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8553. اذْلَوْلَى1 8554. اذْمَقرَّ1 8555. اذْمَقَرَّ1 8556. اذن1 8557. اذْهَب وأبوك1 8558. اذى18559. ار1 8560. اراقيطون1 8561. ارانوش1 8562. ارانيوس1 8563. ارب1 8564. ارباث1 8565. ارباد1 8566. اربانه1 8567. اربث1 8568. اربد1 8569. اربس1 8570. ارتأدت1 8571. ارتأس1 8572. ارتأى1 8573. ارْتَأَى بـ1 8574. ارتاب1 8575. ارْتَاب في1 8576. ارْتَاب من1 8577. ارْتَاحَ2 8578. ارتاد1 8579. ارتاش1 8580. ارتاض1 8581. ارتاع1 8582. ارْتَاعَ على1 8583. ارتاغه1 8584. ارتب1 8585. ارتبأ1 8586. ارتبث1 8587. ارتبز1 8588. ارتبس1 8589. ارْتبط1 8590. ارْتَبَط مع1 8591. ارتبع1 8592. ارتبق1 8593. ارْتَبَكَ1 8594. ارتبك1 8595. ارتبل1 8596. ارتتق1 8597. ارتتم1 8598. ارتث1 8599. ارتثأ1 8600. ارتثاث1 8601. ارتثد1 8602. ارتثوا1 8603. ارتج1 8604. ارْتِجَ1 8605. ارْتُجَّ1 8606. ارتجاه1 8607. ارتجح1 8608. ارتجز1 8609. ارتجست1 8610. ارتجع1 8611. ارْتَجَف1 8612. ارتجف1 8613. ارتجل1 8614. ارتجم1 8615. ارتجن1 8616. ارتحض1 8617. ارتحل1 8618. ارتخ1 8619. ارتخصه1 8620. ارْتَدَّ1 8621. ارتدع1 8622. ارتدغ1 8623. ارتدف1 8624. ارتدكسي1 8625. ارتدم1 8626. ارتدن1 8627. ارتدى1 8628. ارْتَدَى1 8629. ارتز1 8630. ارتزأ1 8631. ارتزغ1 8632. ارتزق1 8633. ارتس1 8634. ارتسغ1 8635. ارْتَسَفَّ1 8636. ارتسم1 8637. ارْتَسَمَ1 8638. ارتشاف الضرب، في لسان العرب...1 8639. ارتشفه1 8640. ارتشم1 8641. ارتشى1 8642. ارتصت1 8643. ارتصده1 8644. ارتصع1 8645. ارتصف1 8646. ارْتَصَقَ1 8647. ارتصق1 8648. ارتض1 8649. ارْتَضَاهُ1 8650. ارتضح1 8651. ارتضخ1 8652. ارتضعها1 Prev. 100




ى1 أَذِىَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. أَذًى, (T, M, Msb, K,) in [some of] the copies of the K written أَذًا, and so by IB, (TA,) and أَذَآءٌ, (CK, [but not found by me in any MS. copy of the K nor in any other lexicon,]) and, accord. to IB, أَذَاةٌ and أَذِيَّةٌ, (TA,) or these two are simple substs.; (M, K;) and ↓ تأذّى; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) [He was, or became, annoyed, molested, harmed, or hurt;] he experienced, or suffered, slight evil, [i. e., annoyance, molestation, harm, or hurt,] less than what is termed ضَرَر; (El-Khattábee;) or he experienced, or suffered, what was disagreeable, or hateful, or evil, (Msb, K,) in a small degree; (K;) بِهِ [by him, or it]; (T, S, M, K;) [and مِنْهُ from him, or it:] ↓ التَّأَذِّى signifies the being affected by what is termed الأَذَى [i. e. what annoys, molests, harms, or hurts, one]: and also the showing the effect thereof; which is forbidden by the saying of 'Omar, بِالنَّاسِ ↓ إِيَّاكَ وَالتَّأَذِّى

[Avoid thou, or beware thou of, showing the being annoyed, molested, harmed, or hurt, by men]; for this is what is within one's power. (Mgh.) b2: Also, aor. and inf. n. as above, It (a thing) was unclean, dirty, or filthy. (Msb.) 4 آذى signifies فَعَلَ الأَذَى [He did what annoyed, molested, harmed, or hurt]. (M, K.) b2: And آذِاهُ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (S,) inf. n. إِيذَآءٌ (T, IB, Msb) and [quasi-inf. n.]

أَذِيَّةٌ, (T,) or أَذَّى and أَذَاةٌ and أَذِيَّةٌ, (S, K,) but IB refuses his assent to this, saying that these three are inf. ns. of أَذِىَ, and MF says of إِيذَآءٌ, which is expressly disallowed by the author of the K, though he himself uses it, that others assert it to have been heard and transmitted, and to be required by rule, but he adds that he had searched for examples of it in the language of the Arabs, and investigated their prose and their poetry, without finding this word; (TA;) [He, or it, annoyed him, molested him, harmed him, or hurt him; or] he did what was disagreeable, or hateful, or evil, to him. (Bd in xxxiii. 53, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [xxxiii. 47], وَدَعْ أَذَاهُمْ, meaning And leave thou the requiting of them until thou receive a command respecting them; (M, Bd, Jel;) namely, the hypocrites: (M:) or leave thou unregarded their doing to thee what is [annoying, molesting, harmful, hurtful, or] disagreeable, &c., to thee. (Bd.) 5 تَاَذَّىَ see 1, in three places.

أَذَّى inf. n. of 1. (T, M, Msb, K.) [As a simple subst., A state of annoyance or molestation.] b2: And [Annoyance, molestation, harm, or hurt: quasi-] inf. n. of آذَاهُ. (S, K.) b3: It signifies also, [like ↓ أَذِيَّةٌ and ↓ أَذَاةٌ,] كُلُّ مَا تَأْذَّيْتَ [Anything by which thou art annoyed, molested, harmed, or hurt]; (T;) or مَا يُؤْذِيكَ [a thing that annoys, molests, harms, or hurts thee]: (Mgh:) or a slight evil; less than what is termed ضَرَر. (El-Khattábee.) You say, أَمَاطَ الأَذَى عَنِ الطَّرِيقِ He removed, or put away, or put at a distance, what was hurtful from the road, or way. (Mgh and TA in art. ميط.) b4: Also A thing held to be unclean, dirty, or filthy: so in the Kur ii. 222. (Mgh, Msb.) [Filth; impurity: often used in this sense in books on practical law.]

أَذٍ Experiencing, or suffering, [annoyance, molestation, harm, hurt, or] what is disagreeable, or hateful, or evil, (M, * K, * Msb,) in a great, or vehement, degree; (M, K;) applied to a man; (M, Msb;) as also ↓ أَذِىٌّ: (M, K:) and both signify the contr.; i. e. doing what is disagreeable, or hateful, or evil, in a great, or vehement, degree. (K.) b2: Also, applied to a camel, That will not remain still in one place, by reason of a natural disposition, not from pain, (El-Umawee, A'Obeyd, S, M, K,) nor disease; (K;) as also ↓ أَذىٌّ: (M:) fem. of the former أَذِيَةٌ; (El-Umawee &c.;) and of the latter ↓ أَذِيَّةٌ. (TA.) إِذَا: and إِذًا: see art. اذا.

أَذَاةٌ an inf. n. of 1. (IB.) b2: And [quasi-] inf. n. of آذَاهُ. (S, K.) b3: See also أَذَّي and أَذِيَّةٌ.

أَذِيٌّ, and أَذِيَّةٌ as its fem.: see أَذٍ, in three places.

أَذِيَّةٌ an inf. n. of 1. (IB.) b2: And [quasi-] inf. n. of آذَاهُ. (S, K.) b3: And a subst. from آذَاهُ; (Msb;) or, as also ↓ أَذَاةٌ, a subst. from أَذِىَ and تَأَذَّى; (M, K;) signifying A thing that is disagreeable, or hateful, or evil, in a small degree. (K.) See also أَذًى.

آذِىٌّ, (S, M, K, &c.,) with medd and teshdeed, (TA, [in the CK, erroneously, اَذِىّ,]) Waves (S, M, K) of the sea: (S:) or vehement waves: (TA:) or the أَطْبَاق [app. meaning rollers, because they fall over like folds,] which the wind raises from the surface of the water, less than (دُونَ [but this sometimes signifies above]) what are termed مَوْج: (ISh, TA:) pl. أَوَاذِىُّ. (S.)
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