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68000. ثُرَيْرٌ1 68001. ثرير1 68002. ثَرِينة1 68003. ثريوم1 68004. ثشش1 68005. ثط368006. ثَطَّ 1 68007. ثطأ6 68008. ثَطَأَ 1 68009. ثَطَأَهُ1 68010. ثطا3 68011. ثَطَا2 68012. ثطب1 68013. ثطط10 68014. ثَطَطَ1 68015. ثطع5 68016. ثَطَعَ 1 68017. ثطعم2 68018. ثطف4 68019. ثطو1 68020. ثطى1 68021. ثطي1 68022. ثَعَّ1 68023. ثع2 68024. ثَعَّ 1 68025. ثعا1 68026. ثُعَالُ1 68027. ثُعَالِبَاتُ1 68028. ثعالة1 68029. ثُعَالَةُ1 68030. ثَعَبَ2 68031. ثعب17 68032. ثَعْبٌ 1 68033. ثُعْبان1 68034. ثُعْبَاني1 68035. ثعثع1 68036. ثعج3 68037. ثعجح2 68038. ثعجر6 68039. ثعْجر1 68040. ثَعْجَرَهُ1 68041. ثعد9 68042. ثَعْدٌ1 68043. ثعر8 68044. ثَعَرَ1 68045. ثَعَرَ 1 68046. ثعرر2 68047. ثُعْرور1 68048. ثعط7 68049. ثَعِطَ 1 68050. ثعطه1 68051. ثعع6 68052. ثَعَعَ1 68053. ثعل10 68054. ثَعَلَ1 68055. ثُعَلُ1 68056. ثُعْلُ1 68057. ثَعَلَ 1 68058. ثَعْلَب2 68059. ثَعْلَبٌ1 68060. ثَعْلب2 68061. ثعلب13 68062. ثَعْلَة1 68063. ثعلت1 68064. ثعلوق1 68065. ثعم5 68066. ثَعَمَ 1 68067. ثَعْما1 68068. ثَعَمَهُ1 68069. ثعن1 68070. ثعو2 68071. ثَعُوب1 68072. ثعي1 68073. ثُعَيَّان1 68074. ثُعَيْلب1 68075. ثُعَيْلِبَاتُ1 68076. ثغ1 68077. ثغا4 68078. ثَغَا1 68079. ثَغَا 1 68080. ثغاء1 68081. ثَغْبٌ1 68082. ثغب9 68083. ثَغْبٌ 1 68084. ثغت1 68085. ثَغْثَغَ1 68086. ثغثغ2 68087. ثغد2 68088. ثغر15 68089. ثَغَرَ1 68090. ثَغْرٌ 1 68091. ثغرب3 68092. ثُغْرَة1 68093. ثَغْرَةَ1 68094. ثغغ3 68095. ثغل1 68096. ثغم13 68097. ثَغَمَ1 68098. ثَغَمَ 1 68099. ثغو9 Prev. 100


ثطا وثطوطا خف شعر لحيته أَو حاجبيه وَثقل بَطْنه وبطؤت حركته فَهُوَ ثط
الثَطُ والأثَطُّ: الذي لا لِحْيَةَ له ولا حاجِبَانِ، والثَّطَطُ: المَصْدَرُ، ثَطَّ يَثُطُ ثَطاً وثُطُوْطَةً وثَطَاطَةً، وقَوْمٌ ثُطّان وثطَطَةٌ وثطَاطٌ.
والثطَاءُ: التي لا است لها. ودُويبةٌ تُسَمى: الثطآءَ؛ تَلْسَعُ. والثَطُّ: السَّلْحُ.


1 ثَطَّ, aor. ـَ (Lth, TA;) [app. accord. to him who says رَجُلٌ أَثَطُّ; for Lth adds,] and, accord. to him who says رَجُلٌ ثَطٌ, (Lth, TA,) ثَطَّ, aor. ـِ and ثَطُّ; (Lth, K;) inf. n. [of ثَطَّ of which the aor. is ثَطَ3َ,] ثَطَطٌ, (Lth, IDrd, S, K,) and [of the verb of which the aor. is ثَطِّ,] ثَطٌّ, and [of that of which the aor. is ثَطُّ, the second Pers\. of the pret. being app. ثَطُطْتَ,] ثَطَاطَةٌ and ثُطُوطَةٌ; (Lth, K;) or the last two, accord. to IDrd, are simple substs., and ISd approves of this distinction; (TA;) He (a man, Lth, S) was, or became, such as is termed ثَطٌّ and أَثَطُّ [explained below]. (Lth, IDrd, S, K.) ثَطٌّ and ↓ أَثَطُّ, (Lth, S, K,) but the former is the more correct and the more common, (Lth,) or the former only, (IDrd, and IB on the authority of Ibn-El-Jawáleekee, and K,) the latter being vulgar, (IDrd, K,) but Az asserted his having heard the latter, (AHát, cited in the JM,) [and the latter only is mentioned in the Mgh,] A man (S, Mgh) having no hair upon the sides of his face, but only upon his chin; syn. كَوْسَجٌ: (S, Mgh, K:) or having a scanty beard: (IDrd:) or the former signifies having little hair in the beard, and in the eyebrows: (K:) or [when you mean the latter] you say رَجُلٌ ثَطُّ الحَاجِبَيْنِ, (K,) a man having thin, or scanty, eyebrows; as also الحَاجِبَيْنِ ↓ أَثَطُّ; (TA;) the mention of the eyebrows being indispensable; (IAar, K;) and اِمْرَأَةٌ ثَطَّةُ الحَاجِبَيْنِ [a woman having thin, or scanty, eyebrows]: (S TA:) pl. (of pauc., TA) أَثْطَاطٌ (Kr, K) and (of mult., TA) ثُطَّانٌ and ثِطَطَةٌ (Az, K) and ثُطُطٌ, (IAar,) [all of which may be of either sing.,] and ثِطَاطٌ, (Az, S, K,) which is of the former sing., (S,) and ثُطٌّ, (Az, S, K,) which is of the latter. (S.) You say also اِمْرَأَةٌ

↓ ثَطَّآءُ A woman having no إِسْب, (Lth, TA,) i. e. hair on the pubes; in the copies of the K incorrectly written اِسْت. (TA.) And ↓ عَارِضٌ أَثَطُّ A side of the cheek, or of the face, having the hair falling off. (Mgh.) b2: Also, the former, Heavy in the belly; (K, TA;) slow; applied to a man. (TA.) A2: The former also signifies Human excrement or ordure; or thin human excrement or ordure; syn. سَلْحٌ. (Sgh, K.) [See also ثَلْطٌ.]

أَثَطُّ, and its fem. ثَطَّآءُ: see ثَطٌّ, in four places. b2: الثَّطَّآءُ also signifies The spider: or another creeping thing, that stings, or bites, vehemently: (K:) this is from Lth, as in the O and L: but in the Tekmileh we find الثَّطَّآءُ, like شَفَّآء, [app. a mistake for الثِّطَآءُ, like شِفَآء,] a certain small creeping thing: or, as some say, it is الثَّطَا, of the measure of قَفًا. (TA.)
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