1 رَسَّ الهُوَى فِى قَلْبِهِ, and السُّقْمُ فِى جِسْمِهِ, [
accord. to the general rule, رَسِّ,]
inf. n. رَسٌّ and رَسيسٌ, Love entered, and established itself, in his heart, and disease in his body; as also ↓ ارسّ. (
M.) [It seems also, from explanations of رَسُّ and رَسِيسٌ mentioned below, that one says رَسَّتِ الحُمَّى, meaning The fever commenced, or first touched a person.]
4 أَرْسَ3َ see above.
رَسٌّ The beginning, or commencement, of a thing. (
K.) And hence, (
K,) رَسُّ الحُمَّى, and ↓ رَسِيسُهَا, The beginning, or commencement, (
K,) or first touch, (
S,) of fever, (
K,) before it becomes vehement, or severe; (A;) i. e., when the person attacked thereby stretches on account of it, and becomes languid in his body, and relaxed, or heavy, sluggish, or torpid, or confused in his intellect: (
TA:) or the first that a man feels of the touch of fever, before it takes him forcibly, and becomes apparent. (
Accord. to
Fr, you say, أَخَذَتْهُ الحُمَّى بِرَسٍّ, meaning, The fever became settled in his bones. (
TA.) [Hence also,] رَسُّ الحُبِّ, and ↓ رَسِيسُهُ, The beginning, or commencement, of love: (
K:) or a remain, or relic, or trace, of love: (
M:) or الهَوَى ↓ رَسِيسُ signifies the first, or original, feeling (أَصْل) of love. (Aboo-
TA.) [Hence also,] بَلَغَنِى
رَسٌّ مِنْ خَبَرٍ The first of news reached me: (
TA:) or somewhat of news reached me: (
M:) [or news not true reached me: for,]
accord. to
Az, you say, أَتَانَا رَسٌّ مِنْ خَبَرٍ, and مَنْ خَبَرٍ ↓ رَسِيسٌ, meaning, News not true came to us: (
TA:) or ↓ رَسِيسٌ [alone] signifies news not true. (
K.) رَسِيسٌ: see رَسٌّ, throughout.