَّاد2 92222. سَجَّادِي1 92223. سِجَارُ1 92224. سَجَّارِي1 92225. سِجَاسُ1 92226. سجافي1 92227. سِجَافِي1 92228. سَجَّافي1 92229. سِجَال1 92230. سَجّالِي1 92231. سِجَام1 92232. سِجَاني1 92233. سَجَّاني1 92234. سَجَايرَة1 92235. سجب2 92236. سجبل1 92237. سَجَجَ1 92238. سجج8 92239. سَجَحَ1 92240. سَجِحَ1 92241. سجح12 92242. سَجَِحَ 1 92243. سَجَدَ2 92244. سجد17 92245. سَجَدَ 1 92246. سجداً1 92247. سَجْدات1 92248. سَجْدة1 92249. سجدة السهو1 92250. سجدت1 92251. سجر19 92252. سَجَرَ2 92253. سَجْرٌ1 92254. سَجَر1 92255. سَجْر1 92256. سَجَرَ 1 92257. سجرت1 92258. سجرد1 92259. سجز1 92260. سِجْزُ1 92261. سَجَسَ1 92262. سجس12 92263. سجست3 92264. سِجِسْتَانُ1 92265. سِجِسْتانُ1 92266. سَجْسَجَ1 92267. سجسج2 92268. سَجْسيجان1 92269. سَجَعَ1 92270. سجع15 92271. سَجَعَ 1 92272. سَجْعَة1 92273. سجعت1 92274. سَجَفَ1 92275. سِجِف1 92276. سَجْف1 92277. سجف15 92278. سَجَفَ 1 92279. سجفت1 92280. سجق2 92281. سَجْكانُ1 92282. سَجَلَ1 92283. سجل22 92284. سَجَلَ 1 Prev. 100


(ستى) : قالَ: والسَّتَى: النَّدى، كالسَّدَى.
السَّتى: مِثْلُ السدى لِضِدِّ اللُّحْمَةِ. والمُسْتي: المُسْدي. وأسْتَيْتُ الثَوْبَ بِسَتَاه. والأسْتِيُّ: مِثْلُ الأسْدِيَ.
ويقولون: " ما أنْتَ بلُحْمَةٍ ولا سَتَاةٍ ". وأرْضٌ سَتِية: أي نَدِيةٌ. ويقولونَ: سَتَأَه وتَأَسَه وسَأتَه: أي خَنَقَه.


ى1 سَتَى, (K,) aor. ـْ said of a camel, (TA,) He hastened, made haste, or went quickly; (K, TA;) as also سَدَى: mentioned by Az. (TA.) 2 سَتَّىَ see 4, in two places.3 سَاْتَىَ ساتاهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُسَاتَاةٌ, (TA,) He played with him the [game called] شَفَلَّقَة [expl. in art. شفلق in the K as consisting in one's striking with the hand, or with the fore part of the foot, the hinder part, or backside, of a man, from behind him, and so throwing him down prostrate: whence it seems that the verb is perhaps irregularly derived from the سَتَهَهُ, q. v.]. (K.) 4 استى الثَّوْبَ (S, K) and ↓ ستّاهُ (M, TA) are syn. with اسداهُ (S, K) and سدّاهُ, (M, TA,) [i. e. He set, or disposed, the warp of the garment, or piece of cloth,] said of a weaver; contr. of أَلْحَمَهُ; except that ↓ ستّى means he did so for himself and for another, whereas سدّى means he did so for another, تسدّى meaning he did so for himself. (TA.) 12 إِسْتَوْتَىَ[accord. to the S and K]. اِسْتَاتَتْ, inf. n. اِسْتِيتَآءٌ, said of a she-camel, She became relaxed by reason of last: (S, K:) thus mentioned here by J and in the K; but its proper place, as is evident, is art. اتى, in which it has been explained. (TA: see 10 in art. اتى.) سَتًى is syn. with سَدًى, (S, M, K,) relating to a garment, or piece of cloth; (S, M;) as also ↓ أُسْتِىٌّ; (K;) both signify [The warp thereof;] the contr. of لُحْمَةٌ; like سَدًى and أُسْدِىٌّ: (M:) and ↓ سَتَاةٌ is [the n. un. of the former, or] syn. with سَدَاةٌ, relating to a garment, or piece of cloth: (Az, S:) [whence,] one says to him who neither harms nor profits, ↓ مَا أَنْتَ لُحْمَةٌ وَ لَا سَتَاةٌ [lit. Thou art neither a woof nor a warp: see also a similar saying voce نِيرٌ]: (TA: [see also سَدًى:]) and ↓ أُسْتِىٌّ signifies also ثَوْبٌ مُسْدًى or مُسَدًّى (accord. to different copies of the K) [lit. a garment, or piece of cloth, having its warp set or disposed; perhaps meaning having a good, or strong, warp; in art. اسد written, as from the L, مَسْدِىٌّ, for which I find no other authority]; so expl. by AHeyth: but accord. to others, it is what the weavers term سَتًى, as mentioned above, i. e. the warp. (TA. [See also أُسْتِىٌّ in art. است, and أُسْدِىٌّ in art. اسد and in art. سدو and سدى.]) A2: Also i. q. مَعْرُوفٌ [as meaning A favour, benefit, benefaction, or the like]; (K;) in this sense also a dial. var. of سَدًى. (TA.) A3: Also a dial. var. of سَدًى signifying Dates while continuing green and small; syn. بَلَحٌ. (TA.) سَتَاةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

أُسْتِىٌّ: see سَتًى, above, in two places.
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