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7914. ابل1 7915. ابلعي2 7916. ابْلَنْدَكَ2 7917. ابْلَنْدى1 7918. ابلولق1 7919. ابن37920. ابنُ1 7921. ابْن آوى1 7922. ابْن الْحَاجِب رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى...1 7923. ابن السبيل1 7924. ابْن الطود1 7925. ابن اللّبون1 7926. ابن اللَّبون1 7927. ابن الله والربّ والأب ...1 7928. ابن المَخَاض1 7929. ابْن جني1 7930. ابنُ عِرس1 7931. ابْنُ مَامَا1 7932. ابْنُ مَدَى1 7933. ابْنا طِمِرٍّ1 7934. ابْنَا عُوَارَ1 7935. ابنة المخاض1 7936. ابنم2 7937. ابه2 7938. ابهار1 7939. ابو1 7940. ابُوس1 7941. ابى1 7942. ابيبانيكة1 7943. ابيض1 7944. ابيون1 7945. اتأب1 7946. اتأد1 7947. اتأس1 7948. اتأى1 7949. اتام1 7950. اتايع1 7951. اتب2 7952. اتبس1 7953. اتَّبَع1 7954. اتبع1 7955. اتبن1 7956. اتجأ1 7957. اتّجر2 7958. اتجه1 7959. اتحاد3 7960. اتَّحد2 7961. اتّحَدَ مع1 7962. اتحفه1 7963. اتَّخذهُ1 7964. اتخفت1 7965. اتخم1 7966. اتدع1 7967. اتدن1 7968. اتدى1 7969. اترج1 7970. اتّرجل أو اطرجل1 7971. اترس1 7972. اترع1 7973. اترك1 7974. اتزر1 7975. اتزع1 7976. اتزن1 7977. اتسخ1 7978. اتسر1 7979. اتَّسع1 7980. اتَّسَقَ1 7981. اتّسق1 7982. اتسق1 7983. اتسم1 7984. اتشحت1 7985. اتشرت1 7986. اتشق1 7987. اتشم1 7988. اتصال التّربيع1 7989. اتِّصَال التربيع1 7990. اتصال التربيع1 7991. اتِّصَال الفعل المعتل الآخر بالواو ...1 7992. اتصال الملازقة1 7993. اتّصف1 7994. اتَّصَلَ1 7995. اتَّصل1 7996. اتَّضَح1 7997. اتضع1 7998. اتضن1 7999. اتطد1 8000. اتطن1 8001. اتعاظ الحنفا، بأخبار الفاطميين الخل...1 8002. اتعاظ المتأمل1 8003. اِتْعِب1 8004. اتعد1 8005. اتعظ1 8006. اتّفاقيَّة1 8007. اتفاقية1 8008. اتفر1 8009. اتّفق1 8010. اتَّفَقَ مع1 8011. اتقدت1 8012. اتقر1 8013. اتَّقى1 Prev. 100


الابن: حيوان يتولد من نطفة شخص آخر من نوعه.
[ابن] أبنه بشئ يأبنه ويأبنه: اتهمه به. والابنة بالضم: العقدة في العود. ومنه قول الاعشى: قضيب سراء كثير الابن * ويقال أيضا: بينهم أُبَنٌ، أي عداوات. وفلانٌ يُؤبَنُ بكذا، أي يُذكَر بقبيح. وفي ذكر مجلس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " لا تُؤبَنُ فيه الحُرَمُ "، أي لا يُذْكَرْنَ فيه بسوءٍ. أبو زيد: أَبَّنْتُ الشئ: رقبته. قال أوس يصف الحمار: يقول له الراءونَ هَذاكَ راكبٌ يُؤبَّنُ شخصاً فوق عَليْاَء واقِفٌ وقال الأصمعي: التَأْبينُ: أن تقفوا أثر الشئ.وأببت الرجل تابيناً، إذا بكيتَه وأثنيت عليه بعد الموت. قال رؤبة:

فامدح بلالا غير مامؤبن * يقول: غير هالك، أي غير مبكى. ومنه قول لبيد: وأبنا مُلاعِبَ الرِماحِ ومَدْرَهَ الكتيبةِ الرَّداحِ وإبان الشئ بالكسر والتشديد: وقته وأوانه. يقال: كُلِ الفواكهَ في إبانها، أي في وقتها. وأبانان: جبلان. قال بشر يصف الظعائن: تؤم بها الحداة مياه نخل وفيها عن أبانين ازورار وإنما قيل أبانان وأبان أحدهما والآخر متالع، كما يقال القمران. قال لبيد درس المنا بمتالع فأبان فتقادمت بالحس فالسوبان وتقول: هذان أبانان حسنين، تنصب النعت لانه نكرة وصفت به معرفة، لان الاماكن لا تزول، فصارا كالشئ الواحد وخالفا الحيوان. فإذا قلت هذان زيدان حسنان ترفع النعت ها هنا، لانه نكرة وصفت به نكرة.


1 أَبَنَهُ, aor. ـُ and اَبِنَ, inf. n. أَبْنٌ, He made him an object of imputation, or suspected him: and he found fault with him, or blamed him: (M:) or he cast a foul, or an evil, imputation upon him. (IAar, T.) You say, أَبَنَهُ بِشَىْءٍ, (S, K,) or بِشَّرٍ (as in one copy of the S,) or بِخَيْرٍوَشَّرٍ, (Lh, M,) aor. as above, (Lh, S, M, K,) and so the inf. n., (Lh, M,) He made him an object of imputation, or suspected him, (Lh, S, M, K,) of a thing, (S, K,) or of evil, (S, accord. to one copy,) or of good, and evil: (Lh, M:) and ↓ أبّنهُ signifies the same. (M.) And بِخَيْرٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ يُؤَبَّنُ, or بِشَّرٍ, Such a one is made an object of imputation, or suspected, of good, or of evil: (AA, * Lh, T [as in the TT; but perhaps يُؤَبَّنُ is a mistranscription for يُؤْبَنُ; for it is immediately added, فَهُوَ مَأْبُونٌ:]) when, however, you say يؤبن [i. e. يُؤْبَنُ or ↓ يُؤَبَّنٌ] alone, it relates to evil only. (AA, T. [But see 2.]) And فُلَانٌ يَؤَبَنُ بِكَذَا, or ↓ يُؤَبَّنُ, Such a one is evil spoken of by the imputation of such a thing. (S, accord. to different copies.) and it is said respecting the assembly of the Prophet, فِيهِ الحُرَمُ, ↓ لَا تُؤَبَّنُ, (T, and so in a copy of the S,) or لا تُؤْبَنُ, (so in some copies of the S,) i. e. Women (T) shall not be mentioned in an evil manner therein: (T, S:) or shall not have evil imputations cast upon them, nor be found fault with, nor shall that which is foul be said of them, nor that which ought not, of things whereof one should be ashamed. (IAar, T.) b2: Also, and ↓ أبّنهُ, (M, K,) inf. n. تَأْبِينٌ, (K,) He found fault with him, or blamed him, to his face; (M, K;) and he upbraided him, or reproached him. (M.) 2 أبّن الشَّىْءَ, (Az, S,) inf. n. تَأْبِينٌ, (K,) He watched, or observed, the thing; or he expected it, or waited for it. (Az, S, K.) b2: أبّن الأَثَرَ, (M,) inf. n. as above, (As, T, S, K,) He followed the traces, or footprints, or footsteps, (As, T, S, M, K,) of a thing; (As, S, K;) as also ↓ تأبّن. (K.) And hence the next signification. (As, T.) A2: أبّن الرَّجُلَ, (S, M,) inf. n. as above, (Sh, T, S, K,) He praised the man, or spoke well of him, (Sh, Th, T, S, M, K,) after his death, (Th, S, M, K,) or in death and in life, (Sh, T,) used in poetry to signify praise of the living; (M;) and wept for him: (S:) he praised him; and enumerated, or recounted, his good qualities or actions: you say, لَمْ يَزَلَ يُقَرِّظُ أَحْيَاكُمْ وَيُؤَبِّنُ مَوْتَاكُمْ [He ceased not to eulogize your living and to praise your dead]: (Z, TA:) for he who praises the dead traces his [good] deeds. (As, T.) b2: See also 1, in six places.5 تَاَبَّنَ see 2.

اِبْنٌ: see art. بني.

أُبْنَةٌ A knot in wood, or in a branch; (S, M, K;) or in a staff, or stick; (T;) and in a bow, (TA,) [i. e.] the place of the shooting forth of a branch in a bow, (M,) which is a fault therein; (TA;) and in a rope, or cord: (M in art. اثل:) pl. أُبَنٌ. (T, S.) b2: Hence, (M,) (tropical:) A fault, defect, or blemish, (T, M, K, TA,) in one's grounds of pretension to respect, (T, TA,) and in speech, or language. (M, TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Particularly The enormity that is committed with one who is termed مَأْبُون. (TA.) b4: And (tropical:) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite: (K, TA:) and enmity: pl. as above. (TA.) You say, بَيْنَهُمْ أُبَنٌ (tropical:) (S, TA) Between them are enmities. (S.) b5: Also The [part called] غَلْصَمَة [meaning the epiglottis] of a camel. (M, K.) اِبْنَةٌ: see art. بنى

إِبَّانٌ The time of a thing; (T, S, M, K, and Msb in art. اب;) the season of a thing; (Msb in that art.;) the time of the preparing, or making ready, of a thing; (Mgh in that art.;) as, for instance, of fruit, (S, Mgh, Msb,) of the fresh ripe dates, and of the gathering of fruits, and of heat or cold: (T.:) or the first of a thing. (M, K.) You say, أَخَذَ الشَّىْءَ بِإِبَّانِهِ He took the thing in its time: or in, or with, the first thereof. (M.) The ن is radical, so that it is of the measure فِعَّالٌ; or, as some say, augmentative, so that it is of the measure فِعْلَانٌ. (TA.) [See art. اب.]

مُؤَبَّنٌ occurs as meaning Dead, or dying; i. e., [properly,] wept for. (S.) [See 2.]

مُؤَبِّنٌ A praiser of the dead; because he traces his [good] deeds. (As, T.) مَأْبُونٌ Made an object of imputation, or suspected, of evil: thus when used alone: otherwise you add بِخَيْرٍ [of good], and بِشَّرٍ [of evil]. (M, K.) b2: Hence, [A catamite;] one with whom enormous wickedness is committed; (TA;) i. q. مُخَنَّثٌ. (Idem, voce دُعْبُوثٌ.) b3: Also One who is imprisoned; because suspected of a foul fault, or crime. (T.) ابنس, accord. to the Msb; or بنس, accord. to the TA.

آبِنُوسٌ, with medd to the ا and kesr to the ب, (TA,) or with damm to the ب, [i. e. آبُنُوسٌ, and by some written آبَنُوسٌ,] or with the ب quiescent, [i. e. أَبْنُوسٌ,] and without و, [app. أَبْنُسٌ,] (Msb,) [Ebony;] a thing well known, which is brought from India: an arabicized word: (Msb [in which is added the proper Arabic appellation; but the word in my copy of that work is imperfectly written; app. جعفر; which, however, does not seem to be the word intended:]) some say that it is the same as سَاسَم: others, that it is different therefrom: and respecting the measure of the word, authors differ. (TA.)
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