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67905. ثَدِنَ1 67906. ثَدَنَ1 67907. ثَدَنَ 1 67908. ثدو4 67909. ثَدْوَاءُ1 67910. ثدى367911. ثدي12 67912. ثَدْي الرَّجُل1 67913. ثَدْيٌ 1 67914. ثَدْيَا1 67915. ثر3 67916. ثرّ2 67917. ثَرَّ 1 67918. ثرا4 67919. ثِرَا1 67920. ثَرَا1 67921. ثَرَاء1 67922. ثرائي1 67923. ثرَاثِر1 67924. ثُرَامُ1 67925. ثَرَبَ1 67926. ثرب19 67927. ثَرِبَ 1 67928. ثِرْباطٌ1 67929. ثَرَبانُ1 67930. ثربج1 67931. ثربط2 67932. ثربه1 67933. ثرتم4 67934. ثَرْثالٌ1 67935. ثَرْثَرَ1 67936. ثرثر4 67937. ثرثل1 67938. ثرد18 67939. ثَرَدَ2 67940. ثَرَدَ 1 67941. ثردت1 67942. ثَرْدِيّ1 67943. ثرر10 67944. ثَرَرَ1 67945. ثرط6 67946. ثرطأ3 67947. ثرطل3 67948. ثرطم2 67949. ثَرَطَه1 67950. ثرع2 67951. ثَرِعَ1 67952. ثرعط3 67953. ثرعل2 67954. ثرعم2 67955. ثرغ5 67956. ثرغل3 67957. ثرق1 67958. ثرقب4 67959. ثُرْقُبِيٌ1 67960. ثرم14 67961. ثَرَمَ1 67962. ثَرَمُ1 67963. ثَرْمٌ 1 67964. ثَرْمة1 67965. ثِرْمَةُ1 67966. ثرمد3 67967. ثَرْمَدُ1 67968. ثَرْمَدَ2 67969. ثَرْمَدَاءُ1 67970. ثرمط3 67971. ثِرْمِط1 67972. ثرمل7 67973. ثَرْمَلَ1 67974. ثرمه1 67975. ثرن2 67976. ثَرِنَ1 67977. ثرنت1 67978. ثرند1 67979. ثرنط2 67980. ثرو9 67981. ثَرْوَان1 67982. ثرْوَانُ1 67983. ثَرْوة1 67984. ثروة1 67985. ثروت1 67986. ثَرُورُ1 67987. ثُرُوغُ1 67988. ثَرْوَقُ1 67989. ثَرُوقُ1 67990. ثرومبين1 67991. ثَرَوَى 1 67992. ثرى8 67993. ثري6 67994. ثُرَيَّا1 67995. ثُرَيَّات1 67996. ثُريَّات1 67997. ثَرَيْدُ1 67998. ثَريدَةٌ1 67999. ثُرَيْر1 68000. ثُرَيْرٌ1 68001. ثرير1 68002. ثَرِينة1 68003. ثريوم1 68004. ثشش1 Prev. 100


الثدْيُ: مَعْرُوْفٌ.
وامْرأةٌ ثَدْيَاءُ: عَظِيْمَةُ الثَّدْيَيْنِ يُقال: ثَدْيٌ وثدي وثَدى، وجَمْعُه ثُدِي وثُدْيٌ وثُدِيْنٌ. والثُدَيَّةُ: وِعَاءٌ يَحْمِلُه الفارِسُ يَجْعَلُ فيه العَقَبَ والرِّيْشَ.
والثُدّاءُ: نَبْتٌ، وقد تَقَدَّمَ ذِكْرُه.
(ثدى) - في الحَدِيثِ: "ذِكْرُ ذِي الثُّدَيَّة" .
وهي تصغير الثُّنْدُوَة بتَقْدِير حَذْف الزَّائد الذي هو "النُّون"، كأَنَّها من تَركِيب الثَّدْيِ وانْقِلاب الياء فِيهَا وَاوًا بضَمَّة ما قَبلَها، ولم يَضُرَّ لِظُهور الَّاشْتِقاق ارتكابُ الوَزْنِ الشَّاذّ، كما لم يَضُرّ في انْقَحَل. ورُوِي: "ذُو اليُدَيَّة".


ى1 ثَدِىَ, aor. ـَ It became moist or moistened. (T, K.) ثَدِيَتِ الأَرْضُ i. q. سَدِيَت [The land became moistened by much dew]: mentioned by Yaakoob, who asserts that the ث in the former is a substitute for the س in the latter; but is not known. (M.) A2: ثَدَاهُ, aor. ـُ (T, K) and ثَدِىَ, (T,) He moistened it. (T, K.) b2: And ثداهُ [so in the TT, as form the T, without. teshdeed,] He fed him, or nourished him: (T, TT:) [or the verb in this sense is ↓ ثدّاهُ, for its inf. n.] تَثْدِيَةٌ signifies the act of feeding, or nourishing. (K.) 2 ثَدَّىَ see 1.

ثَدْىٌ (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.) and ثِدْىٌ and ثَدًى: (K:) the first of these is the form most commonly obtaining: (TA:) [The breast, or mamma;] the part of the chest whereof the حَلَمَة is the head; each of the two parts whereof the حَلَمَتَانِ are the two heads: (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) [and sometimes, but not properly, the حَلَمَة alone; i. e., the pap, nipple, or mamilla:] you say ثَدْى مُقْعَدٌ a breast that is swelling, prominent, or protuberant, (S, A, L, K, in art. قعد,) that fills the hand, (A in that art.,) and has not yet become folding: (S, L, K, in that art.:) and رَضَعَ ثَدْىَ أُمِّهِ [he sucked the breast, meaning the pap, or nipple, of his mother]. (IKtt in TA, art. رضع:) it is peculiar to woman; (T, K;) or common to woman and man; (S, Msb, K;) being sometimes used in relation to a man; (Msb;) accord. to the opinion held to be most chaste and best known by the lexicologists [in general]: (TA:) and is masc.; (T, M, Mgh;) or masc. and fem.; (S, Msb, K;) but most chastely masc.: (TA;) the pl. [of pauc.] is أَثْدٍ, (S, M, Msb, K,] [originally أَثْدُىٌ,] of the measure أَفْعُلٌ, (Msb,) and [of mult.] ثُدِىٌّ, (S, M, Msb, K,) [originally ثُدُوىٌ,] of the measure فُعُولٌ, (S, Msb,) and ثِدِىٌّ, with kesr to the ث because of the kesr to the letter following, (S,) and sometimes ثِدَآءٌ, [originally ثِدَاىٌ,] like سِهَامٌ; (Msb;) and a poet says, وَأَصْبَحَتِ النِّسَآءُ مُسَلِّبَاتٍ

لَهُنَّ الوَيْلُ يَمْدُدْنَ الثُّدِينَا [And the women became widowed, or bereft of relations, and without their ornaments, or in mourning, having woe, pulling the breasts]; but this is something like a mistake; and it may be that he meant التُّدِيَّا, and changed the [latter]

ى into ن for the sake of the rhyme. (M.) It is said in a prov., تُجَوَّعُ الحُرَّةُ وَلَا تَأْكُلُ ثَدْيَيْهَا, meaning, أُجْرَةَ ثَدْيَيْهَا, [i. e. The ingenuous woman will be made to hunger and will not eat the hire of her breasts,] the prefixed noun being suppressed; or, as some relate it, بِثَدْيَيْهَا, which is plain [as meaning, by means of her breasts]: it is applied in relation to a man's preserving himself from ignoble means of acquiring wealth. (Mgh.) And جُدَّ ثَدْىُ أُمِّهِ, May his mother's breast be cut off, is a form of imprecation against a man, and used to imply a wish for his separation. (As, L in art. جد.) The saying of 'Alee, on the day of his slaughter of the Khawárij, اُنْظُرُوا فَإِنَّ فِيِهمْ رَجُلًا إِحْدَى يَدَيْهِ مِثْلُ ثَدْىِ المَرْأَةِ [Look ye, for among them is a man one of whose arms is like the breast of the woman], not احدى ثَدْيَيْهِ as some relate it, was applied to a man who had, in the place of one arm, a lump of flesh upon his shoulder-joint, which lump, when it was stretched, became equal in length to his other arm, and when it was left, returned [to its original form]. (Mgh.) Respecting ↓ ثُدَيَّةٌ, the dim., whence the surname ذَو الثُّدَيَّةِ, he who holds ثَدْىٌ to be masc. [only] says that the ة is added because the word [virtually] means اليَد, [which is fem.,] for the man thus surnamed had a short arm, of the size of the ثَدْى, as is indicated by the fact that they also called him ذُو اليُدَيَّةِ: (S:) or, accord. to Fr, (A'Obeyd, T,) ة is added, in this instance, in the dim., though ثَدْىٌ is masc., because it applies to what resembled the remains (بَقِيَّة) of a ثَدْى, the greater part of it having gone, so that it is like لُحَمْيَةٌ and شُحَيْمَةٌ [dims. of لَحْمَةٌ and شَحْمَةٌ]: (T, M:) or the ة is added because the word is regarded in this case as meaning البَضْعَةُ [the piece, or lump, of flesh]: (Mgh:) some say that it is the dim. of ثَنْدُوَةٌ; (Mgh, TA;) but this requires consideration. (Mgh.) ثُدَيَّةٌ: see ثَدْىٌ. b2: Also A repository, or receptacle, (AA, K,) of the size of the fist, (AA,) in which the horseman carries the [sinews called]

عَقَب [of which the bow-string is made, and which are bound round a bow, and round an arrow, to repair a fracture in it, (see عَقَبٌ and عَقَبَ,)] and the feathers [which he may require to attach to any of his arrows]. (AA, K.) ثُدَّآءٌ A certain plant [growing] in the desert. (S.) ثَدْيَآءُ A woman large in the ثَدْيَانِ [or breasts]: أَثْدَى, the masc. form, is not used. (S, M.) ثَنْدُوَةٌ, [written by some ثُنْدُوَةٌ, as well as ثَنْدُؤَةٌ and ثَنْدُؤَةٌ,] mentioned here in the S, and in art. ثدأ: see the latter art.
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