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65327. تقويم الصحة، في الطب...1 65328. تقويم اللسان1 65329. تقويم اللسان، في النحو...1 65330. تقويم النديم، وعقبى النعيم المقيم...1 65331. تقويم النظر، في الرمل...1 65332. تقى265333. تَقِيّ1 65334. تقي4 65335. تَقِيّ الدِّين1 65336. تقيأ1 65337. تَقِيَّات1 65338. تَقِيَّة1 65339. تقيح1 65340. تُقَيِّدُ1 65341. تقيد1 65342. تقيض1 65343. تقيل1 65344. تقين1 65345. تَقَيُّنِي1 65346. تَقْيُوسُ1 65347. تقييد المهمل1 65348. تَقْيِيم1 65349. تكَ1 65350. تَكُ1 65351. تك2 65352. تَكَّ 1 65353. تكء1 65354. تكأ4 65355. تَكَأَ1 65356. تُكْأة1 65357. تكأده1 65358. تكأكأ1 65359. تكئ1 65360. تَكِئَة1 65361. تكا1 65362. تكاءده1 65363. تكاب1 65364. تكابر1 65365. تكات1 65366. تكاتب1 65367. تَكَاتَفَ1 65368. تكاتف1 65369. تكاتم1 65370. تكاثرت1 65371. تكاثف2 65372. تكادرت1 65373. تكادس1 65374. تكادم1 65375. تكاذبوا1 65376. تكارس1 65377. تكارم1 65378. تكاره1 65379. تكارى1 65380. تكاسل1 65381. تكاشف1 65382. تكاظوا1 65383. تُكَاف1 65384. تكافأ1 65385. تكافح1 65386. تَكَافَلَ1 65387. تكافوا1 65388. تكالب1 65389. تكالم1 65390. تَكاليف1 65391. تَكَامل1 65392. تكاوحا1 65393. تكاوس1 65394. تكايد1 65395. تكاير1 65396. تكايل1 65397. تكبب1 65398. تكبد1 65399. تَكَبَّد1 65400. تكبر1 65401. تكبَّر على1 65402. تكبس1 65403. تكبكب1 65404. تكبى1 65405. تكبيت1 65406. تَكْبِيرَات التَّشْرِيق...1 65407. تكبيرات التشريق1 65408. تُكَّت1 65409. تكْتبُوا1 65410. تكتف1 65411. تكتك2 65412. تَكْتَكَ1 65413. تكتكت1 65414. تَكَتَّل1 65415. تكتل1 65416. تُكْتَمُ1 65417. تَكَتَّم الخَبَرَ1 65418. تَكْتُوك1 65419. تكْثر1 65420. تكثم1 65421. تكحلت1 65422. تكحيل العيون، بما في السير من الفنو...1 65423. تكدح1 65424. تَكَدَّر1 65425. تكدر1 65426. تكدست1 Prev. 100


(تقى) - قَولُه تَعالَى: {وَآتَاهُمْ تَقْوَاهُمْ} - قِيلَ: أَى جَزاءَ اتَّقائِهِم وثَوابَه. وقيل: أَلهَمَهم أن يَتَّقُوه ووَفَّقَهم لِذَلِك.
- وفي الحَدِيث: "كُنَّا إذا احمَرَّ البَأْسُ اتَّقَينا برَسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - "
: أي جَعلْناه قُدَّامَنا واستقبَلْنا العَدُوَّ به، وقُمنَا خَلفَه.
يقال: اتَّقَاه يَتَّقِيه، وتَقَاه يَتْقِيه، بتَخْفِيفِ التاء أيضا، وأصلُه من وَقَى يَقِى وِقايةً.
- وهو مَعنَى الحَدِيث الآخر: "إنما الِإمامُ جُنَّةٌ يُتَّقى به ويُقاتَل من وَرَائِه".
والأمرُ من تَقِى يَتَقِى بفَتْح التَاءِ وتَخْفِيفِه: تَقِ، وفِيهِما تَقْدِيرات لأهْلِ التَّصرِيف، ومن تَقَاه يَتْقِيه بسِكون التَّاء اتْقِ على وزن ارْم، ذَكَره الجَبَّانُ. ومَعْنَى الحَدِيث الآخر: "إنَّ الِإمام يُدفَع به ويُتَّقَى بقُوَّته وحَشَمَتِه" .

Quasi تقى: or, accord. to some, تقو 1 تَقَى, aor. ـِ (T, S, K, in art. وقى) and 1َ2َ3َ, (T, TA,) or تَقِىَ, aor. ـَ (Msb, [but the correctness of this I greatly doubt, unless, as appears to be the case, it is meant to be understood as an intrans. verb,]) inf. n. تَقْىٌ, (S and TA in art. تقى, [which art. I find in only one copy of the S,]) or تُقًى, (K,) or تُقَاةٌ, (Msb, and also mentioned in the TA,) of which تُقًى is pl., or coll. n., (Kzz, IB, Msb,) and تَقِيَّةٌ (K) and تِقَآءٌ; (Lh, K;) and ↓ اِتَقَّى, (T, S, Msb, K,) inf. n. اِتِّقَآءٌ (Msb) and [quasi-inf. n.] تَقِيَّةٌ and تُقَاةٌ; (S, art. وقى;) He feared God: (S and TA in art. تقى: all else that follows is from art. وقى except where reference is made to another art.:) or he was cautious of a thing; guarded, or was on his guard, against it; prepared, prepared himself, or was in a state of preparation, against it; or feared it: (K:) or he looked forward to a thing, and guarded against it, sought to avoid it, or was cautious of it. (T, TA.) [For other explanations of the latter verb, which apply also to the former, see art. وقى.] ↓ اِتَّقَى is originally اِوْتَقَى; (T, S;) then اِيتَقَى; then اِتَّقَى; and when this came to be much in use, they imagined the ت to be a radical part of the word, and made the word اِتَقَى, aor. ـَ with fet-h to the ت in each case, and without teshdeed; and not finding any analogue to it in their language, they said تَقَى, aor. ـْ like قَضَى, aor. ـْ (S:) or, as is said in the T, they suppressed the ت, and the اِتَّقَى

changed into ت, in اِتَّقَى, and said تَقَى, aor. ـْ (TA.) A poet says, (namely, Khufáf Ibn-Nudbeh, TA,) جَلَاهَا الصَّيْقَلُونَ فَأَخْلَصُوهَا

خِفَافًا كُلُّهَا يَتْقِى بِأَثْرِ

or, as some read it, يَتَقِى, with the ت movent, but without teshdeed; (S;) and this latter, accord. to IB, is the right reading. (TA.) [See this verse explained in art. اثر.] IB adds that Aboo-Sa'eed

[app. meaning As] disallowed تَقَى, aor. ـْ inf. n. تَقْىٌ; saying that it would require the imperative to be اِتْقِ, which is not said; and this, he states, is right: [for] J says that the imperative used is تَقِ [Fear thou, or beware thou, &c.], as in تَقِ اللّٰهِ [Fear thou God]; and to a woman, تَقِى; formed from the verb اِتَقَى, without tesh-deed, by the suppression of the ا. (TA.)

4 مَا اَتْقَاهُ لِلّٰهِ (S, TA) How great is his reverential, or pious, fear of God! (TA.)

b2: ما اتقاهُ is also said of a saddle, as meaning How good is it for not galling the back! (TA.)

8 إِ1ْتَ2َ3َ see 1, in two places; and see also art. وقى.

تُقًى: see تَقْوَى.

تُقَاةٌ: see تَقْوَى, in two places.

b2: In the phrase in the Kur [iii. 27], إِلَّا أَنْ تَتَّقُوا مِنْهُمْ تُقَاةً, it may be an inf. n. [so that the meaning may be Unless ye fear from them with a great fearing (see 1)]: or it may be a pl. [app. of تَقِىٌّ, like as كُمَاةٌ is pl. of كَمِىٌّ, so that the meaning may be unless ye fear from them, being fearful]: but it is better to regard it as an inf. n. because another reading is تَقِيَّةً. (M, TA.)

تَقِىٌّ, applied to a man, (Msb, K, TA,) i. q. وَقِىٌّ (TA) and مُتَّقٍ (S) [Fearing; cautious; &c.: (see 1:) and particularly having a reverential, or pious, fear of God: or simply pious: or one who preserves, or guards, himself, accord. to some, exceedingly, or extraordinarily, from sin, either of commission or of omission: (see 8 in art. وقى:)]

accord. to IDrd, one who preserves, or guards, himself from punishment [in the world to come], and from acts of disobedience, by righteous conduct: from وَقَيْتُ نَفْسِى: said by the grammarians to be originally وَقُوىٌ; then, تَقُوىٌ: or, accord. to Aboo-Bekr, [originally] of the measure فَعِيلٌ, as is indicated by the first of its pls. mentioned

below: but he who says that it is [originally] of the measure فَعُولٌ says that it has that pl. because it has become like a word [originally] of the measure فَعِيلٌ: (TA:) or righteous, virtuous, just, or honest; (Msb in art. تقى;) contr. of فَاجِرٌ: (idem in art. بر:) pl. أَتْقِيَآءُ (Msb in art. تقى, and K) and تُقَوَآءُ, (K,) which is extr., and of a class disallowed by Sb, (TA,) [and app. also

تُقَاةٌ, q. v. suprà.]

تَقِيَّةٌ: see what next follows.

تَقْوَى, or تَقْوًى, accord. to different readings in the Kur ix. 110, (Bd,) [of which readings the former is the more common,] is originally تَقْيَا, (K,) [or تَقْيًا,] or [rather وَقْيَا, or وَقْيًا, and then]

وَقْوَى, of the measure فَعْلَى, from وَقَيْتُ, (ISd, TA,) or, accord. to MF, the right opinion is that it is [وَقْوًى,] of the measure فَعْوَلٌ, (TA,) and is thus transformed in order to make a distinction between the subst. and the epithet such as خَزْيَا and صَدْيَا: (K:) it is a subst. from اِتَّقَى or وَقَى; (Msb, K;) [and signifies Fear; caution; &c.: (see 1:) and particularly reverential, or pious, fear of God: or simply piety: or the preservation, or guarding, of oneself, accord. to some, exceedingly, or extraordinarily, from sin, either of commission or of omission: or the preservation, or guarding, of oneself from punishment in the world to come, and from acts of disobedience, by righteous conduct: or righteousness, virtue, justice, or honesty: (see تَقِىٌّ:) its explanations in relation to religion are many and various, but are all resolvable into fear of God, or of sin; or the preservation, or guarding, of oneself from sin:] and ↓ تَقِيَّةٌ and ↓ تُقَاةٌ are syn. with each other (S) and with تَقْوَي, (Msb,) and are used as inf. ns. of اِتَّقَى: (S:) and ↓ تُقًى [also] is syn. with تَقْوَي; (S;) or it is pl. of ↓ تُقَاةٌ, or a coll. n., (Kzz, IB, Msb,) like as طُلًى is of طُلَاةٌ, (Kzz, IB,) and as رُطَبٌ is of رُطَبَةٌ. (Msb.) وَآتَاهُمْ تَقْوَاهُمْ, in the Kur xlvii. 19, means And hath explained to them, (Bd,) or suggested to them, (Jel, TA,) what they should fear, or that from which they should preserve themselves: (Bd, Jel, TA:) or hath aided them to practise their تَقْوَى: (Bd:) or hath given them the recompense of their تقوى. (Bd, TA.)

And هُوَ أَهْلُ التَّقْوَى, in the Kur lxxiv. last verse, means He is entitled, or worthy, to be feared; or to be reverentially, or piously, feared. (Bd, Jel, K.)

هُوَ أَتْقَى مِنْ فُلَانٍ [He is more fearing, or cautious, &c., than such a one; more reverentially, or piously, fearful of God; or more pious; &c.;] he has more تَقْوَى than such a one. (TA.)
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