1 زَرَّ, aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. زَرٌّ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He buttoned a shirt [&c.]; (S, Mgh, Msb, K; *) as also ↓ زرّر, inf. n. تَزْرِيرٌ; (Mgh; [and so in the present day;]) or the latter verb [relates to several objects, or means he buttoned a shirt &c. with many buttons; for it] has an intensive signification. (Msb.) You say, اُزْرُرْ عَلَيْكَ قَمِيصَكَ, and زُرَّهُ, and زُرِّهِ, and زُرُّهُ, Button upon thee thy shirt. (S.) b2: (assumed tropical:) He narrowed his eyes [as when one draws together the edges of a vest in buttoning it]. (K, * [in which, in this instance, as in others, only the inf. n. of the verb زَرَّ is mentioned,] and TA.) b3: (tropical:) He collected, or drew together, vehemently, or forcibly. (A, Msb, K *) b4: زَرَّهَا [referring to the pieces of cloth composing a tent] He made in them what are called أَزْرَار [pl. of زِرٌّ, q. v.]. (TA.) b5: And زَرَّ, aor. as above, (S, A, TA,) and so the inf. n., (S, K,) (tropical:) He drove away. (S, A, K, TA. [In the TA, the inf. n. is expl. by الشَّكُّ as well as الطَّرْدُ; but the former is a mistranscription for الشَّلُّ, the reading in the S.]) One says, هُوَ يَزُرُّ الكَتَائِبَ بِالسَّيْفِ (tropical:) He drives away the troops with the sword. (S, A.) b6: (tropical:) He bit another. (S, * A, K. *) b7: (assumed tropical:) He pierced, or thrust, another, (K, TA,) with a spear. (TK.) b8: He plucked out hair. (K, * TA.) b9: He shook goods, or household furniture, or the like, to remove dust &c. (O, K: * only the inf. n. is mentioned in the latter.) A2: زَرَّ, (K,) aor. ـِ (TA,) He increased in intelligence, (K, TA,) and in probations, or experiences. (TA. [See also زَرِرَ, below, in this paragraph.]) A3: Also, aor. ـِ inf. n. زَرِيرٌ, It (a spear-head) gleamed, or glistened. (A.) And زَرَّتْ عَيْنُهُ, aor. ـِ (S,) inf. n. زَرِيرٌ, (S, K,) His eye gleamed, or glistened. (S, K. *) And عَيْنَاهُ تَزرَّانِ فِى رَأْسِهِ His eyes gleam, or glisten, in his head. (Fr, S, * A, TA.) A4: زَرِرَ, like سَمِعَ, [by rule زَرَّ, sec. Pers\.زَرِرْتَ, aor. ـَ He acted wrongfully, injuriously, or unjustly, to his adversary, or antagonist. (K.) b2: And He became intelligent after having been foolish, or stupid. (K. [See also a signification of زَرَّ, above.]) 2 زَرَّّ see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 4.3 زارّهُ, (A,) inf. n. مُزَارَّةٌ, (S, K,) (tropical:) He bit him, being bitten by him. (S, * A, K. *) 4 ازرّهُ, (A'Obeyd, S, Msb,) and ↓ زرّرهُ, (A,) He put أَزْرَار [i. e. buttons, or, as some say, loops for buttons,] upon it, namely, a shirt [&c.]. (A'Obeyd, S, A, Msb.) 5 تزرّر It (a shirt [&c.]) had أَزْرَار [i. e. buttons, or, as some say, loops for buttons,] put upon it. (S, TA.) R. Q. 1 زَرْزَرَ, (S, K,) inf. n. زَرْزَرَةٌ, (TA,) He (a زُرْزُور [or starling]) uttered a cry, or cries. (S, K.) b2: He (a man) kept continually, or constantly, to the eating of the زُرْزُور. (IAar, K, TA.) b3: زَرْزَرَ بِالمَكَانِ He continued, or remained fixed, or stationary, in the place. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَزَرْزَرَ He, or it, was, or became, in a state of motion, or commotion. (K.) زَرٌّ an inf. n. of زَرَّ [q. v.]. (S, Mgh, Msb, K. *) A2: See also زِرٌّ.
زُرٌّ: see what next follows.
زِرٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) and ↓ زُرٌّ, (ISk,) app. in the same sense, (Az,) and ↓ زَرٌّ has been also mentioned, but this is doubtful, (MF,) A button (IAar, A, Msb, TA) of a shirt, (IAar, S, A, Msb, K,) and of other things, as, for instance, of a curtain: (MF, TA:) or the loop into which a button is put: (ISh:) the latter, accord. to Az, is the right meaning: (TA:) [but the former is that to which the word is generally applied:] the former is also called زِيرٌ, by a change of the first ر: (IAar:) pl. [of pauc.] أَزْرَارٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and [of mult.] زُرُورٌ. (K.) [Hence the saying,] هُوَ أَلْزَمُ لِى
مِنْ زِرِّى لِعُرْوَتِهِ [He is more fast to me than my button to its loop]. (A.) And أَعْطَانِيهِ بِزِرِّهِ (tropical:) He gave it to me altogether. (A.) b2: الزِّرُّ [The star ξ of Gemini;] one of the two stars called الهَنْعَةُ. (Kzw.) b3: زِرٌّ also signifies (tropical:) A certain piece of wood at the upper extremity of the pole of a tent: (A, K: *) pl. أَزْرَارٌ: (TA:) the upper end of the tent-pole is inserted into it: (L:) or the ازرار of a tent (خِبَآء) are certain pieces of wood which are sewed into the upper parts of the pieces of cloth which compose the tent, the lower ends of which [pieces of cloth] are upon the ground: and زَرَّهَا signifies “ he made in them [namely the said pieces of cloth] such pieces of wood. ” (TA.) b4: (tropical:) The socket in which the head of the upper bone of the arm turns; (A, K; *) resembling the half of a nut: (A:) or the head itself of that bone: (TA:) and the extremity of the hip-bone, in the socket. (K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) A certain small bone, (K,) resembling the half of a nut, (TA, [but this is probably a misplaced insertion, from the A, ubi suprà,]) beneath the heart, of which it is the support. (K.) b6: (tropical:) The edge, (K,) or each of the two edges, (TA,) of a sword. (IAar, K, TA.) b7: One says, إِنَّهُ لَزِرٌّ مِنْ أَزْرَارِ الإِبِلِ (S, * A, K *) (tropical:) Verily he is one who keeps close to the camels; (A;) a good pastor of them. (S, A, K. [Accord. to the A, it seems to be from زِرٌّ signifying “ a button. ”]) You term also زِرُّ مَالٍ (assumed tropical:) One who drives camels, or the like, vehemently; accord. to some; but the preceding meaning, given in the K, is the more correct: (TA:) or it signifies one acquainted with the right management thereof; (K, TA;) who manages them well; (TA;) as also مَالٍ ↓ زُرْزُورُ. (K.) b8: زِرُّ الدِّينِ (assumed tropical:) The support, or prop, of the religion; (Abu-l-'Abbás, K;) like the small bone called زِرّ, which is the support of the heart: (Abu-l-'Abbás, TA:) applied, in a trad., to 'Alee: in another relation, it is زِرُّ الأَرْضِ, meaning he between whom and the earth is a mutual dependance, and without whose existence one would repudiate the earth and mankind: or, accord. to Th, he by whom the earth becomes firm, like as a shirt does by means of its زِرّ [or button]. (TA.) زَرَّةٌ Intellect, or intelligence. (O, TA.) زِرَّةٌ The mark left by a bite: (K, TA:) or, as some say, a bite itself. (TA.) And A wound with the edge of a sword. (TA.) A2: J says, When camels are fat, you say, بِهَا زِرَّةٌ: but this is a mistake for بَهَا زِرَةٌ, (Sgh, K,) which is pl. of بُهْزُورَةٌ. (TA in art. بهزر.) زَرِيرٌ, applied to a man, (O, TA,) Light, or active; and sharp, or acute, of mind, with quickness of perception, and of intelligence, understanding, sagacity, skill, or knowledge; as also ↓ زَرْزَارٌ; (O, K; [in the CK, الزَكِىُّ is erroneously put for الذَّكِىُّ;]) which is also expl. as signifying light, or active, and quick; (TA;) and ↓ زُرَازِرٌ, (K,) of which the pl. is زَرَازِرُ. (TA.) A2: Also A certain plant, (O, K.) having a yellow blossom, (O,) with which one dyes: (O, K:) in this sense, a Pers\., or foreign, word. (O.) زُرْزُرٌ: see زُرْزُورٌ.
زَرْزَارٌ: see زَرِيرٌ. Accord. to As, it signifies A man whose eyes glisten. (TA.) زُرْزُورٌ [The starling;] a certain bird, (IDrd, S, O, K,) as also ↓ زُرْزُرٌ, (IDrd, O, K,) resembling the lark: pl. زَرَازِيرُ. (TA.) A2: مَرْكَبٌ زُرْزُورٌ A narrow مركب [or animal, or thing, upon which one rides or is carried; accord. to the TK, meaning a beast; for it is there added that one says حِمَارٌ زُرْزُورٌ, meaning a narrow ass]. (O, K. *) A3: زُرْزُورُ مَالٍ: see زِرٌّ last sentence but one.
زُرَازِرٌ: see زَرِيرٌ.
مِزَرٌّ An ass [app. meaning a wild ass] that bites much. (S, * TA.) مَزْرُورٌ is used by El-Marrár El-Fak'asee as meaning A she-camel's nose-rein; because it is plaited and tied. (S.)