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8742. ارطين1 8743. ارعوى1 8744. ارغاد1 8745. ارْغَلَدَّ1 8746. ارْغَيانُ1 8747. ارف18748. ارفأن1 8749. ارْفض1 8750. ارق2 8751. ارقاط1 8752. ارْقَانِيَا1 8753. ارقد1 8754. ارقط1 8755. ارقطيون1 8756. ارقنو1 8757. ارك1 8758. اركين1 8759. ارُلٌ1 8760. ارم1 8761. ارمد1 8762. ارْمَعَلَّ2 8763. ارمعل1 8764. ارْمَعَنَّ1 8765. ارْمَغَلَّ 1 8766. ارمق1 8767. ارمك1 8768. ارمليطة1 8769. ارمينياس1 8770. ارن1 8771. ارن 1 8772. ارنمة1 8773. ارى1 8774. اريوان1 8775. از1 8776. ازب2 8777. ازبأر1 8778. ازبنطوط1 8779. ازج1 8780. ازحلف1 8781. ازْدَادَ1 8782. ازدان1 8783. ازدج1 8784. ازدجر1 8785. ازْدحم1 8786. ازدراه1 8787. ازدرد1 8788. ازدرع1 8789. ازْدَرَى بـ1 8790. ازدغف1 8791. ازْدَفَ1 8792. ازدقمه1 8793. ازدلعه1 8794. ازدلف1 8795. ازدلم1 8796. ازدمل1 8797. ازدهار1 8798. ازْدِهار حَضَاريّ1 8799. ازدهده1 8800. ازْدَهَرَ1 8801. ازدهر1 8802. ازدهف1 8803. ازدهى1 8804. ازدوجا1 8805. ازر2 8806. ازْرَأَمَّ1 8807. ازراق1 8808. ازرق1 8809. ازعار1 8810. ازعر1 8811. ازغاب1 8812. ازف1 8813. ازِقَ1 8814. ازق2 8815. ازل1 8816. ازلأم1 8817. ازْلَحفَّ1 8818. ازلحف1 8819. ازْلَحَفَّ2 8820. ازْلَعَبَّ1 8821. ازْلَغَبَّ2 8822. ازْلَغب 1 8823. ازم1 8824. ازمأج1 8825. ازمخر1 8826. ازْمَعَلَّ1 8827. ازمهر1 8828. ازْمَهَلَّ1 8829. ازنكان وازنكن1 8830. ازهار1 8831. ازهر1 8832. ازوار2 8833. ازور1 8834. ازى1 8835. ازْيانَّت1 8836. ازَيْعٌ1 8837. ازين1 8838. اس1 8839. اسأله1 8840. اسار1 8841. اساراك1 Prev. 100




2 أَرَّفَهَا, (T, M, Mgh,) namely الدَّارَ, and الأَرْضَ, (T, M,) inf. n. تَأْرِيفٌ, (T,) He set, or put, limits, or boundaries, [أُرَف,] to it; (M, Mgh;) and marked it out: (Mgh:) or he divided it; and set, or put, limits, or boundaries, to it: (T:) namely the house, and the land. (T, M.) and أُرِّفَ عَلَى المَالِ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) or على الأَرْضِ, inf. n. as above, (K,) The property, (S, Mgh, Msb,) or the land, (K,) had limits, or boundaries, set, or put, to it, (S, Msb, K,) or around it; (Mgh;) and was divided. (K.) When this is done, it is said that there is no شُفْغَة [or right of preemption] with respect to the property. (S, Mgh, Msb.) b2: تَأْرِيفٌ also signifies The tying a rope, or cord, so as to form a knot or knots. (K.) إَنَّهُ لَغِى إِرْفِ مَجْدٍ i. q. إرْثِ مَجْدٍ [Verily he is of a glorious origin, race, or stock]: mentioned by Yaakoob as an instance of a change of letters. (M.) أُرْفَةٌ A limit, or boundary, (As, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) making a separation (Msb) between two pieces of land; (Msb, K;) a sign, or mark, (As, T, S, Mgh,) of the limits, or boundaries, between two pieces of land: (S:) and a separation between houses and estates: (M:) and a dam between two pieces of land sown or for sowing: (Th, M:) Yaakoob asserts that its ف is a substitute for the ث of أُرْثَةٌ [which is, however, less com-mon]: (M:) the pl. is أُرَفٌ, (T, S, M, &c.,) signifying, accord. to Lh, like أُرَثٌ, limits, or boundaries, between two pieces of land [&c.]; (T;) and it is said in a trad., that these cut off الشُّفْعَة [i. e. the right of preemption]; (T, S, Mgh;) meaning, in the language of the people of El-Hijáz, signs, or marks, and limits, or boundaries. (T.) Th relates that an Arab woman said, جَعَلَ عَلَيَّ زَوْجِى أُرْفَةً لَا أَجُوزُهَا, i. e. My husband set me a sign, or mark, [or limit,] beyond which I should not pass. (M.) And أُرْفَةُ أَجَلٍ signifies An extreme limit of a period of existence. (TA, from a trad.) b2: Also A knot. (Sgh, K.) أُرْفِىٌّ A measurer of land, (K, * TA,) who marks it with limits, or boundaries. (TA.) هُوَمُؤَارِفِى He has his limit, or boundary, next to mine, in dwelling, and in place: (K:) a phrase like هُوَمُتَاخِمِى. (TA.)
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