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65561. تَكِيَّة1 65562. تكيس1 65563. تكيف1 65564. تَكِيكِيّ1 65565. تكيية1 65566. تل465567. تلّ1 65568. تَلُّ أُسْقف1 65569. تَلُّ أَعْرَنَ1 65570. تَلُّ أَعْفَرَ1 65571. تَلُّ التَّمْر1 65572. تَلّ الزَّبِيبيَّة1 65573. تَل السُّلْطان1 65574. تَلّ الصّافِيَة1 65575. تَلُّ المَخَالي1 65576. تَلُّ باشِرٍ1 65577. تَلُّ بَحْرَى1 65578. تَل بَسْمَةَ1 65579. تَلُّ بَطْريقٍ1 65580. تَلُّ بَلْخَ1 65581. تَلُّ بَلِيخ1 65582. تَلُّ بني سيار1 65583. تَل بني صَبَّاح1 65584. تَلُّ بَوَنَّا1 65585. تَلُّ تَوْبَة1 65586. تَلُّ جُبَير1 65587. تَلُّ جَحْوَش1 65588. تَلُّ جَزَر1 65589. تَلُّ حَامد1 65590. تَلُّ حَرّانَ1 65591. تَلّ حُوم1 65592. تَلّ خالد1 65593. تَلُّ خَوْسا1 65594. تَلّ دُحَيْم1 65595. تَلّ زَبْدَى1 65596. تَل عَبْدة1 65597. تَلّ عَبْلة1 65598. تَلّ عَقْرَقُوف1 65599. تَلّ عُكْبَرَا1 65600. تَلّ قَبّاسِينَ1 65601. تَلّ قُرَاد1 65602. تَلّ كَشْفَهان1 65603. تَلّ كَيْسَانَ1 65604. تَلّ مَاسِحٍ1 65605. تَلّ مَحْرَى1 65606. تَلُّ مَنَّس1 65607. تَل مَوْزَن1 65608. تَلُّ هَراق1 65609. تَلُّ هَفْتُون1 65610. تَلُّ هَوَارَةَ1 65611. تَلَّ 1 65612. تلأ1 65613. تلأب4 65614. تلألأ1 65615. تلأم1 65616. تَلَا2 65617. تلا6 65618. تَلا1 65619. تلاءم1 65620. تَلاءَمَ مع1 65621. تلاثغ1 65622. تلاثما1 65623. تلاحز1 65624. تلاحظا1 65625. تلاحقت1 65626. تلاحك1 65627. تَلاحَمَ مع1 65628. تلاحمت1 65629. تلاحى1 65630. تلاخ1 65631. تَلَّادة1 65632. تلاذ1 65633. تلازب1 65634. تلازق1 65635. تلازن1 65636. تَلاشَى1 65637. تلاشى1 65638. تَلاشِي1 65639. تلاصقا1 65640. تلاطث1 65641. تلاطست1 65642. تلاطف1 65643. تلاطمت1 65644. تلاظوا1 65645. تلاعب1 65646. تلاعنا1 65647. تُلاغِي1 65648. تلافق1 65649. تلافوا1 65650. تلافى1 65651. تلاقا1 65652. تلاقب1 65653. تلاقس1 65654. تلاقيا1 65655. تلاكزا1 65656. تلاكما1 65657. تلاكن1 65658. تلالوه1 65659. تَلالْوَه1 65660. تلامِذة1 Prev. 100


أصل التَّلِّ: المكان المرتفع، والتَّلِيل:
العنق، وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ
[الصافات/ 103] ، أسقطه على التل، كقولك: ترّبه: أسقطه على التراب، وقيل: أسقطه على تليله، والمِتَّل:
الرمح الذي يتل به.
فلَان تَلا سقط وَالْمَاء والعرق وَنَحْوهمَا قطر وَرشح وَفُلَانًا تَلا صرعه وألقاه على عُنُقه وخده وَمِنْه فِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {وتله للجبين} وَيُقَال تل النَّاقة أناخها وأبركها وَالْمَاء وَنَحْوه قطره وصبه وَالشَّيْء فِي يَد فلَان وَضعه فِيهَا أَو دَفعه إِلَيْهِ فَهُوَ متلول وتليل وَجمع الْأَخير تلى
باب التاء واللام ت ل، ل ت يستعملان

تل: التَلُّ: الرابية من التُّراب مكبُوسٌ ليس خلقة. والتليل: العُنُق، [قال لبيد:

يَتَّقيني بتَليلٍ ذي خُصَلْ]

أي بعنق ذي خصل. والتليل: الصَّريع، وجمعه تَلَّى . والتَلَّةُ: شيءٌ من وصف الإِبِل. والمِتَلُّ: القويُّ الشديد، أسَدٌ، وريحٌ مِتَلٌ. وتَلَلْتُه في يَدَيْهِ: دَفَعتُه إليه سِلماً. والتَّلْتلةُ: الإِقلاق [والحركة] . والتَّلْتلةُ: المَشرَبة تُتَّخَذُ من قِيقاءةِ الطَّلْع. ورجلٌ مِتَلٌّ: مُنتَصِبٌ في الصلاة، قال:

على ظَهْرِ عاديٍّ كأنَّ أرُومَة ... رجالٌ يَتُلُّون الصلاةَ قيامُ

أي يَقضُونَها. وتَلَّ فلانٌ فلاناً أي صَرَعَه، وما اسوء تَلَّتَه أي صَرْعته. وتَلُّوه في قبره مَتَلاًّ أي أوردوه . والتَّلْتلة مثل التَّرْتَرةِ في التحريك.

لت: اللَّتُّ: الفعل من اللُّتات، وكُلُّ شيءٍ يُلَتَّ به سَويق وغيره نحو السَّمْن وشِبهه. والخيْلُ تَلُتُّ الحصى لتا. 


1 تَلَّهُ, (T, S, * M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. تَلٌّ, (M, Msb,) He prostrated him, or threw him down; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) [as some say,] upon the تَلّ: (TA:) or he threw him down (M, K, TA) upon his تَلِيل, i. e., (TA,) upon his neck, and his cheek: (M, K TA:) but the former is the more approved; and thus it is explained as used in the phrase وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ [in the Kur xxxvii. 103], (M,) and he prostrated him, or threw him down, (Aboo-Is-hák, T, S, Bd,) upon his side, so that the side of his forehead fell upon the ground; (Bd;) or upon his mouth; (Katá-deh, T;) or upon his face. (Bd.) And تَلَّ النَّاقَةَ He made the she-camel to lie down upon her breast. (TA.) b2: He threw it upon the ground: said of any corporeal thing. (M.) b3: تَلَّ, aor. ـُ (IAar, T, K) and تَلِّ, (K,) [the latter anomalous in this case, and doubtful,] also signifies He poured (IAar, T, K, TA) into the hand of another. (TA.) And تَلَّ الشَّىْءَ فِى يَدِهِ He gave, or delivered, the thing to him: (M, K *:) or he threw, or put, the thing into his hand. (K.) The Prophet says, بَيْنَا أَنَا نَائِمٌ أُتِيتُ بِمَفَاتِيحِ خَزَائِنِ الأَرْضِ فَتُلَّتْ فِى يَدِى, i. e. [While I was sleeping, I had the keys of the treasures of the earth brought to me,] and they were poured into my hand: (IAar, T, M:) or were thrown, or put, into my hand. (IAmb, M.) b4: Also, (K,) inf. n. تَلٌّ, (M,) He lowered, or let down, the rope into the well, (M, K,) with the hand, on the occasion of drawing water. (M.) b5: سَوْءٍ ↓ تَلَّهُ بِتِلَّةِ, [aor. ـُ accord. to rule,] He charged him, or upbraided him, with an evil, or a foul, thing. (Th, M, K.) A2: تَلَّ, aor. ـِ (IAar, T, M, K) and تَلُّ, (K,) [the latter anomalous in this case, and doubtful,] He was, or became, prostrated, or thrown down; (M, K) he fell, or fell down. (IAar, T, M, K.) A3: تَلَّ جَبِينُهُ, (M, K,) aor. ـِ (T, M, K) and تَلُّ, (K,) [the latter anomalous in this case also, and doubtful,] inf. n. تَلٌّ, (T, M,) The side of his forehead sweated, or exuded sweat. (M, K.) And in like manner the verb is used in relation to a wateringtrough. (Lh, M.) A4: تَلِلْت is an imitative sequent to ضَلِلْت. (M.) 4 اتلّ المَائِعَ He made the fluid, or liquid, to drop, or fall in drops. (K.) R. Q. 1 تَلْتَلَهُ, (S,) inf. n. تَلْتَلَةٌ, (M, K,) He moved him, agitated him, shook him, put him into a state of motion or commotion; (S, M, K;) or did so vehemently: (S, K, and Mgh in art. تر:) he shook him, or shook him violently, (namely, a drinker,) and ordered him to breathe in his face, that he might know whether he had drunk [wine or the like], or not; (TA in this art. and art. تر;) as also تَرْتَرَهُ, and مَزْمَزَهُ. (TA in the latter art.) b2: تَلْتَلَةٌ also signifies Hard journeying: and rough, or severe, or vehement, driving. (K.) Yousay, تَلْتَلَ الرَّجُلُ The man was rough, or severe, or vehement, in his driving. (M.) A2: تَلْتَلَةُ بَهْرَآءَ is [The tribe of] Bahrà's pronouncing the ت of تَفْعَلُونَ with kesr; (M, K;) saying تِفْعَلُونَ, and تِشْهَدُونَ, and the like. (M.) تَلٌّ, accord. to Lth, [and accord. to general present usage,] A mound, or hill, of dust, or earth, [or rubbish,] pressed together, not natural: but this is a mistake [if meant as an explanation of the proper application], for with the Arabs it signifies a natural hill: En-Nadr says that it is of the smaller sort of إِكَام [pl. of أَكَمَةٌ]; it is of the height of a house, or tent, and the breadth of its back is about ten cubits; it is smaller than the أَكَمَة, has fewer stones, gives growth to nothing good, and its stones are compacted together exactly like those of the أَكَمَة: (T:) [the mound, or artificial hill, above mentioned, is what is meant by its being said,] the تَلّ of dust, or earth, is well known: and the word signifies also a heap of sand: (M, K:*) in both of these senses from التَّلُّ signifying “ the throwing upon the ground ”

anything of a corporeal kind: (M:) also a hill (M, K, TA) overtopping what is adjacent to it: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَتْلَالٌ (M, TA) and أَتُلٌّ (TA) and [of mult.] تِلَالٌ (T, S, Msb, K) and تُلُولٌ. (TA.) A2: Also A pillow: pl. أَتْلَالٌ, which is extr.: or the pl. signifies certain sorts of cloths, or of garments: (K, TA:) or, as some say, of pillows. (TA.) تَلَّةٌ [inf. n. un. of 1, by Golius erroneously written تُلَّةٌ, and wrongly explained by him,] A single act of pouring [&c.]. (T, K.) b2: A single act of lying upon the side. (K.) A2: See also تَلْتَلَةٌ.

تِلَّةٌ A mode, or manner, of lying upon the side. (Fr, K.) b2: Sluggishness, laziness, or indolence. (Fr, T, K.) b3: A state, or condition. (S, M, K) You say, هُوَ بِتِلَّةِ سَوْءٍ He is in an evil state or condition; like as you say بِبِيْئَةِ سوء: (S:) and بَاتَ بِتِلَّةِ سَوْءٍ He passed the night in an evil state or condition. (M.) b4: A thing; as in the saying, تَلَّهُ بِتِلَّةِ سَوْءٍ [explained above]: see 1. (Th, M, K.) A2: I. q. بِلَّةٌ, (T, M,) or بَلَلٌ, as also ↓ تَلَلٌ: (K:) Abu-s-Semeyda' says that تِلَّةٌ and بِلَّةٌ and تَلَلٌ and تَلَّةٌ are all one [i. e. Moisture]. (T.) One says, [app. to a person suspected of having drunk wine or the like,] مَا هٰذِهِ التِّلَّةُ بِفِيكَ i. e. البَلَّةُ [What is this moisture in thy mouth?]. (T, M.) تَلَلٌ: see تِلَّةٌ.

التَّلَال in the phrase هُوَ الضَّلَالُ بْنُ التَّلَالِ is an imitative sequent. (S, K.) تَلِيلٌ Prostrated, or thrown down; as also ↓ مَتْلُولٌ: (IAar, T, M, K:) [pl. of the former تَلَّى, like as صَرْعَى is pl. of صَرِيعٌ, and قَتْلَى of قَتِيلٌ, &c.; as in the phrase] قَوْمٌ تَلَّى A company of men prostrated, or thrown down. (M, K.) A2: The neck: (T, M, K:) and the cheek: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَتِلَّةٌ and [of mult.] تُلُلٌ and تَلَائِلُ. (M, K.) You say, لَهُ تَلِيلٌ كَجِذْعِ السَّحُوقِ [He has a neck like the trunk of the tall palm-tree]. (TA.) التَّلَالَةُ is an imitative sequent to الضَّلَالَةُ. (T, * S, M, * K.) تَلْتَلَةٌ inf. n. of R. Q. 1 [q. v.]. b2: Also Hardship, difficulty, distress, or adversity: (M, K:) pl. تَلَاتِلُ, (TA,) signifying hardships, difficulties, &c. (Aboo-Turáb, T, S, M.) A2: A drinking-vessel that is made of the envelope (قِيقَآءَة, S, or قِيقَآء, M and K) of the spadix of a palm-tree; (S, M, K;) so called because what it contains is poured into the throat; (T;) as also ↓ تَلَّةٌ: (M, K:) it is said that نَبِيذ is drunk with it. (TA.) تَلٌّ is an imitative sequent to ضَالٌّ. (T, * S, M, * K.) مَتَلٌّ A place of prostrating. (TA.) مَتَلٌّ [as a subst.] A thing with which one prostrates: (M, K:) and hence a spear: (Msb:) and [as an epithet], applied to a spear, with which one prostrates: (T, * S, M:) or, applied to a spear, erect; or even and erect. (K.) b2: Strong; (S, M, K;) applied to a man and to a camel (M, K, TA) &c. (TA.) b3: A man erect in prayer: (T, M, K:) so accord. to Lth, who cites the saying, رِجَالٌ يُتِلُّونَ الصَّلَاةَ قِيَامُ but this is a mistake; for يُتِلُّونَ is from تَلَّى, and means, who make prayer to follow prayer. (T.) مُتَلِّلٌ One who prostrates much, or often; who does so by twisting his leg with the leg of another. (T.) مَتْلُولٌ: see تَلِيلٌ.
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