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80072. خَنِينَة1 80073. خهفع1 80074. خَهفع1 80075. خو2 80076. خَوٌّ1 80077. خوأ280078. خوا1 80079. خواب1 80080. خَوَابِرَة1 80081. خَوَّات1 80082. خَوَات1 80083. خواتمة1 80084. خَوَاتِميّ1 80085. خَوَاجَا وخَوَاجَة1 80086. خواجة1 80087. خَوَاجة1 80088. خُواجلي1 80089. خَوَاجِي1 80090. خَوَادة1 80091. خُوَارٌ1 80092. خوار2 80093. خُوارُ1 80094. خَوارِجُ1 80095. خوارج1 80096. خُوارِزْم1 80097. خُوَاشُ1 80098. خُواشْت1 80099. خَوَاشكيّ1 80100. خَوَّاشين1 80101. خَواصٌّ1 80102. خَوَّاصِيّ1 80103. خَوَّاطَة1 80104. خَوَاطِر1 80105. خَوافُ1 80106. خُوَاقَنْد1 80107. خواقه1 80108. خَوَالِجة1 80109. خَوالِدِيَّة1 80110. خَوَالِصيّة1 80111. خَوَالِفَة1 80112. خَوَالِفة1 80113. خَوَّام1 80114. خَوَّامِيّ1 80115. خَوَّانِيّ1 80116. خِوانِيّ1 80117. خواه1 80118. خُوَايَة1 80119. خَوَايجيّ1 80120. خُوَايجي1 80121. خوب10 80122. خَوب1 80123. خَوَبَ1 80124. خَوَبَ 1 80125. خُوبَذانُ1 80126. خوبشة1 80127. خوة1 80128. خُوَّةٌ1 80129. خَوَتِ1 80130. خوت13 80131. خَوت1 80132. خَوَتَ1 80133. خَوَتَ 1 80134. خَوْتَات1 80135. خَوْتِيّ1 80136. خوث7 80137. خَوث1 80138. خَوَثَ1 80139. خَوِثَ 1 80140. خَوْثم1 80141. خِوْج1 80142. خوج1 80143. خوجانُ1 80144. خُوجانُ1 80145. خُوَجّان1 80146. خوجة1 80147. خُوجَداش أو خُوشْداش...1 80148. خَوْجَلي1 80149. خَوخ1 80150. خَوْخ1 80151. خوخ11 80152. خَوَخَ1 80153. خَوِخَ 1 80154. خَوْخَان1 80155. خَوخَةُ الأَشْقَر1 80156. خَوْخُو1 80157. خود11 80158. خَوَّدُ1 80159. خَوَدَ 1 80160. خَوْدَان1 80161. خَوْدَر1 80162. خَوذ1 80163. خوذ7 80164. خَوِذَ 1 80165. خُوذَة1 80166. خَوْر1 80167. خَور1 80168. خَوْرٌ1 80169. خُورٌ1 80170. خَوَرَ1 80171. خور15 Prev. 100


: ( {خَاءِ بِكَ عَلَيْنَا) يَا رجل (أَي اعْجَلْ) وأَسْرِعْ.



خَآءٌ The name of the letter خ, q. v.; as also خَا: [it is called خَا in a case of pause, and خَآءٌ when made a noun:] it is fem. and masc.: [its dim. is خَيَيَّةٌ, meaning a خ written small, or indistinct: (see حَآءٌ in art. حوأ:)] and its pl. is أَخْوَآءٌ and أَخْيَآءٌ and خَاآتٌ. (TA in باب الالف الليّنة.) خَآءِ بِكَ عَلَيْنَا, (Az * and S * and TA in باب الالف الليّنة, and K and TA in the present art.,) in which خَآءِ is a صَوْت [or noun significant of a sound], indecl., with kesr for its termination; (S, TA;) and خَائِى بك, as in the Book of the Nawádir by Ibn-Háni, (Az, TA,) in which latter, ISd says, the ى is not for a sign of the fem. gender, because the word is a صوت; and, as Sh says, on the authority of A'Obeyd, خَائِبِكَ; but correctly written as in the Book of Ibn-Háni; (Az, TA;) Hasten thou [to us]: (Az, Az, S, K, TA:) it is also used in addressing a female, and two persons, and a pl. number: (S, TA:) you say [خَآءِ بِكِ, and] خَائِى بِكِ; and خآءِ بِكُمَا, and خَائِى بِكُمَا; and [خَآءِ بِكُمْ, and] خَائِى بِكُمْ. (TA.) In the saying of El-Kumeyt, بِخَائِى بِكَ الْحَقْ يَهْتِفُونَ وَحَىَّ هَلْ [which app. means Calling out “ Hasten thou, come up with us,” and “ Come,” or “ come quickly, ” &c.,] it is held by Ibn-Selemeh to be used as an imprecation, meaning خِبْتَ [mayest thou be disappointed of attaining that which thou desirest]; the poet saying بِخَائِبِكَ for بِأَمْرِكَ الَّذِى

خَابَ وَخَسِرَ [meaning By thine affair that shall result in disappointment, and be an occasion of loss]: which, as you see, is at variance with the explanation of Az. (S, TA.) خَائِىٌّ and خَاوِىٌّ and خَوِىٌّ [a mistranscription for خَيَوِىٌّ, like بَيَوِىٌّ and تَيَوِىٌّ] rel. ns. of خَآءٌ and خَا the names of the letter خ. (TA in باب الالف اللّينة.)
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