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82132. دزمر1 82133. دزى1 82134. دَزِيرِيَّة1 82135. دِزيريه1 82136. دَزِيعة1 82137. دس482138. دسّ1 82139. دَسَّ 1 82140. دَسا1 82141. دسا5 82142. دَسَّاس1 82143. دِسَام1 82144. دَسَّام1 82145. دَسَامَة1 82146. دسان1 82147. دَسَّان1 82148. دُسان1 82149. دسَّاي1 82150. دسبندس1 82151. دست7 82152. دَسَتَ 1 82153. دستان1 82154. دِسْتَان البِنصرِ1 82155. دِسْتان الخِنْصَرِ1 82156. دِسْتان السَّبَّابة...1 82157. دسْتَان الوُسْطَى زَلْزَل...1 82158. دستبند1 82159. دَسْتُبويَه1 82160. دَسْتَبى1 82161. دستج3 82162. دَسْتَجِرْد1 82163. دَسْتَجِرْدِيّ1 82164. دستر2 82165. دَسْتَرة1 82166. دستك1 82167. دَستُمِيسَانُ1 82168. دستو1 82169. دَسْتَوَا1 82170. دَسْتُوَائي1 82171. دَسْتور1 82172. دُسْتُور1 82173. دستور3 82174. دُسْتُورِيةِ الكوكبِ...1 82175. دَسْتَوَى1 82176. دَسْتِيّ1 82177. دستي1 82178. دسْتيار1 82179. دَسْتِينَق1 82180. دسج2 82181. دسدس3 82182. دسرْ1 82183. دسر17 82184. دُسُرٍ1 82185. دَسرُ البحر1 82186. دَسَرَ 1 82187. دَسَسَ1 82188. دسس15 82189. دسسه1 82190. دسط1 82191. دسع13 82192. دَسَعَ1 82193. دَسَعَ 1 82194. دسف5 82195. دسق8 82196. دَسَقَ 1 82197. دسك3 82198. دَسْكَرَ1 82199. دسكر8 82200. دِسلُه1 82201. دَسْمٌ1 82202. دَسَمَ1 82203. دسم19 82204. دَسَمَ 1 82205. دسمال1 82206. دَسْمالَة1 82207. دُسْمانُ1 82208. دَسِن1 82209. دسنس1 82210. دسه1 82211. دسو4 82212. دَسَوَا 1 82213. دُسُوقِيّ1 82214. دسون1 82215. دَسْوِيق1 82216. دسى2 82217. دَسَى1 82218. دسي3 82219. دسيريني1 82220. دَسِيم1 82221. دُسَيْمانيّ1 82222. دَسِيمانيّ1 82223. دُشّ2 82224. دَشّ1 82225. دش2 82226. دَشا1 82227. دشا1 82228. دُشاخ1 82229. دَشَّان1 82230. دشان1 82231. دَشْبَذ1 Prev. 100


د س ت

أعجبه قوله فزحف له عن دسته، وفلان حسن الدست: أي شطرنجي حاذق.
الدَّسُّ: إدخال الشيء في الشيء بضرب من الإكراه. يقال: دَسَسْتُهُ فَدَسَّ وقد دُسَّ البعير بالهناء ، وقيل: ليس الهناء بالدّسّ ، قال الله تعالى: أَمْ يَدُسُّهُ فِي التُّرابِ
[النحل/ 59] .
الدس: دَسكَ شَيْئاً تَحْتَ شَيْءٍ، وهو الإخْفَاءُ.
واندَس فلان إلى فلانٍ: يَأتِيه بالنمَائم. والدسِيْسُ: مَنْ تَدُسُّه لِيَأتِيَكَ بالأخْبَارِ.
والدساسَةُ: حَيةٌ صَماءُ تَكُونُ تَحْتَ الترَابِ، وقيل: هي مِثْلُ العَظَايَةِ لم تَرَ شَمْساً قَط.
والدسُّ: أنْ تُهَنأ أرْفاغُ الإبلِ. ومنه المَثَلُ: " لَيْسَ الهِنَاءُ بالدس ".


1 دَسَّهُ, (S, M, A, &c.,) aor. ـُ (M, Msb,) inf. n. دَسٌّ (M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and دَسِّيسَى, (K,) like خِصِّيصَى, (TA,) He hid it, or concealed it, (Lth, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) namely, anything, (A, Mgh, Msb,) in the earth or dust, (S, Mgh,) or beneath a thing: (A, Mgh:) he buried it (A, Msb, K) in the earth or dust, (Msb,) or beneath a thing: (K:) or he put it in, or inserted it, beneath: (M:) or, accord. to some, he put it in, or inserted it, with force; he thrust it in: (TA:) and ↓ دَسَّسَهُ and ↓ دَسَّاهُ, (M, K, *) in the latter of which one of the س is changed into ى because the reduplication is disliked, (M, * TA,) signify the same as دَسَّهُ, (M, K, *) [or, probably, have an intensive signification.] It is said in the Kur [xvi. 61], أَمْ يَدُسُّهُ التُّرَابِ Or whether he shall bury it in the dust: meaning, his female child, which he buried alive: the pronoun agreeing with the word ما [which precedes in the same verse]. (T, TA.) It is also said in the Kur [xci. 9 and 10], قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا وَقَدْ

↓ خَابَ مَنْ دَسَّاهَا, (M, K, *) in which دسّاها is for ↓ دَسَّسَهَا, like تَظَنَّيْتُ for تَظَنَّنْتُ, (K,) because the niggardly conceals his place of sojourning and his property, but the liberal makes his place of sojourning upon an open and elevated spot that he may not be concealed from guests and those who desire to come to him: (Fr, Zj, K: *) or the meaning is, He is successful who maketh it (namely his soul) pure and believing, and he is unsuccessful who introduceth it among the good when he is not of them: (IAar, Th, M, K: *) or [he is successful who maketh it to increase in grace by good works,] and he is unsuccessful who maketh it vile and little by evil works: (M:) or the latter clause means, and he is unsuccessful who hideth it, and maketh it obscure and of no reputation, by the neglect of almsgiving and of obedience [to God in other matters]: (TA:) or the soul is unsuccessful that God rendereth obscure [so I render, here, دسّاها]. (Fr, K.) A2: دَسَّ البَعِيرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. دَسٌّ, He anointed the camel with tar, not thoroughly, [but only in the arm-pits, and the inner parts of the roots of the thighs or other similar parts:] (M:) [for it is said that] دُسَّ البَعِيرُ signifies the camel was anointed with tar in the parts called the مَسَاعِر: (S: [see دَجَلَ:]) or the latter signifies the camel became swollen in the parts so called. (M.) Hence the prov., لَيْسَ الهَنْءُ بِالدَّسِّ [which see explained in art. هنأ]. (TA in art. هنأ. [In the S and M and TA, in the present art., instead of الهَنْءُ, we find الهِنَآءُ: but the former is the preferable reading.]) 2 دَسَّسَهُ and دَسَّاهُ: see دَسَّهُ; each in two places.7 اندسّ [He, or it, became hidden, or concealed, in the earth or dust, or beneath a thing: he, or it, hid, or concealed, himself, or itself, in the earth &c.:] he, or it, became buried: he, or it, buried himself, or itself: (S, K:) or it became put in, or inserted, or it put in, or inserted, itself, beneath. (M.) b2: [Hence,] اندسّ فُلَانٌ إِلَى فُلَانٍ

يَأْتِيهِ بِالنَّمَائِمِ (tropical:) [Such a one came secretly to such a one, bringing him calumnies]: (TA:) or اندسّ الى فلان means (assumed tropical:) he came to such a one with calumnies. (Ham p. 219.) دَسٌّ Tar with which the arm-pits, and the inner parts of the roots of the thighs or other similar parts, of camels, are anointed. (TA.) دَسِيسٌ The concealment of guile or artifice. (S.) A2: One whom thou hidest, or concealest, (مَنْ تَدُسُّهُ,) in order that he may bring thee news, or information: (M, K:) accord. to some, similar to مُتَحَسِّسٌ; (M;) or مُتَجَسِّسٌ; and called by the vulgar ↓ دَاسُوسٌ: (TA:) or دَسِيسُ قَوْمٍ signifies one whom a people send secretly to bring them news, or information; (A;) the spy of a people, who searches for, and then brings, news, or information; syn. جَاسُوس. (Msb.) b2: And دُسُسٌ [pl. of دَسِيسٌ] Persons hypocritical in their actions, who enter among the reciters of the Kur-án when they are not of them. (IAar, K.) دَسِيسَةٌ [app. The coming secretly to a person, bringing him calumnies: in modern Arabic, a secret machination or the like]. (TA, where, after the phrase اندسّ فلان الى فلان يأتيه بالنمائم, (see 7,) it is added, وَهِىَّ الدَّسِيسَةٌ.) دَسَّاسٌ That enters much, or often; wont to enter; syn. دَخَّالٌ: so in the saying, العِرْقُ دَسَّاسٌ [The natural disposition is wont to enter and actuate him in whom it is engendered: generally applied to him who has some fault derived from his mother, or the like; as is said in a marginal note in my copy of the TA: see عِرْقٌ]. (TA.) دَاسُوسٌ: see دَسِيسٌ.

مَدْسُوسٌ, applied to a camel: part. n. of دُسَّ [q. v.]. (S.)
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