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69005. جَايِشِيّ1 69006. جايضهم1 69007. جَايِلة1 69008. جايمي1 69009. جَايِمِي1 69010. جب769011. جُبّ1 69012. جَب1 69013. جبّ1 69014. جَبَّ 1 69015. جبء2 69016. جَبَأٌ1 69017. جبأ11 69018. جَبَأَ2 69019. جَبَأَ 1 69020. جباً1 69021. جبا4 69022. جَبَا2 69023. جَبَا البِرَاقِ1 69024. جُبَّاء1 69025. جَبَّاء1 69026. جبائية1 69027. جُبَاب1 69028. جَبَابِريَّة1 69029. جُبَّاةُ1 69030. جَبَاخانُ1 69031. جباخان1 69032. جَبَّاد1 69033. جَبَّادة1 69034. جَبَّادي1 69035. جُبَارُ1 69036. جَبَّارُ1 69037. جبّار1 69038. جَبَّار1 69039. جُبَار1 69040. جُبَاران1 69041. جَبَّارة1 69042. جِبَارَة1 69043. جَبَّارِيّ1 69044. جُبَاري1 69045. جَبَّازيّ1 69046. جَبَّاش1 69047. جُبَّاع1 69048. جُبَّاعِيّ1 69049. جِبَالاَت1 69050. جِبَالَة1 69051. جبالي1 69052. جِبَالي1 69053. جِبَالِيَّة1 69054. جِبَالَيْن1 69055. جِبَّانُ1 69056. جَبَان2 69057. جَبَانَا1 69058. جَبَّانَةُ1 69059. جَبَّانَة1 69060. جَبَانة2 69061. جَبَّانة1 69062. جَبَايَا1 69063. جَبَايرِيّ1 69064. جبب14 69065. جَبَبَ1 69066. جُبّةُ1 69067. جُبَّة1 69068. جبت12 69069. جِبْتٌ 1 69070. جَبْتَلٌ1 69071. جَبْتَلُ2 69072. جبتل1 69073. جُبثَا1 69074. جبثق1 69075. جَبْجَ1 69076. جبج2 69077. جُبجُبٌ1 69078. جَبْجَبَ1 69079. جبجب6 69080. جبح5 69081. جَبَحَ1 69082. جَبْحُون1 69083. جبخَ1 69084. جبخ5 69085. جبخانة1 69086. جبدلي1 69087. جَبَذَ1 69088. جبذ15 69089. جَبَذَ 1 69090. جَبْر1 69091. جَبَرَ2 69092. جبر21 69093. جَبَّرَ1 69094. جَبَرَ 1 69095. جبرئيل1 69096. جَبْرَئيلُ1 69097. جَبْرَا1 69098. جَبْراء1 69099. جبرائيل1 69100. جِبْرَائيل1 69101. جبرائيلا1 69102. جبراس1 69103. جَبْران1 69104. جُبْران1 Prev. 100


قال الله تعالى: وَأَلْقُوهُ فِي غَيابَتِ الْجُبِ
[يوسف/ 10] ، أي: بئر لم تطو، وتسميته بذلك إمّا لكونه محفورا في جَبُوب، أي: في أرض غليظة، وإمّا لأنه قد جبّ، والجَبُّ: قطع الشيء من أصله كجبّ النّخل، وقيل: زمن الجِبَاب، نحو: زمن الصّرام، وبعير أَجَبُّ: مقطوع السنام ، وناقة جَبَّاء، وذلك نحو: أقطع وقطعاء، للمقطوع اليد، وخصي مَجْبُوب:
مقطوع الذّكر من أصله، والجُبَّة التي هي اللباس منه، وبه شبّه ما دخل فيه الرمح من السنان، والجُبَاب: شيء يعلو ألبان الإبل، وجَبَّتِ المرأة النساء حسنا: إذا غلبتهن، استعارة من الجبّ الذي هو القطع، وذلك كقولهم: قطعته في المناظرة والمنازعة، وأمّا الجُبْجُبَة فليست من ذلك، بل سميت به لصوتها المسموع منها.
عن الأوردية جب بمعنى القراءة في الصلاة وأثناء التسبيح؛ أو عن الفارسية جب بمعنى يسار، أو عن الفارسية جبا بمعنى الخراج والضريبة والدخل.
(جب) الْبَعِير جببا انْقَطع سنامه فَهُوَ أجب وَهِي جباء (ج) جب وَيُقَال امْرَأَة جباء لَا أليتين لَهَا وَلَا لحم لفخذيها أَو لَا يعظم صدرها وثدياها
باب الجيم مع الباء ج ب، ب ج مستعملان

جب: الجَبُّ: استئصال السَّنام من أصله، وبَعيرٌ أَجَبُّ، قال النابغةُ:

ونأخذُ بَعده بذِنابِ عَيقٍ ... أَجَبِّ الظَّهر ليس سَنامُ

وجَبُّ الخُصَى: استئصال ما هناك. والجبُوب: وَجهُ الأرض الصُّلبة. والجُبابُ: كهيئة الزُّبد من ألبان الإبل. والجَبُّ: الغَلَبةُ. والجِبابُ: جمع الجُبّةِ التي تُلبس. وتقول: هي جُبّة السِّنانِ أو نحوه أي مدخَلُه. والجُبَّة بياض تَطَأ فيه الدابَّة بحافرها حتى تبلُغ الأشاعر، والنعتُ مُجبَّب ، قال: المرّارُ بنُ منقذ:

ببعيدٍ قدرُه ذي جَبَبٍ ... سَلِطِ السُّنبُكِ في رُسغِ عَجِز


إذا تأملها الراؤونَ من كَثَبٍ ... لاحَت لهم غُرّةٌ منها وتَجبيبُ

والجُبُّ: بئرٌ غير بعيدة القَعر، ويجمع على جببَةٍ وجباب وأجباب والجُبجُبةُ: شيءٌ يٌتَّخذُ من أَدَم كهيئة اللَّقَن يُسقى منها البعير، ويُنقَعُ فيها الهَبيد. والجَباجِب: الزِّبل من الجلود، الواحدة جبجبة. والجُبجُبَة: كَرِش يُجعل فيها اللحمُ المُقطع ثم يُطبخ أو يُشوى، قال:

إذا عرضت منها كهاة سمينة ... فلا تُهدِ منها واتَّشِق وتجبجب

وعرضت: ماتت من مَرضٍ يُسمى عارضة. وتَجَبجَبْ أي اتَّخذ منها قَلِيَّةً في قطعةٍ من جلدها مُشرَّج. والجُبُوب: الحِجارةُ الواحدة بالهاء. والجَبابُ: زمن صِرامِ النَّخل، يقال: جبوا نخلهم أي صرموها. والتَّجبيبُ: النَّفار والذَّهاب، يقال: جَبَّبَ فذهب.

وفي الحديث: الممسك بطاعةِ اللِّه إذا جَبَّب عنها الكار بعد الفارّ.

بج: البّجُّ: الطعن، قال رؤبة:

نَقخاً على الهامِ وبَجَاً وخضاً

والبَجبَجَةُ: شيء يفعله الإنسان عند مُناغاةِ الصَّبيِّ. قال زائدة: والبَجبَجَةُ صوت البطن. وبّجَّ الجُرح يَبُجُّه بجا أي شقَّه، ويقال: انجَبَّتْ ماشيتُكَ من الكَلاءِ إذا فَتقها البَقلُ فأوسع خاصِرتَيها، قال: ...... بَجَّها ... عساليجُه والثامر المُتناوِحُ
الجَبُّ: الاسْتئْصَالُ في القَطْع. والرَّجُلُ مَجْبُوبٌ.
والجَبَبُ: في السَّنَام، بَعِيْرٌ أحَبُّ: لا سَنَامَ له.
وامْرَأةٌ جَبّاءُ: صَغِيرةُ الثَّدْيَيْن.
والأجَبُّ: من أسماء الفَرْج كالأجَمِّ.
والجَبُوْبُ: وَجْهُ الأرض.
والجُبَابُ: كَهَيْئة الزُّبْدِ من ألْبَانِ الإِبل.
ويُقال: اسْتَجَبَّ سِقَاؤكَ: أي غَلُظَ وضَرِيَ. وما أشَدَّ ما يُجَبِّبُ سِقَاؤك. ومَرَنَ على ذاكَ واسْتَجَبَّ: أي أكْنَبَ.
والجُبَّة: معروفةٌ، والجِبَابُ والجُبَبُ جَمْعٌ.
وجُبَّةُ السِّنَانِ والزُّجِّ وما أشْبَهَهُما: ما يَدْخُل فيه الزُّجُّ. والبَيَاضُ تَطَأُ فيه الدابَّةُ بحافِرِها حتّى تَبْلُغَ الأشاعِرَ، والنَّعْتُ مُجَبَّبٌ. وخِرْقَةٌ تَلْبَسُها المَرْأةُ وتَخِيْطُ طَرَفَها فَتُغَطِّي بها رَأْسَها وفيها عَيْنَانِ كعَيْنَي البُرْقُع.
وجُبَّةُ العَيْن: ما واراها، وقيل: غارُها.
والجُبُّ: البِئْرُ غيرُ البَعِيدةِ، والجميع الأجْبَابُ والجِبَابُ والجِبَبَةُ. وقال الساجعُ: تَسِيْرُوْنَ أَغْبَابَاَ أغْبَابا، وتَرِدُوْنَ مِيَاهاً جِبَابا وتَلْقَوْنَ عليها ضِرَابا فتكون غَنِيْمَتُكم تُرَابا.
والجِبَابُ: الرَّكايا تُحْفَرُ لغَرْس الكُرُوْم كما تُحْفَرُ للفَسِيْلَةِ، الواحِدُ جبٌّ.
والجُبْجُبَةُ: تُتَخَذُ من أدَم كهَيْئة اللُّقْنِ يُسْقى منها البَعِيرُ ويُنْقَعُ فيها الهَبِيْدُ. وهو - أيضَاً -: شَيْءٌ كهَيْئة الجُنْبُذَةِ تُبْنى في البَسَاتين.
والجَبَاجِبُ: الزُّبُلُ من الجُلُود.
والجُبْجُبَةُ: كِرْشٌ يُجْعَلُ فيه اللَّحْمُ المُقطَّعُ ثمَّ يُطْبَخُ أو يُشْوى.
والجُبَاجِبُ: العَظِيمُ الضَّخْمُ.
وإبِلٌ جَبَاجِبُ الأجْوَافِ: أي واسِعَتُها، الواحدة جَبْجَبَةٌ، وكذلك المُجَبْجَبُ: الرَّحْبُ الفُرُوج.
والجَبْجَبَةُ من الأرض: الغَلِيْظَةُ ذاتُ الحِجَارة، والجميع الجَبَاجبُ. ومَوْضِعٌ بمِنىً يُسَمّى: جَبَاجِبَ لأنَّ الكُرُوْشَ تُلْقى فيه أيّامَ الحَجِّ. وجُبْجُبَةُ الضَّبِّ: سُرَّتُه وما اسْتَدَارَ من بَطْنِه. وجُبْجُبَةٌ من شَحْم: لِمَا جُمِعَ ودُوِّرَ.
وهم جُبْجُبَةُ القَوْم: بمعنى جُمْجُمَتِهم.
وجَبَاجِبُ الماءِ: مَحَاضِرُه ومَنَازِلُه، الواحدة جَبْجَبَةٌ وجُبْجُبَةٌ.
والجَبْجَبَةُ من الماء: القَرِيْبُ العُمْق.
والجَبْجَابُ: الماءُ الكثيرُ، وكذلك الجُبَاجِبُ.
والتَّجْبِيْبُ: الهَرَبُ عند القِتالِ والهَزِيْمَةُ.
ورَكِبَ فلان المَجَبَّةَ: أي الطَّرِيقَ، ويَجُوزُ أنْ يكونَ مَأخُوْذاً من اسْتِجْبَابِ الشَّيْءِ ومُرُوْنِه على العَمَل.
وجَبَّبَ الرجُلُ: امْتَلأ فَزَعاً.
وشَرِبَتِ الإِبلُ حتّى جَبّبَتْ: أي امْتَلأَتْ رِيّاً.
والمُجَابَّةُ: أنْ يَصْنَعَ القَوْمُ طَعاماً فَيَصْنَعَ غيرُهم مِثْلَه.
والتَّجَابُّ - أيضاً -: أنْ يَتَناكَحَ الرجُلانِ أُخْتَيْهما تكونُ أُخْتُ كل واحدٍ منهما تَحْتَ صاحِبِه. ويكونُ التَّجَابُّ في التَّلاحي والتَشاتُم. وأصْلُ ذلك كلَّه من المُغَالَبَةِ، يُقال: جَبَّ فلانٌ فلاناً: أي غَلَبَه. ومن الجَبِّ الذي هو الفَضْلُ قَوْلُهم: اجْتَمَعَ النَسَاءُ فَجَئتْهُنَّ فلانةُ تَجُبُّهُنَّ.
وجَبَّ اللِّهَازُ: تَنَحّى عن مَوْضِعِه وهو رُقْعَةٌ تُوضَعُ في قَبطِّ البَكْرَةِ يُضَيَّقُ بها ما اتَّسَعَ من خَرْقِها.
والجَبَاجِبُ: إِهَالَةٌ تُذَابُ.
الْجِيم وَالْبَاء

الجَبُّ: الْقطع. جبَه يَجُبّه جَبّا، وجِباًّ، واجتبَّه.

وجَبّ خصاه جَبّا: استاصله.

وَخصي مجبوب: بَين الْجبَاب.

وجَبّ السنام يجُبّه جَبّا: قطعه.

والجَبَب: قطع فِي السنام.

وَقيل: هُوَ أَن ياكله الرحل أَو القتب فَلَا يكبر.

بعير أجَبّ:، وناقة جباء.

وَامْرَأَة جَبَّاء: لَا أليتين لَهَا.

وَجب النّخل: لقحه.

وزمن الجِباب: زمن التلقيح للنخل.

والجُبَّة: ضرب من مقطعات الثِّيَاب.

وَجَمعهَا: جُبَب، وجِبَاب.

والجُبَّة من السنان: الَّذِي دخل فِيهِ الرمْح.

والجُبَّة: حَشْو الْحَافِر، وَقيل: قرنه.

وَقيل: هِيَ من الْفرس: ملتقى الوظيف على الحوشب من الرسغ.

وَقيل: هِيَ موصل مَا بَين السَّاق والفخذ.

وَفرس مُجَبَّب: ارْتَفع الْبيَاض مِنْهُ إِلَى الجُبَب فَمَا فَوق ذَلِك مَا لم يبلغ الرُّكْبَتَيْنِ.

وَقيل: هُوَ الَّذِي بلغ الْبيَاض أشاعره.

وَقيل: هُوَ الَّذِي بلغ الْبيَاض مِنْهُ ركبة الْيَد وعرقوب الرجل أَو ركبتي الْيَدَيْنِ وعرقوبي الرجلَيْن.

والجُبّ: الْبِئْر، مُذَكّر.

وَقيل: هِيَ الْبِئْر لم تطو.

وَقيل: هِيَ الجيدة الْموضع من الْكلأ.

وَقيل: هِيَ الْبِئْر الْكَثِيرَة المَاء الْبَعِيدَة القعر، قَالَ:

فصَبَّحتْ بَين المَلاَ وثَبْرَه

جُبّا ترى جِمَامه مخضرّه فَبَرَدَتْ مِنْهُ لِهاب الحِرَّه

وَقيل: لَا تكون جُبّا حَتَّى تكون مِمَّا وجد لَا مِمَّا حفره النَّاس.

وَالْجمع: أَجْباب وجِباب، وجِبَبَة، وَفِي بعض الحَدِيث: " جبُّ طلعة " مَكَان " جُفّ طلعة " حَكَاهُ أَبُو عبيد فِي تَفْسِير غَرِيب الحَدِيث، قَالَ: وَلَيْسَ بِمَعْرُوف، إِنَّمَا الْمَعْرُوف: جفّ طلعة.

والجَبُوب: وَجه الأَرْض.

وَقيل: هِيَ الأَرْض الغليظة.

وَقيل: هِيَ الأَرْض الغليظة من الصخر لَا من الطين.

وَقيل: هِيَ الأَرْض عَامَّة.

وَقَالَ اللحياني: الجَبُوب: الأَرْض، والجبوب التُّرَاب، وامرئ الْقَيْس:

فيبِتْن يَنْهَسْنَ الجَبُوب بهَا ... وأبيت مرتفِقاً على رَحْلي

يحْتَمل هَذَا كُله.

والجَبُوبة: المدرة.

والجُبَاب: مَا اجْتمع من ألبان الْإِبِل فَصَارَ كَأَنَّهُ زبد، وَلَا زبد لِلْإِبِلِ.

وَقيل: الجُبَاب لِلْإِبِلِ: كالزبد للغنم وَالْبَقر.

وَقد أجَبّ اللَّبن.

والجُبَاب: الهدر السَّاقِط الَّذِي لَا يطْلب.

وجَبَّه جَبّا: غَلبه.

وجَبَّت فُلَانَة النِّسَاء تجبُّهنّ جباًّ: غلبتهن من حسنها.

وجابَّني فجببته، وَالِاسْم: الجِباب: غالبني فغلبته.

وَقيل: هُوَ غلبتك إِيَّاه فِي كل وَجه من حسب أَو جمال أَو غير ذَلِك، وَقَوله:

جَبَّت نساءَ الْعَالمين بالسَّبَبْ هَذِه امْرَأَة قدرت عجيزتها بخيط، وَهُوَ السَّبَب، ثمَّ القته إِلَى النِّسَاء ليفعلن كَمَا فعلت كَمَا فعلت فغلبتهن.

وجَبَّبَ الرجل: فر.

والمَجَبَّة: المَحَجَّة.

وجُبَّة، والجُبَّة: مَوضِع، قَالَ النمر بن تولب:

زَبَنَتْك أركانُ العدوّ فَأَصْبَحت ... أجَأٌ وجُبَّة من قَرَار ديارها

وَأنْشد ابْن الْأَعرَابِي:

لَا مالَ إلاّ إبِل جُمَّاعَهْ

مشربُها الجُبَّة أَو نُعَاعَهْ

والجُبْجُبَة: وعَاء يتَّخذ من أَدَم تسقى فِيهِ الْإِبِل وينقع فِيهِ الهبيد.

والجُبْجُبة: الزبيل ينل فِيهِ التُّرَاب.

والجُبْجُبة، والجَبْجَبة، والجُبَاجِب: الكرش يَجْعَل فِيهَا اللَّحْم المقطع.

وَقيل: هِيَ إهالة تذاب وتحقن فِي كرش.

وَقَالَ ابْن الْأَعرَابِي: هُوَ جلد جنب الْبَعِير يقور ويتخذ فِيهِ اللَّحْم الَّذِي يدعى الوشيقة.

وتجبجب: اتخذ جُبْجُبة، قَالَ:

إِذا عَرَضت مِنْهَا كَهَاةٌ سَمِينة ... فَلَا تُهْدِ مِنها واتَّشِقْ وتَجِبْجَبِ

فَأَما مَا حَكَاهُ ابْن الْأَعرَابِي من قَوْلهم: إِنَّك، مَا علمت، جبان جُبْجُبة فَإِنَّمَا شبهه بالجُبْجُبة الَّتِي يوضع فِيهَا هَذَا الْخلْع، شبهه فِي انتفاخه وَقلة غنائه؛ كَقَوْل الآخر:

كَأَنَّهُ حَقِيبة مَلأى حَثَى وإبل مُجَبْجَبَة: ضخمة الْجنُوب، قَالَ:

حسَّنْتَ إلاّ الرَّقَبهْ

فَحَسِّنَتْها يَا أبَهْ

كَيْمَا تجيءَ الخَطَبَهْ

بِإِبِل مُجَبْجَبَهْ

ويروى: مخبخَبَهْ أَرَادَ: مُبَخْبَخَة: أَي يُقَال لَهَا: بَخْ بَخْ إعجابا بهَا فَقلب.

وَمَاء جَبجاب: كثير.

وَلَيْسَ جُبَاجِب بثبت.

وجُبْجُب: مَاء مَعْرُوف.


1 جَبَّهُ, aor. ـُ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. جَبٌّ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and جِبَابٌ, (A, K, MF,) He cut it; or cut it off; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اجتبَهُ. (K, * TA.) b2: جَبَّ خُصَاهُ, inf. n. جَبٌّ and جِبَابٌ, He cut off entirely, or extirpated, his testicles; (TA;) [as also ↓ اِجْتَبَّهَا; for] جَبٌّ (A, K) and جِبَابٌ and اِجْتِبَابٌ (TA) signify the cutting off entirely, or extirpating, (A, K, TA,) of the testicle, (K, TA,) or of the genitals: (A:) [or] جِبَابٌ signifies [or signifies also, as inf. n. of جُبَّ,] the having the testicles, (S, TA,) or genitals, (Msb,) entirely cut off. (S, * Msb, TA.) You say also, جَبَبْتُهُ, meaning I cut off entirely, or extirpated, his genitals; (Msb;) [or his testicles; or his penis; as is implied in the TA:] and جُبَّ, inf. n. جَبٌّ, (Mgh, TA,) [or جِبَابٌ,] he had his penis and his testicles [or either of these] cut off entirely, or extirpated. (Mgh, TA. *) b3: جَبَّ السَّنَامَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. جَبٌّ; and ↓ اجتبّهُ; He cut off the hump of the camel: accord. to Lth, جَبٌّ signifies the cutting off entirely, or extirpating, of the hump. (TA.) A2: جَبَّ النَّخْلَ, (As, S, Msb, TA,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. جَبٌّ, (A, K,) or جِبَابٌ, (S, TA,) or جَبَابٌ, (A,) or both the second and last, (Msb, [the first is disallowed by MF,]) He fecundated the palmtrees [with the pollen of the male tree]. (As, S, A, Msb, TA.) You say, جَآءَ زَمَنُ الجِبَابِ, (S,) or الجَبَابِ, with fet-h, (A,) or both, (Msb,) [The time of the fecundating of the palm-trees came].

A3: جَبَّ القَوْمَ, (S,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. جَبٌّ, (K,) He surpassed, or overcome, the people, or company of men; (S, K, * TA;) accord. to some, in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, or in beauty, and in any or every manner. (TA.) And جَبَّتِ النِّسَآءَ She surpassed the [other] women in her beauty. (TA.) The saying جَبَّتْ نِسَآءَ العَالَمِينَ بِالسَّبَبْ [She overcame the women of the whole world by means of the string] relates to a woman who measured round her hinder parts with a string, and then threw it to the women of the tribe, that they might do with it the like; but they found it to be much exceeding their measures. (TA.) See 3, in three places.

A4: See also 2.2 تَجْبِيبٌ The reaching of the [whiteness termed] تَحْجِيل, in a horse, to the knee and the hock: (S:) or the rising of the whiteness to [the extent of] what is termed الجَبَبُ. (K.) Yousay of a horse, فِيهِ تَجْبِيبٌ [In him is a rising of the تحجيل to the knee and the hock]: and in this case, the horse is said to be مُجَبَّبٌ: and the subst. is ↓ جَبَبٌ [meaning a whiteness of the legs rising to the knee and the hock]. (S.) [See مُجَبَّبٌ.]

A2: The act of shrinking [from a thing]; or the being averse [from it]; or the act of withdrawing; (S, K, TA;) outwardly or inwardly. (TA.) You say of a man, جَبَّبَ فَذَهَبَ [He shrank, or was averse, or withdrew, and went away]. (S.) And جَيَّبَ النَّاسُ عَنْ طَاعَةِ اللّٰهِ The people forsook, or relinquished, the obeying of God. (TA from a trad.) b2: The act of fleeing. (K.) You say of a man, جبَب He fled. (TA.) El-Hotei-ah says, وَنَحْنُ إِذَا جَبَّبْتُمُ عَنْ نِسَائِكُمْ كَمَا جَبَّبَتْ مِنْ عِنْدِ أَوْلَادِهَا الحُمُرْ [And we, when ye flee from your women, like as the wild asses have fled from the presence of their young ones]. (TA.) And ↓ جَبَّ, said of a man, [if not a mistranscription for جَبَّبَ,] signifies He went quickly, fleeing from a thing. (TA.) A3: The act of satisfying with water (K, TA) the earth, (الجَبُوب, TA,) or cattle. (K, TA.) 3 جِبَاب The act of vying, or contending for superiority, in goodliness, or beauty, &c., (K,) as, for instance, in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, and in lineage: (TA:) and مُجَابَّةٌ the vying, or contending for superiority, in goodliness, or beauty, (K,) &c., (TA,) and in food: (K:) but [SM says,] I know not whence this addition, respecting food, is derived. (TA. [See, however, what follows, from the A.]) You say, ↓ جَابَّنِى فَجَبَبْتُهُ He vied with me, or contended with me for superiority, and I overcame him. (TA.) And جَابَّتِ المَرْأَةُ صَاحِبَتَهَا حُسْنًا ↓ فَجَبَّتْهَا The woman vied, or contended for superiority, with her fellow, and surpassed her in beauty. (TA.) And ↓ جَابَّهُ فِى القِرَى فَجَبَّهُ He vied with him, or contended with him for superiority, in the entertainment of guests, and he overcame him therein. (A.) 4 اجبّ It (camels' milk) had, or produced, what is termed جُبَاب [q. v.]. (K.) 5 تجبّب He clad himself with a جُبَّة [q. v.]. (MA.) [And so, app., ↓ اجتبّ, explained by Golius, on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof, as signifying He put on a vest, or tunic.]8 إِجْتَبَ3َ see 1, in three places: A2: and see also 5.

R. Q. 1 جَبْجَبَ He dealt, or trafficked, in جَبَاجِب [pl. of جُبْجُبَةٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَجَبْجَبَ i. q. اِتَّشَقَ; (S, TA;) i. e. He prepared what is called جُبْجُبَة: (TA:) or he put what is called خَلْع into a جُبْجُبَة [q. v.]. (Az, TA.) جُبٌّ A well: (A, K:) or a well not cased with stone or the like: (S, A, Msb, K:) or a well containing much water: or a deep well: (A, K:) or of some other description: (A:) or a well in a good situation with respect to pasture: or one that people have found; not one that they have dug: (K:) or a well that is not deep: (Lth, TA:) or a well that is wide, or ample: (ElKilábeeyeh, TA:) or a well that is cut through rock, or smooth rock, or stones, or smooth stones, or hard and smooth and large stones: (Aboo-Habeeb, TA:) of the masc. gender; (Msb, TA;) [not fem. like بِئْرٌ;] or masc. and fem.: (Fr, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْبَابٌ (Msb, K.) and [of mult.] جِبَابٌ and جِبَبَةٌ. (S, Msb, K.) b2: A well that is dug wherein a grape — vine is planted; like as one is dug for the shoot of a palm — tree: pl. جِبَابٌ. (ISh, TA.) b3: The inside of a well, from its bottom to its top, whether cased with stone or the like or not. (Sh, TA.) b4: The جُرْن of a well [app. meaning A hollowed stone, or stone basin, for water, placed at the mouth of a well: or, perhaps, a hollowed stone placed over the mouth; for many a well has such a stone, forming a kind of parapet]. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.) A2: [A kind of leathern bag;] a مَزَادَة of which one part is sewed to another, (K, TA,) wherein they used to prepare the beverage termed نَبِيذ, until, by use, it acquired strength for that purpose; mentioned in a trad., forbidding the use of it; and also called ↓ مَجْبُوبَةٌ. (TA.) A3: The spathe, or envelope, of the spadix, or flowers, of the palmtree; also called جُفٌّ: the former word was unknown to A'Obeyd: both occur, accord. to different readings, in a trad., where it is said that a charm contrived to bewitch Mohammad was put into the جُبّ, or جُفّ, of a طَلْعَة: accord. to Sh, (TA,) it means the inside of a طَلْعَة [which latter here app. signifies, as it does in some other instances, the spathe, not the spadix, of a palmtree]; (K, TA;) in like manner as the inside of a well, from its bottom to its top, is called جُبّ: the pl. is جِبَابٌ. (TA.) Hence the well-known prov., جِبَابٌ فَلَا تَعَنَّ أَبْرًا [They are merely envelopes of the flowers of palm-trees; therefore weary not thyself to effect fecundation]; applied to a man in whom is little or no good; meaning he is like the spathes of the palm-tree in which are no flowers; therefore weary not thyself by attempting to make him good; لَا تَعَنَّ being for لَا تَتَعَنَّ. (MF.) جُبَّةٌ A well-known garment [or coat], (Msb, K, TA,) of the kind of those called مُقَطَّعَات: (TA:) accord. to ' Iyád, a garment cut out and sewed: accord. to Ibn-Hajar and others, a double garment quilted with cotton; or, sometimes, if of wool, a single garment, not quilted with anything: (MF:) [most probably not so much resembling the modern garment more generally known by the same name (for a description and representation of which see my “ Modern Egyptians,” ch. i.,) as a kind of جُبَّة still worn in Northern Africa, described in this Lexicon voce مِدْرَعَةٌ: accord. to Golius, “tunica ex panno gossipino, cui pallium seu toga imponitur, cum subductitio panno et intercedente gossipio punctim consuta: Italis consona voce giuppa: si ita cum gossipio consuta non sit, دُرَّاعَةٌ tunica illa gossipina dicitur: ”] pl. جُبَبٌ (Msb, K) and جِبَابٌ. (S, K.) b2: I. q. دِرْعٌ [A coat of mail; or any coat of defence]: (K:) pl. جُبَبٌ. (TA.) Er-Rá'ee says, لَنَا جُبَبٌ وَأَرْمَاحٌ طِوَالٌ بِهِنَّ نُمَارِسُ الحَرْبَ الشَّطُونَا

[We have coats of mail, or of defence, and long spears: with them we ply distant war]. (TA.) A2: The part of a spear-head into which the shaft enters: (S, K:) and the ثَعْلَب is the part of the spear-shaft that enters into the head. (TA.) b2: [In the TA, جُبَّةُ الرُّمْحِ is also explained as meaning ما دخل من السنان فيه The part of the spearhead that enters into the shaft: but it seems that من has been inserted here by a mistake of the copyist; and that the true meaning intended is the part of the spear-shaft into which the head enters; though in general the shaft enters into the head.] b3: The part in which is the مُشَاشَة [q. v.] of a horn. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.) b4: The حِجَاج [or bone that surrounds the cavity (see art. حج)] of the eye. (K.) b5: The contents (حَشْو) of the solid hoof: or the horny box (قَرْن) of the solid hoof: or the joint between the ساق [which seems to mean here, as it does in many other instances, the hind shank,] and the thigh: (K:) or the shank-joint of a horse or the like (مَوْصِلُ الوَظِيفِ [commonly applied, as in the S and K voce رُسْغ, to the upper extremity of the pastern, i. e. the fetlock-joint, which seems to be the meaning intended in this instance,]) in the ذِرَاع [which here app. means the fore leg, not the arm]: or, accord. to As, the part where the وظيف [or shank] is set into the hoof: (S:) or the part of the رسغ [or pastern], of a horse, where the وظيف [or shank] joins upon the حَوْشَب [which seems here to mean the upper pasternbone]: or, as AO says, the part where a horse's وظيف joins to the upper part of the حوشب: or, as he says in another place, the place where each tibia and hind shank, of a horse, meet; [the hockjoint;] expl. by ملتقى ساقيه ووظيفى رجليه: and the place of junction of any two bones, except in the back-bone. (TA.) b6: Accord. to Lth, Whiteness of the بطانية [a word which I have not found anywhere but in this instance] of a horse or similar beast, extending to the hairs that surround the hoof. (TA.) جَبَبٌ A cutting off of the hump of a camel: (K:) or a cutting in the hump of a camel: (TA:) [or the state of having the hump cut off; as seems to be indicated in the S:] or an erosion of the hump of a camel, by the saddle, so that it does not grow large. (K, TA.) A2: See also 2.

جُبَبٌ Butter, or what is produced by churning, of camels' milk; like as زُبْد is what is produced by churning of cows' or sheep's or goats' milk: (Msb in art. زبد:) what rises upon the surface, (T, S,) or what has collected together [or coagulated], (K,) of the milk of camels, resembling زُبْد, (T, S, K,) which camels' milk has not: (S, K:) when a camel shakes about a skin of camels' milk, suspended to him, what is termed جباب collects at the mouth of the skin. (T.) جَبُوبٌ The earth, (Lh, K,) in general; (Lh;) sometimes written جَبُوبُ, as a proper name, without the article, and imperfectly decl., like شَعُوبُ: (TA:) so called because it is cut, i. e. dug; or because it cuts, i. e. dissunders, the bodies of those buried in it: (Suh, TA:) and hence ↓ جَبَّانٌ and ↓ جَبَّانَةٌ, signifying a burial-ground; from الجَبُّ and الجَبُوبُ; accord. to Kh; but others derive these two words from جبن: (TA:) or rugged land: (As, S, K:) or hard or rugged land, composed of rock, not of soil: (IAar, TA:) or earth, or dust: (Lh, K:) or the surface of the earth; (ISh, S, K;) whether plain or rugged or mountainous: (ISh:) a word without a pl.: (S:) also coarse, or big, lumps or clods of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud; plucked from the surface of the ground: (TA:) or crumbled clods of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud: (IAar, TA:) and with ة, a lump, or clod, of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud. (K.) جِبَابِىٌّ: see what next follows.

جُبِّىٌّ [app. a contraction of جُبَبِىٌّ], or ↓ جِبَابِىٌّ A seller of جِبَاب [pl. of جُبَّةٌ, q. v.]. (K.) جَبَّانٌ: see جَبُوبٌ; and see art. جبن.

جَبَّانَةٌ: see جَبُوبٌ; and see art. جبن.

جَبْجَبَةٌ: see what next follows, in two places.

جُبْجُبَةٌ, (S,) or ↓ جَبْجَبَةٌ, (A,) or both, (K,) and جَبَاجِبُ [which is the pl.], (L, TA,) The stomach of a ruminant animal * (S, A, K, TA) in which خَلْع [q. v.] is put, (S, TA,) i. e., (TA,) in which is put flesh-meat cut in pieces; (K, TA;) or in which is put flesh-meat to be used as provision in travelling; (TA;) or in which melted grease (S, K) is collected (S) or put: (K:) or the skin of the side of a camel, cut out in a round form, in which is prepared flesh-meat, (K, TA,) such as is called وَشِيقَة, (TA,) which is flesh-meat that is boiled once, and then cut into strips, and dried, or salted and sun-dried; the most lasting of all provision [of the kind]: (S, TA:) or the first and second both signify tripe; in Persian, شكنبه or إِشْكَنْبَه. (MA.) A coward is likened to a جبجبة in which خلع is put; because of his turgidness and his little profitableness. (TA.) b2: Also, the first, A vessel, or receptacle, made of skin, in which water is given to camels, and in which one macerates هَبِيد [i. e. colocynths, or the pulp thereof, or the seeds thereof]. (TA.) b3: And A basket, (S, K, TA,) of small size, (TA,) made of skins, (S, K, TA,) in which dust, or earth, is removed: (S, TA:) or, accord. to KT, it is [↓ جَبْجَبَةٌ,] with fet-h: (TA:) pl. جَبَاجِبُ. (S.) b4: And A drum: pl. جَبَاجِبُ [which is explained in the K as meaning “ a drum ” instead of “ drums ”]: as in the saying, ضُرِبَتْ عَلَى بَابِهِ الجَبَاجِبُ [The drums were beaten at his door]. (A.) جُبْجُبِىٌّ A tripe-seller. (Golius from Meyd. [See جُبْجُبَةٌ.]) جُبْجُبِيَّةٌ Food made with tripe; in Persian, شِكَنْبَهْ وَا; (Golius from Meyd;) in Turkish, سُخْتُو شورباسى. (MA.) أَجَبُّ A camel having his hump cut off: (S, K:) or having his hump cut off: (S, K:) or having his hump eroded by the saddle, so that it does not grow large: (K:) or having no hump: (A, TA:) fem. جَبَّآءُ. (A, K.) b2: and [hence,] the fem., (tropical:) A woman not having [prominent] buttocks: (K:) or i. q. رَسْحَآءُ [i. e. having small buttocks sticking together; or having little flesh in her posteriors and things]: (ISh, TA:) or whose bosom and breasts have not become large: (K:) or whose breast has not become large: (Sh, TA:) or small in the breast; from the same epithet applied to a she-camel; (A;) for a woman having small breasts is like the camel that has no hump: (TA:) or having no thighs; (K;) i. e. having lean thighs; as though having no thighs. (TA.) Also, the masc., (assumed tropical:) A pubes having little flesh. (TA.) b3: [Hence, also,] الأَجَبُّ i. q. الفَرْجُ [as meaning The pudendum muliebre]; (K;) from the same word as applied to a camel [having no hump]. (TA.) مَجَبَّةُ The middle, or main part, (جَادّة,) of a road. (S.) مُجَبَّبٌ A horse in which the [whiteness termed]

تَحْجِيل reaches to the knee and the hock; (S;) [i. e.] in which the whiteness [of the lower part of the leg] reaches to the knee and the hock or the knees and the hocks: (TA:) or in which the تحجيل reaches to his knees: (Lth, TA:) or in which the whiteness rises to [the extent of] what is termed الجَبَبُ; (K, TA;) or more than this, [perhaps a mistake of a copyist for less than this,] so as not to reach to the knees: or in which the whiteness reaches to the hairs that surround his hoof. (TA.) b2: بِئْرٌ مُجَبَّبَةٌ الجَوْفِ A well having in the middle a part wider than the rest, hollowed out like a cupola. (Fr, TA.) مَجْبُوبٌ Having the genitals, (Msb,) or the testicles (S, * Mgh, TA) and the penis, (Mgh,) cut off entirely, or extirpated: (S, * Mgh, Msb, TA:) or having the penis cut off. (TA.) مَجْبُوبَةٌ: see جُبُّ.
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