1 حَفِظَهُ, (
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. حِفْظُ, (
Msb,) He kept it, preserved it, guarded it, protected it, or took care of it; (
K;) namely, a thing; (
S;) he prevented it from perishing, or becoming lost; (
Msb;) namely, a thing, (
Mgh,) or property &c.; (
Msb;) and hence the saying, (
Mgh,) حِفْظٌ is the
contr. of نِسْيَانٌ; (
Mgh;) i. e., it signifies the taking care, being careful; (
M;) being mind ful, regardful, attentive, or considerate: (
K:) [see also 5:] and بِهِ ↓ احتفظ signifies the same as حَفِظَهُ. (
Msb.) [Hence,] you say, حَفِظَ المَالَ He kept and tended, or pastured and defended, the camels or the like. (
K.) [And حَفِظَ حُرْمَةَ صَاحِبِهِ He was regardful of everything entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence, in the character and appertenances of his companion, or friend.] and حَفِظَ السِّرَّ He kept the secret. (
TA.) [and حَفِظَ يَمِينَهُ He kept his oath: but this has also another meaning, as will be seen below.] and حَفِظَ القُرْآنَ He kept, or retained, the
Kur-án in his mind, or memory; got it, knew it, or learned it, by heart. (
S, *
K.) [See also 5.] and حَفِظَ عِنْ فُلَانٍ [He learned by heart from such a one: and, followed by an
accus. case, the same; or he retained in his memory, as learned, or heard, from such a one; or he remembered to have heard from such a one]. (
TA &c. passim.) And one says of God, قَدْ حَفِظَ عَلَى خَلْقِهِ وَعِبَادِهِ مَا يَعْمَلُونَ مِنْ خَيْرٍ أَوْ شَرٍّ [He hath preserved from oblivion, for, or against, his creatures and his servants, what they do of good or evil]. (
b2: Also He kept it from being used, or employed, on, or for, ordinary, mean, or vile, occasions, or purposes. (
Msb.) You say, فُلَانٌ يَحْفَظُ نَفْسَهُ وَلِسَانَهُ Such a one keeps himself and his tongue from ordinary, mean, or vile, employment, in that which does not concern him. (
Mgh.) and hence the saying in the
Kur [
v. 91], وَاحْفَظُوا
accord. to one of the modes of interpreting it; i. e. And keep ye your oaths from being used, or uttered, on, or for, ordinary, mean, or vile, occasions, or purposes; agreeably with what is said in ii. 224 of the
Kur, where ordinary and frequent swearing by God is forbidden. (
Mgh.) [Another meaning of which this phrase is susceptible has been shown above.]
2 حَفَّظْتُهُ الكِتَابَ I incited him, or urged him, [or made him,] to commit to memory, or learn by heart, the book: (
S:) and [in like manner,] الحَدِيثَ ↓ أَحْفَظْتُهُ I made him to retain the narration, or tradition, in his mind, or memory; or to know it, or learn it, by heart. (
TA in art. زكت.) 3 مُحَافَظَةٌ The defending of those persons, or things, that are sacred, or inviolable, or that one is bound to respect or honour, and to defend, (
TA,) on the occasions of wars; (
TA;) as also حِفَاظٌ. (
TA.) You say, حافظ حَرِيمَهُ He defended his wife, or wives, or the like. (
TK.) [And hence,] you say, إِنَّهُ لَذُو حِفَاظٍ, and ذُو مُحَافَظَةٍ, meaning Verily he is disdainful, or scornful. (
b2: The being mindful, watchful, observant, or regardful: (
S, and
TA in art. رعى:) [see also 5:] or the keeping, attending, or applying oneself, constantly, perseveringly, or assiduously, (
TA,) to a thing, or an affair. (
TA.) You say, حافظ عَلَى الأَمْرِ, (
TA,) or على الشَّىْءَ,
inf. n. محافظة, (
Msb,) He kept, attended, or applied himself, constantly, &c., to the thing, or affair. (
TA.) And hence the saying in the
Kur [ii. 239], حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ Perform ye the prayers in their proper times: or,
accord. to
Az, keep ye, attend ye, or apply yourselves, constantly, or perseveringly, to the performance of the prayers in their proper times. (
b3: حِفَاظٌ, is also explained as signifying The being mindful, or observant, of a covenant, and the keeping, or fulfilling, of a promise, with forgiveness, and holding fast to love or affection. (
TA.) 4 أَحْفَظَ see 2.
A2: احفظهُ, (
TA,) and احفظهُ حِفْظَةً,
inf. n. إِحْفَاظٌ, [He made him to conceive what is termed حِفْظَة, or حَفِيظَة;] he angered him; made him angry: (
TA:) and in the same sense it is said of a speech, or word: (
TA:) or only he angered him by evil, or foul, speech, (
TA,) and making him to hear what he disliked, or hated. (
TA.) 5 تحفّظ He guarded himself;
syn. اِحْتَرَزَ (
TA,) or تَحَرَّزَ, (
Msb,) and تَحَرَّسَ, and اِحْتَرَسَ, (
S and
Msb and
K in art. حرس,) مِنْهُ from him, or it, (
S in art. حرس, &c.,) or عَنهُ. (
TA.) He was, or became, careful, mindful, attentive, or considerate; (
TA;) watchful, vigilant, or heedful; (
TA;) in affairs, and speech, and to avoid a slip, or fault; as though he were cautious, or careful, or fearful, of falling. (
TA.) [See also 1, and 3.]
A2: [In the last of the senses explained above, it is also
trans.: you say, تحفَظ أَمْرَهُ He was careful, mindful, &c., of his affair, or case: see
Bd in xxxiii. 52.]
b2: تَحَفَّظْتُ الكِتَابَ I learned the book by heart, one part, or thing, after another. (
TA.) [See also حَفِظَ القُرْآنَ, in the first paragraph.]
8 احتفظ بِهِ: see 1.
b2: احتفظهُ لِنَفْسِهِ, (
K,) and احتفظ بِهِ لنفسه, (
TA,) He appropriated it, took it, or chose it, to, or for, himself. (
A2: احتفظ [He conceived, or became affected with, what is termed حِفْظَة, or حَفِيظَة;] he became angered, or angry: (
K:) or he became angered by evil, or foul, speech. (
K.) 10 استحفظهُ, (
K,) followed by إِيَّاهُ, (
K,) or الشَّىْءَ, (
Msb,) or مَالًا, or سِرًّا, (
Sgh,) [but in the
S, nothing follows it,] He asked him to keep, preserve, guard, or take care of, or to preserve from perishing or becoming lost, or to be careful of, or mindful of, or attentive to, (
K,) it, (
K,) or the thing, (
Msb,) or property, or a secret: (
Sgh:) or he placed the thing with him for him to keep it, preserve it, guard it, or take care of it, &c.: (
Kz:) or he intrusted him with the thing; intrusted it to him; or gave it to him in trust, or as a deposite. (
Msb.) It is said in the
Kur [
v. 48], بِمَا اسْتُحْفِظُوا مِنْ كِتَابِ اللّٰهِ, meaning By that which they have been required to keep, &c., of the Book of God: (
Msb:) or by that with which they have been intrusted, of the Book of God. (
TA.) حِفْظٌ
inf. n. of 1 [
q. v.]. (
b2: See also حَافِظٌ, last sentence but one.
حِفْظَةٌ: see حَفِيظَةٌ.
رَجُلٌ حُفَظَةٌ A man of much حِفْظ [
app. meaning retention in the mind, or memory: see 1]. (
Sgh.) حَفِيظٌ: see حَافِظٌ, in seven places:
b2: and see مَحْفُوظٌ.
حَفِيظَةٌ The defence of those persons, or things, that are sacred, or inviolable, or that one is bound to respect or honour, and to defend; a
subst. from 3, in the first of the senses mentioned above: (
pl. حَفَائِظُ. (
TA.) Hence the saying, الحَفَائِظُ تُذْهِبُ الأَحْقَادَ, (
TA,) or تَنْقُضُ الأَحْقَادَ, (
S,) [The acts of defending those whom one is bound to respect or honour, and to defend, put away, or annul, rancorous feelings;] i. e., when thou seest thy relation, or kinsman, wronged, thou defendest him, though rancour be in thy heart. (
b2: Also, and ↓ حِفْظَةٌ, Indignation, and anger, (
TA,) by reason of violence, or injury, done to something which one is bound to honour or respect, and to defend, or of wrong done to a relation, or kinsman, in one's neighbourhood, or of the breach of a covenant. (
TA.) It is said in a
prov., المَقْدِرَةُ تُذْهِبُ الحَفِيظَةَ [Power to revenge dispels anger, or indignation, &c.]; meaning that it is incumbent to forgive when one has power [to revenge]. (
A2: An amulet, or a charm, bearing an inscription, which is hung upon a child, to charm against the evil eye &c. (
TA.) حَافِظٌ and ↓ حَفِيظٌ Keeping, preserving, guarding, or taking care of, a thing; or a keeper, preserver, &c.: keeping and tending, or pasturing and defending, camels or the like; or a keeper and tender thereof: (
K:) keeping a secret [and an oath]: (
TA:) keeping, or retaining, the
Kur-án [&c.] in the mind, or memory; knowing it, or learning it, by heart: (
K:) intrusted with a thing, (
TA,) to keep it, preserve it, guard it, or take care of it: (
TA:) [careful, mindful, attentive, or considerate: (see 1:)] and the latter, a keeper, or person mindful, of the ordinances prescribed by God: (
Bd and
Jel in l. 31:)
pl. of the former حَفَظَةٌ and حُفَّاظٌ: (
K:) the latter
pl. particularly applied to persons endowed with a faculty of retaining in the mind what they have heard, and seldom forgetting what they learn by heart. (
TA.) You say, ↓ فُلَانٌ حَفِيظُنَا عَلَيْكُمْ i. e. حَافِظُنَا [Such a one is our keeper over you]. (
TA.) It is said in the
S that ↓ حَفِيظٌ is
syn. with ↓ مُحَافِظٌ; [but this seems to be a mistranscription for حَافِظٌ;] and hence (it is there added) the saying in the
Kur [vi. 104, and xi. 88], ↓ وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَفِيظٍ [And I am not a defender, or a watcher, or, as I rather think, a keeper, over you]. (
TA.) You say also, رَجُلٌ حَافِظٌ لِدِينِهِ وَأَمَانَتِهِ وَيَمِينِهِ [A man who is a keeper, &c., of his religion and his deposite and his oath]; and ↓ حَفِيظٌ likewise: (
Msb:) but حَافِظٌ لِيَمِينِهِ signifies also who keeps his oath from being used, or uttered, on, or for, ordinary, mean, or vile, occasions, or purposes. (
Mgh.) And رَجُلٌ حَافِظُ العَيْنِ A man whom sleep does not overcome: (
K:) because the eye guards the person when sleep does not overcome it. (
TA.) ↓ الحَفِيظُ is also a name of God; meaning [The Preserver of all things;] He from whose preservation nothing is excluded, (
K, *
TA,) not even a thing of the weight of a ذَرَّة [
q. v.], (
TA,) in the heavens, nor on the earth; (
TA;) who preserves from oblivion, for, or against, his creatures and his servants, what they do of good or evil; who preserves the heavens and the earth by his power, and whom the preservation of both does not burden. (
TA.) And الحَفَظَةُ is an appellation of The recording angels, who write down the actions of the sons of Adam, or mankind; (
K;) as also الحَافِظُونَ. (
K.) ↓ حَفِيظٌ is sometimes
trans.; as in the saying, هُوَ حَفِيظٌ عِلْمَكَ وَعِلْمَ غَيْرِكَ [He knows by heart thy science, and the science of others beside thee]. (
TA.) [القُوَّةُ الحَافِظَةُ, and simply الحَافِظَةُ, signify The retentive faculty of the mind; retentiveness of mind; or memory; as also ↓ الحَفْظُ, for حِفْظُ القَلْبِ.]
b2: حَافِظٌ also signifies (
tropical:) A distinct and direct road; (En-Nadr,
TA;) not one that is apparent at one time and then ceases to be traceable. (En-Nadr,
TA.) مُحْفِظَاتٌ Things that anger a man, when he has his kinsman, or neighbour, slain. (
b2: And مُحْفِظَاتُ رَجُلٍ A man's women and others whom he protects, and for whose defence he fights [when required to do so: because they occasion his being angered when they are injured]. (
TA.) مَحْفُوظٌ Kept, preserved, guarded, or taken care of, because of the high estimation in which it is held; as also ↓ حَفِيظٌ. (
TA.) It is said in the
Kur [lxxxv. 21 and 22], بَلْ هُوَ قُرْآنٌ مَجِيدٌ فِى لَوْحٍ مَحْفُوظٍ (
TA) [Nay, it is a glorious
Kur-án, written upon a tablet preserved] from the devils and from the alteration of anything thereof: (
Jel:) or,
accord. to one reading, مَحْفُوظٌ, this
epithet being thus made to relate to the
n. (
b2: [Hence, as an
epithet in which the quality of a
subst. predominates, and then as a
subst.,] A young child; in the
dial. of Mekkeh; as a term of good omen:
pl. مَحَافِيظُ. (
b3: [Also Kept, or retained, in the mind, or memory; known, or learned, by heart. Hence the phrase,] عَرَضَ مَحْفُوظَاتِهِ عَلَى فُلَانٍ He showed the things which he kept, or retained, in his mind, or memory, or which he knew, or had learned, by heart, to such a one. (
TA.) مُحَافِظٌ: see حَافِظٌ.