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56046. بريوي1 56047. بَرْيَوي1 56048. برييس1 56049. برييك1 56050. بَزَّ1 56051. بز456052. بَزَّ 1 56053. بزا4 56054. بَزَا1 56055. بُزَاح1 56056. بُزَاخَةُ1 56057. بُزارُ1 56058. بَزَّار1 56059. بزاز1 56060. بِزَازَة1 56061. بَزَّازة1 56062. بزاعَةُ1 56063. بزاغ1 56064. بَزّاغ1 56065. بَزَّاقُ1 56066. بُزاق1 56067. بزامة1 56068. بُزَانُ1 56069. بُزَانةُ1 56070. بزاندا1 56071. بزاهِد1 56072. بُزَاهِر1 56073. بزاوي1 56074. بِزَّاوِيّ1 56075. بَزَّاوِيّ1 56076. بَزَاوِيّ1 56077. بزَاوية1 56078. بزايري1 56079. بَزَايري1 56080. بُزْبُز1 56081. بزبز2 56082. بَزْبَزَة1 56083. بزبزة1 56084. بَزَجَ1 56085. بزج5 56086. بزخ9 56087. بَزَخَ1 56088. بزخَ1 56089. بَزَخَ 1 56090. بزخه1 56091. بزد2 56092. بَزْد1 56093. بَزْدَانُ1 56094. بزدان1 56095. بَزْدَة1 56096. بَزْدَةُ1 56097. بزدرة1 56098. بزدكي1 56099. بزدوري1 56100. بزدول1 56101. بزدية1 56102. بُزدِيْغَرَةُ1 56103. بزذول1 56104. بَزَرَ1 56105. بزر16 56106. بَزَرَ 1 56107. بزرا1 56108. بِزْرَة1 56109. بَزْرَة1 56110. بُزْرَةُ1 56111. بُزُرْجُ1 56112. بزرج1 56113. بُزُرْجَسَابُور1 56114. بُزَرْقَة1 56115. بُزُرْقَة1 56116. بزرقة1 56117. بزرك2 56118. بَزْرَك1 56119. بِزْرَويّ1 56120. بزروي1 56121. بَزْرَوِيّ1 56122. بُزُرَيْع1 56123. بُزَرِيع1 56124. بزز13 56125. بزع11 56126. بَزُعَ1 56127. بَزَعَ1 56128. بَزَعَ 1 56129. بَزْعَاء1 56130. بَزْعَة1 56131. بزعر1 56132. بزغ18 56133. بَزَغَ1 56134. بَزَغَ 1 56135. بُزْغامُ1 56136. بزغت1 56137. بزَغَتِ1 56138. بزغش1 56139. بزغه1 56140. بزغود1 56141. بُزَغُود1 56142. بزق14 56143. بَزَقَ1 56144. بَزَقَ 1 56145. بَزْقُبَاذ1 Prev. 100


قرينه بزا وبزة وبزبزي غَلبه وسلبه وَمِنْه الْمثل (من عز بز) من غلب أَخذ السَّلب وَالشَّيْء نَزعه وَأَخذه بجفاء وقهر
بز: بَزَّ: بَرْعَم، كمَّم (بوشر).
بُزٌّ (بالضم والكسر) ويجمع على بزَاز وأَبْزاز: حلمة الثدي (بوشر، زيشر 22: 134) وعند ذوات الأربع: حلمة الضرع والطبي والخلف (بوشر) ثم أطلق اتساعاً على الثدي. (بوشر، محيط المحيط. همبرت 3، هلو، باين سميث 1284، ألف ليلة برسل 1: 342) وهو مرادف نهد (بوشر) ففي ألف ليلة برسل (2: 278): بَزَّين حيث هي في طبعة ماكن: نهدَيْن. وهي لذوات الأربع: ضرع، وخلف وطبي (بوشر).
وبَزّ البيبة (الغليون): فمه (بوشر، محيط المحيط، زيشر 22: 134).
وبز كهربا: فم البيبة (الغليون) من الكهرب.
وبَزْ: برعم، عسلوج (بوشر).
وبز الخادم (ثدي الزنجية): صنف من التمر طويل لونه إلى السواد ما بين الأحمر والأبيض (ياجني 151 كذا).
ابزاز القطة: يطلق في تونس وما والاها. على نبات حي العالم الصغير (ابن البيطار 1: 10). بزاز الكلبة: سن الكلب، نبات (بوشر).
حشيشة البزاز: حشيشة الابزاز (بوشر).
بِزَّة: ثدي، ضرع، طبي، خلف (بوشر).
بزبز (بالبربرية): زيز، ابزيز.
وجرادة، وجدجد، صرار الليل.
انظر: ابزيز وزيز، وقد ذكر بزيز دومب ص67.
البَز: ضرْب من الثيَابِ. والبِزَازَةُ: حِرْفَةُ البَزّازِ. والسَّيْفُ. والسلاَحُ. والبَز: السلْبُ. وفي المَثَلِ: " مَنْ عَزَّ بَزَّ " أي مَنْ غَلَبَ سلب.
والابْتِزَازُ: التَجْرِيْدُ من الثيَابِ. وأبْزَزْتُه عن كذا وبَزَزْتُه: أي دَفَعْتُه ومَنَعْتُه. وجِىءْ به عَزاً بَزّاً: أي لامَحَالَةَ. والبِزَةُ: الشّارَةُ الحَسَنَةُ من الثيَاب. ورَجُل بُزْبُزٌ وبَزْبَز: أي شَدِيدٌ، وقيل: سَرِيْعٌ.
والبُزَابِزُ: السَّرِيْعُ العَنَقِ. وقيل: هو القَوِيُّ الذي لا يَنْثَنِي. وسَوْقٌ بَزْبَزٌ وبَزْبَاز: شَدِيدٌ. وقيل: الشَّهْمُ الماضي. وبَزْبَزَ الإبِلَ: أي سَاقَها. والبَزْبَزَةُ: تَحْرِيْكُ الشيْءِ ومُعَالَجَتُه ليَصْلُحَ. وُيقال للشَّيْءِ: قد بَزْبَزَتْهُ البَزَابِزُ.
وبَزْبَزْتُ بالزجُلَ: أي تَنَكَّرْتُ له. وبَزْبَزَتِ المَرْأةُ بزَوْجِها: إِذا طَمَحَتْ به وتَغَلَّبَتْه. وبَزْبَزْتُ الحمْلَ: سَوَّيْتُه. والبُزْبُوْزُ: القَصِيْرُ، هو يَتَبَزْبَزُ في مِشْيَتِه. وبَزْبَزَ الرجُلُ: مَرَّ مُنْهَزِماً. والبَزْبَازُ: ما يَنْفُخُ فيه الصائغُ؛ مِثْلُ مِزْمَارٍ. وقيل: هو ذَكَرُ الإنسانِ.


1 بَزَّهُ, aor. ـُ (S, TA,) inf. n. بَزٌّ, (S, K, TA,) He took it away; or seized it, or carried it away, by force; (S, TA;) as also ↓ ابتزّهُ, (S, K,) and ↓ بَزْبَزَهُ: (K:) he took it away unjustly, injuriously, and forcibly; as also ↓ ابتزّهُ: (K, * TA:) he gained the mastery over it: (K, * TA:) he pulled it up or out or off; removed it from its place; displaced it; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ ابتزّهُ, and ↓ بَزْبَزَهُ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., مَنْ عَزَّ بَزَّ He who overcomes takes the spoil. (S, A.) And you say, بَزَّهُ ثَوْبَهُ, and ↓ ابتزّهُ, He took away from him, or seized or carried away from him by force, his garment. (A.) It is said in a trad., ثِيَابِى ↓ فَيَبْتَزُّ وَمَتَاعِى And he strips me, or despoils me, of my clothes and my goods; takes them from me by superior force. (TA.) You say also, بَزَّهُ ثِيَابَهُ He pulled off from him his clothes. (TA.) and الرَّجُلُ جَارِيَتَهُ مشنْ ثِيَابِهَا ↓ ابتزّ The man stripped his slave-girl of her clothes. (Mgh, * TA.) b2: Also بَزَّثَوْبَهُ, aor. as above, He pulled his garment towards him, or to him: so in a verse of Khálid Ibn-Zuheyr El-Hudhalee [cited in art. ريب, but with this difference, that يَجُرُّ is there put in the place of يَبُزُّ]. (S, TA.) b3: [بَزَّهُ is also explained in the TA by حَبَسَهُ; but without any ex.; and I think it probable that حَبَسَهُ is a mistake for جَذَبَهُ].8 إِبْتَزَ3َ see 1, in six places.

A2: ابتزّت مِنْ ثِيَابِهَا She stripped herself of her clothes. (A.) R. Q. 1 بَزْبَزَهُ: see 1, in two places. b2: بَزْبَزَةٌ [the inf. n.] also signifies The being quick and active in wrongful, unjust, injurious, or tyrannical, conduct: and the rel. n. is ↓ بَزْبَزِىٌّ. (TA.) بَزٌّ inf. n. of 1. (S, &c.) b2: [Hence, app.,] جِىْءَ بِهِ عَزَّا بَزًّا He was brought without any means of avoiding it; (A, TA;) willingly or against his will: (TA in art. عز:) [as though originally signifying by being overcome and despoiled.]

A2: Cloths, or stuffs, or garments; syn. ثِيَاب: (IAmb, Mgh, K:) [see also بِزَّةٌ:] or a kind thereof: (Lth, Mgh, Msb:) or such as are the goods of the بَزَّاز, (S, A,) or of the merchant: (Msb:) or the furniture of a house or tent, consisting of cloths or stuffs (ثِيَاب, IDrd, Mgh, Msb, K) and the like: (K:) in the dial. of the people of El-Koofeh, cloths, or stuffs, or garments, (ثياب,) of linen and of cotton; not of wool nor of خَزّ: (Mgh:) pl. بُزُوزٌ; (A;) meaning, in conjunction with خُزُوزٌ, (i. e., خُزُوزٌ وَ بُزُوزٌ,) good cloths or stuffs or garments. (A.) [Golius explains it as “Chald.

בוּץ, Byssus, seu potius pannus lineus, bombacinus, etiam sericus:” as on the authority of the S and K (though he omits the explanations in both those lexicons) and Meyd and Ibn-Maaroof (who explains it only by the Persian word جَامَهْ, meaning cotton or linen cloth, or a garment,) and the Mirkát el-Loghah. He seems to have judged from its resemblance in sound to the Chaldee and Latin words with which he identifies it. The things which it signifies, however, may perhaps be so called because they are usual spoils: and hence also, perhaps, the application here next following.]

A3: Weapons, or arms; or a weapon; syn. سِلَاحٌ; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ بِزَّةٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ بَزَزٌ, (K,) and ↓ بِزِّيزَى: (TA:) the first of these four words including in its application coats of mail and the مِغْفَر and the sword: (TA:) or it signifies a sword: (IDrd, A, TA:) and ↓ بَزَزٌ, accord. to AA, complete arms. (TA.) You say, تَقَلَّدَ بَزَّا حَسَنًا He hung upon himself a goodly sword, putting its suspensory belt or cord upon his neck. (A.) And كَامِلَةٍ ↓ غَزَا فِى بِزَّةٍ He went to war in complete arms. (A.) بِزَّةٌ Constraint, or force: as in the saying, لَنْ يَأْخُذَهُ أَبَدًا بِزَّةً مِنِّى He will never take it by constraint, or force, from me. (Ks, TA.) A2: Outward appearance; state with regard to apparel and the like; syn. هَيْئَةٌ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) and شَارَةٌ: (TA:) garb; mode, manner, or fashion, of dress: (TA:) apparel. (A, Mgh.) You say, رَجُلٌ حَسَنُ البِزَّةِ A man of goodly outward appearance, or state of apparel and the like: (Mgh, Msb:) or as some say, clothes and arms. (Mgh.) And إِنَّهُ لَذُو بِزَّةٍ حَسَنَةٍ Verily he has a goodly outward appearance and dress. (A, TA.) A3: See also بَزٌّ, latter part, in two places.

بَزَزٌ: see بَزٌّ, latter part, in two places.

بِزَازَةٌ The trade of the بَزَّاز. (Mgh, Msb, K.) بِزَازَةٌ The seller of the cloths or stuffs or the like called بَزّ. (S, * A, * Mgh, * K.) بِزِّيزَى a subst. from بَزَّ in the first of the senses explained above; The act of taking away; or spoliation; or the act of seizing, or carrying away, by force: (S, TA:) the act of taking, or obtaining, by superior power or force. (K, * TA.) It is said in a trad., ثُمَّ يَكُونُ بِزِّيزَى وَ أَخْذَ أَمْوَالٍ

بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ Then it shall be by spoliation, and the taking of possessions without right: or, as some relate this trad., ↓ بَزْبَزِيًّا; but accord. to Az, this is naught. (TA.) You say also, رَجَعَتِ الخلَافَةُ بِزِّيزَى [The office of Khaleefeh became reduced to be a thing taken by superior power or force]; was not taken by desert. (A, TA.) A2: See also بَزٌّ, latter part.

بَزْبَزِىٌّ: see R. Q. 1, and بِزِّيزَى.
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