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10584. افتلق1 10585. افتلم1 10586. افتلى1 10587. افتن1 10588. افتند1 10589. افخ110590. افد1 10591. افْرَنْبَجَ1 10592. افْرَنْجَمَ2 10593. افْرَنْسَخَ1 10594. افرنقع1 10595. افس1 10596. افطهاج1 10597. افْعَلْ1 10598. افف2 10599. افق3 10600. افك3 10601. افكل1 10602. افل2 10603. افلنجة أو فلنجة1 10604. افلنجمشك1 10605. افلوس1 10606. افن1 10607. افنية1 10608. افه1 10609. افه وافوه1 10610. افوغوس1 10611. افيثمون1 10612. افيون1 10613. اقامة1 10614. اقبال1 10615. اقبل1 10616. اقْبِلْ1 10617. اقتات1 10618. اقتاد1 10619. اقتاس1 10620. اقتاض1 10621. اقتاظ1 10622. اقتاف1 10623. اقتال1 10624. اقتان1 10625. اقتباس1 10626. اقتباس الأنوار، في شرح: (المنار)...1 10627. اقتباس الأنوار، والتماس الأزهار، في...1 10628. اقتباس رفع الالتباس، في بيان طريق ا...1 10629. اقتبس1 10630. اقْتَبَس عن1 10631. اقتبص1 10632. اقتبض1 10633. اقتبع1 10634. اقتبل1 10635. اقتتل1 10636. اقتث1 10637. اقتثم1 10638. اقتثى1 10639. اقتحف1 10640. اقتحم1 10641. اقتحى1 10642. اقتدح1 10643. اقتدر1 10644. اقْتدى1 10645. اقتذى1 10646. اقتر1 10647. اقترأ1 10648. اقْتِران اسمين دون حرف عطف...1 10649. اقْتِران الماضي بالواو بعد «إلاّ»...1 10650. اقْتِران جواب «إن» الشرطيَّة باللام...1 10651. اقْتِران جواب «لو» الشرطيَّة بالفاء...1 10652. اقْتِران خبر «كاد» بـ «أَنْ»...1 10653. اقْترب1 10654. اقترح1 10655. اقترش1 10656. اقْترض1 10657. اقترعوا1 10658. اقْتَرَف1 10659. اقْتَرَف حسنةً1 10660. اقْترن1 10661. اقترى1 10662. اقتسره1 10663. اقتسطوا1 10664. اقتسم1 10665. اقتشد1 10666. اقتشر1 10667. اقتشمه1 10668. اقْتصّ1 10669. اقْتِصاديّات1 10670. اقتصب1 10671. اقْتَصَد1 10672. اقتصد1 10673. اُقْتُصِر1 10674. اقْتصر1 10675. اقتصل1 10676. اقتضاء1 10677. اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم...1 10678. اقتضاء العلم العمل1 10679. اقْتِضَاء النَّص1 10680. اقتضاء النص3 10681. اقتضب1 10682. اقْتضى1 10683. اقتط1 Prev. 100




1 أَفَخَهُ, (A'Obeyd, S, L, &c.,) aor. ـِ inf. n. أَفْخٌ, (L,) He, [or it] struck him, or hit him, [or hurt him,] on the part of his head called the يَأْفُوخ. (A'Obeyd, S, L, Msb, K.) He who pronounces يافوخ without ء says يَفَخَهُ. (Msb.) مَأْفُوخٌ A man having his head broken in the part called the يَأْفُوخ. (L.) يَأْفُوخٌ, (Lth, Az, S, Msb, K,) as also يَافُوخٌ, without ء, but the former is the more correct and the better, (Lth, Az, Msb,) and is of the measure يَفْعُولٌ, (Lth, Az, S, Msb,) whereas the latter is of the measure فَاعُولٌ, (Lth, Az, Msb,) [The top, vertex, or crown, of the head; or the part of the top of the head which is crossed by the coronal suture, and comprises a portion of the sagittal suture;] the part where the anterior and posterior bones of the head meet; (K;) the place that is in a state of commotion in the head of an infant; (S;) the place which, in the head of a child, does not close up until after some years; or does not become knit together in its several parts; and this is where the bone of the anterior part of the head and that of its posterior part meet; (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán; ”) the place that is soft, in a child's head, before the two bones called the نَمَّاغَة and رَمَّاعَة meet, between the هَامَة [or middle of the head] and the forehead: (L:) or the middle of the head when it has become hard and strong; before which it is not thus called: (Msb:) pl. يَآفِيخُ; (S;) so in the old lexicons [in general]; but in the T and K يَوَافِيخُ [which is pl. of يافوخ without ء; or, as pl. of يأفوخ, is like تَوَارِيخُ as pl. of تَأْرِيخٌ]; and because of this form of the pl., F says that J is in error in mentioning the word in the present art.: it has been shown, however, that J is not in error in this case. (TA.) — [Hence the saying,] أَنْتُمْ يَآفِيخُ الشَّرَفِ (tropical:) Ye are the centres and summits of the heads of nobility. (L, from a trad.) and يَأْفُوخُ اللَّيْلِ (assumed tropical:) The main [or middle] part of the night. (S, K.) — [See also art. يفخ.]
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