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86081. رتيلة1 86082. رُتَيْلَة1 86083. رَتِيلة1 86084. رَتيمة1 86085. رتينج1 86086. رث486087. رَثَّ 1 86088. رثء1 86089. رثأ10 86090. رثأَ2 86091. رَثَأَ2 86092. رثئ1 86093. رثا2 86094. رِثاء1 86095. رثاه2 86096. رثث12 86097. رَثَثَ1 86098. رثد10 86099. رَثَدَ2 86100. رَثَدَ 1 86101. رثط4 86102. رَثَطَ1 86103. رثع10 86104. رَثَعَ1 86105. رَثَعَ 1 86106. رَثْعَاء1 86107. رثعن4 86108. رثغ5 86109. رثم12 86110. رَثَمَ1 86111. رَثَمَ 1 86112. رَثْمة1 86113. رُثْمة1 86114. رثمت1 86115. رثن6 86116. رَثَنَ 1 86117. رثنت1 86118. رثو6 86119. رَثْوان1 86120. رَثُوع1 86121. رثى7 86122. رَثَى1 86123. رَثَى 1 86124. رثي7 86125. رَثْيَانِي1 86126. رجّ1 86127. رج6 86128. رَجَّ1 86129. رَجَّ 1 86130. رجء2 86131. رجأ13 86132. رَجا1 86133. رجا7 86134. رَجَا2 86135. رَجا الله1 86136. رَجاء1 86137. رجاء2 86138. رَجَاء الحق1 86139. رَجَاء الله1 86140. رَجَائِي1 86141. رجابي1 86142. رِجَابِي1 86143. رَجَّابِي1 86144. رَجَّاز1 86145. رجاز1 86146. رَجَّال1 86147. رِجَال1 86148. رجال الْغَيْب1 86149. رجال الغيب1 86150. رِجَالي1 86151. رِجَامٌ1 86152. رَجّانُ1 86153. رَجَّاني1 86154. رَجَّانِي1 86155. رجاه2 86156. رَجَاي1 86157. رَجَايَة1 86158. رجب15 86159. رَجَب5 86160. رَجَبَ1 86161. رَجِبَ1 86162. رَجَبَ 1 86163. رَجَبَاوِي1 86164. رجج12 86165. رَجَجَ1 86166. رجح15 86167. رَجَحَ2 86168. رَجَحَ 1 86169. رُجْحَان1 86170. رَجْحان1 86171. رَجْحَة1 86172. رجحن6 86173. رَجْحَنَ1 86174. رَجحه1 86175. رَجْحِيَّة1 86176. رجخ2 86177. رُجِدَ1 86178. رجد8 86179. رَجَدَ 1 86180. رجدي1 Prev. 100


الثَّوْب وَغَيره رثاثة ورثوثة بلي وهيئة الرجل قبحت وهانت

(رث) الثَّوْب وَغَيره رثاثة ورثوثة بلي فَهُوَ أرث وَهِي رثاء (ج) رث وَهُوَ رث ورثيث أَيْضا وَهِي رثَّة ورثيثة (ج) رثاث وهيئة الرجل رثت تَرث
رث: الرَّثُّ: الخَلَقُ البالي، وكذلك اَرَثُّ، ورَثَّ الشَّيْءُ وأَرَثَّ: أي خَلُقَ.
ورَجُلٌ رَثُّ الهَيْئَةِ، رَثَّ يَرِثُّ ويَرُثُّ رَثَاثَةً ورُثُوْثَةً.
والرِّثَّةُ: أسْقَاطُ البَيْتِ، والجَمِيْعُ الرِّثَثُ.
وسُقَاطُ النَّاسِ: رِثَّةٌ.
ورَثَثْتُه: إذا لَفَفْتَه، وارْتَثَثْتُه: مِثْلُه.
والمُرِثُّ: الذي رَثَّ حَبْلُه. والذي يُجَاوِزُ فِعْلَه.
ورَثُّوا الحَوْضَ: رَمُّوْه بالحِجَارَةِ.
وارْتُثَّ الرَّجُلُ: إذا ضُرِبَ فأُثْخِنَ فحُمِلَ من مَوْضِعِه حَيّاً ثُمَّ يَمُوْتُ.
وارْتَثَّ أمْرُ القَوْمِ: تَفَرَّقَ.
والارْتِثَاثُ: الاحْتِمَالُ.
ويُقالُ للضَّعِيْفِ: رِثَّةٌ. وهو من النِّسَاءِ: الخَرْقَاءُ العاجِزَةُ.
وكَلاَمٌ غَثٌّ رَثٌّ: أي سَخِيْفٌ.


1 رَثَّ, (T, S, M, &c.,) sec. Pers\. [رَثَثْتَ and رَثِثْتَ and] رَثُثْتَ, (Msb,) aor. ـِ (T, S, M, K) and رَثَّ (M) and رَثُّ, (Msb, TA,) the last being of رَثَّ of the class of قَرُبَ, (Msb,) inf. n. رَثَاثَةٌ (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and رُثُوثَةٌ; (M, Msb, K;) and ↓ ارثّ; (S, M, Msb, K;) both authorized by Az; the latter at first disallowed by As, but afterwards allowed by him; (M;) It was, or became, old, and worn out; (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb;) and mean, or bad; (M;) namely, a garment, (T, S, M, A, Mgh,) and a rope, (S, M, A,) or other thing, (S, Msb,) i. e. anything, but mostly said of what is worn as clothing, or spread as furniture: (M:) or he, or it, was, or became, threadbare, shabby, or mean. (M, K:) said of a man, it has for its aor. ـَ and inf. n. رَثَاثَةٌ. (M.) رَثَاثَةُ الهَيْئَةِ means An old, worn-out, state of garb or apparel; and a bad condition. (Mgh.) And you say, فِي هَيْئَتِهِ رَثَاثَةٌ In his garb, or apparel, is threadbareness, shabbiness, or meanness. (S.) And رَثَّتْ هَيْئَةُ الشَّخْصِ, and ↓ ارثّت, (assumed tropical:) The aspect, or state, or condition, of the person was, or became, weak, and vile, mean, paltry, or despicable. (Msb.) [And رَثَّ الرَّجُلُ (assumed tropical:) The man was, or became, old, and worn out; or weak, &c.: see رَثٌّ.] b2: [And hence,] فِى هٰذَا الخَبَرِ رَثَاثَةٌ (tropical:) In this information, announcement, piece of news, or narration, is unsoundness, invalidity, or incorrectness; and so, فِيهِ رَكَاكَةٌ. (A, TA.) 4 ارثّ: see above, in two places. b2: Also, said of a man, His rope was, or became, old, and worn out. (M.) A2: ارثّهُ He, (K,) or it, i. e. wear, attrition, or wear and tear, (Th, M,) rendered it old, and worn out; and mean, or bad; (Th, M;) or threadbare, shabby, or mean; (K;) namely, anything, but mostly used in relation to what is worn as clothing, or spread as furniture. (M.) 8 اِرْتَثَثْنَا رِثَّةَ القَوْمِ We collected, (T, S, M,) or bought, (M,) the paltry, mean, or vile, chattels, or articles of furniture, of the people, or party, (T, S, M,) consisting of old and worn-out garments or pieces of cloth. (S, M.) b2: [Hence,] اُرْتُثَّ (of the pass. form, S, K) (tropical:) He (a man) was carried off from the field of battle wounded (S, A, K) so as to be rendered weak, (A,) retaining remains of life: (S, K:) from رِثَّةٌ as meaning the “ weak ” of mankind, who are likened to the paltry, mean, or vile, chattels, or articles of furniture, termed رِثَّةٌ: (A:) or he, being smitten in battle, and wounded so as to be rendered weak, was carried off, retaining remains of life, and then died: (T:) or he (a wounded man) was carried off from the field of battle retaining remains of life; because, in that case, he is weak, or is thrown down like the chattels, or articles of furniture, termed رِثَّةٌ. (Mgh.) And مَرَّبَيْنَهُمْ فَارْتَثَّهُمْ (tropical:) [He passed amid them, and carried them off from the field of battle wounded so as to be rendered weak, but retaining remains of life]. (A.) b3: [Hence also,] اِرْتَثَّ (assumed tropical:) He slaughtered a she-camel belonging to him, (T, K,) or a sheep or goat, or the like, (T,) by reason of [its] emaciation. (T, K.) رَثٌّ Old, and worn out; (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and mean, or bad; (M;) and ↓ رَثِيثٌ signifies the same, (M, A, K,) as does also ↓ أَرَثُّ, (A, K,) and ↓ رِثَّةٌ: (M, TA: [but this last is app. a subst, as it is said to be in another place in the M and in the TA, meaning a thing that is old, and worn out; &c.:]) applied to a garment, (T, M, A, Mgh,) and a rope, (A,) or a thing (S, M, Msb) of any kind, but mostly to what is worn as clothing, or spread as furniture: (M:) the pl. of رَثٌّ is رِثَاثٌ. (S, M, Msb.) You say هَيْئَةٌ رَثَّةٌ An old, worn-out, state of garb or apparel; such as is in bad condition. (Mgh.) And رَجُلٌ رَثُّ الهَيْئَةِ A man whose garb, or apparel, is old, and worn out; (T, S, * M;) threadbare, shabby, or mean. (M.) This last phrase is [also] tropical [as meaning (tropical:) A man whose aspect, or state, or condition, is weak, and vile, mean, paltry, or despicable: see 1, last sentence but two]. (A.) And one says also رَجُلٌ رَثٌّ (assumed tropical:) [A man old, and worn out; or weak, &c.]. (T.) b2: And [hence,] كَلَامٌ رَثٌّ (tropical:) Meagre, unsubstantial, or flimsy, speech or language. (A.) b3: See also what next follows.

رِثَّةٌ (T, S, M, Mgh, K) and ↓ رَثٌّ (T, M, K) The paltry, mean, or vile, chattels, or articles of furniture, (T, S, M, A, K,) of the house or tent, (S, M, A, K,) consisting of old and worn-out garments or pieces of cloth: (S, M:) or such are termed رِثَّةُ المُتَاعِ: (Mgh:) the pl. of رِثَّةٌ is رِثَثٌ (T, S, K) and رِثَاثٌ: (S, K:) it is a subst. from رَثَّ signifying “ it was, or became, old, and worn out,” and “ mean, or bad; ” said of anything, but mostly of what is worn as clothing, or spread as furniture, and of a rope: (M:) [i. e. it means any such thing that is old, and worn out, and mean, or bad:] see also رَثٌّ. b2: Hence, (T, A, Mgh,) رِثَّةٌ signifies (tropical:) The weak of mankind; (T, S, M, A, Mgh, K;) [the old, and worn-out, thereof;] and the refuse, or lowest or basest or meanest sort, thereof: (S, M:) as being likened to the chattels, or articles of furniture, thus termed. (A, Mgh.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) A foolish, or stupid, woman; one who is unsound, or deficient, in intellect or understanding. (S, K.) رَثِيثٌ: see رَثٌّ. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Wounded; and so ↓ مُرْتَثٌّ: (TA:) or wounded, but retaining remains of life. (S, K.) [See the latter epithet below.]

أَرَثُّ: see رَثٌّ.

مُرِثٌّ A man whose rope is old, and worn out. (K.) مُرْتَثٌّ (tropical:) One who is carried off from the field of battle (Th, S, M) wounded [so as to be rendered weak (see 8)], (S,) retaining remains of life; (Th, S, M;) if slain, he is not thus termed: (Th, M:) or one who is thrown prostrate, and wounded so as to be rendered weak, in battle, and is carried off alive, and then dies. (M.) See also رَثِيثٌ. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Falling down, and weak: from رَثٌّ applied to a garment that is old, and worn out. (TA.)
رث: رَثَّث: مطر رذاذاً، أرذت (ألكالا).
رَثَ. ذكرت رَثَّة ورَث في معجم فوك في مادة vetula. ورَثَّة وتجمع على رَثاث: balbus.
رَثَاث: مطر (فوك).
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