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8752. ارْقَانِيَا1 8753. ارقد1 8754. ارقط1 8755. ارقطيون1 8756. ارقنو1 8757. ارك18758. اركين1 8759. ارُلٌ1 8760. ارم1 8761. ارمد1 8762. ارْمَعَلَّ2 8763. ارمعل1 8764. ارْمَعَنَّ1 8765. ارْمَغَلَّ 1 8766. ارمق1 8767. ارمك1 8768. ارمليطة1 8769. ارمينياس1 8770. ارن1 8771. ارن 1 8772. ارنمة1 8773. ارى1 8774. اريوان1 8775. از1 8776. ازب2 8777. ازبأر1 8778. ازبنطوط1 8779. ازج1 8780. ازحلف1 8781. ازْدَادَ1 8782. ازدان1 8783. ازدج1 8784. ازدجر1 8785. ازْدحم1 8786. ازدراه1 8787. ازدرد1 8788. ازدرع1 8789. ازْدَرَى بـ1 8790. ازدغف1 8791. ازْدَفَ1 8792. ازدقمه1 8793. ازدلعه1 8794. ازدلف1 8795. ازدلم1 8796. ازدمل1 8797. ازدهار1 8798. ازْدِهار حَضَاريّ1 8799. ازدهده1 8800. ازْدَهَرَ1 8801. ازدهر1 8802. ازدهف1 8803. ازدهى1 8804. ازدوجا1 8805. ازر2 8806. ازْرَأَمَّ1 8807. ازراق1 8808. ازرق1 8809. ازعار1 8810. ازعر1 8811. ازغاب1 8812. ازف1 8813. ازِقَ1 8814. ازق2 8815. ازل1 8816. ازلأم1 8817. ازْلَحفَّ1 8818. ازلحف1 8819. ازْلَحَفَّ2 8820. ازْلَعَبَّ1 8821. ازْلَغَبَّ2 8822. ازْلَغب 1 8823. ازم1 8824. ازمأج1 8825. ازمخر1 8826. ازْمَعَلَّ1 8827. ازمهر1 8828. ازْمَهَلَّ1 8829. ازنكان وازنكن1 8830. ازهار1 8831. ازهر1 8832. ازوار2 8833. ازور1 8834. ازى1 8835. ازْيانَّت1 8836. ازَيْعٌ1 8837. ازين1 8838. اس1 8839. اسأله1 8840. اسار1 8841. اساراك1 8842. اسارون1 8843. اساس1 8844. اسب1 8845. اسبذ1 8846. اسبرج2 8847. اسبطر1 8848. اسْبَغَلَّ1 8849. اسْبَغلَّ 1 8850. اسْبَكَرَّ1 8851. اسبكر1 Prev. 100




1 أَرَكَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـُ and اَرِكَ, inf. n. أُرُوكٌ, The camels fed upon the kind of tree called أَرَاك: (S, Msb, K:) or remained, or continued, among trees of that kind, (ISk, S, K,) i. e., what are termed حَمْض, (ISk, S,) eating them: (K:) or found, or lighted on, any trees whatever, and remained, or continued. among them: (K:) or, accord. to As, kept in a place (بِمَكَانٍ), not removing therefrom: (ISk, S:) or remained, or continued, in a place for the purpose of feeding upon the اراك: and hence the signification next following, which is tropical. (Er-Rághib.) b2: أَرَكَ بِالمَكَانِ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb, TA,) (tropical:) He (a man, S) remained, continued, or abode, in the place, (S, Msb, K,) not quitting it; (TA;) as also أَرِكَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. أَرَكٌ. (TA.) b3: and أَرَكَ, (K,) inf. n. أَرْكٌ and أُرُوكٌ (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He persisted, or persevered, syn. لَجَّ, (K,) i. e. أَصَرَّ, (T, K,) in an affair. (T, K.) b4: And, (K,) inf. n. أُرُوِكٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He held back, or drew back, (تَأَخَّرَ,) in an affair. (K.) A2: أَرَكَ الإِبِلَ, (K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. أَرْكٌ, (K,) He fed the camels, or made them to feed, upon the kind of the tree called أَرَاك: or made them to remain, or continue, among trees of that kind: or brought them to any trees whatever, and made them to remain, or continue, among them. (K.) b2: أَرَكَ الأَمْرَفِى عُنُقِهِ, (L, K,) inf. n. أُرُوكٌ, so in the L, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He compelled him, or constrained him, to do the thing, or affair; or made him to keep, or cleave, to it. (L, K.) A3: أَرَكَت الإِبِلُ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. أَرَكٌ; (S;) and أَرَكَت, aor. ـُ and أُرِكَت; (K;) The camels had a complaint, or suffered pain, (S, K,) of, or in, their bellies, (S,) from eating the أَرَاك. (S, K.) 2 أَرَّكَهَا, inf. n. تَأْرِيكٌ, He concealed her (namely a woman, TA) by means of an أَرِيكَة, q. v. (K.) 8 ائترك [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَرَكَ] It (the kind of tree called أَرَاك) became firm, strong, or compact, and big: (O, K:) or attained to maturity: (K:) or became tangled, or luxuriant, and abundant. (TA.) إِرْكٌ: see أَرَاكٌ. b2: عُشْبٌ لَهُ إِرْكٌ Herbage in which the camels remain, or continue. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) أَرَاكٌ أَرِكٌ Abundant, and tangled, or luxuriant, trees of the kind called اراك; (K, TA; [in the CK آرِكٌ, but said in the TA to be like كَتِفٌ;]) as also ↓ مُؤْتَرِكٌ. (K.) b2: أَرْضٌ أَرِكَةٌ Land abounding with the kind of trees called اراك. (K.) b3: إِبِلٌ أَرِكَةٌ and أَرَاكَي, [the latter being the pl.,] Camels having a complaint, or suffering pain, (S, K,) of, or in, their bellies, (S,) from eating the اراك. (S, K.) أَرَاكٌ The [kind of trees termed] حَمْض; (AHn, K;) as also ↓ إِرْكٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) and (K) certain trees of the kind termed حَيْض, (T, S, Msb, K,) well known, bearing what resemble bunches of grapes, (T, TA,) and of which sticks for cleaning the teeth are made, (AHn, Aboo-Ziyád, Msb, K,) that is, of its branches, (AHn, Aboo-Ziyád, Msb,) and of its roots, which latter are more esteemed for this purpose: (Aboo-Ziyád:) it is the best of the trees of which the branches are used for this purpose, and the best of those upon which beasts feed with respect to the odour of the milk [yielded by those beasts]: (AHn:) or one of the large thorny trees, upon which camels feed: the milk of [the camels that feed upon] it is the best of milk: and it is not allowable to prohibit the public from feeding their beasts upon it: (Mgh:) or a kind of tall, smooth, or soft, tree, abounding with leaves and branches, the wood of which is weak, and which has a fruit in bunches, or racemes, called بَرِير, one [bunch] of which will fill the hand: (Msb:) n. un. with ة: (S, Msb:) pl. (of the n. un., T) أُرُكٌ (T, K) and أَرَائِكُ, (IB, K,) which is a form sometimes used, and is also pl. of the n. un. (IB.) b2: A piece of land (K, TA) in which are trees of the kind thus called. (TA.) أَرِيكٌ: see the end of the next paragraph.

أَرِيكَةٌ A raised couch (سَرِير) in a حَجَلَة, (K, and Jel in xviii. 30,) which is a tent, or pavilion, or chamber, (بيت,) adorned with cloths and curtains, [or a kind of curtained canopy or alcove or the like,] for a bride; (Jel ubi suprà;) a raised couch (سرير) in a حَجَلَة, and having before it a curtain; when alone, not thus called: (TA:) or a bed, or thing spread upon the ground to sit or lie upon, in a حَجَلَة: (Zj, TA:) or a raised couch (سرير), absolutely, whether in a حجلة or not: (TA:) or [in the CK “ and ”] anything upon which one reclines such as is termed سَرِير or منَصَّة or فِرَاش: (K, TA:) or [in some copies of the K “ and ”] a raised couch (سرير) ornamentally furnished and decorated, in a [tent, or pavilion, or the like, such as is termed] قُبَّة, or in a chamber, or an apartment, بَيْت, [or by this may be meant here a tent of any kind, though I think that in this instance it more probably denotes an inner apartment, or an alcove,]) which, when there is not in it a سرير, is termed حَجَلَة: (S, Sgh, K:) accord. to Er-Rághib, so named because originally made of [the wood of] the أَرَاك; or because it is a place of abode; from أَرَك بِالمَكَانِ

“ be abode in the place: ” (TA:) pl أَرَائِكُ (S, K) ?? [coll. gen. n.] ↓ أَرِيكٌ. (K.) إِبِلٌ أَرَاكِيَّةٌ: see what next follows.

إِبِلٌ أَرِكَةٌ Camels feeding upon the kind of tree called أَرَاك; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ أَرَاكِيَّةٌ: (K:) or remaining, or continuing, among trees of that kind, i. e., what are termed حَمْض: or keeping in a place, not removing therefrom: (S:) pl. أَوَارِكُ. (S, Msb.) Their milk is said to be the best of milk. (TA.) قَوْمٌ مُؤْرِكُونَ A people, or company of men, alighting and abiding by trees of the kind called أَرَاك, (K,) feeding their camels upon those trees. (AHn, K. *) أَرَاكٌ مُؤْتَرِكٌ: see أَرِكٌ
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