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89812. زطط9 89813. زطم1 89814. زطن1 89815. زَطُوط1 89816. زطى1 89817. زع289818. زَعَّ 1 89819. زعا1 89820. زَعا1 89821. زَعَّابَة1 89822. زَعَّارَة1 89823. زَعَارة1 89824. زُعَاق1 89825. زَعَّاق1 89826. زَعَّال1 89827. زِعامة1 89828. زَعَّامِيّ1 89829. زَعَامِيّ1 89830. زَعَانِفُ1 89831. زَعَّانِيّ1 89832. زَعَانِيف1 89833. زَعَّانِين1 89834. زَعَايميّ1 89835. زَعَبَ2 89836. زعب13 89837. زَعَبَ 1 89838. زعبج2 89839. زَعْبَجُ1 89840. زَعْبُج1 89841. زعبر4 89842. زعبط1 89843. زَعْبَقَ1 89844. زعبق2 89845. زَعْبَقْتُ 1 89846. زَعْبَلُ1 89847. زَعْبَل1 89848. زعبل5 89849. زَعْبَلاوِيّ1 89850. زَعْبُوب1 89851. زِعبِيّ1 89852. زَعْت1 89853. زعت2 89854. زَعْتَان1 89855. زَعْتَر3 89856. زعتر1 89857. زَعْتَرِيّ1 89858. (زَعَتَه1 89859. زَعْتِيَّة1 89860. زعج15 89861. زَعَجَ1 89862. زَعِجَ 1 89863. زَعْجَة1 89864. زعجل1 89865. زَعْجَلاوِيّ1 89866. زعجه1 89867. زَعَجَهُ1 89868. زعد3 89869. زَعْدة1 89870. زَعْدون1 89871. زَعِرَ1 89872. زعر16 89873. زَعْرٌ1 89874. زَعَرَ1 89875. زَعِر1 89876. زَعَر1 89877. زُعْر1 89878. زَعِرَ 1 89879. زَعْراوِي1 89880. زعرب1 89881. زَعْرَة1 89882. زعرط1 89883. زعرف1 89884. زُعْرُورُ1 89885. زُعْرُور1 89886. زَعَرُون1 89887. زَعَري1 89888. زُعْرِي1 89889. زَعَرِيَّة1 89890. زَعْريماش1 89891. زعزع6 89892. زَعْزَع1 89893. زعزعه1 89894. زُعْزُوع1 89895. زعزوف1 89896. زعط6 89897. زَعْطَان1 89898. زعطط1 89899. زَعطَهُ1 89900. زعع3 89901. زعف12 89902. زَعْف1 89903. زَعَفَ 1 89904. زَعْفَان1 89905. زعفر10 89906. زَعْفَران1 89907. زَعْفَرانة1 89908. زَعْفَرَانِيّ1 89909. زعفرانية1 89910. زعفره1 89911. زعفق2 Prev. 100


الزعزَعة: التحريك، ومنه: ريح زعزاع وزَعزَع وزعزعان. وا لزعازع: الشدائد.


R. Q. 1 زَعْزَعَةٌ signifies The moving, agitating, shaking, or putting into a state of motion or commotion, (Lth, S, K,) a thing, (S,) or a tree, (Lth, K,) and the like, (K,) by the wind: (Lth, K:) or any vehement moving or agitating or shaking; or putting into a state of vehement motion or commotion. (K.) You say, زَعْزَعْتُهُ I moved it, agitated it, shook it, &c. (S.) And زَعْزَعَتِ الرِّيحُ الشَّجَرَةَ, inf. n. زَعْزَعْةٌ, The wind moved, or agitated, or shook, &c., the tree; as also زَعْزَعَتْ بِهَا, which may be a dial. var. of the former, or the verb in this case may be made trans. by means of the ب because it has the meaning of دَفَعَتْ بِهَا. (TA.) You say also, زَعْزَعَهُ, inf. n. as above, meaning He moved it, agitated it, shook it, &c., vehemently, desiring to pull it out or up or off, and to remove it. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] زَعْزَعْتُ الإِبِلَ (tropical:) I drove the camels roughly, or violently; urged them on. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَزَعْزَعَ It became moved, agitated, shaken, or put into a state of motion or commotion: (S, K:) [or it became moved, agitated, shaken, &c., vehemently:] quasi-pass. of زَعْزَعَتْهُ الرِّيحُ. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] تَزَعْزَعَتِ الإِبِلُ (tropical:) The camels went roughly, or violently, being so driven, or urged on. (TA.) رِيحٌ زَعْزَعٌ and ↓ زَعْزَعَانٌ and ↓ زُعَازِعٌ, (S, K,) the last with damm, (K, TA,) but written by J with fet-h, (TA,) [and so I find it in one copy of the S, but in another copy with damm,] and ↓ زَعْزَاعٌ, (Sgh, K,) A wind that agitates things, shakes them, or puts them into a state of motion or commotion: (S, K, TA:) and ↓ رِيحٌ زُعْزُوعٌ [signifies the same; or] a violent wind. (IJ.) b2: [and hence,] سَيْرٌ زَعْزَعٌ (tropical:) An agitating, or a jolting, pace; (S, [but not there explained, though the meaning is there implied,] Sgh, K;) a vehement pace. (L.) زَعْزَعَةٌ [see R. Q. 1]. b2: زَعَازِعُ [which is its pl. when it is used as a simple subst.] signifies (tropical:) The calamities, or adversities, of fortune; (K, TA;) like زَلَازِلُ. (TA.) One says, كَيْفَ أَنْتَ فِى هٰذِهِ الزَّعَازِعِ (tropical:) How art thou in these calamities, or adversities? so in the L and the Moheet and the A. (TA.) زَعْزَعَانٌ: see زَعْزَعٌ.

زَعْزَاعٌ: see زَعْزَعٌ. b2: Also [Vehement motion, agitation, or shaking;] a subst. from زَعْزَعَهُ as signifying “ he moved it,” &c., “vehemently: ” and metaphorically used by Ed-Dahnà in allusion to the ذَكَر. (TA.) زُعْزُوعٌ: see زَعْزَعٌ.

زَعْزَاعَةٌ i. q. شِدَّةٌ [Vehemence; strength; &c.]. (IB.) b2: A troop, or force, of many horsemen, (K, TA,) in a state of motion or commotion. (TA.) زُعَازِعٌ: see زَعْزِعٌ.

مُزَعْزَعٌ i. q. فَالُوذٌ [A kind of sweet food: see the latter word]. (IAar, K.)
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