1 حَزَّهُ, (
aor. ـُ
inf. n. حَزٌّ, (
K, *) He cut it; (
K;) namely, his, or its, head; (A;) as also ↓ احتزّهُ: (
K:) or he cut it (namely, a thing, or flesh-meat,) without separating; made an incision in it: or he cut it with labour: (
TA:) and he notched it; or made a notch in it; namely, a piece of wood. (
TA.) It is said in a
prov., حَزَّتْ حَازَّةٌ مِنْ كُوعِهَا [A woman cutting cut a part of the skin of the extremity of the bone of her fore arm next the thumb: nearly the same as another
prov. حَلَأَتْ حَالِئَةٌ عَنْ كُوعِهَا]: alluding to a people's being occupied by their own affair so as to be diverted thereby from attending to other things. (
K.) You say also, حَزَّ فِى رَأْسِ القَوْسِ He made a notch in the head of the bow. (
b2: [Hence the saying,] الإِثْمُ مَا حَزَّ فِى
قَلْبِكَ (
tropical:) [Sin is that which makes an impression upon thy heart, causing thee to waver lest it be an act of disobedience because of thy not being easy respecting it]. (A. [See حَزَّازٌ, below; and see also حَكَّ, and حَاكَ.]) Of anything making an impression in, or upon, the bosom, and causing one to waver or scruple, you say حَزَّ. (
S.) 2 حَزَّّ [حزّزهُ,
inf. n. تَحْزِيزٌ, He cut it, or notched it, much, or in many places; he made notches in it; he made it serrated; he jagged it. You say,] حزّز أَسْنَانَهُ, (
inf. n. تَحْزِيزٌ, (
TA,) He made his teeth serrated, and sharpened their extremities, to make them like those of a young person. (
TA.) [See also تَحْزِيزٌ, below.]
5 تحزّز It was cut much, or in many places, or into many pieces: (
K:) [it was notched much, or in many places; was made serrated; was jagged.]
8 احتزّهُ: see 1.
حَزٌّ A notch, or an incision, (
K,) in a thing; (
K;) as, [for instance,] in a piece of wood, and a tooth-stick (سِوَاك), and a bone, (
TA,) and a bow: (
TA:) and in like manner ↓ مَحَزٌّ, the notch of a bow, into which the ring of the string falls: (A and
voce كُظْرٌ:) [or the former is a
coll. gen. n.:]
n. un. ↓ حَزَّةٌ; (
TA;) [for which, in the
S and
L and
voce طَرِيدَةٌ, we find ↓ حُزَّةٌ, perhaps a
dial. var.] You say, رَدَّ الوَتَرَ حَزِّهَا He put back the bow-string to its notch (
TA) in the head of the bow. (
TA.) For the explanation of حَزُّ الكَرَاكِر, see كِرْكِرَةٌ.
A2: A time; a particular time; [a nick of time:] (
K:) and ↓ حَزَّةٌ signifies the same; and also a particular state or condition. (
TA.) Yousay, مَجِىْءِ فُلَانٍ ↓ هٰذِهِ حَزَّةُ [This is the time of the coming of such a one]. (
A.) And كَيْفَ جِئْتَ
↓ فِى هٰذِهِ الحَزَّةِ [How hast thou come at this time, or in this state?]. (
A.) And ↓ لَقِيتُهُ عَلَى حَزَّةٍ
مُنْكَرِةٍ [I met him at an evil time, or in an evil condition]. (
A.) حَزَّةٌ: see حَزٌّ in five places.
حُزَّةٌ: see حَزٌّ.
A2: Also A piece of flesh-meat cut off lengthwise: (
K:) or only of liver: (
TA:) not of a camel's hump, nor of flesh, or other thing: (
TA:) or it signifies also a piece cut off of anything, such as a melon &c.: used in this sense by the people of Syria: (
pl. حُزَزٌ. (
b2: (
tropical:) The neck: (
accord. to some: (
Msb:) so termed metaphorically. (
S.) So in a
trad., أَخَذَ بِحُزَّتِهِ He took hold of his neck. (
A3: حُزَّةُ السَّرَاوِيلِ
i. q. حُجْزَتُهُ: (
K:) but disallowed by
As. (
TA.) حَزَارٌ Scurf of the head: ↓
n. un. with ة [signifying a
particle, or flake, thereof]. (
K.) حَزِيزٌ Rugged ground: (
IDrd:) or a rugged and extended place: (
K:) or a place abounding with rugged stones like knives: or hard ground in a tract abounding with pebbles: (
TA:) or rugged and hard ground with a slight elevation: (
ISh:) or depressed ground: (
pl. [of pauc.] أَحِزَّةٌ and [of mult.] حِزَّانٌ (
K) and حُزَّانٌ and حُزُزٌ, (
TA,) with two dammehs, (
TA,) or حُزَزٌ. (
CK.) حَزَازَةٌ: see حَزَازٌ:
A2: and see also حَزَّازٌ.
حَزَّازٌ Food that becomes acid in the stomach, (
TA,) by reason of its badness, and so [as it were] cuts (يَحُزُّ) into the heart. (
TA.) Hence the saying, أَنْتَ أَثْقَلُ مِنَ الحَزَّازِ [Thou art heavier, or more difficult to be born, than the food that becomes acid in the stomach, &c.]. (
A Heyth, on the authority of Abu-l-Hasan El-Aarábee.)
b2: [And hence,
app.,] Anything that makes an impression in, or upon, the heart, or bosom, causing one to waver or scruple;
lit., that cuts into the heart, and scrapes in the bosom;
expl. by مَا حَزَّ فِى القَلْبِ, (A 'Obeyd,
K,) and حَكَّ فِى الصَّدْرِ; (
K;) as also ↓ حُزَّازٌ (
K) [and ↓ حَازَّةٌ, as will be seen below]: and pain in the heart, arising from wrath &c.; as also ↓ حُزَّازٌ, (A 'Obeyd,
S,) and ↓ حَزَازَةٌ; (A 'Obeyd,
K;) of which last the
pl. is حَزَازَاتٌ. (A 'Obeyd,
S.) [See also حَزْحَزَةٌ.] It is said in a
trad., الإِثْمُ حَوَازُّ القُلُوبِ, (
Mgh, and
K * in art. حوز,) i. e., Sin is those things that make an impression upon hearts, (
MS, and
K ubi suprà,) like as cutting, or notching, makes an impression upon a thing, (
TA,) and that cause one to suspect that they may be acts of disobedience, by reason of uneasiness respecting them, (
Mgh,) or to waver respecting them, lest they should be so, for that reason, (
K,) or to be uneasy in heart respecting them: (
MS:) حوازّ being
pl. of ↓ حَازَّةٌ, (
K,) like as دَوَابُّ is
pl. of دَابَّةٌ: (
Sh. reads حُوَّازُ القُلُوبِ, which he explains as meaning, “what overcomes hearts, (مَا يَحُوزُهَا, i. e., يَغْلِبُ عَلَيْهَا,) so that they commit that which is not incumbent:” (
Mgh, and
K * and
TA ubi suprà:) but the former reading is the more common: (
TA:) and some read حَزَّاز; and some حَرَّار. (
TA in art. حوز.) [See also فَصٌّ.]
b3: حَزَّازُ الحَجَرِ and حَزَّازُ الصَّخْرِ: See بَهَقُ الحَجَرِ in art. بَهق.
حُزَّازٌ: see حَزَّازٌ, in two places.
بِهِ حَازٌّ, said of a camel, He has an incision, or a cut, in the edge of the callous protuberance upon his breast, produced by his elbow, which makes it bleed: if it does not make it bleed, it is termed مَاسِحٌ: (
K:) or حازّ is a cut, or an incision, in the arm, penetrating through the skin, to the flesh, opposite the callous protuberance upon the breast of a camel; also termed عَرْكٌ: (El-'Adebbes El-Kinánee:) or a cut, or an incision, in the said protuberance: it is a
subst., like نَاكِتٌ and ضَاغِطٌ. (
TA.) حَازَّةٌ;
pl. حَوَازُّ: see حَزَّازٌ, in two places.
حَزْحَزَةٌ A pain in the heart, arising from fear or from physical suffering: (
pl. حَزَاحِزُ. (
TA.) [See also حَزَّازٌ.]
تَحْزِيزٌ [see 2.
b2: ] The being cut, or notched, much, or in many places; being serrated, or jagged, like the teeth of the مِنْجَل: and sometimes this is in the edges, or extremities, of the human teeth. (
TA.) You say, فِى أَسْنَانِهِ تَحْزِيزٌ (
K) In his teeth is a serration, and a sharpness of the extremities [such as is seen in the teeth of young persons];
syn. أُشُرٌ; (
K;) the like of the serration of the teeth of the مِنْجَل. (
b3: Also The marks of cutting or notching. (
TA.) مَحَزٌّ A place of cutting [or notching]. (
TA.) You say, قَطَعَ فَأَصَابَ المَحَزَّ (
TA) He cut, and hit the place of cutting. (
TA.) And تَكَلَّمَ وَأَشَارَ فَأَصَابَ المَخَزَّ (
tropical:) [He spoke, and indicated, or advised, and hit upon the right thing]: (
TA:) [
app. alluding to the right place of incision of the كِرْكِرَة, which is a nice and difficult operation: see كِرْكِرَةٌ.]
b2: [A notched, or small hollowed, place, made by cutting or otherwise.
b3: A groove, or the like. Occurring in the
voce بَكْرَةٌ, and in art. خصر, &c.]
b4: See also حَزٌّ, first signification.