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7909. اِبْقِ1 7910. ابق1 7911. ابْكِ1 7912. ابِكَ1 7913. ابك1 7914. ابل17915. ابلعي2 7916. ابْلَنْدَكَ2 7917. ابْلَنْدى1 7918. ابلولق1 7919. ابن3 7920. ابنُ1 7921. ابْن آوى1 7922. ابْن الْحَاجِب رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى...1 7923. ابن السبيل1 7924. ابْن الطود1 7925. ابن اللّبون1 7926. ابن اللَّبون1 7927. ابن الله والربّ والأب ...1 7928. ابن المَخَاض1 7929. ابْن جني1 7930. ابنُ عِرس1 7931. ابْنُ مَامَا1 7932. ابْنُ مَدَى1 7933. ابْنا طِمِرٍّ1 7934. ابْنَا عُوَارَ1 7935. ابنة المخاض1 7936. ابنم2 7937. ابه2 7938. ابهار1 7939. ابو1 7940. ابُوس1 7941. ابى1 7942. ابيبانيكة1 7943. ابيض1 7944. ابيون1 7945. اتأب1 7946. اتأد1 7947. اتأس1 7948. اتأى1 7949. اتام1 7950. اتايع1 7951. اتب2 7952. اتبس1 7953. اتَّبَع1 7954. اتبع1 7955. اتبن1 7956. اتجأ1 7957. اتّجر2 7958. اتجه1 7959. اتحاد3 7960. اتَّحد2 7961. اتّحَدَ مع1 7962. اتحفه1 7963. اتَّخذهُ1 7964. اتخفت1 7965. اتخم1 7966. اتدع1 7967. اتدن1 7968. اتدى1 7969. اترج1 7970. اتّرجل أو اطرجل1 7971. اترس1 7972. اترع1 7973. اترك1 7974. اتزر1 7975. اتزع1 7976. اتزن1 7977. اتسخ1 7978. اتسر1 7979. اتَّسع1 7980. اتَّسَقَ1 7981. اتّسق1 7982. اتسق1 7983. اتسم1 7984. اتشحت1 7985. اتشرت1 7986. اتشق1 7987. اتشم1 7988. اتصال التّربيع1 7989. اتِّصَال التربيع1 7990. اتصال التربيع1 7991. اتِّصَال الفعل المعتل الآخر بالواو ...1 7992. اتصال الملازقة1 7993. اتّصف1 7994. اتَّصَلَ1 7995. اتَّصل1 7996. اتَّضَح1 7997. اتضع1 7998. اتضن1 7999. اتطد1 8000. اتطن1 8001. اتعاظ الحنفا، بأخبار الفاطميين الخل...1 8002. اتعاظ المتأمل1 8003. اِتْعِب1 8004. اتعد1 8005. اتعظ1 8006. اتّفاقيَّة1 8007. اتفاقية1 8008. اتفر1 Prev. 100




1 أَبِلَ, aor. ـَ (S, M, K;) and أَبَلَ, aor. ـُ (K;) inf. n. أَبَالَةٌ, (S, M, K,) of the former verb, (S, M, TA,) or, accord. to Sb, إِبَالَةٌ, because it denotes an office, and, if so, of the latter verb, (TA,) and أَبَلٌ, (M, K,) which is of the former verb, (M, TA,) and أَبَلَةٌ [like غَلَبَةٌ]; (T;) He (a man, S) was, or became, skilled in the good management of camels (S, M, K) and of sheep or goats. (M, K.) إِبَالَةٌ, like كِتَابَةٌ [in measure], signifies The management, or tending, (A, K, TA,) of مَال [meaning camels or other beasts]. (A, TA.) You say, هُوَ حَسَنُ الإِبَالَةِ He is good in the management, or tending, of his مال [or camels, &c.]. (A, TA.) b2: أَبَلَ, aor. ـِ see 2, second signification. b3: أُبِلَتِ الإِبِلُ The camels were gotten, or acquired, as permanent property. (S, TA.) b4: أَبِلَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـَ and أَبَلَت, aor. ـُ (K;) inf. n. [of the former] أَبَلٌ and [of the latter] أُبُولٌ; (TA;) The camels became many, or numerous. (K.) b5: Also أُبَلَتِ الإِبِلُ, (S, M, K,) and the like is said of wild animals, (S, M,) or others, (K,) aor. ـُ and اَبِلَ, inf. n. أُبُولٌ (S, M, K) and أَبْلٌ; (M, K;) and أَبِلَت; and ↓ تأبلّت; (M, K;) The camels were content, or satisfied, with green pasture, so as to be in no need of water: (S, M, K:) the last verb is mentioned by Z, and he says that it is tropical, and hence أَبِيلٌ applied to “a monk.“ (TA.) b6: [Hence,] أَبَلَ الرَّجُلُ عَنِ امْرَأَتِهِ, and ↓ تأبّل, (S, M, K,) The man was content to abstain from conjugal intercourse with his wife; syn. اِجْتَزَأَعَنْهَا; (M;) the man abstained from conjugal, or carnal, intercourse with his wife. (S, K, TA.) b7: [Hence also] أَبَلَ, (K,) inf. n. أَبْلٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He devoted himself to religious exercises; or became a devotee; (K, TA;) as also أَبُلَ, like فَقُهَ, inf. n. أَبَالَةٌ: or this signifies he became a monk. (TA.) b8: And أَبَلَ, aor. ـِ (Kr, M, K,) inf. n. أَبْلٌ, (Kr, M,) (assumed tropical:) He overcame, and resisted, or withstood; (Kr, M, K;) as also ↓ أبّل, (K,) inf. n. تَأْبِيلٌ; (TA;) but the word commonly known is أَبَلَّ. (M, TA.) b9: Also (K, TA, but in the CK “ or ”) أَبَلَتِ الإِبِلُ signifies The camels were left to pasture at liberty, and went away, having with them no pastor: (K:) or they became wild, or shy. (K, * TA.) b10: And The camels sought by degrees, or step by step, or bit by bit, after the أُبُل [q. v.], i. e. the خِلْفَة of the herbage or pasture. (TA.) b11: And, inf. n. أُبُولٌ, The camels remained, or abode, in the place: (M, K:) or remained, or abode, long in the pasturage, and in the place. (El-Moheet, TA.) b12: أَبَلَ العُشْبٌ, inf. n. أُبُولٌ, The herbage became tall, so that the camels were able to feed upon it. (K.) b13: أَبَلَ الشَّجَرُ, inf. n. أُبُولٌ, The trees had green [such, app., as is termed أُبُلٌ] growing in its dried parts, mixing therewith, upon which camels, or the like, fatten. (Ibn-'Abbád.) A2: أَبَلَهُ, inf. n. أَبْلٌ, He assigned to him, or gave him, (جَعَلَ لَهُ) pasturing camels, or camels pasturing by themselves. (K.) 2 أبّل, (S, K,) inf. n. تَأْبِيلٌ, (K,) He took for himself, got, gained, or acquired, camels; he acquired them as permanent property. (S, K.) [See also 5.] b2: He was one whose camels had become numerous; (T, M, K;) as also ↓ آبل, (M, K,) inf. n. إِيبَالٌ; (TA;) and ↓ أَبَلَ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. أَبْلٌ. (TK.) b3: تَأْبِيلٌ الإِبِلِ The managing, or taking good care, of camels; (M;) and the fattening of them: (M, K:) mentioned by AHn, on the authority of Aboo—Ziyád ElKilábee. (M.) A2: See also 1.4 آبَلَ see 2.5 تَاَبَّلَ see 1, in two places: b2: and see 8 A2: تأبّل إِبِلًا He took for himself, got, gained, or acquired, camels; (Az, T, M, K;) like تغنّم غَنَمًا. (Az, T.) [See also 2.]8 لَا يَأْتَبِلُ, (S, M, K,) in the O ↓ لا يَتَأَبِّلُ, (TA,) He does not, or will not, keep firmly, or steadily, to the pasturing of camels, nor tend them well; (M, K;) he does not, or will not, manage them, or take care of them, in such manner as to put them in good condition: (As, A 'Obeyd, T, S:) or it signifies, (M, K,) or signifies also, (S,) he does not, or will not, keep firmly, or steadily, upon them when riding them; (T, S, M, K, TA;) used in this sense by a man excusing himself for not putting on a camel his aged father who was walking. (T.) إِبْلٌ: see إِبِلٌ: b2: and أَبِلٌ.

أَبَلٌ: see أَبَلَةٌ.

أَبِلٌ Skilled in the good management of camels (S, M, K) and of sheep or goats; (M, K;) as also ↓ آبِلٌ: (S, M, K:) and أَبِلٌ بِالإِبِلِ, and in poetry ↓ إِبْلٌ, skilled in the management, or care, of camels. (T.) b2: A man possessing camels; (Fr, M, K;) as also ↓ آبِلٌ, (M, K,) similar to تَامِرٌ and لَابِنٌ, (Ham p. 714,) but this is disapproved by Fr; (TA;) and ↓ إِبَلِىٌّ, (S, M, O,) with fet-h to the ب (S, O,) because several kesrehs together are deemed uncouth; (O;) in the K, erroneously, ↓ أَبَلِىٌّ, with two fet-hahs; (TA;) and ↓ إِبِلِىٌّ also, (M, K,) with two kesrehs. (K.) b3: بَعِيرٌ أَبِلٌ A fleshy he-camel. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b4: نَاقَةٌ أبِلَةٌ A she-camel blessed, prospered, or made to have increase, in respect of offspring. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) In one place in the K, مِنَ الوَلَدِ is put for فِى الوَلَدِ. (TA.) أُبُلٌ [mentioned in two places in the latter part of the first paragraph,] The خِلْفَة of herbage, (K,) i. e., of dry herbage; [app. meaning what grows in the season called الصَّيْف, or summer, among herbage that has dried up;] growing after a year; upon which camels, or the like, fatten. (TA.) إِبِلٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K, &c.,) said by Sb to be the only subst. of this form except حِبِرٌ, and to have none like it among epithets except بِلِزٌ; for though other instances are mentioned, they are not of established authority; (Msb;) but IJ mentions, with these, حِبِكٌ and إِطِلٌ [which may be of established authority]; (TA;) [and to these may be added إِبِطٌ and إِبِدٌ, and perhaps نِكِحٌ and خِطِبٌ; respecting which see إِبِدٌ;] and for إِبِلٌ one says also ↓ إِبلٌ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) sometimes, by way of contraction; (S, Msb;) or this may be a dial. var. of the former; (Kr, MF;) [Camels: and a herd of camels: or] at the least, applied to a صِرْمَة; i. e. a number [of camels] more than a ذَوْد [which is at least nine,] up to thirty; after which is the هَجْمَة, i. e. forty and upwards; and then, هُنَيْدَةُ, which is a hundred of إِبِل: (T:) or, accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, a hundred of إِبِل: (TA:) it is a quasi-pl. n.; (Az, S, ISd, Z, O, Msb, &c.;) a word having no proper sing.; (S, M, O, Msb;) and is of the fem. gender, because the quasi-pl. n. that has no proper sing. is necessarily fem. (S, O, Msb) when not applied to human beings, (S, O,) or when applied to irrational beings, (Msb,) and has ة added in the dim.; (S, Msb;) the dim. of إِبِلٌ being ↓ أُبَيْلَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) it is said in the K that it is a sing. applied to a pl. number, and is not a pl., nor a quasi-pl. n.; but in this assertion together with the saying that the dim. is as above is a kind of contradiction; for if it be a sing., and not a quasi-pl. n., what is the reason of its being fem.? (TA:) the pl. is آبَالٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and أَبِيلٌ [like عَبِيدٌ pl. of عَبْدٌ, q. v.]; (Msb, TA;) the pl. meaning herds [of camels]; and in like manner أَغْنَامٌ and أَبْقَارٌ mean flocks of sheep or goats and herds of bulls or cows: (Msb, TA:) and the dual, إِبلَانِ, means two herds [of camels], (Sb, T, S, M, Msb,) each with its pastor; (T;) like as غَنَمَانِ means two flocks of sheep or goats: (S:) or, accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, the dual means two hundreds of إِبِل. (TA.) b2: الإِبِلُ الصُّغْرَى [The smaller camels] is an appellation applied to sheep; because they eat more than goats. (IAar in TA art. ضبط.) b3: It is said in the Kur [lxxxviii. 17], أَفَلَا يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَى الْإِبِلِ كَيْفَ خُلِقَتْ, meaning, accord. to 'Aboo-Amr Ibn-El- 'Alà, (T, TA,) (tropical:) [Will they not then consider] the clouds that bear the water for rain, [how they are created?] (T, K, TA:) but accord. to him who reads الإِبْلِ, the meaning is, the camels. (T, TA.) أُبْلَةٌ A blight, blast, taint, or the like: (T, K:) thus written by IAth, agreeably with the authority of Aboo-Moosà; (TA;) occurring in a trad., in which it is said that one should not sell dates until he is secure from الاُبْلَةٌ; (T, TA;) but accord. to a commentary on the Nh, it is correctly written ↓ أَبَلَةٌ [q. v.] (TA.) إِبْلَةٌ Enmity; hostility. (Kr, M, K.) أَبَلَةٌ Unwholesomeness and heaviness of food; (S, M, K;) originally وَبَلَةٌ, like as أَحَدٌ is originally وَحَدٌ; (S;) as also ↓ أَبَلٌ. (K.) It is said in a trad. that this departs from every property for which the poor-rate has been paid. (S, M.) b2: See also أُبْلَةٌ. b3: An evil quality of herbage or pasture. (AHn, TA in art. نشر.) b4: A cause of harm or injury; evil; mischief. (TA.) b5: A consequence of an action, or a claim which one seeks to obtain for an injury; and a cause of blame or dispraise: having these meanings in the saying, إِنْ فَعَلْتَ ذَاكَ فَقَدْ خَرَجْتَ مِنْ أَبَلَتِهِ [If thou do that, thou wilt escape from its consequence, &c.]. (T.) b6: A fault, vice, or the like. (Aboo-Málik, T.) So in the saying, مَا عَلَيْكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ أَبَلَةٌ [There is not to be charged against thee, in this affair, any fault, &c.]. (T.) b7: A crime; a sin; an unlawful action. (K.) b8: Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. (IB.) أَبَلِىٌّ: see أَبِلٌ

أَبُلِىٌّ: see أَبِيلٌ

إِبَلِىٌّ, with fet-h to the ب because several kesrehs together are deemed uncouth, Of, or relating to, camels. (S.) b2: See also أَبِلٌ.

إِبِلِىٌّ: see أَبِلٌ

أَبِيلٌ (assumed tropical:) A Christian monk; (S M, Msb, K;) so called because of his abstaining (لِتَأَبُلِهِ) from women: (TA:) or the chief monk: (T:) or a derotee: (TA:) or an old man, or elder: (M:) or the chief, or head-man, of the Christians: (M, K:) or the man who calls them to prayer by means of the نَاقُوس; (A Heyth, M, * K;) the beater of the ناقوس: (IDrd:) as also ↓ أَيْبَلِىٌّ, (M and K, but according to the M as meaning “ a monk,”) which is either a foreign word, or changed by the relative ى, or of the same class as إِنْقَحْلٌ [in which the first letter as well as th second is augmentative], for Sb says that there is not in the language an instance of the measure فَيْعَلٌ; (M;) and ↓ أَيْبُلِىٌّ, and هَيْبَلِىٌّ, and ↓ أَبُلِىٌّ and ↓ أَيْبَلٌ, (K,) which last is disallowed by Sb for the reason stated above; (TA;) and ↓ أَيْبُلٌ like أَيْنُقٌ; and ↓ أَيْبِلِىٌّ; (K;) the last with fet-h to the hemzeh, and kesr to the ب, and with the [first] ى quiescent; or أَيْبَلِىٌّ [app. a mistranscription for أَيْبِلِىٌّ] is used by poetic licence for ↓ أَبِيلِىٌّ, like أَيْنُقٌ for أَنْوُقٌ: (TA:) pl. آبَالٌ (M, K) and أُبْلٌ, or أُبُلٌ, [accord. to different copies of the K,] with damm [which indicates that the former is meant, though it is irregular]. (K.) By أَبِيلٌ الأَبِيلِينَ is meant 'Eesà [or Jesus], (S, K,) the Messiah. (S.) b2: In the Syriac language it signifies Mourning, or sorrowing. (K.) A2: Also A staff, or stick. (M, K.) b2: See also إِبَالَةٌ.

أُبَالَة: see the next paragraph.

إِبَالَةٌ: see إِبَّوْلٌ.

A2: Also A bundle of firewood; (T, S, Msb;) and so ↓ إِبَّالَةٌ: (T, S:) or a great bundle of firewood; and so ↓ أُبَالَةٌ and بُلَةٌ (K) and ↓ إِبَّالَةٌ: (Bd in cv. 3; but there explained only as signifying a great bundle:) or a bundle of dry herbage; (M, TA;) and so ↓ إِبَّالَةٌ (K) and ↓ أَبِيلٌ and ↓ أَبِيلَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ إِيبَالَةٌ, (K, [in the CK اَيْبَالَة,]) with one of the two ب s changed into ى, and mentioned by Az, but it is said in the S and O that this is not allowable, because this change may not be made in a word of the measure فِعَّالَةٌ, with ة, but only in one without ة, as in the cases of دِينَارٌ and قِيرَاطٌ; (TA;) and وَبِيلَةٌ signifies the same, (K,) belonging to art. وبل. (TA.) Hence the prov., (S, TA,) صِغْثٌ عَلَى إِبَالَةٍ and ↓ إِبَّالَةٍ, (S, K, &c.,) but the former is the more common, and ↓ إِيبَالَةٍ, which is allowed by Az but disallowed by J; (TA;) [lit. A handful of herbage, or the like, upon a bundle, or great bundle, of firewood, or a bundle of dry herbage;] meaning (assumed tropical:) a trial, or trying event, upon another (S, O, K) that had happened before: (S, O:) or plenty (خِصْبٌ) upon plenty; as though bearing two contr. significations. (K.) أَبِيلَةٌ: see إِبَالَةٌ.

أُبَيلَةٌ dim of إِبِلٌ, q. v. (S, Msb, K.) أَبِيلِىٌّ: see أَبِيلٌ.

أَبَابِيلٌ: see إِبَّوْلٌ.

أَبَّالٌ A pastor of camels, (M, K, TA,) who manages them, or takes care of them, well. (TA.) إِبَّالٌ: see the next paragraph.

إِبَّوْلٌ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) like عِجَّوْلٌ, (S, Msb, K, [in the CK, erroneously, عَجُول,]) A separate, or distinct, portion of a number of birds, and of horses, and of camels, (M, K,) and of such following one another; (K;) as also ↓ إِبِيلٌ and ↓ إِبَّالَةٌ, (M, K,) and ↓ إِبَالَةٌ, and ↓ إِيْبَالٌ: (K:) or it signifies a bird separating itself from the row of other birds; (T, TA;) accord. to IAar. (TA.) It is said to be the sing. of ↓ أَبَابِيلٌ: (T, S, M, and Jel in cv. 3:) Ks says, I used to hear the grammarians say that this latter has for its sing. إِبَّوْلٌ, like عِجَّوْلٌ, of which the pl. is عَجَاجِيلٌ: (Msb:) or its sing. is ↓ إِبَيلٌ; (S, Msb;) but he who says this adds, I have not found the Arabs to know a sing. to it: (S:) or each of these is its sing.; (M, Jel;) and so is ↓ إِبَّالٌ: (Jel:) or its sing. is ↓ إِبَّالَةٌ, (Bd in cv. 3, and Msb,) originally signifying “a great bundle:” (Bd:) it is said that this seems to be its sing.; and so ↓ أَبَّالَةٌ: or the sing. may be ↓ إِيبَالَةٌ, like as دِينَارٌ is sing of دَنَانِيرٌ: (T:) or it has no sing., (T, S, M, Bd, Msb, K,) accord. to Fr (T, Msb) and Akh (S) and AO, (T, M,) like شَمَاطِيطُ (Fr, T, Bd) and عَبَادِيدٌ. (AO, M, Bd.) أَبَابِيلٌ signifies, accord. to some, A company in a state of dispersion: (M:) or dispersed companies, one following another: (Msb:) or distinct, or separate, companies, (Akh, S, Msb, K,) like leaning camels: (Msb:) or companies in a state of dispersion. (AO, Msb.) One says, جَآءَتْ إِبِلُكَ

أَبَابِيلَ Thy camels came in distinct, or separate, companies. (Akh, S.) And طَيْرٌ أَبَابِيلُ [in the Kur 105:3 means Birds in distinct, or separate, flocks or bevies]: (Akh, S:) [or] birds in companies from this and that quarter: or following one another, flock after flock: (Zj, T:) or (assumed tropical:) birds in companies; (Bd, Jel;) likened to great bundles, in respect of their compactness. (Bd.) [Respecting these birds, Fei, in the Msb, quotes many fanciful descriptions, which I omit, as absurd.]

إِبِّيلٌ: see إِبَّوْلٌ, in two places.

أَبَّالَةٌ: see إِبَّوْلٌ.

إِبَّالَةٌ: see إِبَالَةٌ, in three places: b2: and إِبَّوْلٌ, in two places.

آبَلٌ More, and most, skilled in the good management of camels. (S, M, K, TA.) Hence the prov., آبَلُ مِنْ حُنَيْفِ الحَنَاتِمِ [More skilled &c. than Honeyf-el-Hanátim]. (TA.) And the phrase, هُوَ مِنْ آبِلَ النَّاسِ [He is of the most skilled &c. of men]. (S, M, K.) Mentioned by Sb, who says that there is no verb corresponding to it. (M.) [But see 1, first signification.]

آبِلٌ: see أَبِلٌ, in two places. b2: إِبِلٌ أَوَابِلٌ, (S, M, K,) and أُبَّلٌ, and أُبَّالٌ, (M,) [all pls. of آبِلٌ or آبِلَةٌ,] and ↓ مُؤَبَّلَةٌ, (M,) Many, or numerous, camels: (S, M, K:) or this, [app. meaning the last,] as some say, put in distinct herds; (M;) and so أُبَّالٌ: (TA:) or gotten, gained, or acquired, for permanent possession: (M:) this last is the meaning of the last of the epithets above. (S, K.) b3: آبِلٌ, applied to a camel, also signifies Content, or satisfied, with green pasture, so as to be in no need of water: pl. أُبَّالٌ: (S, K:) and so أَوَابِلُ, applied to she-camels, (T, * TA,) and to wild animals. (S in art. بل.) b4: And إِبِلٌ آبِلَةٌ Camels seeking by degrees, or step by step, or bit by bit, after the أُبُل [q. v.], i. e. the خِلْفَة of the herbage or pasture. (TA.) b5: And إِبِّلٌ أُبَّلٌ Camels left to themselves, (S, M, K, TA,) without a pastor. (TA.) أَيْبَلٌ and أَيْبُلٌ: see أَبِيلٌ.

أَيْبَلِىٌّ and أَيْبُلِىٌّ and أَيْبِلِىٌّ: see أَبِيلٌ.

إِيْبَالٌ: see إِبَّوْلٌ.

إِيْبَالَةٌ: see إِبَالَةٌ, in two places: b2: and see إِبَّوْلٌ.

أَرْضٌ مَأْبَلَةٌ A land having camels. (S, K.) إِبِلٌ مُؤَبَّلَةٌ: see آبِلٌ.
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