زَنْبَقٌ [mentioned in the
S and
Msb in art. زبق] Oil of jasmine: (
K:) or this is called دُهْنُ الزَّنْبَقِ, and is of the
dial. of El-'Irák; (
TA;) [for] it is said that زَنْبَقٌ signifies the jasmine [itself]: (
Msb:) or, as some say, it is a certain flower, which is put into شَيْرَج [i.e. oil of sesame, or, as being likened thereto, because of its clearness, white oil before it becomes altered], and the like, and of which is [thus] made an [odoriferous] oil; like as is done with other species of flowers. (
MF.) [In the present day, this name is applied to several species of plants: namely, Mogorium sambac of Juss., Lam., Desfont.:
b2: Nyctanthes sambac of Linn.; nyctanthes undulata in notis Amœ
n. academ. 4, p. 449: (Delile, Flor. Aegypt. Illustr., no. 8:)
b3: and Iris germanica of Linn.; or Iris sambac of Forsk.: (Idem, no. 26:)
b4: also the lily.]
b5: Also The [musical reed, or pipe, called] زَمَّارَة, (
TA,) or مِزْمَار. (Aboo-
b6: أُمُّ زَنْبَقٍ Wine: (
K, and
T in art. ام:) or wine such as is termed فَيْهَجٌ and قِنْدِيدٌ. (
TA in art. فهج.) زَنْبَاقٌ A certain herb, or leguminous plant, hot, burning, or biting, to the tongue, and that causes headache. (