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81028. دايّلة1 81029. دَايِن1 81030. داين1 81031. داينه1 81032. دايون1 81033. دب581034. دبّ1 81035. دُبّ1 81036. دَبَّ1 81037. دَبَّ 1 81038. دبأ7 81039. دبأه1 81040. دَبَّأَهُ1 81041. دبا2 81042. دَبا1 81043. دُبَّا2 81044. دَبابُ1 81045. دِبابٌ1 81046. دَبَّابُ1 81047. دَبَّاب1 81048. دباب1 81049. دَبَّابات1 81050. دَبَّابَة1 81051. دَّبَّابِش1 81052. دُبَابِش1 81053. دبابشة1 81054. دَبَابِنَة1 81055. دَبَّابِيّ1 81056. دِبَابِيّ1 81057. دَبَّابي1 81058. دَبَّاجة1 81059. دباخ1 81060. دبار2 81061. دَبَّارِنة1 81062. دِّبارِيّ1 81063. دَّبَارِيّ1 81064. دَبَّاري1 81065. دباري1 81066. دَبَّاس1 81067. دباس1 81068. دَبَّاسة1 81069. دَبَّاش1 81070. دُبَاش1 81071. دِبَاغ1 81072. دَبَّاغ1 81073. دباغة1 81074. دبَاغِيَّة1 81075. دَبَّاغِيَّة1 81076. دَبالَةُ1 81077. دَبَّاليّ1 81078. دِبَّانة1 81079. دَبَّاه1 81080. دباه1 81081. دَبَاها1 81082. دَباوَنْد1 81083. دبايح1 81084. دبايسه1 81085. دبب15 81086. دَبَبَ1 81087. دَبْبزَزَ1 81088. دببه1 81089. دَبَةٌ1 81090. دبث1 81091. دِبْثَا1 81092. دَبَّثَهُ1 81093. دبج14 81094. دَبَجَ1 81095. دَبَجَ 1 81096. دبجر1 81097. دبجه1 81098. دَبَّحَ1 81099. دبح13 81100. دِبْح1 81101. دَبَحَ1 81102. دَبَحَ 1 81103. دَبْحة1 81104. دبحس2 81105. دَبَّخَ1 81106. دَبَّخ1 81107. دبخ7 81108. دبخس2 81109. دبخَس1 81110. دبد1 81111. دَبْدَب1 81112. دبدب4 81113. دبذ3 81114. دبر19 81115. دَبَرُ1 81116. دَبَرَ1 81117. دَبَرَ 1 81118. دَبَران1 81119. دَبْران1 81120. دبرت1 81121. دبرك2 81122. دبز1 81123. دُبْزَنُ1 81124. دَبْس1 81125. دبس16 81126. دَبَسَ1 81127. دَبَسَ 1 Prev. 100


دبا ودبيبا مَشى مشيا رويدا وَيُقَال (هُوَ أكذب من دب ودرج) أكذب الْأَحْيَاء والأموات ودبت عقاربه سرت نسائمه وَفِي الْمثل (أعييتني من شب إِلَى دب وَمن شب إِلَى دب) مذ شببت إِلَى أَن دببت على الْعَصَا وَالشَّيْء فِي الشَّيْء سرى يُقَال دب الشَّرَاب فِي الْجَسَد

(دب) الْإِنْسَان وَالْحَيَوَان دببا ودببانا كثر شعره أَو وبره وَيُقَال دب وَجهه ودب جِسْمه فَهُوَ أدب وَهِي دباء (ج) دب وَهُوَ أَيْضا دبب
الدَّبُّ والدَّبِيبُ: مشي خفيف، ويستعمل ذلك في الحيوان، وفي الحشرات أكثر، ويستعمل في الشّراب والبلى ، ونحو ذلك مما لا تدرك حركته الحاسّة، ويستعمل في كلّ حيوان وإن اختصّت في التّعارف بالفرس، قال تعالى:
وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِنْ ماءٍ
الآية [النور/ 45] ، وقال: وَبَثَّ فِيها مِنْ كُلِّ دَابَّةٍ [البقرة/ 164] ، وَما مِنْ دَابَّةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا عَلَى اللَّهِ رِزْقُها [هود/ 6] ، وقال تعالى: وَما مِنْ دَابَّةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلا طائِرٍ يَطِيرُ بِجَناحَيْهِ [الأنعام/ 38] ، وقوله تعالى: وَلَوْ يُؤاخِذُ اللَّهُ النَّاسَ بِما كَسَبُوا ما تَرَكَ عَلى ظَهْرِها مِنْ دَابَّةٍ [فاطر/ 45] ، قال أبو عبيدة: عنى الإنسان خاصّة ، والأولى إجراؤها على العموم. وقوله: وَإِذا وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِنَ الْأَرْضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمْ [النمل/ 82] ، فقد قيل: إنها حيوان بخلاف ما نعرفه يختصّ خروجها بحين القيامة، وقيل: عنى بها الأشرار الذين هم في الجهل بمنزلة الدوابّ، فتكون الدابة جمعا لكلّ شيء يَدِبُّ، نحو: خائنة جمع خائن، وقوله: إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ
[الأنفال/ 22] ، فإنّها عامّ في جميع الحيوانات، ويقال: ناقة دَبُوب: تدبّ في مشيها لبطئها، وما بالدار دُبِّيٌّ، أي: من يدبّ، وأرض مَدْبُوبَة:
كثيرة ذوات الدّبيب فيها.
باب الدال والباء د ب، ب د يستعملان

دب: دَبَّ النَّمْل يدِبُّ دَبيباً، والمَدِبُّ موضع دَبيب النَّمْل. ودَبَّ القومُ يَدِبُّون دَبيباً إلى العَدُوِّ أي مَشَوا على هَيْنَتِهم ولم يسرعوا. والدَّيدَبة: العُجْروف من النَّمْل، وذلك أنّه أوسعُ خَطْوا وأعجَلُ نَقْلاً. والدَّبابةُ: آلة تتخذ في الحروب يدخل فيها الرجال بسلاحهم، ثم تُدْفَع في أصل حِصنٍ فيَنْقُبون وهم في جَوْفِها. والدُّبَّة لزومُ حالِ الرجلِ في فِعاله، وتقول: رَكِبَ فلانٌ دُبَّة فلانٍ واخَذَ بدُبَّتِه أي يعَمَل بعَمَلِه ويركَبُ طريقته. والدُّبُّ من السِّباع مُضِرٌّ عادٍ، والأنثَى دُبَّةٌ، والجميع دِبَبة. وكلُّ شيءٍ مما خَلَقَ اللهُ يُسَمَّى دابّة، والأسمُ العامُّ الدابَّةُ لِما يُرْكَبُ، وتصغيرها دُوَيبَّة، الياء ساكنة وفيها إشمام من الكسرة، وكذلك كلُّ ياءٍ في التصغير إذا جاءَ بعدها حرفٌ مُثَقَّل في كلّ شيء. ودَيابُوذ : ثَوبٌ له سَدّانِ، ويقال: هو كِساءُ، ليست بعربية، وهو بالفارسية دوبود فعُرِّبَتْ.

بد: البُدُّ: بيتُ فيه أصنام وتصاوير، وهو إعرابُ بُت بالفارسية، [وأنشد:

لقد علمت تكاكرة ابن تيري ... غَداةَ البُدِّ أَنّي هِبْرِزيُّ]  ويقال: ليس لهذا الأمر بٌدٌّ أي لا مَحالةَ. والتَبَدُّد: التَفَرُّق، وذَهَبَ القَومُ في الأمر بَدادِ بَدادِ أي تَفَرَّقوا. وجاءَتِ الخيل بَدادِ بَدادِ أي واحداً واحداً . واستَبَدَّ فلان [برأيه] أي انفرَدَ بالأمر . والبِدادُ: لِبْدٌ يُشَدُّ مَبدُوداً على الدابَّةِ الدَّبِرةِ، تقول: بُدَّ عن دَبَرها أي شُقَّ. والبَدَدُ مصدر الأَبَدِّ، وهو الذي في يَدَيْهِ تباعُدٌ عن جَنبَيْهِ. وبِرْذَوْنٌ أبَدُّ، والحائكُ أبداً أَبَدُّ. وفَلاةٌ بَدْبَدٌ: لا أحَدَ فيها. ورجل له جسم وبادُّ وبادُّه: طُولُ فَخِذَيْهِ، والبادّان: باطِنا الفَخِذَينِ. ورجلٌ أَبَدُّ أي عظيم الخَلْقِ، وامرأةٌ بَدّاءُ.
دَبَّ النَمْلُ يَدِبُّ دَبِيْباً. والشرَابُ يَدِبُ. والقَوْمُ يَدِبُّوْنَ في الحَرْبِ: إذا مَشَوْا على هِيْنَتِهِم. والمَدَب: مَوْضِعُ دَبِيْبِ النَّمْلِ.
والدابةُ: كُلُ ما دَب.
والبِرْدَوْنُ: دابَةٌ، وتَصغِيْرُها دُويبةٌ. ويُقال: دابَّةٌ. وسارَتِ الإبِلُ دَبَادَبى: أي دَبِيْباً من ثِقَلِها. وجاءَ يَسُوْقُ دَبَادَبى: أي شَيْئاً كثيراً من المال. وجاء بِدَبَادُبَيانِ وبِدَبَادُبَيّات. وفي المَثَلِ: " أعْيَيْتَني من شُب إلى دُبّ ". ويقولونَ: " أكْذَبُ مَنْ دَب ودَرَج ".
و" دَبَّتْ عَقَارِبُه ": أي أذَاه وشَرُه.
والدبابَةُ: تُتَخَذُ في الحُرُوْبِ. والدّبةُ: لُزُوْمُ حالِ الرجُلِ في فَعَالِه، رَكِبَ دبَةَ فلانٍ وأخَذَ 
بدُبتِه: أي يَعْمَلُ بعَمَلِه. وما بالدَّارِ دُبي: أي أحَدٌ؛ ودِبِّي.
وجاءَ وهو دَاع داب. وما بها دَبابَةٌ: أي دابةٌ. والدُّبُّ: ضَرْبٌ من السبَاع، والأنْثى دبّةٌ، والجَمِيْعُ دِبَبَةٌ. والدبةُ للبَزْرِ: مَعْرُوْفَة. والمَوْضِعُ الكَثِيرُ الرمْلِ. والدبَبُ: شَعرُ وَجْهِ المَرْأةِ. والدبِيْبُ من الشعرِ: ما تَرَاه مَسْفُوْراً به أسْفَلَ الشَّعرِ في الجَبِيْنِ غير الوَجْهِ، دَببَتِ المَرْأةُ قُصتَها: رَفَعَتْها عن الوَجْهِ. والدُّب من الإبل: ذَوَاتُ الوَبَرِ، جَمَلُ أدَب: كثيرُ الوَبَرِ. وما أكْثَرَ دِبَبَةَ هذه الأرْضِ: أي دَوَابَّها. والدّبَادِبُ: الضخْمُ من الرجَالِ الكَثِيرُ الجَلَبَةِ. والدَّبْدَبَةُ: صَوْتُ الكَمْأةِ تَحْتَ الأرْضِ. وصَوْتُ البَطْنِ. والديْدَبَانُ: حِمَارُ الوَحْشِ. والرقِيْبُ، وكذلك الدَّيْدَبُ. والديْبُوْبُ: الذي يَجْمَعُ بَيْنَ الرجَالِ والنسَاءِ، وفي الحَدِيثِ: " لا يَدْخُلُ الجَنةَ دَيْبوْب ". والدبُوْبُ: النحْلُ.
والدبَبُ: وَلَدُ البَقَرَةِ أولَ ما تَلِدُه، والاثْنَانِ دَبَبَانِ، والجَمِيْعُ دِبَابٌ. والدّبَابُ: ثَنَايا من الأرْضِ مِتَانٌ تَعْتَرِضُ للطرِيقِ، الواحِدَةُ دَبَةٌ. والدُّباءُ: اليَقْطِيْنُ، وفي المَثَلِ: " أغَرُّ من الدُّبّاء ". ودَبَابٌ: اسْمُ مَكانٍ. ودُبُّ بنُ مُرَّةَ بنِ ذُهْل.


1 دَبَّ aor. ـِ inf. n. دَبِيبٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and دَبٌّ (M, K,) and مَدَبٌّ, (S, K,) [and perhaps دَبَبٌ also, q. v.,] It, or he, (the ant, T, M, and any animal, M, and in like manner a party moving towards the enemy, T, or an army, and a child, Msb,) [crept; crawled; or] went, or walked, leisurely, or gently, (T, M, Msb, K,) without haste, (T,) عَلَى الأَرْضِ [upon the ground]: (S:) and [simply] he walked: (IAar, T:) he (an old man) [crept along; or] walked leisurely, softly, or gently: (S:) and ↓ دبّب, also, he walked leisurely, by slow degrees. (TA.) Hence, أَكْذَبُ مَنْ دَبَّ وَدَرَجَ The most lying of those who have walked and died, or passed away, or perished: (T:) i. e., of the living and the dead. (T, S, K.) And يَدِبُّ مَعَ القُرَادِ [He creeps about with ticks]; said of a man who brings a small worn-out skin containing ticks, and ties it to the tail of a camel; in consequence of which, when one of the ticks bites it, the camel runs away, and the other camels run away with it; and thereupon he steals one of them: whence it is said of a thief, or stealer of cattle &c. (TA.) And هُوَ يَدِبُّ بَيْنَنَا بِالنَّمَائِمِ (tropical:) [He creeps among us with calumnies, or slanders]. (A, TA.) And دَبَّتْ عَقَارَبُهُ [lit. His scorpions crept along]; meaning (tropical:) his calumnies, or slanders, and mischief, (M, A, K,) crept along; syn. سَرَتْ. (M, K [See also art. عقرب.]) And the same phrase is also used to signify (tropical:) His downy hair crept [along his cheeks]. (MF in art. عقرب.) And دَبَّ قَمْلُهُ [lit. His lice crept]; meaning (tropical:) he became fat: said of a man. (Ham. p. 633.) And دَبَّ الجَدْوَلُ (tropical:) [The rivulet, or streamlet for irrigation, crept along]. (A.) And دَبَّ فِيهِ (tropical:) It crept in, or into, it, or him; syn. سَرَى; (M, A, K;) namely, wine, or beverage, (T, M, A, K,) in, or into, the body, (M, K,) or in, or into, a man, (T,) and into a vessel; (M;) and a disease, or malady, (M, A, K,) in, or into, the body, (M, K,) or فِى عُرُوقِهِ [in his veins]; (A;) and wear in a garment, or piece of cloth; (M, K;) and the dawn in the darkness of the latter part of the night. (M.) b2: دِبِّى حَجَلْ (in the CK حَجَلُ) is the name of A certain game of the Arabs: (K, TA:) the ل is quiescent. (TA.) b3: دُبَّ used as a noun: see below.

A2: دَبَّ [second Pers\. دَبِبْتَ,] aor. ـَ inf. n. دَبَبٌ, He (a camel) was, or became, such as is termed أَدَبُّ; (IAar, T, TA;) i. e., had much hair, or much fur (وَبَر), or much fur upon the face. (TA.) 2 دَبَّّ see 1, first sentence.4 أَدْبَبْتُهُ [third Pers\. أَدَبَّ] I made him (namely, a child, S) [to creep, or crawl, or] to go, or walk, leisurely, or gently. (S, K. [For the correct explanation, حَمَلْتُهُ عَلَى الدَّبِيبِ, Golius seems to have found حملته على الدَّابَّةِ.]) b2: ادبّ البِلَادَ (assumed tropical:) He filled the country, or provinces, with justice, so that the inhabitants thereof walked at leisure (دَبَّ أَهْلُهَا [whence Golius has supposed دَبَّ to signify “ juste se habuit populus ”] M, K, TA) by reason of the security and abundance and prosperity that they enjoyed. (M, TA.) R. Q. 1 دَبْدَبَ, [inf. n. دَبْدَبَةٌ,] He (a man) raised cries, shouts, noises, or a clamour. (AA, T.) b2: And He beat a drum. (AA, T.) دَبٌّ: see دَبَبٌ.

دُبَّ and شُبَّ are used as nouns, by the introduction of مِنْ before them, though originally verbs. (S and K * and TA in art. شب.) One says, أَعْيَيْتَنِى مِنْ شُبَّ إِلَى دُبَّ, (M, K, *) by way of imitation [of a verbal phrase], (M,) and من شُبٍّ الى دُبٍّ, Thou hast wearied me from the time of thy becoming a youth until thy walking gently, [or creeping along, resting] upon a staff: (M, K, * TA:) a prov.: (M, TA:) said alike to a man and to a woman. (TA in art. شب.) and فَعَلْتَ كَذَا مِنْ شُبَّ إِلَى دُبَّ and من شُبٍّ الى دُبٍّ

Thou hast done thus from youth until thy walking gently, [or creeping along, resting] upon the staff. (S.) A2: دُبٌّ: see دُبَّةٌ, in two places.

A3: Also [The bear;] a certain beast of prey, (S, M, K,) well known; (K;) a certain foul, or noxious, animal: (Msb:) a genuine Arabic word: (M:) fem. with ة: pl. [of mult.] دِبَبَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and [of pauc.] أَدْبَابٌ. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] الدُّبُّ (assumed tropical:) The constellation of the Greater Bear: and, accord. to some, that of the Lesser Bear: the former, for distinction, being called الدُّبُّ الأَكْبَرُ; and the latter, الدُّبُّ الأَصْغَرُ. (M, K.) دَبَّةٌ A single act [of creeping, or crawling, or] of going, or walking, leisurely, or gently: pl. دِبَابٌ. (K.) A2: A hill, or heap, or gibbous hill, syn. كَثِيب, (IAar, T, S, M, K,) of sand: (S, K:) and (in some copies of the K “ or ”) a tract of red sand: or an even tract of sand: (K:) or, as in some copies of the K, an even tract of land: (TA:) and a place abounding in sand: (T, L:) pl. as above. (TA.) Hence the prov., وَقَعَ فُلَانٌ فِى دَبَّةً مِنَ الرَّمْلِ [lit. Such a one fell into, or upon, a place abounding in sand]; meaning, (tropical:) into difficulty, or misfortune; for the camel in such a place suffers fatigue. (T.) A3: A certain thing for oil, or ointment; (S;) a receptacle for seeds (بِزْر) and olive-oil: (M, K:) pl. as above. (Sb, M.) A kind of bottle, or pot, (بَطَّةٌ,) peculiarly of glass. (K.) [Form the Pers\. دَبَّهْ.] b2: See also دُبَّآءٌ.

A4: And see دَبَبٌ, in three places.

دُبَّةٌ A way, or road. (S.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A state, or condition: (M, K:) and (tropical:) a way, mode, or manner, of acting &c.; (IAar, T, S, M, A, K;) whether good or evil: (IAar, T:) as also ↓ دُبٌّ, (M, A, K,) in both these senses: (M:) and (assumed tropical:) a natural disposition, temper, quality, or property. (S:) You say, رَكِبْتُ دُبَّتَهُ, and ↓ دُبَّهُ (M, A) (tropical:) I kept to his state, or condition, and his way, mode, or manner, of acting &c.; and did as he did. (M.) And دَعْنِى وَدُبَّتِى (assumed tropical:) Leave thou me and my way, mode, or manner, of acting &c.; and my natural disposition, &c. (S.) دِبَّةٌ A mode, or manner, [of creeping, or crawling, or] of going, or walking, leisurely, or gently. (M, K. *) You say, هُوَ خَفِىُّ الدِّبَّةِ [He has a soft, or stealthy, mode, or manner, of creeping along, &c.]. (M, K:) And دَبَبْتُ دِبَّةً خَفِيَّةً [I crept along in a soft, or stealthy, mode, or manner, of creeping]. (T, S.) A2: Also i. q. ↓ دَبِيبٌ [as meaning Anything that creeps, or crawls, upon the earth; and used as a coll. gen. n.]. (K.) One says, مَا أَكْثَرَ دِبَّةً هٰذَا البَلَدِ [How many are the creeping, or crawling, things of this country, or town!]. (TA.) دَبَبٌ A certain pace, between that termed النَّصْبُ and that termed العَنَقُ: (TA voce نَصَبَ, as on the authority of En-Nadr:) or this is termed ↓ دَبِيبٌ. (TA voce وَسَجَ, as on the authority of En-Nadr and As.) A2: Also Down; syn. زَغَبٌ; (M, K;) and so ↓ دَبَبَانٌ, (K,) and ↓ دَبَّةٌ: (Kr. M:) or down (T, S) of the face, (S,) or upon the face; (T;) and so ↓ دَبَّةٌ, (K,) of which the pl. [or coll. gen. n.] is ↓ دَبٌّ; (M, K;) accord. to Kr, who assigns to it the former meaning, and says that ↓ دَبَّةٌ is syn. with زَغَبٌ, not that it is syn. with زَغَبَةٌ: (M:) or دَبَبٌ signifies hair upon the face of a woman: (TA:) or, as also ↓ دَبَبَانٌ, much hair (M, K) and وَبَر [or camel's fur]: (M:) or both these words signify hair upon the جَبِين [or part above the temple] of a woman. ('Eyn, TT.) A3: Also The young one, when just born, of the [wild] cow: (K:) or when a [wild] bull is a year old, and weaned, he is thus called; and the female, دَبَبَةٌ, and دبان. (TA in art. شب.

[But for “ and دبان,” I think it evident that we should read “ and the pl. is دُبَّانٌ,” or “ دِبَّانٌ,”

like as جُذْعَانٌ and جِذْعَانٌ are pls. of جَذَعٌ. See also شَبَبٌ.]) دَبِبَةٌ: see أَدَبُّ.

دَبَبانٌ: see دَبَبٌ, in two places.

دَبَابِ [an imperative verbal n.,] a call to a female hyena, signifying دِبِّى [i. e. Creep along; or crawl; or go leisurely]: (Sb, T, K:) like نَزَالِ and حَذَارِ. (Sb, T.) دَبَابٌ The pace, or motion, of a she-camel that can scarcely walk, by reason of the abundance of her flesh, and only creeps along, or walks slowly. (T, * TA.) دَبُوبٌ A she-camel that can scarcely walk, by reason of the abundance of her flesh, and that only creeps along, or walks slowly: (S:) pl. دُبُبٌ. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Fat; (T, M, K;) as an epithet applied to a she-camel, (T,) or to any thing [or animal]. (M, K.) b3: (assumed tropical:) One who creeps about with calumny, or slander; as also ↓ دَيْبُوبٌ: (T, K: *) or the latter signifies (assumed tropical:) one who calumniates, or slanders, much, or habitually; as though he crept about with calumnies, or slanders: (M:) or (assumed tropical:) one who brings men and women together; (T, M, K;) because he creeps about between them, and hides himself: (T:) i. q. دَيُّوثٌ. (M, in TA, art. ديث.) b4: جِرَاحَةٌ دَبُوبٌ (assumed tropical:) A wound that flows with blood. (K.) and طَعْنَةٌ دَبُوبٌ (assumed tropical:) A thrust, or stab, that makes the blood to flow. (K.) A2: (assumed tropical:) A deep cave, or cavern. (K.) دَبِيبٌ inf. n. of دَبَّ [q. v.]. (T, S, M, &c.) See also دَبَبٌ.

A2: And see also دَابَّةٌ, and دِبَّةٌ.

دُبَّآءٌ and ↓ دَبَّةٌ The gourd: (M, K:) or round gourd: or dry gourd: but this is said by Ibn-Hajar to be a mistake of En-Nawawee; and he asserts it to be i. q. يَقْطِينٌ [q. v.]: or it is the fruit of the يقطين: (TA:) n. un. of the former with ة. (M, K.) Accord. to F [and ISd] and several others, this is the proper art. of the former word, the ء being considered by them augmentative: accord. to Z and others, its proper art. is دبى: and some also allow its being written and pronounced دُبًّى: this is mentioned by Kz and 'Iyád as a dial. var. of دُبَّآء. (TA.) [See an ex. voce رِشَآءٌ, in art. رشو.]

مَا بِالدَّارِ دُبِّىٌّ and دِبِّىٌّ There is not in the house any one: (S, M, * K:) دُبِّىٌّ being from دَبَبْتُ; i. e. مَنْ يَدِبُّ; and it is not used in any but a negative phrase. (Ks, S.) [See also دِبِّيجٌ and دِبِّيحٌ.]

دُبَّآءَةٌ A locust while smooth and bare, before its wings have grown. (Mentioned in the TA in this art., but not there said to belong to it. [See art. دبى.]) b2: [See also دُبَّآءٌ, of which it is the n. un.]

دَبَّابٌ An animal that is weak, and creeps along, or walks slowly: fem. with ة. (TA from a trad.) دَبَّابَةٌ fem. of دَبَّابٌ. (TA.) b2: [Also, as a subst., The musculus, or testudo;] a machine (M, * Mgh, * K, TA) made of skins and wood, (TA,) used in war; (M, Mgh, K, TA;) men entering into [or beneath] it, (Mgh, TA,) it is propelled to the lower part of a fortress, and they make a breach therein (M, Mgh, K, TA) while within the machine, (M, K, TA,) which defends them from what is thrown upon them from above: (TA:) it is also called ضَبْرٌ. (Mgh.) دَبْدَبٌ The walk of the long-legged ant. (M, K.) In the T it is said that ↓ دَبْدَبَةٌ signifies The long-legged ant [itself: but this is perhaps a mistranscription]. (TA.) دَبْدَبَةٌ [inf. n. of R. Q. 1, q. v.] b2: Any quick motion, or pace, performed with short steps: (M:) and any sound like that of solid hoofs falling upon hard ground: (M, K:) a certain kind of sound [like the tramp of horses, as is indicated by an ex.]: (S:) or cries, shouts, noises, or clamour: (A:) and دَبَادِبُ [is its pl., and] signifies a sound like دُبْ دُبْ; an onomatopœia. (T.) A2: [A kind of drum;] a thing resembling a طَبْل: pl. دَبَادِبُ. (Mgh, Msb. [See also دَبْدَابٌ.]) A3: Milk such as is termed رَائِب, upon which fresh is milked: or the thickest of milk; as also ↓ دَبْدَبَى. (K.) A4: See also دَبْدَبٌ.

دَبْدَبَى: see the next preceding paragraph.

دَبْدَابٌ A drum; syn. طَبْلٌ. (M, K. [See also دَبْدَبَةٌ.]) دُبَادِبٌ Very clamorous; (IAar, T, K;) as also جُبَاجِبٌ: (IAar, T:) or both signify very evil, or mischievous, and clamorous. (Az, in TA, art. جب.) b2: And A bulky, or corpulent, man. (K.) دَابَّةٌ [originally a fem. part. n.], for نَفْسٌ دَابَّةٌ, (M,) [or the ة is added لِلنَّقْلِ, i. e. for the purpose of transferring the word from the category of epithets to that of substs.,] Anything that walks [or creeps or crawls] upon the earth; as also ↓ دَبِيبٌ: (S: see دِبَّةٌ:) an animal that walks or creeps or crawls (يَدِبُّ); (M, A, K;) discriminating and not discriminating: (M:) any animal upon the earth: (Msb:) it is said in the Kur [xxiv. 44], وَاللّٰهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِنْ مَآءٍ فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِى عَلَى بَطْنِهِ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِى عَلَى رِجْلَيْنِ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَمْشِى عَلَى أَرْبَعٍ [And God hath created every دابّة of water (meaning of the seminal fluid); and of them is he that goeth upon his belly, and of them is he that goeth upon two legs, and of them is he that goeth upon four]: here, as دابّة applies to a rational and an irrational creature, the expression فمنهم is used; for which, if it applied only to an irrational creature, فَمِنْهَا or فَمِنْهُنَّ would be used: moreover, the expression من يمشى is used, though دابّة applies originally to an irrational creature, [or rather a beast, and a reptile,] because the different classes of beings are spoken of collectively: (M:) and this passage of the Kur refutes the assertion of him who excludes the bird from the significations of this word: (Msb:) in the last verse but one of ch. xxxv. of the Kur, it is said to relate to mankind and the jinn (or genii) and every rational being; or to have a general signification: (M:) its predominant signification is a beast that is ridden: (S, M, A, K:) especially a beast of the equine kind; i. e. a horse, a mule, and an ass: (Kull:) or particularly a بِرْذَوْن [meaning hackney, or horse for ordinary use and for journeying: (M:) but as particularly applied, when used absolutely, to a horse and a mule, it is an adventitious conventional term: (Msb:) it is applied to a male and a female: (M, A, Msb, K:) and is properly an epithet: (M:) pl. دَوَابُّ. (Msb, TA.) The dim. [signifying Any small animal that walks or creeps or crawls upon the earth, a small beast, a small reptile or creeping thing, a creeping insect, and any insect, and also a mollusk, a shell-fish (as in an instance cited voce مَحَارَةٌ in art. حور) and the like,] is ↓ دُوَيْبَّةٌ, (Zj, T, Msb,) in which the ى is quiescent, but pronounced with إِشْمَام [i. e. a slight approximation to the sound of kesr], as it is in every similar case, in a dim. n., when followed by a doubled letter: (Zj, T:) and ↓ دُوَابَّةٌ also has been heard, with the ى changed into ا anomalously. (Msb; and L in art. هد, on the authority of ISd.) b2: دَابَّةُ الأَرْضِ [The Beast of the Earth] is an appellation of one of the signs of the time of the resurrection: (S, M, K:) or the first of those signs. (K.) It is said to be a beast sixty cubits in length, or height, with legs, and with fur (وَبَر), and to be diverse in form, resembling a number of different animals. (TA.) It will come forth in Tihámeh, or between Es-Safà and ElMarweh, (M,) or at Mekkeh, from Jebel Es-Safà, which will rend open for its egress, during one of the nights when people are going to Minè; or from the district of Et-Táïf; (K) or from three places, three several times. (M, K.) It will make, upon the face of the unbeliever, a black mark; and upon the face of the believer, a white mark: the unbeliever's mark will spread until his whole face becomes black; and the believer's, until his whole face becomes white: then they will assemble at the table, and the believer will be known from the unbeliever. (M.) It is also said that it will have with it the rod of Moses and the seal of Solomon: with the former it will strike the believer; and with the latter it will stamp the face of the unbeliever, impressing upon it “ This is an unbeliever. ” (K.) b3: See also أَرَضَةٌ.

دَيْبُوبٌ: see دَبُوبٌ.

دُوَابَّةٌ: dims. of دَابَّةٌ, q. v.

دُوَيْبَّةٌ: dims. of دَابَّةٌ, q. v.

أَدَبٌّ Having down (K, TA) upon the face: (TA:) or having much hair: (M, K:) and having much وَبَر [or fur]: (M:) it is applied to a man: (M:) and to a camel, (M, K,) in the second of these senses, (K, TA,) or in the third sense, or as meaning having much fur upon the face; (TA;) or i. q. أَزَبُّ: (M:) and occurs in a trad. written أَدْبَب, (M, K,) to assimilate it in measure to a preceding word, namely, حَوْءَب: (M:) the fem. is دَبَّآءُ; with which ↓ دَبِبَةٌ is syn.; (M, K;) signifying a woman having hair upon her face: (TA:) or having much hair upon the جَبِين [or part above the temple]. (M, TA.) مَدِبٌّ and مَدَبٌّ The track, or course, of a torrent, (S, M, K, *) and of ants: (S, K:) pl. مَدَابُّ. (TA.) One says, of a sword, لَهُ أَثْرٌ كَأَنَّهُ مَدَبُّ النَّمْلِ and مَدَابُّ الذَّرِّ [It has diversified wavy marks like the track of ants and the tracks of little ants]. (TA.) The subst. is with kesr; and the inf. n., with fet-h; accord. to a rule constantly obtaining, (S, * K, * TA,) except in some anomalous instances, (TA,) when the verb is of the measure فَعَلَ (S, K, TA) or فَعِلَ, (TA,) and its aor. is of the measure يَفْعِلُ. (S, K, TA.) [Here it should be observed that مَجْرًى, given as the explanation of مَدِبٌّ and مَدَبٌّ in the K, is both an inf. n. and a n. of place and of time: but J clearly explains both these words as above; and F seems, in the K, to assign to them both the same signification.]

أَرْضٌ مَدَبَّةٌ A land abounding with دِبَبَة [or bears]. (T, S, M. *) مُدَبَّبٌ, like مُعَظَّمٌ, (TA,) or مِدْبَبٌ, (so in a copy of the T, according to the TT,) an epithet applied to a camel, (T, TA,) signifying الذى يمشى دبادب (TA) [app. دَبَادِبَ, and if so it seems to mean That walks quickly, with short steps: or that makes a sound with his feet, like دُبْ دُبْ: see دَبْدَبَةٌ: but in the TT it is written دَباْ دَباْ; perhaps correctly دَبًّا دَبًّا, creeping and creeping].
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