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10171. اصاص1 10172. اصَّالح1 10173. اصبهبذ1 10174. اصحر1 10175. اصْخاتَّ1 10176. اصد110177. اصر2 10178. اصطاده1 10179. اصطاذنة1 10180. اصطاف1 10181. اصطام1 10182. اصطانه1 10183. اصطب4 10184. اصطبح1 10185. اصطبر1 10186. اصطبغ1 10187. اصطبل3 10188. اصطحب1 10189. اصْطَحَب1 10190. اصطخب1 10191. اصطخد1 10192. اصطدما1 10193. اصطر1 10194. اصطرب1 10195. اصطرخ1 10196. اصطرع1 10197. اصطرف1 10198. اصطرلاب1 10199. اصطرمية1 10200. اصطف2 10201. اصْطُفَّ1 10202. اصطفاه1 10203. اصطفق1 10204. اصطفل2 10205. اصطفلينة1 10206. اصطك1 10207. اصطكم1 10208. اصطلاح2 10209. اصطلاحات الصوفية1 10210. اصطلام الأنف1 10211. اصطلب1 10212. اصْطلحَ1 10213. اصطلق1 10214. اصطلمه1 10215. اصطلى1 10216. اصْطِناعيّة1 10217. اصْطنع1 10218. اصطهر1 10219. اصطوفة1 10220. اصعال1 10221. اصعرت1 10222. اصْعَنْفَرَتِ2 10223. اصفر1 10224. اصْفَرَّ1 10225. اصفرار الشمس1 10226. اصفرني1 10227. اصفهان1 10228. اصقاله1 10229. اصل3 10230. اصْلَخَمَّ1 10231. اصلهبت1 10232. اصمأل1 10233. اصْمَخَذَ1 10234. اصْمَقَرَّ1 10235. اصناف1 10236. اصهب1 10237. اصيد1 10238. اضا1 10239. اضبع1 10240. اضحى1 10241. اضْرِبْ1 10242. اضْرَغَطَّ1 10243. اضْرَغطَّ 1 10244. اضْرَهَزَّ1 10245. اضرهز1 10246. اضطبع1 10247. اضطبن1 10248. اضْطجع1 10249. اضْطَرَ1 10250. اضْطَرَّ1 10251. اضْطُرَّ لـ1 10252. اضْطِرَادُ1 10253. اضطرام1 10254. اضْطربَ1 10255. اضطرحه1 10256. اضطرمت1 10257. اضطره1 10258. اضْطَرَّه على1 10259. اضطغن1 10260. اضطفز1 10261. اضطلاع1 10262. اضطلع1 10263. اضطم1 10264. اضطمر1 10265. اضْطَهَدَ1 10266. اضطهده1 10267. اضم1 10268. اضْماكَّ1 10269. اضْمَحَلَّ2 10270. اضمحل2 Prev. 100




2 أصّدهُ, inf. n. تَأْصِيدٌ, is from أُصْدَةٌ: (S, K:) [app. meaning He made it an أُصْدَة: or he wore it as an أُصْدَة: and hence مُؤَصَّدٌ or مُؤَصَّدَةٌ as explained below: or] he clad him with an أُصْدَة. (TK.) 4 آصد [in some copies of the K أَصَدَ, which is a mistake, (see the pass. part. n. مُؤْصَدٌ, below,)] He closed (أَغْلَقَ, S, A, K, and so in the M in art. وصد, or أَطْبَقَ, as in the M in the present art.) a door, or an entrance; as also اوصد; (S, M, A, K;) of which it is a dial. var. (S.) And He covered, or covered over, a cooking-pot. (M.) أُصْدَةٌ (S, M, K, and Ham p. 223) and ↓ أَصِيدَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ مُؤَصَّدٌ (S* M,) or ↓ مُؤَصَّدَةٌ, (K,) A garment of the kind called صِدَار worn by a young girl: when a girl attains to the age of puberty, she is clad with a دِرْع: (M:) or a small shirt for a little girl: or worn beneath the ثَوْب; (K:) or the أُصْدَة is a garment without sleeves, worn by a bride and by a little girl: (M:) or a small shirt or shift, worn beneath the ثوب; and also worn by little girls: (S:) or a garment of which the sewing is not complete: or i. q. بَقِيرَةٌ: or i. q. صُدْرَةٌ. (Ham ubi suprà.) Kutheiyir says, ↓ وَقَدْ دَرَّعُوهَا وَهْىَ ذَاتُ مُؤَصَّدٍ
مَجُوبٍ وَ لَمَّا يَلْبَسِ الدِّرْعَ رِيدُهَا [They clad her with a دِرْع when she wore a مُؤَصَّد with an opening cut out at the neck and bosom, when her equal in age had not yet worn the درع]. (S, M.) أًصِيدٌ A court; or an open or a wide space in front of a house, or extending from its sides; (S, M, K;) a dial. var. of وَصِيدٌ, (S,) which is the more common form: (M:) or the extreme and exterior part of a house: (Mirkát el-Loghah, and Meyd, as rendered by Golius:) or an intermediate place between the threshold or door and the house; a place which looks neither upon the public nor upon the interior parts, whether it be an area or a vestibule. (Ibn-Maaroof, as rendered by Golius.) أَصِيدَةٌ: see أُصْدَةُ

A2: A [hind of enclosure for the protection of camels, sheep, or goats, such as is called] حَظِيرَةٌ: (M, K:) or like a حظيرة, (S, and Ham p.223,) [but made] of rocks, or great masses of stone: (Ham:) a dial. var. of وَصِيدَةٌ [q. v.]: (S:) pl. إِصَادٌ (Ham.) مُؤْصَدٌ Closed; closed over, or covered: occurring in the Kur [xc. 20 and] civ. 8; (L;) in which AA reads مُؤْصَدَةٌ [with hemz; others reading this word without hemz]. (S, L.) Yousay بَابٌ مُؤْصَدٌ [A closed door]. (A.) and قِدْرٌ مُؤْصَدَةٌ A covered cooking-pot. (A.) and بَابُ العَفْوِ عَنْهُ مُؤْصَدٌ (assumed tropical:) [The door of forgiveness is closed from him; i. e., against him]. (A.) مُؤَصَّدٌ, or مُؤَصَّدَةٌ: see أُصْدَةٌ, in three places.
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