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8477. اد1 8478. ادارءا1 8479. ادارس1 8480. ادارك1 8481. ادان1 8482. ادب18483. ادبس1 8484. ادحوى1 8485. ادخره1 8486. ادخل1 8487. ادخنت1 8488. ادر1 8489. ادرأ1 8490. ادراك1 8491. ادرت1 8492. ادْرسوا وزملاؤكم1 8493. ادرع1 8494. ادْرَعَبَّتِ1 8495. ادْرَعَشَّ1 8496. ادْرَعَفَّتِ2 8497. ادْرَغَشِّ 1 8498. اِدَّرَكَ1 8499. ادرمج1 8500. ادْرَمَّجَ1 8501. ادْرَنْبى1 8502. ادْرَنْفَقَ1 8503. ادرنقع1 8504. ادرهم1 8505. ادسع1 8506. ادعم1 8507. ادْعَنْكَرَ1 8508. ادّعى1 8509. ادَّعَى بـ1 8510. ادغام1 8511. ادغمه1 8512. ادفأ1 8513. ادفن1 8514. ادكر1 8515. ادْلِ1 8516. ادلام1 8517. ادلث1 8518. ادَّلَجَ1 8519. ادلع1 8520. ادْلَعَبَّ1 8521. ادْلَعَفَّ1 8522. ادلمس1 8523. ادْلَنْظَى1 8524. ادْلَنْفَقَ1 8525. ادْلَهَمَّ1 8526. ادلهم2 8527. ادْلَهَنَّ1 8528. ادلهن1 8529. ادلولى1 8530. ادم1 8531. ادمج1 8532. ادمل1 8533. ادهاس1 8534. ادهام1 8535. ادهان1 8536. ادْهَضَتِ1 8537. ادهقت1 8538. ادهم1 8539. ادهن1 8540. ادو2 8541. ادوى1 8542. ادى1 8543. اذ1 8544. اذا1 8545. اذْبَحْ1 8546. اذخر1 8547. اذذ1 8548. اذر1 8549. اذْرَعَفَّتِ2 8550. اذريون1 8551. اذكره1 8552. اذْلَعَبَّ2 8553. اذْلَوْلَى1 8554. اذْمَقرَّ1 8555. اذْمَقَرَّ1 8556. اذن1 8557. اذْهَب وأبوك1 8558. اذى1 8559. ار1 8560. اراقيطون1 8561. ارانوش1 8562. ارانيوس1 8563. ارب1 8564. ارباث1 8565. ارباد1 8566. اربانه1 8567. اربث1 8568. اربد1 8569. اربس1 8570. ارتأدت1 8571. ارتأس1 8572. ارتأى1 8573. ارْتَأَى بـ1 8574. ارتاب1 8575. ارْتَاب في1 8576. ارْتَاب من1 Prev. 100




1 أَدَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. أِدْبٌ, He invited (people, S, or a man, K) to his repast, or banquet; (S, K;) as also ↓ آدَبَ, (K,) or آدَبَ إِلَى طَعَامِهِ aor. ـد [or يُؤْدِبُ], (Az, S,) inf. n. إِيدَابٌ [originally إِئْدَابٌ]. (Az, S, K.) You say, أَدَبَ القَوْمَ, (S,) or أَدَبَ عَلَى القَوْمِ, aor. as above, (T,) He invited the people to his repast. (T, S.) And أَدَبَهُمْ عَلَى

الأَمرِ He collected them together for the affair. (A.) And جِيرَانَكَ لِتُشَاوِرَهُمْ ↓ أُودِبُ [I will collect thy neighbours in order that thou mayest consult with them]. (A.) The primary signification of أَدْبٌ is The act of inviting. (T.) b2: [Hence,] أَدَبٌ, aor. ـِ (Msb, K;) or ـِ aor. ـَ (so in a copy of the M;) inf. n. أَدْبٌ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) or أَدَبٌ; (K;) He made a repast, or banquet, (M, Msb, K,) and invited people to it; (Msb;) as also ↓ آدَبَ, (M,) aor. and inf. n. as above: (TA:) or he collected and invited people to his repast. (Mgh.) b3: [Hence also, as will be seen below, voce أَدَبٌ] أَدَبَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. أَدْبٌ, He taught him the discipline of the mind, and the acquisition of good qualities and attributes of the mind or soul; (Msb;) and ↓ أدّبهُ, [inf. n. تَأْدِيبٌ, signifies the same;] he taught him what is termed أَدَب [or good discipline of the mind and manners, &c.; i. e. he disciplined him, or educated him, well; rendered him well-bred, wellmannered, polite; instructed him in polite accomplishments; &c.]: (S, M, A, Mgh, K:) or the latter verb, inf. n. تَأْدِيبُ, signifies he taught him well, or much, the discipline of the mind, and the acquisition of good qualities and attributes of the mind or soul: and hence, this latter also signifies he disciplined him, chastised him, corrected him, or punished him, for his evil conduct; because discipline, or chastisement, is a means of inviting a person to what is properly termed الأَدَبُ. (Msb.) A2: أَدُبَ, aor. ـُ (Az, T, S, M, K,) inf. n. أَدَبٌ, (M, K,) He was or became, characterized by what is termed أَدَب [or good discipline of the mind and manners, &c.; i. e., well disciplined, well-educated, well-bred, or well-mannered, polite, instructed in polite accomplishments, &c.]. (Az, T, S, M, K.) 2 اَدَّبَ see 1.4 آدَبَ see 1, in three places. b2: آدَبَ البِلَادَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) He filled the provinces, or country, with justice, or equity. (K * TA.) 5 تأدّب He learned, or was taught, what is termed أَدَب [or good discipline of the mind and manners, &c.; i. e. he became, or was rendered, well-disciplined, well-educated, well-bred, wellmannered, polite, instructed in polite accomplishments, &c.]; as also ↓ استأدب. (S, Mgh, K.) 10 إِسْتَاْدَبَ see 5.

أَدْبٌ, (S, M, K,) or, accord. to some, ↓ إِدْبٌ, (TA,) Wonderful; or a wonderful thing; syn. عَجَبٌ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ أُدْبَةٌ [used in the latter sense]. (K.) You say, ↓ جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِأَمْرٍ إِدْبٍ

Such a one did a wonderful thing. (As, T. *) A2: See also أَدَبٌ, last sentence.

إِدْبٌ: see أَدَبٌ, in two places.

أَدَبٌ, so termed because it invites men to the acquisition of praiseworthy qualities and dispositions, and forbids them from acquiring such as are evil, (T, Mgh,) signifies Discipline of the mind; and good qualities and attributes of the mind or soul: (Msb:) or every praiseworthy discipline by which a man is trained in any excellence: (Az, Mgh, Msb:) [good discipline of the mind and manners; good education; good breeding; good manners; politeness; polite accomplishments:] i. q. ظَرْفٌ [as meaning excellence, or elegance, of mind, manners, address, and speech]: and a good manner of taking or receiving [what is given or offered or imparted, or what is to be acquired]: (M, A, K:) or good qualities and attributes of the mind or soul, and the doing of generous or honourable actions: (El-Jawáleekee:) or the practice of what is praiseworthy both in words and actions: or the holding, or keeping, to those things which are approved, or deemed good: or the honouring of those who are above one, and being gentle, courteous, or civil, to those who are below one: (Towsheeh:) or a faculty which preserves him in whom it exists from what would disgrace him: (MF:) it is of two kinds, أَدَبُ النَّفْسِ [which embraces all the significations explained above], and أَدَبُ الدَّرْسِ [which signifies the discipline to be observed in the prosecution of study, by the disciple with respect to the preceptor, and by the preceptor with respect to the disciple: see ‘Haji Khalfæ Lexicon,' Vol. I. p. 212]: (S, Btl, Mgh:) [also deportment, or a mode of conduct or behaviour, absolutely; for one speaks of good أَدَب and bad أَدَب:] the pl. is آدَابٌ [which is often employed, and so is the sing. also, as signifying the rules of discipline to be observed in the exercise of a function, such as that of a judge, and of a governor; and in the exercise of an art, such as that of the disputer, and the orator, and the poet, and the scribe; &c.]. (Msb.) b2: عِلْمُ الأَدَبِ signifies [The science of philology; or] the science by which one guards against error in the language of the Arabs, with respect to words and with respect to writing; (‘Haji Khalfæ Lexicon,' Vol. I. p. 215;) [and so, simply, الأَدَبُ: which is also used to signify polite literature: but in this sense, and like wise] as applied to the sciences relating to the Arabic language, [or the philological sciences, which are also termed ↓ العُلُومُ الأَدَبِيَّاتُ,] الأَدَبُ is a post-classical term, innovated in the time of El-Islám. (El-Jawá- leekee.) A2: أَدَبُ البَحْرِ, (A, K,) or البَحْرِ ↓ أَدْبُ, (T, L,) (tropical:) The abundance of the water of the sea. (T, A, L, K.) أُدْبَةٌ: see مَأْدُبَةٌ: A2: and see also أَدْبٌ.

أَدَبِيٌّ Of, or relating to, what is termed أَدَب, or الأَدَب. Hence, العُلُومُ الأَدَبِيَّاتُ: see إَدَبٌ, last sentence but one.]

أَدِيبٌ Characterized by what is termed أَدَب [or good discipline of the mind and manners, &c.; i. e. well-disciplined, well-educated, well-bred, or well-mannered; polite; instructed in polite accomplishments, or an elegant scholar; &c.]: (T, S, M, Mgh, K:) pl. أُدَبَآءٍ. (M, K.) b2: See also مَؤَدَّبٌ.

آدَبُ [originally أَأْدَبُ, More, or most, characterized by what is termed أَدَب; i. e. better, or best, disciplined, educated, bred, or mannered; more, or most, polite; &c.]. You say, هُوَمِنْ آدَبِ النَّاسِ [He is of the best disciplined, &c., of men]. (A.) آدِبٌ One who invites people to a repast, or banquet: (T, S, Msb:) pl. أَدَبَةٌ. (TA.) مَأْدَبَةٌ: see what next follows, in two places.

مَأْدُبَةٌ A repast, or banquet, to which guests are invited; (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) or made on account of a wedding: (M, K:) as also ↓ مَأْدُبَةٌ, (S, M, Msb, K,) or, accord. to A 'Obeyd, this latter has a different signification, as will be seen below, (TA,) and ↓ مَأْدُبَةُ, (IJ,) and ↓ أُدْبَةٌ: (M, K:) pl. مَآدِبُ. (S.) In a trad., the Kur-án is called مَأْدُبَةُ اللّٰهِ فِى الأَرْضِ, or ↓ مَأْدَبَة; and A 'Obeyd says that, if we read مأدُبة, the meaning is, God's repast which He has made in the earth, and to which He has invited mankind; but if we read مأدَبة, this word is of the measure مَفْعَلَةٌ from الأَدَبُ, [and the meaning is, a means which God has prepared in the earth for men's learning good discipline of the mind, &c.; it being a noun similar to مَثْرَاةٌ and مَكْثَرَةٌ &c.:] El-Ahmar, however, makes both words synonymous. (T, M, * TA.) مَأْدِبَةٌ: see what next precedes.

مُؤَدَّبٌ ↓ أَدِيبٌ A camel well-trained and broken. (T, L.) مَأْدُوبَةٌ, occurring in a verse of 'Adee, [which I do not anywhere find quoted,] She [app. a bride] for whom a repast, or banquet, has been made. (TA.)
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