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81301. دجو7 81302. دَّجُوبيّ1 81303. دُجْوَةُ1 81304. دَجْوة1 81305. دَجُوجٌ1 81306. دجى181307. دجي5 81308. دُجَي1 81309. دِجِيل1 81310. دُجَيْل2 81311. دجينة1 81312. دُجَيْنَة1 81313. دَجِيني1 81314. دُجَيْني1 81315. دحّ1 81316. دح2 81317. دح دح1 81318. دَحَّ 1 81319. دَحَا2 81320. دحا5 81321. دُحَّاس1 81322. دِحَاس1 81323. دَحَّاس1 81324. دحاس1 81325. دَحَّام1 81326. دَحَّان1 81327. دَحّانة1 81328. دحاه1 81329. دَحَايرة1 81330. دحب4 81331. دَحْبَة1 81332. دَحَبُه1 81333. دحبه1 81334. دَحْبوب1 81335. دَحْبُوني1 81336. دَحّة1 81337. دحث2 81338. دحج3 81339. دَحْجَب1 81340. دحجب1 81341. دَحَجَهُ1 81342. دحجه1 81343. دحح7 81344. دَحَحَ1 81345. دَّحْدَاحِيّ1 81346. دحدح3 81347. دَحْدَح1 81348. دَحْدَحَ1 81349. دحدر4 81350. دَحْدَرَهُ1 81351. دحدره1 81352. دحر14 81353. دَحَرَ1 81354. دَحَرَ 1 81355. دحرج9 81356. دَحْرَجَهُ1 81357. دحرجه1 81358. دَحْرَشٌ1 81359. دحرش1 81360. دُحْرُضٌ1 81361. دحرض3 81362. دحره1 81363. دَحْرُو1 81364. دُحروج1 81365. دُحْروجة1 81366. دَحروش1 81367. دحز5 81368. دَحَزَ 1 81369. دحس12 81370. دَحَسَ2 81371. دَحَسَ 1 81372. دحست1 81373. دحسم6 81374. دَحْسَمَ1 81375. دحش2 81376. دَحْشَة1 81377. دحص8 81378. دَحَصَ2 81379. دَحَصَ 1 81380. دَحَصَتِ1 81381. دحض17 81382. دَحَضَ3 81383. دَحَضَ 1 81384. دحضت1 81385. دحط1 81386. دحف1 81387. دَحَقَ1 81388. دحق9 81389. دَحَقَ 1 81390. دحقب1 81391. دحقبه1 81392. دَحْقَبَهُ1 81393. دحقت1 81394. دحقل2 81395. دحقم1 81396. دَحَقَه1 81397. دَحَلَ1 81398. دحل11 81399. دَحْلٌ1 81400. دُحْلٌ1 Prev. 100




ى3 داجى, mentioned in this art. in the K: see art. دجو.

دُجَةٌ: see art. دجو: A2: and see also the paragraph here following.

دُجْيَةٌ: see دُجًا, in art. دجو.

A2: Also The lurking-place, or covert, (قُتْرَة,) of a hunter: (S, K:) pl. دُجًى. (S.) b2: And A bee-hive. (KL.) A3: Of a bow, (K, TA,) A piece of skin (TA) of the measure of two fingers, put at the extremity of the thong, or strap, by which the bow is suspended, (K, TA,) having a ring in which is the extremity of the thong, or strap: but the word mentioned by IAar as having this meaning is ↓ دُجَةٌ, when he says that the دُجَة is at [the distance of] four fingers from the notch of the bow into which enters the ring that is at the end of the string. (TA.) b2: And A sinew with which a bow is covered in the part of the stave that is held by the hand, lest it should break. (Sgh, TA.) [Golius says, as on the authority of the S, in which I find nothing of the kind, that it signifies A black patch, with which the extremity of a bow is covered for the sake of ornament.] b3: Red wool: pl. as above. (TA.) A4: The young one of the bee: pl. as above. (TA.) And [hence,] أُمُّ دُجْيَةٍ The bee. (T in art. ام.) دَجِىٌّ: see art. دجو.

دَاجٍ: see art. دجو.
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