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8850. اسْبَكَرَّ1 8851. اسبكر1 8852. اسبيداريج1 8853. اسبيدباج1 8854. اسبيوش1 8855. است38856. استآسه1 8857. استأب1 8858. استأبى1 8859. استأتاه1 8860. استأتن1 8861. اسْتَأْثر1 8862. اسْتَأْجرهُ1 8863. استأجز1 8864. استأجل1 8865. استأحد1 8866. استأخذ1 8867. اسْتَأْخَرَ1 8868. استأداه1 8869. استأدم1 8870. اسْتَأْذَن من1 8871. استأذنه1 8872. استأرب1 8873. استأرضت1 8874. استأسد1 8875. استأسره1 8876. استأصل1 8877. استأفد1 8878. استأفر1 8879. استأكل1 8880. استأكم1 8881. استألك1 8882. استأم1 8883. استأمره1 8884. استأمن1 8885. استأمى1 8886. استأنس1 8887. اسْتَأْنَف2 8888. اسْتَأْنف1 8889. استأنى1 8890. استأهل1 8891. استأور1 8892. استأوى1 8893. استأيك1 8894. استئناف1 8895. استاء1 8896. استاد1 8897. استاد وأستاذ1 8898. استاذ1 8899. استار1 8900. استاس1 8901. استافه1 8902. استافوا1 8903. استاقه1 8904. استاك1 8905. استامت1 8906. استبأ1 8907. استباء1 8908. استباثه1 8909. استباحه1 8910. استباصه1 8911. استباعه1 8912. استباله1 8913. استبان1 8914. استباه2 8915. استبثه1 8916. استبحثه1 8917. استبحر1 8918. استبد1 8919. استبدعه1 8920. اسْتَبْدَل بـ1 8921. استبذر1 8922. استبذله1 8923. اسْتَبْرَأَ1 8924. استبرد1 8925. استبرق4 8926. اسَتَبْرَقُ1 8927. استبره1 8928. استبسل1 8929. استبشر1 8930. استبشع1 8931. استبصر1 8932. استبضع1 8933. اسْتَبْطَأَهُ1 8934. استبطح1 8935. استبطن1 8936. استبعاه1 8937. استبعد1 8938. استبعل1 8939. استبعوا1 8940. استبقاه1 8941. استبقوا1 8942. استبكاه1 8943. استبنت1 8944. استبهام التَّارِيخ1 8945. استبهج1 8946. استبهله1 8947. استبهم1 8948. استبوا1 8949. اسْتَبْيَنَ1 Prev. 100


است: العجز أو حلقة الدبر، وتجمع على أسوت (بوشر).
يقولون: " هو أمْنَعُ من است النَمِرِ ". و " تَرَكْتُ فُلاناً باست المَتْنِ " - وهو مَتْنُ الأرْضِ -: أي تَرَكْتُه بالصَّحْراءِ الواسِعَةِ لَيْسَ له شَيْءٌ.
و" لَقِيْتُ منه است الكَلْبَةِ ": أي ما كَرِهْتُ. وما زال ذاكَ على است الدَّهْرِ مَجْنُوْناً: أي لم يَزَلْ يُعرَفُ به. و " مالك است مع اسْتِكَ ": إذا لم يَكُنْ له عُدَّةٌ من رِجالٍ ولا ثَرْوَة واسْتُه لا تُفَارِقُه.


اِسْتٌ, signifying The podex, or the anus, (K,) or signifying the former, and sometimes used as meaning the latter, (S in art. سته,) is with a conjunctive hemzeh, [written اسْتٌ, when not immediately preceded by a quiescence,] and its final radical letter is clided; for the original form is سَتَهٌ; (Msb;) and it is mentioned in art. سته. (K.) [It is of the fem. gender.] It is said in a prov., applied to him who fails of attaining the object that he seeks, أَخْطَأَتِ اسْتُهُ الحُفْرَةَ [His anus missed the hole in the ground]. (Meyd.) —

[Hence,] اِسْتُ الدَّهْرِ (tropical:) The first, or beginning, of time; (A;) old, or ancient, time. (IB, A, * K. *) One says, مَا زَالَ عَلَى اسْتِ الدَّهْرِ مَجْنُونًا (tropical:) [He ceased not, or has not ceased, from the beginning of time, or from old time, to be insane, or mad; or] he always was, or always has been, known as being insane, or mad: like as one says, عَلَى إِسِّ الدَّهْرِ. (Az, S.) And Aboo-Nukheyleh says, مَا زَالَ مُذْ كَانَ عَلَى ا سْتِ الدَّهْرِ ذَا حُمُقٍ يَنْمِى وَعَقْلٍ يَحْرشى (tropical:) [He ceased not, or has not ceased, to be, since he was in the beginning of time, or in old time, i. e., from the first of his existence, a person of increasing foolishness, and of decreasing intellect]. (Az, S.) IB says, J has erred in mentioning است in this section [of the S]; its proper place being in art. سته, where he has also mentioned it; for its hemzeh is conjunctive, by common consent; and if conjunctive, it is augmentative: also, his saying that they have changed the [final]

س in إِسٌّ into ت, like as they have changed the [final] س of طَسٌّ into ت, making this word طَسْتٌ, is a mistake; for, were it so, the hemzeh of است would be disjunctive [in every case; whereas it is always conjunctive except after a pause, when it is pronounced with kesr]: moreover, he has attributed this assertion to Az, who never made it, but only mentioned است الدهر with اسّ الدهر because of their agreement in meaning. (TA.) b2: [Hence also,] اِسْتُ الكَلْبَةِ (assumed tropical:) Calamity, or misfortune: (K:) adversity; difficulty; distress; affliction: (TA:) what is hated, disliked, disapproved, foul, abominable, or evil. (K.) b3: and اِسْتُ المَتْنِ (assumed tropical:) The desert: (K:) or the wide desert. (TA.) b4: See also art. سته.

أُسْتِىٌّ The warp of cloth; (K;) as also أُسْدِىٌّ and أُزْدِىٌّ: (TA:) but it is improperly mentioned in this art.; for it is [originally أُسْتُوىٌ,] of the measure أُفْعُولٌ. (K.) اِسْتِىٌّ Of, or relating to, the اِسْت. (TA in art. سته.)
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