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68484. ثُونَا1 68485. ثوه4 68486. ثوو1 68487. ثَوى1 68488. ثَوَى1 68489. ثوى868490. ثَوَى – 1 68491. ثوي8 68492. ثَوِيَ 1 68493. ثُوَيْب1 68494. ثُوَيْبَة1 68495. ثُوَيْبِيّ1 68496. ثُوَيْلِيَّة1 68497. ثُوَيْنِي1 68498. ثُوَيْهِيّ1 68499. ثى1 68500. ثَيَات1 68501. ثَيَبَ1 68502. ثيب7 68503. ثِيبانُ1 68504. ثَيِّبَانِي1 68505. ثَيِّبة1 68506. ثيبت2 68507. ثيتل3 68508. ثَيْتَلٌ1 68509. ثَيْتَلُ1 68510. ثيخ2 68511. ثيخَ1 68512. ثير1 68513. ثيع2 68514. ثيل8 68515. ثِيلٌ 1 68516. ثَيْلاء1 68517. ثَيْلُوس1 68518. ثين2 68519. ثَيودوسي1 68520. ثيوقراطيي1 68521. ثيى1 68522. ثيي1 68523. ج19 68524. جءب1 68525. جءث1 68526. جءر1 68527. جءش1 68528. جءف1 68529. جءل1 68530. جءو1 68531. جءي1 68532. جأ1 68533. جَأَّ 1 68534. جأأ1 68535. جأَب1 68536. جأب7 68537. جَأَبَ 1 68538. جأث7 68539. جَأَثَ1 68540. جَأَثَ 1 68541. جأج1 68542. جَأْجَ1 68543. جأَج1 68544. جأجأ8 68545. جَأجَأ1 68546. جأَذ1 68547. جأذر2 68548. جأَر1 68549. جَأَرَ2 68550. جأر13 68551. جأز6 68552. جأزُ1 68553. جَأَزَ 1 68554. جأس1 68555. جأش9 68556. جَأَشَ1 68557. جأشت1 68558. جأَصَ1 68559. جأص1 68560. جأظ1 68561. جَأَظَ1 68562. جأُفٍّ1 68563. جأف6 68564. جَأَفَ 1 68565. جَأَفَهُ1 68566. جأفه1 68567. جأل7 68568. جَأَلَ1 68569. جأن4 68570. جأَنب1 68571. جأنب1 68572. جأَو1 68573. جأو2 68574. جأى3 68575. جَأَى1 68576. جأي3 68577. جأي 1 68578. جُؤْجُؤٌ1 68579. جؤجؤ1 68580. جئ جئ1 68581. جَئِثَ1 68582. جئث2 68583. جئر1 Prev. 100


(ثوى) : ثَوَى: ماتَ.
بِالْمَكَانِ وَفِيه ثواء وثوبا أَقَامَ وَاسْتقر وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {} وَهلك قَالَ كَعْب بن زُهَيْر
(فَمن للقوافي شانها من يحوكها إِذا مَا ثوى كَعْب وَفَوْز جَرْوَل)
ث و ى: (ثَوَى) بِالْمَكَانِ يَثْوِي بِالْكَسْرِ (ثَوَاءً) وَ (ثُوِيًّا) أَيْضًا بِوَزْنِ مُضِيٍّ أَيْ أَقَامَ بِهِ. وَيُقَالُ: (ثَوَى) الْبَصْرَةَ وَثَوَى بِالْبَصْرَةِ. وَ (أَثْوَى) بِالْمَكَانِ لُغَةٌ فِي ثُوَى، وَأَثْوَى غَيْرَهُ يَتَعَدَّى وَيَلْزَمُ وَ (ثَوَّى) غَيْرَهُ أَيْضًا (تَثْوِيَةً) .
الثَّوَاء: الإقامة مع الاستقرار، يقال: ثَوَى يَثْوِي ثَوَاءً، قال عزّ وجلّ: وَما كُنْتَ ثاوِياً فِي أَهْلِ مَدْيَنَ
[القصص/ 45] ، وقال: أَلَيْسَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ مَثْوىً لِلْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ
[الزمر/ 60] ، قال الله تعالى: فَالنَّارُ مَثْوىً لَهُمْ [فصلت/ 24] ، ادْخُلُوا أَبْوابَ جَهَنَّمَ خالِدِينَ فِيها فَبِئْسَ مَثْوَى الْمُتَكَبِّرِينَ [الزمر/ 72] ، وقال:
النَّارُ مَثْواكُمْ [الأنعام/ 128] ، وقيل: من أمّ مثواك ؟ كناية عمّن نزل به ضيف، والثَّوِيَّة:
مأوى الغنم، والله أعلم بالصواب.
[ثوى] ثَوى بالمكان: أقام به، يثوى ثواء وثويا، مثل مضى يمضى مضاء ومضيا. يقال: ثويت البصرة، وثَوَيْتُ بالبصرة. وأَثْوَيْتُ بالمكان لغة في ثويت. قال الاغشى: أثوى وقصر ليله ليُزَوَّدا فَمَضَتْ وأَخْلَفَ من قُتَيْلَةَ موعدا وأَثْوَيْتُ غيري يتعدَّى ولا يتعدَّى. وثويت غيرى تثوية. والثوى، على فعيل: الضيف. وأبو مَثْوى الرجُل: صاحب منزله. قال أبو زيد: الثَوِيّةُ: مأوَى الغنم. قال: وكذلك الثايَةُ غير مهموز. قال: والثايَةُ أيضاً: حجارةٌ تُرفَع فتكون عَلَماً بالليل للراعي إذا رجع. قال ابن السكيت: هذه ثاية الغنم وثاية الابل، أي مأواها وهى عازبة، أو مأواها حول البيوت. والثوية : اسم موضع. 


ى1 ثَوَى (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) بِالمَكَانِ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and فِيهِ, (Msb,) and ثَوَى

المَكَانَ, (S, * M, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (T, S, Msb, K,) inf. n. ثَوَآءُ (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and ثُوِىٌّ (S, M, Mgh, K) and مَثْوًى; (T, M;) and ↓ اثوى (T, S, M, Msb, K) بالمكان, (S, M, K,) or فيه; (so in the CK;) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, (T, S, Mgh, Msb,) in the place: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or he remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, long (Lth, T, M, K) therein: (M, K:) or he alighted, or alighted and abode, in the place: (K:) or ثَوَى signifies also he alighted, or alighted and abode, (M,) or he settled, (TA,) بالمكان in the place. (M.) Hence, إِنَّا نُطِيلُ الثُّوِىَّ فِى دّارِ الحَرْبِ [Verily we prolong the stay in the seat of war]. (Mgh.) [You say also, ثَوَي إِلَى

المَرْأَةِ He betook himself to the woman to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, with her: see ثَوِيَّةٌ.] b2: [Hence,] ثَوَى, (T, M, IB, TA,) aor. ـِ in the K, incorrectly, ↓ ثوّى, inf. n. تَثْوِيَةٌ; (TA;) signifies also He was slain, (T, M,) and remained where he was: (M:) or he remained in his grave: (IB, TA:) or, as the latter verb is explained in the K, he died. (TA.) [See a verse cited in art. حسب, conj. 2.]

A2: ثُوِىَ He was buried: (M, K:) because there is no longer dwelling than that of him who is buried. (M.) 2 ثَوَّىَ see 4: A2: and see also 1.4 اثوى: see 1.

A2: اثواهُ He made him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide; (S, Msb, K;) or to remain, &c., long; (M, K;) in a place; (M, K;) and ↓ ثوّاهُ, (Kr, S, M, K,) inf. n. تَثْوِيَةٌ, (S,) signifies the same. (Kr, S, M, K.) [In the CK, ثَوَيْتُهُ is erroneously put for ثَوَّيْتُهُ.] b2: And He lodged him; made him his guest; or entertained him as a guest. (M, K.) You say, أَنْزَلَنِى فَأَثْوَانِى

ثَوَآءً حَسَنًا [He lodged me, and entertained me well as a guest]. (T.) 5 تثوّاهُ He became his guest. (TA.) ثَآءٌ [mentioned in this art. in the K, as “ A certain letter of the alphabet,” namely, ث]: see art. ثوأ: ISd holds its ا to be originally و. (TA.) ثَاىٌ: see what next follows.

ثَاوَةٌ: see what next follows.

ثَايَةٌ, (S, M, K,) without ء, (S,) formed by permutation from ثوية, though the author of the Kitáb [i. e. Sb] holds the ا to be originally ى, (M,) The lodging-place, or nightly resting-place, of camels, (ISk, S, M, K,) and of sheep or goats, (ISk, S,) when they have gone away to a distance in the pasture, or around the tents or houses; (ISk, S, M, K;) as also ↓ ثَوِيَّةٌ and ↓ ثَاوَةٌ: (K:) or the first and second, (Az, T, S, M,) and the third also, (M,) signify the lodging-place, or nightly resting-place, of sheep or goats, (Az, T, S, M,) and of oxen, or bulls and cows; (M;) and the last is app. formed by permutation from the first. (M.) b2: Also A combination of two or three trees, upon which is thrown a piece of cloth, used for shade, or shelter from the sun. (IAar, M. [And in like manner ثَأْيَةٌ is explained in the T, in art. ثأى.]) b3: Also, (Az, T, S, M,) and ↓ ثَوِيَّةٌ, (M,) Stones elevated for a sign of the way to direct the pastor when he returns by night: (Az, T, S, M:) and the former, or latter, (M,) or both, and ↓ ثُوَّةٌ, (K,) with damm, (TA, [in the CK ثَوَّة,]) the lowest sign of the way, of the height of a man in a sitting posture. (M, K.) b4: Also The part which is the place of stabbing of a slaughtered camel. (TA.) b5: The pl. of ثاية is ↓ ثَاىٌ: (Lh, M:) [or rather the latter is a coll. gen. n., of which the former is the n. un.]

ثُوَّةٌ: see art. ثو: and see ثَايَةٌ in the present art., above.

ثَوِىٌّ A guest: (IAar, T, S, M, K:) the vulgar erroneously pronounce it تِوِىٌّ. (TA. [See also مَثْوًى.]) b2: Remaining, staying, dwelling, or abiding; as also تَوِىٌّ; but the former is better known in this sense. (M in art. توى.) b3: One who abides (مُجَاوِرٌ [generally meaning for the purpose of study]) in either of the two sacred cities or territories [of Mekkeh and El-Medeeneh]. (IAar, T, K.) b4: One who is very patient in military and predatory expeditions, who is detained in the territory of the enemy, or on the frontier of the enemies' country. (IAar, T.) b5: A captive. (Th, M, K.) A2: A chamber, or house, or tent, prepared for a guest: (T, M, K:) and, (M,) accord. to Lth, (T,) a chamber within a chamber. (T, M.) ثُوِىٌّ: see art. ثو.

A2: Also an inf. n. of 1. (S &c.) ثَوِيَّةٌ: see ثَايَةٌ, above, in two places.

A2: Also A woman (K, TA) to whom one betakes himself to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, with her (يُثْوَى إِلَيْهَا). (TA.) ثَاوٍ part. n. of 1; (Msb;) [Remaining, &c.: or remaining, &c., long:] a stranger remaining, staying, dwelling, or abiding, in a country, or town: (T:) or ثَاوِى بَلْدَةٍ a stranger who keeps to a country, or town. (M.) b2: A man remaining in his grave. (IB, TA.) ثَاوِىُّ: see ثَائِىٌّ, in art. ثوأ. You say قَافِيَةٌ ثَاوِيَّةٌ [in the CK, erroneously, ثاوِيَةٌ] A rhyme of which the characteristic is ث. (K, * TA.) مَثْوًى A place where one remains, stays, dwells, or abides; (T;) a place of alighting or abode, an abode, or a dwelling, (T, M, Mgh, Msb,) of a man: (T:) pl. مَثَاوٍ (T, M, Mgh, Msb, K.) Hence, أَبُو المَثْوَى The master (M, K) of the house or tent, (M,) or of the place where one alights or abides, or of the abode or dwelling. (K.) And أُمُّ المَثْوَى The mistress of the house or tent. (M.) And أَبُو مَثْوَى الرَّجُلِ The master of the place of alighting, or of the abode, of the man: (S:) the host who entertains the man; to whom he betakes himself for lodging, and at whose abode he stays: (Har p. 595:) and the guest whom the man entertains. (M, K. * [See also ثَوِىٌّ.]) And أُمُّ مَثْوَى الرَّجُلِ The mistress of the place of alighting, or of the abode, of the man: (S:) the mistress of the man's place of alighting, or abode, in which he passes the night; occurring in this sense in a trad., not meaning his wife. (TA.) b2: It is also an inf. n. of ثَوَى. (T, M.)
ثوى: ثوى مصدره مثواة في معجم البلاذري أثوى: دفن الميت (بدرون 226).
ثَوِيّ: طارئ، نزيل، غريب لم يكتسب جنسية البلد (بوشر).
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