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10135. اشتوى1 10136. اشتياق1 10137. اشّج1 10138. اشج1 10139. اشد الضَّرْب1 10140. اشر210141. اشرأب2 10142. اشراط السَّاعَة1 10143. اشراف1 10144. اشْرَحَفَّ2 10145. اشرهف1 10146. اشْعِرْ1 10147. اشعن1 10148. اشف1 10149. اشقاقور1 10150. اشقر1 10151. اشقلانس1 10152. اشقولوفندريون1 10153. اشك1 10154. اشكلى1 10155. اشكيلاط1 10156. اشم1 10157. اشمأزّ1 10158. اشمأز1 10159. اشْمَأَزَّتْ1 10160. اشمأط1 10161. اشماط1 10162. اشمخر1 10163. اشْمَعَطَّ1 10164. اشْمَعَطَّتِ1 10165. اشمعل1 10166. اشْمَعَلَّ1 10167. اشن1 10168. اشنق1 10169. اشهاب1 10170. اشهب2 10171. اصاص1 10172. اصَّالح1 10173. اصبهبذ1 10174. اصحر1 10175. اصْخاتَّ1 10176. اصد1 10177. اصر2 10178. اصطاده1 10179. اصطاذنة1 10180. اصطاف1 10181. اصطام1 10182. اصطانه1 10183. اصطب4 10184. اصطبح1 10185. اصطبر1 10186. اصطبغ1 10187. اصطبل3 10188. اصطحب1 10189. اصْطَحَب1 10190. اصطخب1 10191. اصطخد1 10192. اصطدما1 10193. اصطر1 10194. اصطرب1 10195. اصطرخ1 10196. اصطرع1 10197. اصطرف1 10198. اصطرلاب1 10199. اصطرمية1 10200. اصطف2 10201. اصْطُفَّ1 10202. اصطفاه1 10203. اصطفق1 10204. اصطفل2 10205. اصطفلينة1 10206. اصطك1 10207. اصطكم1 10208. اصطلاح2 10209. اصطلاحات الصوفية1 10210. اصطلام الأنف1 10211. اصطلب1 10212. اصْطلحَ1 10213. اصطلق1 10214. اصطلمه1 10215. اصطلى1 10216. اصْطِناعيّة1 10217. اصْطنع1 10218. اصطهر1 10219. اصطوفة1 10220. اصعال1 10221. اصعرت1 10222. اصْعَنْفَرَتِ2 10223. اصفر1 10224. اصْفَرَّ1 10225. اصفرار الشمس1 10226. اصفرني1 10227. اصفهان1 10228. اصقاله1 10229. اصل3 10230. اصْلَخَمَّ1 10231. اصلهبت1 10232. اصمأل1 10233. اصْمَخَذَ1 10234. اصْمَقَرَّ1 Prev. 100


اشر: أشَّر: أشار إلى، دل. - ورقّم ووسَم - ورمز، صور تصويراً رمزياً. - وخطط رسم الخطوط الأولى. - وأشر عليه: وضع إشارة (علامة) على الشيء ليميزه عن غيره. - أشّر بظهور شيء: أشار بظهوره من علامات تنبئ بذلك (بوشر). وواضح أن العامة قد أخذوا هذا الفعل ((أشّر)) من أشار.
تأشر: صار أشِراً، أي بطراً، متكبراً (عباد 1: 255 وانظر 3: 123).
مُؤَشَّر: مسنن، محزز الاطراف، يقال: ورق مؤشر (ابن البيطار 1: 201)


1 أَشَرَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (ISk, MS,) or ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. أَشْرٌ, (Msb,) He divided [or sawed] a piece of wood (ISk, Msb, K) with the مِئْشَار; (S, Msb, K;) as also وَشَرَ and نَشَرَ. (Msb, TA.) b2: أَشَرَتْ أَسْنَانَهَا, aor. ـِ [or, accord. to the Msb, it seems to be اَشُرَ,] inf. n. أَشْرٌ; (K;) and ↓ أَشَّرَتْهَا (K,) inf. n. تَأْشِيرٌ; (S;) She (a woman, TA) made her teeth serrated, (S, K,) and sharpened their extremities, (S,) to render them like those of a young person: but a curse is denounced in a trad. against her who does this. (TA.) [See also art. وشر]

A2: , أَشِرَ aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. أَشَرٌ (S, A, Msb,) He exulted, or exulted greatly, or excessively; and behaved insolently and unthankfully, or ungratefully: (S,* A,* Msb, K,* TA:) or he exulted by reason of wealth, and behaved with pride, and self-conceitedness, and boastfulness, and want of thankfulness: or he behaved with the utmost exultation, &c.: or he rejoiced, and rested his mind upon things agreeable with natural desire. (TA.) [See بَطِرَ]2 اَشَّرَ see 1.8 ائْتَشَرَتْ, written with the disjunctive alif ايتَشَرَتْ She invited another to make her teeth serrated and to sharpen their extremities; as also ↓ استأشرت See the act. part. ns. below: and see also استوشرت]10 إِسْتَاْشَرَ see 8.

أَشْرٌ see أَشِرٌ

أَشَرٌ see أَشِرٌ

أَشُرٌ see أَشِرٌ

أَشِرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ أَشُرٌ and ↓ أَشْرٌ and ↓ أَشَرٌ (K) and ↓ أَشْرَانُ (S, K) Exulting, or exulting greatly, or excessively; and behaving insolently and unthankfully, or ungratefully: (S,* A, * Msb, K,* TA:) or exulting by reason of wealth, and behaving with pride, and self-conceitedness, and boastfulness, and want of thankfulness: or behaving with the utmost exultation, &c.: or rejoicing, and resting the mind upon things agreeable with natural desire: (TA:) pl. [of the first]

أَشِرُونَ and [of the second] أَشُرُونَ (L, K) and [of the first four] أُشُرٌ (K [accord. to the TA, but not in the copies of the K in my hands,]) and (of أَشْرَانُ TA) أَشْرَى (K) and أُشَارَى (S, K) and أَشَارَى (K.) One says, أَشِرٌ أَفِرٌ and ↓ أَشْرَانُ

أَفْرَانُ, using the latter word in each instance as an imitative sequent. (TA.) b2: بَرْقٌ أَشِرٌ (tropical:) Lightning flashing repeatedly to and fro. (A.) b3: نَبْتٌ أَشِرٌ (tropical:) A plant, or herbage, extending beyond its proper bounds. (A.) أُشَرٌ: see what next follows.

بِأَسْنَانِهِ أُشُرٌ and ↓ أُشَرٌ and ↓ أُشُورٌ (S, K,) which last is a pl., (K,) In his teeth is a serration, (S, K,) and a sharpness of the extremities [such as is seen in the teeth of young persons]; (S;) which is sometimes natural and sometimes artificial; (K;) and [naturally] only in the teeth of young persons. (TA.) Hence the prov., أَعْيَيْتَنِى

بِأُشُرِ فَكَيْفَ بِدُرْدُرٍ. (S.) [See art. در] b2: أُشُرُ المِنْجَلِ (tropical:) The teeth of the reaping-hook, or sickle. (K.) أُشْرَةٌ and its dual: see آشِرٌ

أُمْنِيَّةٌ أَشْرَآءُ A very exulting wish: occurring in the Mo'allakah of El-Hárith Ibn-Hillizeh. (EM p. 272.) أَشْرَانُ: see أَشِرٌ, in two places.

أُشُورٌ see أُشُرٌ

آشِرٌ Dividing [or sawing], or one who divides [or saws], wood, with the مِئْشَار (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] The prickles [or serrated parts] of the shanks of the locust; (K;) as also ↓ تَآشِيرُ (TA.) b3: Also, and ↓ أُشْرَةٌ and ↓ عُقْدَةٌ) at the extremity of the tail of the locust, like two claws; (K;) which two things are also called ↓ أُشْرَتَانِ and ↓ مِئْشَارَانِ (TA.) b4: آشِرَةٌ A woman who sharpens the extremities of her teeth [and makes them serrated: see 1]. (Msb.) A2: يَدٌ آشِرَةٌ An arm, or a hand, sawn off; i. q. ↓ مَأْشُورَةٌ: (ISk, S, Msb, K:*) like عِيشَةٌ رَاضِيَةٌ in the sense of مَرْضِيَةٌ. (S.) تَأْشِيرٌ or تَأْشِيرَةٌ, as in different Lexicons, (TA,) [the former in the K,] The thing with which the locust bites: pl. تَآشِيرُ (K.) b2: See also the pl. voce آشِرٌ.

مُؤَشَّرٌ Anything (TA) made thin [and serrated]. (K.) [Hence,] ثَغْرٌ مُؤَشَّرٌ A front tooth serrated and sharpened at the extremity. (TA.) and hence, (TA,) مُؤَشَّرُ العَضُدَيْنِ is applied to the beetle [as meaning Having the fore shanks formed thin, and serrated]. (S, TA.) مِئْشَارٌ (S, Msb, K, &c.) [A saw;] an instrument with which wood is divided; (Msb, K) as also مِيشَارٌ, from وَشَرَ; (Msb, TA;) and مِنْشَارٌ: (TA:) pl. مَآشِيرُ. (ISk, Msb, TA.) b2: See also this word and its dual voce آشِرٌ.

مَأْشُورٌ Wood divided [or sawn] with the مِئْشَار (Msb.) See also آشِرٌ b2: مَأْشُورَةٌ A woman who has the extremities of her teeth sharpened [and serrated artificially: see 1]. (Msb.) مِئْشِيرٌ, applied alike to the male and the female, (S,) to a she-camel and a courser, (S, K,) and a man and a woman, (TA,) Brisk; lively; sprightly. (S,* K.) مُؤْتَشِرَةٌ and ↓ مُسْتَأْشِرَةٌ A woman who invites [another] to make her teeth serrated [and to sharpen their extremities: see 1]. (K.) مُسْتَأْشِرَةٌ: see what next precedes.
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