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87116. رَصِيف1 87117. رَصِيفَة1 87118. رصيفه1 87119. رصيه1 87120. رضّ1 87121. رض287122. رَضَّ 1 87123. رضا3 87124. رِضَا1 87125. رِضَا الرحمن1 87126. رِضَا الله1 87127. رِضَاء2 87128. رُضاءٌ1 87129. رضاع1 87130. رِضاعة1 87131. رَضَّاعة1 87132. رَضَّافة1 87133. رُضامُ1 87134. رَضَّانة1 87135. رِضَاهُ2 87136. رِضَاوي1 87137. رِضَاي1 87138. رَضَايا1 87139. رَضَاين1 87140. رَضَبَ2 87141. رضب12 87142. رَضَبَ 1 87143. رضة1 87144. رَضَحَ1 87145. رضح9 87146. رَضَحَ 1 87147. رَضْحَا1 87148. رَضْحَان1 87149. رضحه1 87150. رَضَخَ3 87151. رضخ13 87152. رضخَ1 87153. رَضَخَ 1 87154. رضخت1 87155. رَضَدَ1 87156. رضد3 87157. رَضْرَضَ1 87158. رضرض4 87159. رضرضه1 87160. رَضَضَ1 87161. رضض11 87162. رَضَعَ1 87163. رضع20 87164. رَضِعَ1 87165. رَضَعَ 1 87166. رَضْعان1 87167. رضعها1 87168. رَضَفَ1 87169. رَضْف1 87170. رضف15 87171. رَضَفَ 1 87172. رضفه1 87173. رضك3 87174. رَضَمَ2 87175. رضم11 87176. رَضَمَ 1 87177. رضميان1 87178. رَضْمِيَّان1 87179. رضن4 87180. رَضْن1 87181. رَضَنَ 1 87182. رضنه1 87183. رضه1 87184. رضو3 87185. رَضَوْا1 87186. رَضْوَان1 87187. رِضْوان1 87188. رِضْواني1 87189. رَضْوَانِيّ1 87190. رِضْوَانِيَّة1 87191. رُضُوخ1 87192. رَضُول1 87193. رَضْوَى1 87194. رضى4 87195. رِضى1 87196. رَضَّى1 87197. رِضَى1 87198. رَضِي1 87199. رَضِيّ1 87200. رضي4 87201. رَضِيَ1 87202. رضي النبي1 87203. رَضِيَ على1 87204. رَضِيَ لـ1 87205. رَضِيَ 1 87206. رَضْيَانة1 87207. رُضَيْبَان1 87208. رَضْيَة1 87209. رَضِيّة1 87210. رُضَيْحَان1 87211. رَضِيع1 87212. رضيه1 87213. رط1 87214. رَطَّ 1 87215. رطأ7 Prev. 100


رض: الرَّضُّ: دَقُّكَ الشَّيْءَ. ورَضَاضُه: قَطْعُه. والرَّضُّ: التَّمْرُ اليابِسُ يُرَضُّ ويُلْقى في الحَلِيْبِ. والرَّضِيْضُ [246أ] : التَّمْرُ يُرَضُّ. والرَّضْرَاضُ: حِجَارَةٌ تَرَضْرَضُ على وَجْهِ الأرْضِ: أي لا تَثْبُتُ. وقيل: تَكَسَّرَتْ من قِبَلِ أنْفُسِها. والإِرْضَاضُ: شِدَّةُ العَدْوِ، أرَضَّ في الأرْضِ إرْضاضاً. والفَرَسُ المُرِضَّةُ الشديدة العدو والمرضة والمرضة من اللَّبَنِ: كالرَّثِيْئَةِ، وهو اللَّبَنُ الذي قد أخّذَ الطَّعْمَ. وأرَضَّ الرَّجُلُ: شَرِبَ المُرْضَّةَ فَثَقُلَ. والأَرَضُّ: القاعِدُ الذي لا يَرِيْمُ، ويُرِضُّ بالأرْضِ. والرَّضْرَاضَةُ: الكَثِيرَةُ اللَّحْمِ من النِّسَاءِ والإِبلِ. وقيل: هي الناعِمَةُ. وكَفَلٌ رَضْرَاضٌ: يَرْتَجُّ عِنْدَ المَشْي. وإِبِلٌ رَضَارِضُ: أي رائِعَةٌ.


1 رَضَّهُ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. رَضٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K,) He bruised, brayed, pounded, or crushed, it: (IF, A, Msb, K:) or it signifies, (S,) or signifies also, (K,) he bruised, brayed, pounded, or crushed, it coarsely, not finely; (S, K;) as also ↓ رَضْرَضَهُ: (TA:) or he broke it; (Msb, TA;) and so ↓ the latter verb. (S, K, TA.) You say, ضَرَبَهُ فَرَضَّ عِظَامَهُ He beat him, and crushed his bones. (A.) And سَمِعْتُ بِمَا نَزَلَ بِكَ فَفَتَّ كَبِدِى وَرَضَّ عِظَامِى (tropical:) [I heard of what befell thee, and it crumbled my liver and crushed my bones]. (A, TA.) 4 ارضّ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِرْضَاضٌ, (TA,) He (a man, S) was, or became, heavy and slow. (S, K.) And He ran vehemently. (ISk, K.) Thus it has two contr. significations. (K.) And ارضّ فِى الأَرْضِ He went away into the country, or in the land; syn. ذَهَبَ [q. v.]. (ISk, TA.) b2: ارضّت الرَّثِيْئَةُ, (S, K,) inf. n. as above, (S,) The [milk termed]

رثيئة became thick. (S, K.) A2: ارضّ العَرَقَ It (fatigue, TA, or food or drink, Az, K) made the sweat to flow. (Az, * K, * TA.) 5 تَرَضَّّ see the next paragraph.8 ارتضّ It (a thing) broke, or became broken, in pieces; (TA;) and ↓ ترضّض signifies [the same; or] it became broken, bruised, or brayed; (KL;) [and so, accord. to some, ↓ تَرَضْرَضَ: for you say,] حِجَارَةٌ تَتَرَضْرَضُ عَلَى وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ, meaning Stones that break in pieces upon the surface of the earth; (S, K; *) as some say: but others say that this means stones that move about, without stopping, upon the surface of the earth. (TA.) R. Q. 1 see 1, above, in two places. R. Q. 2 see 8.

رَضٌّ Dates bruised, or brayed, (S,) or freed from the stones, (K,) or bruised, or brayed, and freed from the stones, (TA,) and steeped in unmixed milk; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ مُرِضَّةٌ and ↓ مِرَضَّةٌ: (K:) or dry dates bruised, or brayed, and thrown into fresh milk; as also ↓ رَضِيضٌ (A.) رُضَاضٌ Fragments, or broken particles, (S, IF, Msb,) of a thing: (S:) what is bruised, brayed, pounded, or crushed; or bruised, &c., coarsely; of a thing. (IDrd, K.) رَضِيضٌ Bruised, brayed, pounded, or crushed: (K:) bruised, &c., coarsely: as also ↓ مُرْضُوضٌ. (S, K.) b2: See also رَضٌّ.

رَضْرَضٌ: see what next follows.

رَضْرَاضٌ Pebbles: (IDrd, A, K:) or small pebbles: (A, K:) as also ↓ رَضْرَضٌ, (K,) which is a contraction of the former: (TA:) or bruised, or crushed, pebbles. (S.) Hence the saying نَهْرٌ ذُو سِهْلَةٍ وَذُو رَضْرَاضٍ A river, or channel, having a bed of sand upon which the water runs, and having bruised, or crushed, pebbles. (S.) Or رَضْرَاضٌ signifies Hard, smooth stones. (Kr, L.) And with ة, Stones that break in pieces, or that move about without stopping, upon the surface of the earth. (TA.) b2: Land broken up (↓ مَرْضُوضَةٌ) with stones. (IAar, S, K.) A2: Small drops of rain. (AA, K.) A3: Fleshy; having much flesh; applied to a man; (S, K;) and to a camel: (S:) fem. with ة; applied to a woman. (S, K.) b2: كَفَلٌ رَضْرَاضٌ Buttocks that quiver (K, TA) in walking. (TA.) رَضَارِضُ Pasturing beasts that crush the herbage in eating: (TA:) or camels pasturing at pleasure; as though they crushed the herbage. (S, TA.) أَرَضُّ Always sitting still, not quitting his place. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) مُرِضَّةٌ: see رَضٌّ. b2: Also Thick [milk such as is termed] رَثِيْئَة; i. e. fresh milk upon which sour milk is poured, and which is then left awhile, whereupon there comes forth from it a thin yellow fluid, which is poured from it, and the thick is drunk: (S:) or fresh milk drawn from the udder upon sour milk; or before it has become mature: (TA:) or fresh milk poured upon milk that has been collected in a skin: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) or, as described to ISk by one of the Benoo-'Ámir, very sour milk, that causes the man who has drunk it to arise in the morning languid, or loose in the joints. (TA.) b3: And A food, or a drink, that causes the sweat of him who has eaten it, or drunk it, to flow. (Az, K, TA.) In this explanation, رَضَّتْ is put in [some copies of] the K instead of أَرَضَّتْ in the explanation given by Az. (TA.) A2: Also A mare that runs vehemently. (AO, TA.) مِرَضَّةٌ A thing with which one bruises, brays, pounds, or crushes; or with which one bruises, &c., coarsely. (TA.) [And particularly what is termed in Latin Tribulum; (Golius, on the authority of Meyd;) i. e. a kind of drag used for the purpose of separating the grain of wheat and barley &c. and of cutting the straw; more commonly called نَورَجٌ (q. v.) and مِدْرَسٌ and جَرْجَرٌ.]

A2: See also رَضٌّ.

مَرْضُوضٌ: see رَضِيضٌ; and رَضْرَاضٌ.
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