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90884. زُهَيْم1 90885. زُهَيْن1 90886. زِهْيَوْط1 90887. زَوٌّ1 90888. زوّ1 90889. زو190890. زَوْءُ1 90891. زوأ3 90892. زوا3 90893. زَوَابي1 90894. زَوَّاح1 90895. زُواخُ1 90896. زُوَاخُ1 90897. زُواطٌ1 90898. زُوَاطُ1 90899. زَوَّاعة1 90900. زواعه1 90901. زَواق1 90902. زَواقِي1 90903. زوال1 90904. زَوال الشمس1 90905. زَوَالَقَنْج1 90906. زَوَالِيّ1 90907. زَوَّام1 90908. زُوان1 90909. زُوانات1 90910. زَوَاني1 90911. زِوَانِيَّة1 90912. زواه1 90913. زَواهُ1 90914. زَوَاوَة.1 90915. زَوَاوَةُ1 90916. زَوَاوِي1 90917. زَوَّاية1 90918. زوايت1 90919. زوايتة1 90920. زَوَايد1 90921. زَوَاينة1 90922. زَوَايِنَة1 90923. زوب4 90924. زُوَبا1 90925. زُوبَة1 90926. زوبر1 90927. زَوْبَر1 90928. زَوْبع1 90929. زوبع1 90930. زَوْبَعة1 90931. زَوْبَعِيّ1 90932. زَوْبَلَةُ1 90933. زَوْبَن1 90934. زَوْبِيّ1 90935. زَوْبِيَّة1 90936. زوَج1 90937. زوج18 90938. زَوَجَ1 90939. زَوْجُ الزَّوْج1 90940. زوجُ الزَّوْجِ والفردِ...1 90941. زَوْج مُتآلِف1 90942. زَوَجَ 1 90943. زَوْجَان1 90944. زَوْجَة1 90945. زَوْجَر1 90946. زَوَّجَه بـ1 90947. زَوْجِيَّة1 90948. زوح7 90949. زَوُحَ 1 90950. زوخ3 90951. زَوْخَةُ1 90952. زود14 90953. زُوْد1 90954. زَوْد1 90955. زَوَدَ1 90956. زَوْدُ العَيْن1 90957. زَوَدَ 1 90958. زَوْدَة1 90959. زوده1 90960. زوذ1 90961. زُورٌ1 90962. زور21 90963. زُور1 90964. زَوَرَ1 90965. زَوَرَ 1 90966. زَوْرَا1 90967. زَوْراءُ1 90968. زُورَابَذ1 90969. زوران1 90970. زَوْران1 90971. زَوْرَةُ1 90972. زَوْرَة1 90973. زُورْزُور1 90974. زورق1 90975. زُورِي1 90976. زَوْرِي1 90977. زوريج1 90978. زُورَيْح1 90979. زوز2 90980. زُوزَا1 90981. زَوَزَانُ1 90982. زُوزانُ1 90983. زوزق1 Prev. 100




1 زُىَّ عَلَيْنَا, or زِىَّ, (accord. to different copies of the S, in the TA زُىَّ,) [from زَوٌّ, originally زُوِوَ, then زُوِىَ, and then زُىَّ or زِىَّ,] or it is زُوِىَ, (thus in some copies of the S,) It was decreed against us. (S.) 4 أَزْوَى, (K,) said of a man, (TA,) [from زَوٌّ,] He came having with him another: (K, and T in art. تو:) mentioned by Az and Sgh on the authority of IAar: (TA:) opposed to أَتْوَى meaning “ he came alone; by himself. ” (T in art. تو.) زَوٌّ A pair, or couple; two coupled together; (S, K, TA;) [of men, and] of ships and other things; (TA;) i. q. زَوْجٌ: (K, and T in art. تو:) opposed to تَوٌّ meaning “ one, and no more. ” (K, and TA in this art. and in art. تو.) You say, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ زَوًّا, meaning Such one came with his companion. (S.) [See also art. تو.]

A2: الزَّوُّ is also the name of A ship constructed by ElMutawekkil, (K, TA,) the 'Abbásee; in which he associated in drinking with the poet El-Boh- turee. (TA.) Accord. to the S, it is the name of a mountain in El-'Irák: but Aboo-Zekereeyà EtTebreezee, and after him the author of the K, deny this, and suppose J to have been led into error in asserting such to be the case by the following saying of the poet above mentioned: وَلَا جَبَلًا كَالزَّوِّ يُوقَفُ تَارَةً

وَيَنْقَادُ إِمَّا قُدْتَهُ بِزِمَامِ [Nor have I seen a mountain like الزَّوّ, that is made stationary at one time, and becomes led on at another time if thou draw it along with a leading-rope]: J, however, does not say that he took this from the poetry of El-Bohturee. (TA. [In the CK, in the verse above cited, اِذْ ما is put in the place of إِمَّا.]) A3: [J also says that,] accord. to As, زَوُّ المَنِيَّةِ signifies What happens of decreed perdition or death: and زَوٌّ is also said to signify a decree [of God]: (S, TA:) and in the M it is said that زَوٌّ signifies perdition, or death: and زَوُّ المَنِيَّةِ, the accidents, or calamities, of destiny or death: but accord. to the T, As said زَوْءُ المَنِيَّةِ, withء (TA.)
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