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87877. رُمٌّ1 87878. رِمٌّ1 87879. رَمٌّ1 87880. رُمّ1 87881. رِمّ1 87882. رم687883. رمّ1 87884. رَمَّ 1 87885. رمء1 87886. رمأ6 87887. رَمَأَ1 87888. رَمَأَ 1 87889. رَمَا1 87890. رِماح1 87891. رِمَاح1 87892. رَمَّاح1 87893. رُمَاخ1 87894. رُمَاد1 87895. رَمَادانُ1 87896. رَمَّاس1 87897. رَمّاش1 87898. رَمَاضِنة1 87899. رَمَاطي1 87900. رُمَاعٌ1 87901. رُمّاغُ1 87902. رُماغٌ1 87903. رِمَال1 87904. رمال1 87905. رَمَّال1 87906. رَمَّام1 87907. رُمَام1 87908. رمام1 87909. رُمّانُ1 87910. رَمّان1 87911. رُمَّانِيّ1 87912. رَمَّانيّ1 87913. رَمَاه على1 87914. رَمَايْسَة1 87915. رمبا1 87916. رمث16 87917. رَمَثَ1 87918. رَمَثَ 1 87919. رِمْثان1 87920. رَمْثَان1 87921. رِمْثَةُ1 87922. رمثن1 87923. رمثه1 87924. رمج7 87925. رَمِج1 87926. رَمَج1 87927. رَمَجَ 1 87928. رمجا1 87929. رَمْجَارُ1 87930. رَمْجان1 87931. رُمْحٌ1 87932. رمح15 87933. رَمَحَ2 87934. رُمح1 87935. رَمَحَ 1 87936. رمحس3 87937. رمخ4 87938. رُمَخ1 87939. رِمْخ1 87940. رَمَخَ 1 87941. رَمَدَ1 87942. رمد17 87943. رَمَدَ 1 87944. رَمْدِي1 87945. رَمَدِي1 87946. رُمْدي1 87947. رمرم4 87948. رَمْرَمَ2 87949. رمرن1 87950. رَمْز1 87951. رمز19 87952. رَمَزَ 1 87953. رَمْزًا1 87954. رَمْزاء1 87955. رَمَزَاني1 87956. رَمْزَة1 87957. رَمْزِيّ1 87958. رَمْزِيّة1 87959. رَمَسَ1 87960. رمس18 87961. رمْس الميت1 87962. رَمَسَ 1 87963. رمسيس1 87964. رمش8 87965. رِمْش العين1 87966. رَمَشَ 1 87967. رمشت1 87968. رَمِشَت1 87969. رُمِشْكَل1 87970. رِمْشي1 87971. رمشي1 87972. رَمَصَ2 87973. رمص14 87974. رَمَصَ 1 87975. رمصت1 87976. رَمَضَ1 Prev. 100


عن الفارسية رم بمعنى جفول وفرار وخوف. يستخدم للذكور والإناث.
الْعظم رما ورمة ورميما بلي وَيُقَال رم الْمَيِّت وَالْحَبل تقطع وَالشَّيْء رما وَمَرَمَّة أصلحه وَقد فسد بعضه وَيُقَال رم الْمنزل وَالشَّيْء أكله وَيُقَال رمت الشَّاة الْحَشِيش أَخَذته بشفتيها
الرَّمُّ: إصلاح الشيء البالي، والرِّمَّةُ: تختصّ بالعظم البالي، قال تعالى: مَنْ يُحْيِ الْعِظامَ وَهِيَ رَمِيمٌ
[يس/ 78] ، وقال: ما تَذَرُ مِنْ شَيْءٍ أَتَتْ عَلَيْهِ إِلَّا جَعَلَتْهُ كَالرَّمِيمِ
[الذاريات/ 42] ، والرُّمَّةُ تختصّ بالحبل البالي، والرِّمُّ: الفُتات من الخشب والتّبن.
ورَمَّمْتُ المنزل: رعيت رَمَّهُ، كقولك: تفقّدت، وقولهم: ادفعه إليه بِرُمَّتِهِ معروف، والْإِرْمَامُ:
السّكوت، وأَرَمَّتْ عظامه: إذا سحقت حتى إذا نفخ فيها لم يسمع لها دويّ، وتَرَمْرَمَ القوم: إذا حرّكوا أفواههم بالكلام ولم يصرّحوا، والرُّمَّانُ:
فُعْلانُ، وهو معروف.
رم: الرَّمُّ: إصْلاَحُ الشَّيْءِ الذي فَسَدَ بَعْضُه من نَحْوِ حَبْلٍ أو دارٍ، وهِيَ المَرَمَّةُ.
وحَبْلٌ مَرْمُوْمٌ وأرْمَامٌ: أخْلاَقٌ. والرُّمَّةُ: القِطْعَةُ من الحَبْلِ، وبه سُمِّيَ ذا الرُّمَّةِ.
ودَفَعْتُه إليه برُمَّتِه: أي ببَقِيَّةِ حَبْل على عُنُقِه، ثُمَّ اسْتُعْمِلَ في إتْمَامِ الشَّيْءِ.
و" ما عَنْهُ حُمٌّ ولا رُمٌّ " إتْبَاعٌ: أي شَيْءٌ.
والرُّمَمُ: جَمْعُ الرُّمَّةِ وهي ما يُرَمُّ به أمْرُ العِيَالِ.

بإِبِلِنَا رَمّاً: إذا كانَتْ مُقَيَّدَةً بقَيْدٍ مُرْخىً. والرُّمَمُ: العَقْلُ.
ورَمَّ العَظْمُ: إذا انْتَشَرَ فصَارَ رَمِيْماً.
و" جاءَ بالطِّمِّ والرِّمِّ ": أي بالكَثْرَةِ، وهو ما على وَجْهِ الأرْضِ من فُتَاتِ الأشياء، وقيل: الرِّمُّ: التُّرَابُ والحَشِيْشُ.
والرِّمَامُ: بمعنى الرَّمِيْمِ.
ورَمَمْتُ العَظْمَ وتَرَمَّمْتُه: إذا تَعَرَّقْتَه.
وشَيْخٌ رِمَّةٌ: هِمٌّ.
وأَرَمَّتِ السَّنَةُ النَّاسَ إرْمَاماً: حَطَمَتْهم.
ويَقُوْلُونَ: " كُنَّا أهْلَ ثَمِّهِ ورَمِّهِ " ويُضَمّانِ، والثَّمُّ: الإِصْلاَحُ، والرَّمُّ: من المَطْعَمِ.
والشّاةُ تَرُمُّ الحَشِيْشَ بمَرَمَّتِها تَرُمُّه من وَجْهِ الأرْضِ.
وتَرَمْرَمَ القَوْمُ: حَرَّكُوا أفْوَاهَهُم بالكَلاَمِ ولَمَّا يَتَكَلَّمُوا.
والرَّمُّ: الأكْلُ.
والرُّمَامُ من النَّبَاتِ الواحِدَةُ رُمَامَةٌ: حِيْنَ تَنْبُتُ رُؤُوْسُها فتُرَمُّ وتُؤْكَلُ. والرِّمَّةُ والقِمَّةُ: مُقَدَّمُ فَمِ الشّاةِ. والمِرَمَّةُ: فَمُها.
وأرَمَّ الرَّجُلُ: سَكَتَ على أمْرٍ في نَفْسِه.
والرَّمْرَامُ: حَشِيْشُ الرَّبِيْعِ، والواحِدَةُ رَمْرَامَةٌ.
والرِّمُّ: النِّقْيُ والمُخُّ. والمُرِمُّ: صَاحِبُ الرِّمِّ. وأرَمَّتِ النّاقَةُ: أَمَخَّتْ. ورَمَّتْ: بَلِيَتْ.
والمَرَامِيْمُ: المَرَامِي وهي السِّهَامُ المَرْمُوْمَةُ بالرِّيْشِ المُصْلَحَةُ، الواحِدُ مَرْمُوْمٌ. والرِّمُّ: الرِّيْشُ الذي قد بَلِيَ.
ورَمَّ سَهْمَه بعَيْنِه: أي نَظَرَ فيه ليُسَوِّيَه.
ورُمَامَةٌ من عَيْشٍ: أي عُلْقَةٌ.
والرُّمَّةُ: قَاعٌ عَظِيْمٌ بنَجْدٍ تَنْصَبُّ فيه أوْدِيَةٌ. وهي الجَبْهَةُ أيضاً في شِعْرِ امْرِىءِ القَيْسِ:
لها رُمَّةٌ مِثْلُ المَدَاكِ
والرِّمَّةُ: الأرَضَةُ.
وأخَذْتُ منه رُمَاماً ورُمَامَةً: أي شَيْئاً رَمَمْتُ منه؛ حَدِيْثاً كانَ أو غَيْرَه.
باب الرّاء والميم ر م، م ر مستعملان

رم: الرَّم: إصلاحُ الشّيء الّذي فسد بَعْضُهُ، من نَحوِ حَبْلٍ بَلِيَ فتَرُمُّه، أو دار تَرُمُّ شَأْنَها مَرَمَّةً. ورَمُّ الأمر: إصلاحُه بعد انتشاره، قال:

..... ورمّ به ... أُمُورَ أُمَّتِهِ والأَمْرُ مُنْتَشِرُ

ورمَّ العَظْمُ: صار رميماً، أي: مُتَفَتِّتاً. ورَمَّ الحَبْلُ: انُقَطع. والرِّمة [والرُّمة] : القِطْعةُ من الحَبْل، وبها سُمِّي ذو الرّمّة. ودفعت الدّابّة إليك برُمَّتِهِ، أي: ببقيّة حبلٍ على عُنُقِهِ. والرِّمّة: العِظام البالية. والشّاة تَرُمُّ الحشيش بمِرَمَّتَيْها، أي: بشَفَتَيْها. وأَرَمَّ القَوْمُ: سَكَتُوا على أَمْرٍ في أنفسهم. وتَرَمْرَمَ القوم: حرّكوا أَفْواهَهم للكلام [ولمّا يقولوا] ، قال يصف الملك:

إذا تَرَمْرَمَ أَغْضَى كلُّ جبّارِ

والرَّمْرام: كلّ حشيش في الرّبيع. [ويقال] : ما لك عن هذا الأمر حَمٌّ ولا رَمٌّ، أي: بُدٌّ، أما حم فمعناه: ليس يحولُ دونَه قضاء غيره، و [أما] رَمٌّ فَصِلَةٌ كقولهم: حَسَن بَسَن.. وفي مَثلٍ: [جاء فلانٌ] بالطَّمِّ والرَّمُّ، فالرَّمُّ ما كان على وجه الأَرْض من فتات.

مرّ: المَرُّ: المُرُور، قال :

حتّى يمرّ بالرّوايا مَرّا

والمَرُّ: المرّةُ، تقول: في المرّة الأولى، والمرّ الأَوَّل. والمَرُّ: المِعْزَق يُعْزَقُ به الطِّين، يعني: المِسْحاة. والمرُّ: دواء. والمُرُّ: نَقيضُ الحُلْو، يقال: مَرَّ عَيْشُهُ، وأَمَرَّ عَيْشُه، يقال : ما أمرّ فلانٌ وما أحلى ... والمُرارُ: نبتٌ لا يُستطاعُ ذَوْقُه من مَرارته، والحارِثُ بنُ آكلِ المُرار، من مُلُوك اليمن، كان في سفرٍ فأصابَهُمُ الجُوع، فأكل المُرارَ حتّى شبع فنجا ومات أَصْحابُهُ فلم يطيقوه. والمِرَّةُ: مِزاجٌ من أَمْزجة الجَسَد، وهو داءٌ يَهْذي منه الإنسانُ. والمِرَّةُ: شِدَّةُ الفَتْل. والمِرَّة: شِدّةُ أَسْرِ الخَلْق. وقوله [جلّ وعزّ] : ذُو مِرَّةٍ فَاسْتَوى

، أي: سويّ، يعني: جبريلَ عليه السّلامُ خَلَقَهُ اللَّهُ قَوِيّاً سَوِيّاً. وذو مِرّة سَويّ، أي: قويٌّ صحيحُ البَدَن. والمرير: الحبلُ المَفْتول... وقد أَمْرَرْتُه إمراراً، وأَمْرٌ مُمَرٌّ. والمَرِيرةُ: عِزّةُ الَّنْفس، قالت الخنساء:

مثلَ السِّنان تُضِيءُ اللَّيْلَ صُورتُهُ ... جَلْدُ المَريرةِ حُرٌّ وابنُ أحرارِ

والإمْرارُ: نَقِيضُ النَّقْض في كُلِّ شَيْءٍ، قال :

لا يَأْمَنَنَّ قَوِيٌّ نقضَ مِرّتِهِ ... إنّي أَرَى الدَّهْرَ ذا نَقْضٍ وإِمْرارِ

والمَرْمَر: الرُّخام. والمَرْمَرُ: ضربٌ من تقطيع ثياب النِّساء. والرَّمل: يَمُورُ ويَتَمَرْمَرُ. وامرأة مَرْمارةُ الخَلْق: إذا مَشَتْ تَمَرْمَرُ في خِلقْتَها. وكلُّ شيءٍ انقادتْ طَريقتُهُ فهو مُسْتَمِرّ. ومن كلام المُتَصلّفين: تَمَرْمَرَ فلانٌ، أي: تأمر على أصحابه. والمُرَيْراء: حبٌّ أَسْوَدُ يكونُ في الحِنطة والطّعام يُمَرُّ منه. ومَرّانُ: اسمُ مَوْضِعٍ بالحجاز. وبَطْنُ مَرٍّ: معروف. ومرّار بن مُنْقِذ: شاعِرٌ. والمَرارةُ: [تكون] لكُلِّ ذي رُوحٍ إلاّ البعير فإِنّه لا مَرارةَ له. ولَقِيتُ منه الأَمَرَّيْنِ، أي: الدّاهية، أو [الأمر العظيم] .


1 رَمَّهُ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and يَرِمُّ (S, Msb, K,) the latter [irreg. as aor. of a trans. v. of this class, and] said by MF to be unknown, but there are other instances of the same kind, as هَرَّهُ, aor. ـُ and يَهِرُّ and عَلَّهُ, aor. ـُ and يَعِلُّ, (TA,) inf. n. رَمٌّ (Lth, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and مَرَمَّةٌ, (Lth, T, S, Mgh, K,) He repaired it; or put it into a good, sound, right, or proper, state; (Lth, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) after a part thereof had become in a bad state; (Lth, T;) namely, a thing, (Lth, T, S,) as, for instance, a rope becoming old and worn-out, or a house, (Lth, T,) or a building, (Mgh,) or a wall, &c.; (Msb;) as also رَمَّ شَأْنَهُ, (S,) or شَأْنَهَا referring to a house (دَار): (Lth, T:) and in like manner, he rectified it, namely, an affair, after it had become disorganized, or disordered: (Lth, T:) and ↓ رمّم signifies the same in an intensive sense; [i. e. he repaired it, &c., much, or well:] (Msb:) and ↓ رَمْرَمَ he repaired, or rectified, his affair, case, state, or condition. (TA.) The saying, كُنَّا أَهْلَ ثَمِّهِ وَرَمِّهِ, (T, S,) occurring in a trad., (S,) accord. to the relaters thereof ↓ ثُمِّهِ وَرُمِّهِ, but A'Obeyd holds the former reading to be the right, (T, S,) means, accord. to AA, We were the fit persons to put it into a good, sound, right, or proper, state: (T:) or, accord. to A'Obeyd, to put it into such a state, and to eat it. (T, S. [See another explanation of the verb in what follows.]) b2: You say also, رَمَّ سَهْمَهُ, meaning (tropical:) [He made his arrow even, or straight, by means of his eye; or] he looked at his arrow until he made it even, or straight. (TA.) A2: رَمٌّ also signifies The act of eating; and so ↓ اِرْتِمَامٌ. (ISh, T.) You say, رَمَّهُ, (T, S, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S,) inf. n. رَمٌّ, (TA,) He ate it. (T, S, K.) And it is said in a trad., عَلَيْكُمْ بِأَلْبَانِ البَقَرِ فَإِنَّهَا تَرُمُّ مِنْ كُلِّ الشَّجَرِ [Keep ye to the milk of cows, for they eat of all the tress]; (T, S, * TA;) i. e. تَأْكُلُ: or, accord. to one reading, it is ↓ تَرْتَمُّ. (TA.) رَمَّتِ الشَّاةُ الحَشِيشَ aor. ـُ inf. n. رَمٌّ, means The sheep, or goat, took the dry herbage, or fodder, with its lips. (M.) And رَمَّتِ الشَّاةُ مِنَ الأَرْضِ, and ↓ ارتمّت, The sheep, or goat, ate from the land. (S.) And رَمَّتِ البَهْمَةُ, (M,) or البَهِيمَةُ, (K,) inf. n. as above; (TA;) and ↓ ارتمّت; i. e. [The lamb, or kid, or the beast, or quadruped,] reached and took the branches (M, K) with its mouth. (K.) And كُلَّ رُمَامٍ ↓ هُوَ يَتَرَمَّمُ He eats every [kind of] رُمَام [q. v.]. (T.) and العَظْمَ ↓ ترمّم He ate off the flesh from the bone; syn. تَعَرَّقَهُ: or he left the bone like the رِمَّة [q. v.]: in [some of] the copies of the K, تَرَمَّمَ is erroneously explained by تَعَزَّقَ; [in my MS. copy, by تَعَرَّفَ; and in the CK, by تَفَرَّقَ;] the right reading being تَعَرَّقَ, as in the A. (TA.) and it is said in a trad., respecting the she-cat, وَلَا مِنْ خَشَاشِ الأَرْضِ ↓ أَرْسَلْتُهَا تُرَمْرِمُ, meaning [and I did not send her] for her to eat [of the creeping things of the earth]. (TA.) A3: رَمَّ العَظْمُ, aor. ـِ (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَمٌّ (T, M,) or رِمَّةٌ, (S,) or both, (K, TA, [the former written in the CK رِمّ]) and رَمِيمٌ; (M, K;) and ↓ ارمّ; (M, K; [but see what follows;]) The bone became such as is termed رمَّة; (M, TA;) [i. e.,] became old and decayed; (MA, KL;) syn. بَلِىَ. (T, S, Mgh, Msb, K.) Accord. to IAar, one says, رَمَّتْ عِظَامُهُ, and ↓ أَرَمَّتْ, meaning His bones became old and decayed; syn. بَلِيَتْ: but others explain العَظْمُ ↓ ارمّ differently, as below: see 4. (T.) In the saying, mentioned in a trad., يَا

↓ رَسُولَ اللّٰهِ كَيْفَ تُعْرْضُ صَلَاتُنَا عَلَيْكَ وَقَدْ أَرَمْتَ, meaning بَلِيتَ [i. e. O Apostle of God, how shall our blessing be offered, or addressed, to thee when thou shalt have become decayed in the grave?], the last word is originally أَرْمَمْتَ; one of the two م s being rejected; like as is done in أَحَسْتَ, for أَحْسَسْتَ: (IAth, K, * TA: [in the CK, تَعْرَضُ is put in the place of تُعْرَضُ:]) accord. to one relation, it is أَرَمَّتَ; accord. to another, رَمَمْتَ; and accord. to another, أُرِمْتَ: but the first is the proper manner of relation. (TA.) And رَمَّ الحَبْلُ The rope became [old and worn out or rotten, (see رُمَّةٌ,) or] ragged, or dissundered. (M.) 2 رَمَّّ see 1, first sentence.4 ارمّ, said of a bone, It had in it, or contained, رِمّ, i. e. marrow, (T, S, K,) running therein. (S.) One says of a sheep or goat (S, M) that is lean, or emaciated, (S,) and of a she-camel, (M,) مَا يُرِمُّ مِنْهَا مَضْرِبٌ, (S, M,) meaning Not a bone of her that is broken and from which the marrow is [sought to be] extracted [contains any marrow]: (M:) i. e., if any of her bones be broken, no marrow will be found in it. (S.) And ارمّت is said of a she-camel in the first stage of fatness when becoming in good condition of body, and in the last stage thereof when becoming lean; (M, TA;) meaning She had in her somewhat of marrow. (TA.) b2: See also 1, in the latter part of the paragraph, in four places.

A2: Also, (T, S, M, K,) inf. n. إِرْمَامٌ, (T,) He (a man, T) was, or became, silent; (T, M, K;) in a general sense; or, as some say, from fear, or fright: (M:) [and in like manner a bird: see its part. n. مُرِمٌّ:] or they (a company of men) were, or became, silent. (S.) [See also R. Q. 2.]

A3: ارمّ

إِلَى اللَّهْو He inclined to diversion, sport, or play. (IAar, M, K.) b2: And ارمّ لِكَذَا He was cheered, or delighted, and pleased, or was diverted, by reason of such a thing; like أَرَنَّ لَهُ. (T in art. رن.) 5 ترمّمهُ He proceeded gradually, by degrees, step by step, or time after time, with the repairing of it; or with the putting it into a good, sound, right, or proper, state. (TA.) A2: See also 1, near the middle of the paragraph, in two places.8 إِرْتَمَ3َ see 1, in the middle portion of the paragraph, in four places. b2: ارتمّ is also said of a young camel as meaning He began to be in that state in which one could feel his hump. (K.) 10 استرمّ It (a wall, S, MA, Mgh, K, or a building, KL) needed, or required, its being repaired; (M, MA, K, KL; expl. in the M and K by دَعَا إِلَى إِصْلَاحِهِ;) having become old: (MA:) or attained to the time in which it should be repaired; (S, Mgh;) a long period having elapsed since it was plastered with mud. (S.) R. Q. 1 رَمْرَمَ: see 1, in two places. R. Q. 2 تَرَمْرَمَ He moved his lips, (T,) or his mouth, (S,) to speak: (T, S:) or تَرَمْرَمُوا they put themselves in motion to speak, but spake not: (M, K:) but it is said to be mostly used in negative phrases. (TA.) One says, مَا تَرَمْرَمَ فُلَانٌ بِحَرْفٍ Such a one uttered not [a letter, or a word]: (T, TA:) or put not himself in motion [therewith]. (IDrd, TA.) And كَلَّمَهُ فَمَا تَرَمْرَمَ [He spoke to him and] he returned not a reply. (M, TA.) رَمٌّ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Lth, T, S, &c.) b2: One says, مَالِى مِنْهُ حَمٌّ وَلَا رَمٌّ There is not for me any avoiding it, or escaping it: (S:) or مَا لَهُ عَنْ ذٰلِكَ الأَمْرِ حَمٌّ وَلَا رَمٌّ (T, TA) There is not for him any avoiding, or escaping, that thing, or affair: (TA:) and some say ↓ حُمٌّ وَلَا رُمٌّ: (S:) so says Lth: (T:) [accord. to ISd,] in the saying ↓ مَا عَنْ ذٰلِكَ حُمٌّ وَلَا رُمٌّ, meaning There is no avoiding, or escaping, that, رُمٌّ is an imitative sequent; (M;) and so says Lth. (T. [But see the next paragraph.]) b3: See also another signification assigned to رَمٌّ in the last sentence but one of the next paragraph. b4: [And see the last sentence also of that paragraph.]

رُمٌّ: see 1, second sentence: b2: and see also the paragraph next preceding this, in two places. b3: Also i. q. بَيْتٍ ↓ مَرَمَّةُ, (ISk, T, S, M,) i. e. Household-goods; or the utensils and furniture of a house or tent. (M. [This explanation, from the M, I have found, in the TT, since I composed art. ثم; in which I have said that, accord. to analogy, مَرَمَّةُ البَيْتِ app. signifies the means by which a house, or tent, is put into a good state; and therefore good furniture and utensils.]) So in the saying, مَا لَهُ ثُمٌّ وَلَا رُمٌّ, (ISk, T, S, M,) and مَا يَمْلِكُ ثُمًّا وَلَا رُمًّا, (ISk, T, S,) i. e. He has not, and he possesses not, such household-goods as water-skins, or milk-skins, and vessels, (ISk, T, M,) nor any of the utensils and furniture of the house or tent. (ISk, * T, * M.) This explanation is better than the saying of Lth [that رُمٌّ is an imitative sequent: see the next preceding paragraph]. (T.) One says also, مَا لَهُ حُمٌّ وَلَا رُمٌّ, meaning He has not anything: (S:) or he has neither little nor much. (TA voce حَمٌّ [q. v.]) [See also ثُمٌّ.] b4: Also i. q. هَمٌّ [as meaning An object, or a thing intended or meant or determined upon or desired, in the mind: and perhaps also anxiety; or disquietude, or trouble, of mind]. (M, K. [This signification, هَمٌّ, Freytag has assigned to رَمٌّ, not to رُمٌّ; rendering it “ cura, sollicitudo; ” as from the K; in which the word bearing it is expressly said to be “ with damm. ”]) So in the saying, مَا لَهُ رُمٌّ غَيْرُ كَذَا [He has not any object in his mind except such a thing]. (M.) And so in the saying, مَا لَهُ حُمٌّ وَلَا رُمٌّ غَيْرُكَ and ↓ حَمٌّ وَلَا رَمٌّ [He has not any object in his mind except thee]. (TA in art. حم.) A2: Also A company of men: occurring in a trad. applied to a company of [the people called] أَكْرَاد, abiding [in a place] like a حَى [or tribe] of the Arabs of the desert: [perhaps correctly رَمٌّ, from the Pers\. رَمْ:] said by Aboo-Moosà to be app. a Pers\. word. (TA.) رِمٌّ The herbage and other things that are upon the land: whence the current saying, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِالطِّمِّ وَالرِّمِّ, meaning Such a one brought everything of what is on the land and in the sea: [or, of what is in the sea and on the land; for] الطِّمُّ means “ the sea; ” and is originally الطّمُّ, but is pronounced [in this case] الطِّمّ to assimilate it to الرِّمّ. (T.) [Or] i. q. ثَرًى [app. as meaning Good of any kind; and particularly wealth; as appears from what immediately follows]: one says, جَآءَهُ بِالطِّمِّ وَالرِّمّ, meaning He brought him much wealth. (S.) [Or] جَآءَ بِالطِّمِّ وَالرِّمِّ means He brought what was of the sea and what was of the land: (بِالبَحْرِىِّ وَالبَرِّىّ, K: [so in MS. copies and in the CK: in the copy of the K followed in the TA, and in like manner in the M, بالبحر والثرى, which, I think, is evidently a false reading:]) or moist and dry: or earth and water: (M, K:) or much wealth; (K;) as in the S: (TA:) and it is said in the copies of the K, [and in the M,] that الرِّمُّ signifies what is borne [on its surface] by the water; but this is a signification of الطِّمُّ; and الرِّمُّ signifies what is borne by the wind: (TA:) or what is upon the ground, of fragments of dry herbage. (M, K.) [See also art. طم.] b2: Also Marrow. (T, S, M, K.) رُمَّةٌ The remains of a rope after it has become ragged, or dissundered: (T:) or a piece of a rope (S, M, Msb, K) that is old and worn out or rotten; (S;) as also ↓ رِمَّةٌ: (M, K:) pl. [of mult.]

رُمَمٌ (T, S,) or رِمَمٌ (M, K,) and رِمَامٌ (S, M, K) and [of pauc.] أَرْمَامٌ: (M, K:) and they said also حَبْلٌ أَرْمَامٌ and رِمَمٌ [or رُمَمٌ] and رِمَامٌ; (M, K;) [like حَبْلٌ أَرْمَاثٌ and ثَوْبٌ أَخْلَاقٌ &c.;] thus using the pl. as though every part [of the rope] were termed a single thing. (M.) b2: Hence the saying, أَعْطَيْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) I gave him the thing altogether: (T:) or دَفَعَ إِلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He gave him the thing altogether: (S:) or أَخَذَهُ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it altogether: (M; and the like is said in the Msb:) and أَتَيْتُكَ بِالشَّىْءِ بِرُمّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) I brought thee, or have brought thee, the thing altogether: (M:) or أَعْطَاهُ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He gave it altogether: (K:) originally meaning the rope that is put upon the neck of the camel: (T:) [i. e.] originating from the fact that a man gave to another a camel with a rope upon his neck: (S, K:) or from the fact that a man sold a camel with a rope upon his neck; and it was said, Give him with his رُمَّة: (Msb:) or, as some say, from the bringing a captive bound with his رُمَّة; but this is not a valid assertion. (M.) In all the copies of the K, الرُّمَّةُ is also expl. as syn. with الجَبْهَةُ; but [SM says,] I have not found it in the originals from which it is derived; and may-be the right reading is الجُمْلَةُ. (TA.) 'Alee said, dispraising the present world, أَسْبَابُهَا رِمَامٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) [Its ties (lit. ropes) are] old and worn out or rotten. (TA.) b3: ↓ أَرْمَامٌ [perhaps as pl. of رُمَّةٌ] also signifies (assumed tropical:) The last remains of herbage. (M, TA.) رِمَّةٌ Old and decayed bones: (AA, T, S, M, Msb, K:) or the old and decayed, of bones: (Mgh:) pl. رِمَمٌ and رِمَامٌ. (S, Msb.) The performance of the act termed الاِسْتِنْجَآء therewith is forbidden. (Mgh, TA.) [See also رَمِيمٌ.] b2: [and A bone in which is marrow. (Freytag, from the “ Kitáb el-Addád. ”)] b3: See also رُمَّةٌ, first sentence.

A2: Also A two-winged ant: (M, K:) so accord. to Aboo-Hátim; but disallowed by ElBekree. (TA.) b2: And The أَرَضَة [or woodfretter], (M, K,) in some one or more of the dialects. (M, TA.) رُمُمٌ Clever, ingenious, skilful, or intelligent, girls, or young women: (IAar, K:) app. pl. of ↓ رَامَّةٌ, [as it is said to be in the TK, whence Freytag (who has mentioned it as from the K, explaining it as an epithet applied to a girl meaning “ ingeniosa, prudens,”) appears to have taken it,] which signifies a female skilful in repairing. (TA.) رُمَامٌ: see رَمِيمٌ. b2: It is applied as an epithet to ثُمَام, in a saying of 'Omar, explained in art. ثم: accord. to some, it means that whereof the heads are grown, so that they are eaten (تُرَمُّ, i. e. تُؤْكَلُ): it is also applied to a herb, or leguminous plant, such that the cattle pluck it with their mouths, obtaining but little thereof: and to herbage that had dried up when becoming green. (T.) شِاْةٌ رَمُومٌ A sheep, or goat, that eats that by which it passes. (M, TA.) رَمِيمٌ A bone old and decayed: (S, M, Msb, K:) and ↓ رُمَامٌ signifies the same (K, TA) in an intensive sense: (TA:) or the former is like رِمَّةٌ; (A 'Obeyd, T, and Ksh in xxxvi. 78;) i. e. it is a subst., signifying the old and decayed, of bones; (Ksh and Bd ibid.;) not of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ or مَفْعُولٌ: (Ksh ibid.:) or it is used in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, [meaning eroded,] from رَمَمْتُهُ [“ I ate it ”]: (Bd ibid.:) its pl. is in most instances أَرِمَّآءُ [when it is used as a subst. or as an epithet], like أَدِلَّآءُ pl. of دَلِيلٌ [or أَقْرِبَآء pl. of قَرِيبٌ]; and رِمَامٌ also occurs [when it is used as a subst., for رِمَّةٌ, of which رِمَامٌ is a pl., or when it is used as an epithet], like كِرَامٌ pl. of كَرِيمٌ: (Msb:) or you say أَعْظُمٌ رَمَائِمُ, and رَمِيمٌ also; or رَمِيمٌ may have the meaning of a gen. n., and therefore be used in the place of a pl. (M.) It is said in the Kur ubi suprà, مَنْ يُحْيِى الْعِظَامَ وَهِىَ رَمِيمٌ [Who will quicken the bones when they are old and decayed &c.?]; the last word being without ة because it is a subst., as expl. above, (Ksh, Bd, Jel,) not an epithet; (Ksh, Jel;) or because it is used in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, as stated above; (Bd;) or because words of the measures فَعِيلٌ and فَعُولٌ are sometimes used alike as masc. and fem. [and sing.] and pl., like صَدِيقٌ and رَسُولٌ and عَدُوٌّ. (S.) And Hátim, or some other, says, أَمَا وَالَّذِى لَا يَعْلَمُ السِّرَّ غَيْرُهُ وَيُحْيِى العِظَامَ البِيضَ وَهْىَ رَمِيمُ [Verily, or now surely, by Him beside whom none knoweth the secret, and who quickeneth the white bones when they are old and decayed &c.]; in which رميم may have the meaning of a gen. n., as observed above. (M.) b2: [Hence,] (assumed tropical:) Anything old and decayed or worn out. (M.) One says, أَحْيَى رَمِيمَ المَكَارِمِ (tropical:) [He revived what had become decayed of generous qualities or actions or practices]. (TA.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) The remains of the herbage of the next preceding year: (Lh, M:) from the same word in the sense first expl. above. (M.) A2: رَمِيمُ is one of the names of The east, or easterly, wind; الصَّبَا: and is also a proper name for a woman. (M.) رُمَامَةٌ A sufficiency of the means of subsistence, (K, TA,) whereby life becomes, or is held to be, in a good, or thriving, state. (TA.) رَمَّآءُ, applied to a ewe, White, (S, M,) without any colour upon her. (M.) رَمَّامٌ قَشَّاشٌ One who collects what has fallen of food, and the worst thereof, to eat it, not preserving himself from its uncleanness. (T, as heard by its author from the Arabs.) رُمَّانٌ is of the measure فُعْلَانٌ accord. to Sb: accord. to Abu-l-Hasan [i. e. Akh], of the measure فُعَّالٌ, (M, TA,) and is [therefore] mentioned in the S and K in art. رمن [q. v.]: (TA:) the n. un. is with ة. (M.) رَمْرَامٌ The حَشِيش [or herbs, or dry herbage,] of the [season called] رَبِيع: and also a certain species of trees, (S, M,) of sweet scent: n. un. with ة: (M:) or رَمْرَامَةٌ signifies a certain well-known sort of حَشِيش in the desert; and رَمْرَامٌ, much thereof: (T:) or this latter signifies a certain herb having prickly branches and leaves, that forbid the touch, rising to the height of a cubit; long in the leaves, broad, and intensely green, having a yellow flower, and eagerly desired by the cattle: (AHn, M:) or a certain dust-coloured plant, (Aboo-Ziyád, M, K,) which people use as a remedy for the sting of the scorpion. (Aboo-Ziyád, M.) رِامَّةٌ: see رُمُمٌ, of which it is thought to be the singular.

أَرْمَامٌ a pl. of رُمَّةٌ as signifying “ a piece of a rope: ” (M, K:) b2: and perhaps also in another sense: see the latter word, last sentence.

مُرِمٌّ Containing رِمّ, i. e. marrow; applied to a bone. (T.) And, [in like manner without ة,] applied to a she-camel, (S, M, K,) in the first stage of fatness when becoming in good condition of body, and in the last stage thereof when becoming lean, (M,) meaning Having in her somewhat of marrow. (S, M, * K. *) A2: Also Silent; (A 'Obeyd, T, S;) in a general sense; or, as some say, from fear, or fright; (TA;) applied to a man, (A 'Obeyd, T,) and to a bird, as in the saying of a rájiz, (S,) namely, Homeyd El-Arkat, (TA,).

مُرْخًى رِوَاقَاهُ هُجُودٌ سَامِرُهْ يَرِدْنَ وَاللَّيْلُ مُرمٌّ طَائِرُهُ [They come to the water when the bird of night is silent, when its curtains (lit. its two curtains) of darkness are let down, when the holders of discourse therein are sleeping]. (S, * TA.) A3: [The pl.] مُرِمَّاتٌ signifies Calamities, or misfortunes: (T, K:) so accord. to Az in the saying, رَمَاهُ بِالمُرِمَّاتِ [He smote him, or afflicted him, with calamiites, or misfortunes]: or, accord. to Aboo-Málik, it signifies المُسْكِتَات [i. e. silencing words or acts]. (T.) مَرَمَّةٌ [originally مَرْمَمَةٌ, a noun of the same class as مَجْنبَنَةٌ and مَبْخَلَةٌ &c., meaning A cause of repair: and hence, a thing needing repair; as in a phrase mentioned voce رَقِيعٌ]. b2: See also مَرَمَّةُ بَيْتِ, voce رُمٌّ. b3: And see what here follows.

مِرَمَّةٌ, (Th, T, S, M, TA,) accord. to the K, مَرِمَّةٌ, but this is a mistake, (TA,) The lip of any cloven-hoofed animal, (Th, T, S, M, K, TA,) such as the cow &c.; because it eats therewith; (S;) like مِقَمَّةٌ; (Th, T;) as also ↓ مَرَمَّةٌ [like مَقَمَّةٌ]. (S, M, K.) مَرْمُومٌ sing. of مَرَامِيمٌ, (TA,) which is [an epithet] applied to arrows, meaning Having the feathers repaired, or put into a good state. (K, TA.) b2: And (tropical:) An arrow [made even, or straight, by means of the eye; or] looked at until made even, or straight. (TA.) b3: You say also, أَمْرُ فُلَانٍ مَرْمُومٌ [i. e. The affair, or case, of such a one is rectified, or repaired]. (TA.)
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