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52300. اواش1 52301. اواشانا1 52302. اواق1 52303. اوانس1 52304. اوانيسيان1 52305. اوب352306. اوباديا1 52307. اوبي2 52308. اوتابك1 52309. اوتاد زمام1 52310. اوترنج آي1 52311. اوتري1 52312. اوتوقيلي1 52313. اوتي1 52314. اوتيكيني1 52315. اوتين1 52316. اوجار1 52317. اوجاس1 52318. اوجاق1 52319. اوجونج1 52320. اوجيدان1 52321. اود4 52322. اوداغ1 52323. اودايش1 52324. اودرورمالي1 52325. اودلف1 52326. اودلم1 52327. اور1 52328. اور نكزاب1 52329. اوراداني1 52330. اوراس1 52331. اورام1 52332. اوراو1 52333. اوراي1 52334. اوربري1 52335. اوربي1 52336. اورة1 52337. اورجي1 52338. اورد1 52339. اوردي1 52340. اورس1 52341. اورسنية1 52342. اورغ1 52343. اورغلي1 52344. اورق1 52345. اورن1 52346. اورنق1 52347. اورنه1 52348. اورني1 52349. اوَرْنِيَّا1 52350. اوره1 52351. اوَرْهَان1 52352. اوريبي1 52353. اوريجه1 52354. اوَرِيدَة1 52355. اوريري2 52356. اوَرِيْرِيّ1 52357. اوريطي1 52358. اوريق1 52359. اوريكا1 52360. اوَرِيكا1 52361. اوريكات1 52362. اوريكن1 52363. اوريموس1 52364. اوَرِينَة1 52365. اوز1 52366. اوز شلبي1 52367. اوزترك1 52368. اوزريس1 52369. اوزكان1 52370. اوَزْمَان1 52371. اوزن1 52372. اوَزُور1 52373. اوزيو1 52374. اوزيورك1 52375. اوس2 52376. اوسا1 52377. اوسابون أو أسانون1 52378. اوسار1 52379. اوساري1 52380. اوساس1 52381. اوسال1 52382. اوسر1 52383. اوسكا1 52384. اوسكير1 52385. اوسمه1 52386. اوسن1 52387. اوسه1 52388. اوسيد1 52389. اوش1 52390. اوشالم1 52391. اوشكان1 52392. اوشكير1 52393. اوضه1 52394. اوط1 52395. اوف2 52396. اوفة1 52397. اوفقسطيدس واوفوقوسطيس...1 52398. اوق2 52399. اوكده1 Prev. 100


[اوب] نه فيه: صلاة "الأوابين" حين ترمض الفصال، جمع أواب وهو الكثير الرجوع إلى الله بالتوبة، أو المطيع، أو المسبح يريد صلاة الضحى عند ارتفاع النهار وشدة الحر. ومنه: توبا لربنا "أوبا" أي توبا راجعاً مكرراً من أب أوبا فهو أئب. ومنه: "أئبون" تائبون وهو جمع أئب. ومنه: جاءوا من كل "أوب" أي من كل مآب ومستقر. ومنه: "فآب" إليه ناس أي جاءوا إليه من كل ناحية. وفيه: شغلونا عن الصلاة حتى "أبت" الشمس أي غربت لأنها ترجع بالغروب إلى موضع طلعت منه، ولو استعمل في طلوعها لكان وجهاً و "أب زن" يبين في "قحم". غ: "مآبا" عملاً يرجع إليه، و"التأويب" سير النهار، و"أوبى" معه سبحي معه النهار كله ورجعي بالتسبيح، وأوبي عودي إلى التسبيح و"الأياب" السقاء. 


1 آبَ, aor. ـُ (T, S, &c.,) inf. n. أَوْبٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and إِيَابٌ and أَوْبَةٌ (T, S, M, K) and أَيْبَةٌ, (M, K,) ى taking the place of و, (M,) and إِيبَةٌ (Lh, M, K) and مَآبٌ [like مَآلٌ], (Msb, TA,) He (an absent person, T) returned (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) to his place, (Sh,) or to a thing, (M,) or from his journey; (Msb;) as also ↓ أوّب, (M,) inf. n. تَأْوِيبٌ and تَأْيِيبٌ; (K;) and ↓ تأوّب; (M, K;) and ↓ ائتاب [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَابَ]; (S;) and ↓ أَيَّبَ, [a quasi-quadriliteralradical verb, originally أَيْوَبَ,] of the measure فَيْعَلَ, (M,) inf. n. إيَّابٌ, (M, K,) originally

إيوَابٌ, of the measure فِيعَالٌ, (M, TA,) or, accord. to Fr, إِيَّابٌ is incorrect, and the right word is إِيَابٌ: (TA:) [and if so, أَيَّبَ is perhaps changed from أَوَّبَ, like as أَيْبَةٌ is from أَوْبَةٌ; and تَأْيِيبٌ is perhaps its inf. n., changed from تَأْوِيبٌ:] or, as some say, إِيَابٌ signifies only the returning to one's family at night: (M, TA:) and أَهْلَهُ ↓ تأوّب and اهله ↓ ائتاب [as well as آبَ إِلَى أَهْلِهِ] signify he returned to his family at, or in, the night: (T, TA:) or آبَ إِلَيْهِمْ, (S,) [or آبَهُمْ, accord. to a copy of the A, where we find أُبْتُ بَنِي فُلَانٍ,] aor. as above; (TA;) and ↓ تَأَوَّبَهُمْ (S, A, K) and ↓, تَأَيَّبَهُمْ, (K,) ى taking the place of و, (TA,) inf. n. مُتَأَوَّبٌ and مُتَأَيَّبٌ, (M, * [in which the two forms of the verb are also given, but with the sing. pronoun of the third Pers\. instead of the pl.,] and K,) each in the form of a pass. part. n.; (TA;) he came to them at night: (S, M, * A, K:) and آبَ المَآءَ, (M,) inf. n. أَوْبٌ, (K,) signifies he came to the water, to drink, at night; as also ↓ ائتابهُ; (M, K;) and ↓ تأوّبهُ: (M:) or, accord. to Az, تَأَوَّبتُ signifies I came in the beginning of the night. (S.) You say also, آبَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (T, S, &c.,) aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. مَآبٌ, (T,) or إِيَابٌ [in the CK اَياب] and أُيُوبٌ, (M, K,) The sun returned from its place of rising, and set: (Msb:) or the sun set; (T, S, M, A, K;) as though it returned to the place whence it commenced its course; (M;) [or] it is a dial. var. of غَابَت. (S.) And آبَ إِلَيْهِ People came to him from every direction, or quarter. (TA, from a trad.) The poet Sáideh Ibn-El-'Ajlán uses the expression, لَآبَكَ مُرْهَفٌ, meaning A thin sword would have come to thee; in which the verb may be trans. by itself, or the prep. إِلَى may be understood. (M, TA.) b2: He returned from disobedience to obedience; he repented. (TA.) and آبَ إِلَى اللّٰهِ He returned unto God from his sin, or offence, and repented. (Msb.) b3: آبَ بِهِ إِلَيْهِ He made him to return to him, or it; as also إلَيْهِ ↓ اوّبهُ. (M.) And آبَ يَدَهُ إِلَى سَيْفِهِ, (as in a copy of the T,) or بِيَدِهِ, (as in a copy of the A, [which is probably here the more correct],) He put back his hand to his sword to draw it: (Lth, T, A:) and الى قَوْسِهِ [to his bow] to draw it: and الى سَهْمِهِ [to his arrow] to shoot it. (A.) b4: See also 2.2 أوّب: see 1, first sentence: b2: and the same again, near the end. b3: He repeated, or echoed, the praises of God: thus in the saying [in the Kur xxxiv. 10], يَا جِبَالُ أَوِّبِى مَعَهُ 0 mountains, repeat ye, or echo ye, the praises of God with him; [i. e., with David;] (S, * M, TA;) but some read معه ↓ اُوبِى, meaning return ye with him in praising as often as he returneth therein: (M, TA:) or, accord. to the former reading, the meaning is, 0 mountains, labour ye with him in praising God all the day, until the night: (T:) for b4: أوّب, (T, A,) inf. n. تَأْوِيبٌ, (T, A, K) also signifies It (a company of men) journeyed by day: (Aboo-Málik, T:) or all the day, (T, A, K,) to the night, (T,) without alighting to rest: (TA:) تأويب being the same kind of day-journeying as إِسْآدٌ is of night-journeying: (T, M:) or he journeyed all the day, and alighted at night: (T, S:) or he journeyed by night: (Msb:) or تأويب (M, L, K) and ↓ مُؤَاوَبَةٌ (Lth, T, L, K) signify the vying, one with another, of travellingcamels, in pace, or going. (Lth, T, M, L, K.) A poet says, ↓ تَجِدْهُ مِئْوَبَا ↓ وَإِنْ تُؤَاوِبْهُ [And if thou, or they, (meaning camels,) vie with him in pace, or going, thou wilt, or they will, find him to be one that overcomes therein]: so as related by Lth: but as related by others, تُؤَوِّبْهُ. (T.) 3 آوب, inf. n. مُؤَاوَبَةٌ: see 2, in two places.5 تأوّب and تأيّب: see 1, in five places.8 ائتاب: see 1, in three places. Q. Q. 1 أَيَّبَ, originally أَيْوَبَ: see 1, first sentence.

آبُ The name of a [Syrian] month [corresponding to August, O. S.]: an arabicized word. (IAar, M, K.) أَوْبٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, M, Msb, K.) b2: Also The returning of the fore and hind legs of a beast in going along: (T, M, A, * K:) or quickness in the changing, or shifting, of the fore and hind legs in going along: (S:) and simply quickness, or swiftness. (M, K.) One says, مَا أَعْجَبَ أَوْبَ يَدَيْهَا How wonderful is the returning [or quick shifting] of her fore legs! (A.) And to one going at a quick pace, one says, الأَوْبَ الأَوْبَ [meaning Keep to the quick changing, or shifting, of the legs; a verb being understood: or Trot on! Trot on!]. (A.) b3: A right, or direct, way, course, or tendency; syn. قَصْدٌ and اِسْتِقَامَةٌ. (M [in which these two syns. are mentioned together] and K [in which another explanation intervenes between them, namely عادة, as though they were meant to be understood in different senses, which I do not think to be the case].) b4: A direction: as in the saying, رَمَى أَوبًا أَوْ أَوْبَيْنِ [He shot, or cast, in one direction, or in two directions]. (M, A.) b5: A course, way, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct, or the like: (A:) custom. (Lh, M, A, K.) You say, كُنْتُ عَلَى صَوْبِ فُلَانٍ وَأَوْبِهِ I was [proceeding] in the course, way, mode, or manner, of acting, &c., of such a one. (A.) and مَا زَالَ هٰذَا أَوْبَهُ This ceased not to be his course, way, mode, or manner, &c.: (A:) or his custom. (Lh, M, A.) b6: A way, or road: (M, Msb, K:) a quarter: ('Eyn, M, A, K:) a tract, or side: ('Eyn, S:) a place: (S:) a place to which one returns [like مَآبٌ]. (A, Msb.) You say, جَاؤُوا مِنْ كُلِّ أَوْبٍ They came from every way, or road, (M, Msb,) or quarter, ('Eyn, M, A,) or tract, or side, ('Eyn, S,) and place, (S,) or place to which one returns. (A, Msb.) And أَوْبَا الوَادِى signifies The two sides of the valley. (A.) A2: Bees: (M, K:) a quasi-pl. n.: as though the sing. were آئِبٌ: AHn says that they are so called because of their returning to the مَبَآءَة, i. e. the place where they hive for the night. (M, TA.) See آئِبٌ. b2: The clouds. (K.) b3: The wind. (K.) أَوْبَةٌ and ↓ أَيْبَةٌ Return; (T, A, K;) as also ↓ إِيَابَةٌ, a subst. from آبَ. (Msb.) You say, لِيَهْنِئْكَ أَوْبَةُ الغَائِبِ [May the return of the absent give thee joy]. (TA.) And فُلانٌ سَرِيعُ الأَوْبَةِ and ↓ الأَيْبَةِ Such a one is quick in return. (A 'Obeyd, T, S. *) b2: Return from disobedience to obedience; repentance. (TA in art. ايب.) b3: كَلَامٌ لَا أَوْبَةَ لَهُ Speech, or language, without profit. (A.) A2: أَوْبَةٌ is also the sing. of أَوْبَاتٌ, which signifies The legs of a beast. (K, TA.) أَيْبَةٌ: see أَوْبَةٌ, in two places.

A2: Also, (as in some copies of the K,) or ↓ إِيبَةٌ, (accord. to the CK,) or ↓ آئِبَةٌ, (accord. to the TK,) A noon-day draught or drink. (K.) إِيبَةٌ: see what next precedes.

أَوُوبٌ A she-camel quick in the changing, or shifting, of her fore and kind legs in going along. (S.) إِيَابَةٌ: see أَوْبَةٌ.

أَوَّابٌ Frequent in returning. (T.) b2: Frequent in returning unto God, from one's sins; (M, TA;) wont to repent, or frequent in repenting: (Zj, T, A, Mgh, Msb:) or turning from disobedience to obedience: or (S, L:) or a praiser of God; (Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, TA;) by which is here meant, in the prayer of the period of the forenoon called الضُّحَى, when the sun is high, and the heat violent; hence termed صَلَاةُ الأَوَّابِينَ; which is performed when the young camels feel the heat of the sun from the parched ground: (TA:) or obedient: (Katádeh, TA:) or one who reflects upon his sins in solitude, and prays God to forgive them: (TA:) or one who keeps, or is mindful of, the ordinances prescribed by God, (حَفِيظٌ, [which is thus explained by Bd and Jel as occurring in the Kur l. 31,]) and does not rise from his sitting-place until he begs forgiveness of God: ('Obeyd Ibn-'Omeyr, T, TA: * [but this is evidently meant as an explanation of أَوَّابٌ together with حَفِيظٌ: see the Kur ubi suprà:]) or one who sins, and then returns to obedience, and then sins, and then returns to obedience. (TA.) آئِبٌ act. part. n. of آبَ; Returning: [&c.:] (M, Msb:) pl. أُوَّابٌ and أُيَّابٌ and ↓ أَوْبٌ [q. v.]: (M, K:) or, accord. to some, the last is a quasipl. n. (M, TA.) آئِبَةٌ The coming of camels to water, to drink, every night: whence the saying, لَا تَرِدَنَّ المَآءَ إِلَّا آئِبَهْ [Do not thou come to the water, to drink, unless coming to it every night]. (IAar, M.) b2: See also أَيْبَةٌ.

مَآبٌ A place to which one returns: (T, S, K:) a settled, or fixed, abode, or dwelling-place: (TA:) the place to which one is translated, or removed, by death: (K, TA:) the goal to which the course of life ultimately leads one; or place to which one returns in the ultimate state, or world to come. (T, TA.) b2: The place where the sun sets. (TA.) b3: [A day-journey: pl. مَآوِبُ; as in the saying,] بَيْنَهُمَ ثَلَاثُ مَآوِبَ Between them two are three day-journeys. (K.) مِئْوَبٌ [A camel that overcomes in vying with another, or others, in pace, or going]: see an ex. voce أَوَّبَ. (T.) مَآبَةُ البِئْرِ [The place where the water flows again into the well to supply the deficiency occasioned by drawing;] the مَبَآءَة of the well; i. e. the place where the water collects in the well. (TA.) رِيحٌ مُؤَوِبَةٌ, (IB, CK,) or مُؤَوَّبَةٌ, (as in a copy of the M, and in some copies of the K,) A wind blowing throughout the whole day: (M, K:) or a wind that comes at night. (IB.) مُؤْتَابٌ: see مُتَأَوِّبٌ, in two places.

مُتَأَوَّبٌ an inf. n. of 5, q. v.; as also ↓ مُتَأَيَّبٌ. (M, * K.) مُتَأَوِّبٌ Returning to one's family at, or in, the night; as also ↓ مُؤْتَابٌ: (TA:) or, as also ↓ مُتَأَيِبٌ, coming at night: or coming in the beginning of the night: (S:) [and so ↓ مُؤْتَابٌ, as in the following ex.:] وَمَنْ يَتَّقْ فَإِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعْهُ وَرِزْقُ اللّٰهِ مُؤْتَابٌ وَغَادِ [And whoso feareth God, verily God is with him; and the supply of God cometh to him at night, or in the beginning of the night, and cometh early in the morning: يَتَّقْ being here put for يَتَّقِ, by a necessary poetical licence: see art. وقى]. (S.) مُتَأَيَّبٌ: see مُتَأَوَّبٌ.

مُتَأَيِبٌ: see مُتَأَوِّبٌ.
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