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81174. دَبَنَ1 81175. دِبْنِيّ1 81176. دَبَّهَ1 81177. دبه4 81178. دَبْهان1 81179. دبو181180. دَبُوبُ1 81181. دَبُوب1 81182. دبوب1 81183. دَبُوبة1 81184. دبوبه1 81185. دَبُّور1 81186. دَبُورِيّ1 81187. دبوري1 81188. دَبُّورِيَةُ1 81189. دَبُّوس1 81190. دَبُوس1 81191. دَبُوسِيَةُ1 81192. دَبُوق1 81193. دبوق1 81194. دَبُوليّ1 81195. دُّبُوني1 81196. دبى3 81197. دَبَى1 81198. دَبَى 1 81199. دَبِّيّ1 81200. دُبِّيّ1 81201. دبي9 81202. دبي 1 81203. دبيار1 81204. دُبْيَان1 81205. دَبِيب1 81206. دُبَيْب1 81207. دُبَيَّة1 81208. دبيت1 81209. دَبَيثا1 81210. دُبَيْثى1 81211. دَّبَيْجان1 81212. دَبيح1 81213. دُبَيْح1 81214. دُبَّيْخِيّ1 81215. دبيداريا1 81216. دَبِيرٌ1 81217. دَبيرا1 81218. دَبِيرة1 81219. دُبَيْرة1 81220. دبيره1 81221. دُّبَيْسِيّ1 81222. دُبَيْق1 81223. دَبِيق1 81224. دبيق2 81225. دَبِيكيّ1 81226. دِبِيكيّ1 81227. دَبِيلٌ1 81228. دبيلي1 81229. دُبَيْلِيّ1 81230. دَّبِيليّ1 81231. دث4 81232. دَثَّ 1 81233. دثأ5 81234. دَثَأَ 1 81235. دثت1 81236. دثث6 81237. دَثَثَ1 81238. دثر20 81239. دَثَرُ1 81240. دَثَرَ1 81241. دَثَرَ 1 81242. دَثَطَ1 81243. دثط5 81244. دثع3 81245. دثق2 81246. دثم2 81247. دثن7 81248. دَثَّنَ1 81249. دَثَنَ1 81250. دَثَنَ 1 81251. دثور1 81252. دَثِينٌ1 81253. دجّ1 81254. دَجَّ1 81255. دج3 81256. دج دج1 81257. دَجَّ 1 81258. دجا5 81259. دَجَا2 81260. دجاج أُمَّهَات1 81261. دجاش1 81262. دُجاكَنُ1 81263. دَجَّالي1 81264. دُّجاليّ1 81265. دَجَالِيّ1 81266. دجَانة1 81267. دَجَّانة1 81268. دِجَانَة1 81269. دِجَانِيّ1 81270. دَجَّانِيّ1 81271. دجب4 81272. دجج13 81273. دَجَجَ1 Prev. 100


دبو and دبى 1 دَبَى, aor. ـْ inf. n. دَبْىٌ [and app. also

دَبًى, q. v. infrà], He walked, or went, gently, or in a leisurely manner. (TA.)

2 تَدْبِيَةٌ i. q. صَنْعَةٌ. (K.) You say, دبّاهُ, meaning صَنَعَهُ [He made it, or wrought it; &c.]. (TK.)

4 ادبى, said of the [tree, or shrub, called]

رِمْث, (S,) or of the عَرْفَج, (M, K,) or of each of these, (TA,) It put forth what resembled [the young locusts termed] دَبًى; (M, K;) [i. e.] what

came forth, of its leaves, resembled دَبًى; (S;) and thus became fit to be eaten. (S, M.) [See أَبْقَلَ and ثَقَّبَ and حَنَطَ; and see also رِمْثٌ, and عَرْفَجٌ.]

دَبًى or دَبًا [sometimes written with ى and sometimes with ا] Locusts before they fly: (S:) or locusts when they [first] put themselves in motion, and become black, before their wings grow: in their first state, when they are white, they are termed سَرْءٌ: (AO, T:) or the smallest of locusts, and of ants: (M, K:) or [locusts]

after the state of that which is termed سِرْوَةٌ: (M:) [see جَرَادٌ:] n. un. دَباةٌ. (S, M.)

b2: [Hence,] ↓ جَآءَ بِدَبَى دُبَىٍّ, (M,) or بِدَبَا دُبَىٍّ, and بِدَبَا دُبَيَّيْنِ, (IAar, T, Mj, K,) and ↓ بِدَبَى دُبَيَّانَ and بِدَبَى

دُبَيَّانٍ, (Th, M,) (assumed tropical:) He came with, or brought, much; and what was good: (M:) he came with, or brought, much property or wealth, or many cattle: (M, K:) ↓ دُبَىٌّ is a soft tract in EdDahnà, frequented by locusts, which lay their eggs therein; (M;) it is a spacious place; so that the phrase [جَآءَ بِدَبَى دُبَىٍّ] is as though it meant he came with, or brought, property, or wealth, or cattle, like the [locusts termed] دبا of the spacious place called دبىّ. (T.) J is in error as to this phrase: (K, TA:) for it is stated in the S, as on the authority of IAar, that one says, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِدَبَا دَبَا, meaning Such a one came with, or brought, property, or wealth, or cattle, like the دبا in abundance: and thus it is found in his handwriting: and in the Tekmileh it is written, as on the same authority, بِدَبَى دَبًى. (TA.)

Accord. to Abu-l-'Abbás [Th], the [right] phrase is ↓ بِدَبَى دُبِىٍّ: and in one place he says that ↓ دَبىٌّ [thus (for دَبِىٌّ) in the TT as from the T, but probably a mistranscription for ↓ دُبَىٌّ,] signifies Much property or wealth, or many cattle: and accord. to AA, one says, ↓ جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِدُبَىٌّ, meaning Such a one came with, or brought, property, or wealth, or cattle, like the دبا. (T.)

A2: Also A gentle, or leisurely, manner of walking or going. (K. [See 1.])

دَبِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph, last sentence but one.

دُبَىٌّ: see دَبًى, in five places.

دُبَيَّان: see دَبًى.

دُبًّى: see the next paragraph.

دُبَّآءٌ The gourd: n. un. with ة: (S, Msb:) it is mentioned in this art. by J and Z [and Fei]: but accord. to Hr and the K, its proper art. is دب [q. v.]: accord. to Az, دبأ, for he says that its measure is فُعَّالٌ: (TA:) some allow its being written and pronounced ↓ دُبًّى. (TA in art. دب.)

أَرْضٌ مَدْبَاةٌ: see what next follows.

أَرْضٌ مُدْبِيَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مَدْبَاةٌ (S) A land abounding with [the locusts termed] دَبًى or دَبًا. (S, M, K.)

أَرْضٌ مَدْبُوَّةٌ: see what next follows.

أَرْضٌ مَدْبِيَّةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مَدْبُوَّةٌ, (M, K,) the و being substituted for the ى as interchangeable therewith, (M,) A land of which the herbage has been eaten by [the locusts termed] دَبًى or دَبًا. (S, M, K.)

A2: Accord. to Z, both signify [also]

A land that produces دُبَّآء, i. e. gourds. (TA in art. دب.)
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