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53932. بجيل1 53933. بُجَيْهٌ1 53934. بَحْ1 53935. بُحَّ1 53936. بَحّ1 53937. بح353938. بَحَّ 1 53939. بَحَّات1 53940. بحاجي1 53941. بحاح1 53942. بَحَّاح1 53943. بُحَاح1 53944. بِحَارٌ1 53945. بُحارٌ1 53946. بحار الحقيقة1 53947. بحار الفقه1 53948. بحار القرآن1 53949. بَحّارة1 53950. بحاس1 53951. بحاضر1 53952. بحال1 53953. بَحَّال1 53954. بحايا1 53955. بحباح1 53956. بحبح5 53957. بَحْبَحَ2 53958. بَحْبُوح1 53959. بَحْبُوحَة1 53960. بُحَّة1 53961. بَحّة1 53962. بحت15 53963. بَحَتَ1 53964. بُحْت1 53965. بَحَتَ 1 53966. بُحْتُر1 53967. بُحتُرُ1 53968. بحتر4 53969. بحث15 53970. بَحَثَ2 53971. بحث: إمام الحرمين، وأبي إسحاق الشير...1 53972. بحث: ابن الخطيب، وعلي العربي...1 53973. بحث ابن تيمية، وابن الزملكاني...1 53974. بحث: الإمام السلطاني الشامي، والمول...1 53975. بحث التعارض في الآيتين...1 53976. بحث: السيد الشريف الجرجاني، وسعد ال...1 53977. بحث: الشيخ: علاء الدين البخاري، وال...1 53978. بحث: العلامة، عضد الدين: عبد الرحمن...1 53979. بحث الفاضل التاشكندي، والمولى أبي ا...1 53980. بحث: الملا: جلبي الديار بكري، وعلما...1 53981. بحث: المولى الخيالي، وخواجة زاده...1 53982. بحث: المولى العذاري، والمولى لطفي...1 53983. بحث: المولى الفناري، وعلماء مصر...1 53984. بحث: المولى خواجة زاده، وأفضل زاده...1 53985. بحث: المولى زيرك، وخواجة زاده...1 53986. بحث: المولى: علي جلبي ابن الحنائي، ...1 53987. بحث: المولى: علي قوشجي، وخواجة زاده...1 53988. بحث: سري الدين المصري، ومصطفى أفندي...1 53989. بحث: غياث الدين جمشيد، والسيد الشري...1 53990. بَحَثَ 1 53991. بَحْثَرَ1 53992. بُحثُرُ1 53993. بحثر8 53994. بَحْثَرَهُ1 53995. بحثن1 53996. بَحْثَنَ2 53997. بحج1 53998. بَحْجَة1 53999. بَحَحَ1 54000. بحح11 54001. بَحِحْتُ1 54002. بحد1 54003. بحدج1 54004. بحدر2 54005. بَحْدَلَ1 54006. بحدل3 54007. بَحْدَل1 54008. بحدود1 54009. بَحْرٌ2 54010. بَحر2 54011. بَحَرَ1 54012. بَحْر1 54013. بحر16 54014. بحر الأفكار1 54015. بحر الأنساب1 54016. بحر الأوهام1 54017. بحر البحور1 54018. بحر الحقائق والمعاني، في تفسير السب...1 54019. بحر الحكمة1 54020. بَحْرُ الخَزَر1 54021. بحر الدرر، في التفسير...1 54022. بحر الدين1 54023. بحرُ الزَّنج1 54024. بحر السعادة1 54025. بحر العلوم، في التفسير...1 54026. بحر الغرائب في لغة الفرس...1 54027. بحر الفتاوى1 54028. بحر الفوائد الحرفية، وسر الفرائد ال...1 54029. بحر الفوائد في الحساب...1 54030. بحر الفوائد، المشهور: (بمعاني الأخب...1 54031. بَحْرُ القُلْزُم1 Prev. 100


البَحَحُ: مَصْدَرُ الأَبَحِّ، بَحَّ يَبُحُّ ويَبحُّ بَحَحاً وبُحُوْحاً، وبَحَاحةً وبَحّاً. فإنْ كانَ من داءٍ فهو البُحَاحُ. والبُحْبُوْحَةُ: وَسَطُ مَحَلَّةِ القَوْمِ. والتَّبَحْبُحُ: التَّمَكُّنُ في الحُلُوْلِ والمقَامِ. والأبَحُّ: السَّمِيْنُ. والبَحْبَاحُ: الذي اسْتَوى طُوْلُه وعَرْضُه، وجَمْعُه: بَحَابحُ. وقيل لِبَعْضِ بَني عامِرٍ: بَقِيَ عِنْدَكُم شَيْءٌ؟ قال: بَحْبَاحِ، أي لم يَبْقَ شَيْءٌ. والبَحُّ: النُّخَامُ. والبُحُّ: سِهَامُ النَّبْلِ، وهي القِدَاحُ. والبَحْبَاحَةُ: السَّمْحَةُ من النِّسَاءِ. والبَحْبَحَةُ: جَمَاعَةُ القَوْمِ.


1 بَحَّ, (L,) first Pers\. بَحِحْتُ, aor. ـَ (ISk, S, L, K,) and ISd says, I see, or think, that Lh has mentioned يَبْحَحُ, which is extr. with respect to rule, (TA,) inf. n. بَحَحٌ; (ISk, S, L, K;) and first Pers\. بَحَحْتُ, (AO, T, S, K,) but the former is the more chaste, (T, TA,) aor. ـَ (AO, S, K) and يَبِعُّ and يَبُعُّ, [which last is contr. to analogy,] (L,) inf. n. بَعُّ (AO, S, K) and بَحَحٌ and بَحَاحٌ and بُحُوحٌ and بَحَاحَةٌ and بُحُوحَةٌ; (K;) He had a hoarse, rough, harsh, or gruff, voice; (L;) he was taken with a hoarseness, harshness, roughness, or gruffness, of the voice. (K.) b2: It is tropically used in speaking of inanimate things; as in بَعَّ العُودُ, meaning (tropical:) [The lute] was rough [in sound: see أَبَعُّ]. (A.) 4 ابحّهُ It (crying out, or vociferating,) rendered him hoarse, rough, harsh, or gruff, in voice. (S, * K.) 8 هُمْ فِى ابْتِحَاحٍ They are in a state of amplitude, and of plenty, or of abundance of herbage or of the goods or conveniences or comforts of life. (K.) R. Q. 1 بَحْبَعَ: see R. Q. 2, in two places. R. Q. 2 تَبَحْبَعَ الدَّارَ, (K,) and ↓ بَحْبَعَهَا, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, [established] in the middle, or midst, [which is the best part,] of the دار [i. e. abode, or district, or country, &c.], (K, TA,) and became possessed of mastery, dominion, or authority, and power, over it. (TA.) Fr, however, makes تَبَحْبُحٌ to be from ٰالبَاحَةُ [q. v.], not from a reduplicative root. (TA.) b2: تبحبح also signifies (assumed tropical:) He was, or became, settled, or established, in authority and power, (syn. تَمَكَّنَ,) in alighting, and taking up his abode, or sojourning; (S, K, TA;) and was, or became, [established] in the middle, or midst, [or best part,] of the place of abode; (TA;) and so ↓ بحبح. (K, TA.) b3: Also (tropical:) He took a wide, an ample, or a large, range. (A.) b4: [Hence,] تبحبح الحَيَا (assumed tropical:) The rain became of wide extent, and had influence upon the land. (TA, from a trad.) b5: And تَبَحْبَحَتِ العَرَبُ فِى لُغَاتِهَا (tropical:) The Arabs were copious, or took a wide range, in their dialects. (A.) b6: And تبحبح فِى المَجْدِ (assumed tropical:) He became in an ample state of glory, honour, or dignity. (TA.) b7: An Arab of the desert said, of a woman in labour, تَرَكْتُهَا تَبَحْبَحُ عَلَى أَيْدِى

القَوَابِلِ [app. (assumed tropical:) I left her obtaining delivery by the hands of the midwives]. (Az, TA.) بُحَّةٌ: see أَبَحُّ.

بُحَّةٌ (S, A, L, K) and ↓ بُحَاحٌ (L) Hoarseness, roughness, harshness, or gruffness, of the voice; (E, K;) which is sometimes natural: or the former is applied absolutely, and the latter to that which arises from disease. (L.) You say, فِى صَوْتِهِ بُحَّةٌ [In his voice is hoarseness, &c.]. (S, A.) بُحَاحٌ: see بُحَّةٌ.

بَحْبَحِىٌّ (assumed tropical:) Ample in expenditure: and having an ample place of abode. (Fr, K.) بُحْبُوحٌ: see what next follows.

بُحْبُوحَةٌ (assumed tropical:) The middle, or midst, [or best part,] syn. وَسَطٌ, (A'Obeyd, S, A, K,) of an abode, or a district, or country, (S, A,) or a place, (K,) and of a place where one alights and abides, (TA,) and of Paradise, and of anything, and the best part thereof; (A'Obeyd, TA;) [like وَسَطٌ, by which it is explained; because what is between the two extremes is generally the best: it may be well rendered the heart, or very heart, of a thing;] and ↓ بُحْبُوحٌ, also, has the former of these significations [and by implication the other likewise]. (TA, voce بُؤْبُؤٌ, where see an ex.) Jereer says, قَوْمِى تَمِيمٌ هُمُ القَوْمُ الذَّينَ هُمُ يَنْفُونَ تَغْلِبَ عَنْ بُحْبُوحَةِ الدَّارِ

[My people are Temeem: they are the people who drive away Teghlib from the middle, or best part, of the country]. (S.) [It is said in the A, that this word, as syn. with وَسَطٌ, in relation to an abode or the like (دار), is tropical; but I see no reason for this, unless by وسط be meant the “best part.”]

أَبَحٌّ, applied to a man, (S, L, K,) or أَبَحٌّ الصَّوْتِ, (A,) Having a hoarse, rough, harsh, or gruff, voice: (L, K:) fem. بَحَّآءُ; with which ↓ بَحَّةٌ is syn.: (S, K:) pl. بُحٌّ. (S.) بَاحٌّ is not allowable. (S.) b2: And أَبَحُّ applied to a lute (عُودٌ), (tropical:) Rough (K, TA) in sound. (TA.) b3: Also (tropical:) The base, or thick, chord of a lute; syn. بَمُّ; because of its rough sound. (TA.) b4: (tropical:) A [gold coin of the kind called] دِينَار; (K, TA;) because of its harsh sound [when one rings it]. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) A قِدْح [or gaming-arrow] (S, K, TA) by means of which lots, or portions, are divided: (S, TA:) pl. بُحٌّ: (S, K:) or such an arrow that has no sound. (TA.) Khufáf Ibn-Nudbeh says, قَرَوْا أَضْيَافَهُمْ رَبَحًا بِبُحٍّ

يَعِيشُ بِفَضْلِهِنَّ الحَىُّ سُمْرِ [They entertained their guests with young weaned she-camels, on the superabundant remains of which the tribe lived, by means of tawny-coloured gaming-arrows whereby the lots that determined who should afford the entertainment were divided: or, accord. to the TA, ربحا here signifies fat, as a subst.; but this is inconsistent with the affixed pronoun relating to it]. (S.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Fat, as an epithet, not a subst. (K.) b3: كِسْرٌ أَبَحُّ (assumed tropical:) [A portion of a limb, &c.,] having much fat. (TA.)
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