جُرْمُوقٌ [A kind of galoche;] a thing that is worn over the [kind of boot called] خُفّ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) called in Persian خَرْكَشْ: (Mgh:) or a small خُفّ (JK, TA) which is worn over the [ordinary] خُفّ: (TA:) an arabicized word; (S;) [probably from the Persian چَرْم “ leather,” and مُوق, which is said by some to be arabicized, but by ISd to be a genuine Arabic word, meaning “ a kind of خُفّ: ” or it may be from سَرْمُوزَهْ, given as its Persian equivalent in the PS:] pl. جَرَامِيقُ. (Msb.)