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7905. ابرنقشت1 7906. ابريسم1 7907. ابض1 7908. ابط1 7909. اِبْقِ1 7910. ابق17911. ابْكِ1 7912. ابِكَ1 7913. ابك1 7914. ابل1 7915. ابلعي2 7916. ابْلَنْدَكَ2 7917. ابْلَنْدى1 7918. ابلولق1 7919. ابن3 7920. ابنُ1 7921. ابْن آوى1 7922. ابْن الْحَاجِب رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى...1 7923. ابن السبيل1 7924. ابْن الطود1 7925. ابن اللّبون1 7926. ابن اللَّبون1 7927. ابن الله والربّ والأب ...1 7928. ابن المَخَاض1 7929. ابْن جني1 7930. ابنُ عِرس1 7931. ابْنُ مَامَا1 7932. ابْنُ مَدَى1 7933. ابْنا طِمِرٍّ1 7934. ابْنَا عُوَارَ1 7935. ابنة المخاض1 7936. ابنم2 7937. ابه2 7938. ابهار1 7939. ابو1 7940. ابُوس1 7941. ابى1 7942. ابيبانيكة1 7943. ابيض1 7944. ابيون1 7945. اتأب1 7946. اتأد1 7947. اتأس1 7948. اتأى1 7949. اتام1 7950. اتايع1 7951. اتب2 7952. اتبس1 7953. اتَّبَع1 7954. اتبع1 7955. اتبن1 7956. اتجأ1 7957. اتّجر2 7958. اتجه1 7959. اتحاد3 7960. اتَّحد2 7961. اتّحَدَ مع1 7962. اتحفه1 7963. اتَّخذهُ1 7964. اتخفت1 7965. اتخم1 7966. اتدع1 7967. اتدن1 7968. اتدى1 7969. اترج1 7970. اتّرجل أو اطرجل1 7971. اترس1 7972. اترع1 7973. اترك1 7974. اتزر1 7975. اتزع1 7976. اتزن1 7977. اتسخ1 7978. اتسر1 7979. اتَّسع1 7980. اتَّسَقَ1 7981. اتّسق1 7982. اتسق1 7983. اتسم1 7984. اتشحت1 7985. اتشرت1 7986. اتشق1 7987. اتشم1 7988. اتصال التّربيع1 7989. اتِّصَال التربيع1 7990. اتصال التربيع1 7991. اتِّصَال الفعل المعتل الآخر بالواو ...1 7992. اتصال الملازقة1 7993. اتّصف1 7994. اتَّصَلَ1 7995. اتَّصل1 7996. اتَّضَح1 7997. اتضع1 7998. اتضن1 7999. اتطد1 8000. اتطن1 8001. اتعاظ الحنفا، بأخبار الفاطميين الخل...1 8002. اتعاظ المتأمل1 8003. اِتْعِب1 8004. اتعد1 Prev. 100




1 أَبَقَ, aor. ـِ (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) which is the most common form, (Msb,) and اَبُقَ, (S, TS, Mgh, Msb,) and اَبَقَ, (K,) so in the copies of the K in the place of اَبُقَ; (TA;) and أَبِقَ, aor. ـَ (IDrd, Msb, K;) inf. n. إِبَاقٌ (S, Mgh, Msb) and أَبْقٌ and أَبَقٌ, (K,) or the first of these is a simple subst., and the second and third are the inf. ns.; (Msb;) He (a slave) ran away, or fled, (T, S, Mgh, Msb,) or went away, (K,) from his master, (T, Msb,) without [being induced to do so by] fear, or severity of work: (Msb, K:) thus the signification is restricted in the 'Eyn: (Msb:) and in this case, the law ordains that the slave shall be restored; but if the act arise from severity of work or from fear, he is not to be restored: (Lth, TA:) in the Kur xxxvii. 140, it is said of Jonas, (T, Bd,) because he fled from his people without the permission of his Lord: (Bd:) and it is also, tropically, said of a fish: (Mgh:) or he (a slave) hid himself, and then went away: (M, K:) as also ↓ تأبّق: (M:) or this signifies, simply, he hid, or concealed, himself: or he confined, restricted, limited, restrained, or withheld, himself: (S, K:) or it has both of the last two significations: (Sgh:) and he abstained from a thing, as from a sin, or crime. (IAar, K *.) A poet says, (S,) namely, 'Ámir Ibn—Kaab, (Az,) or 'Ámán Ibn-Kaab, or, as some say, Ghámán, (AA,) ↓ أَلَا قَالَتْ بَهَانِ وَ لَمْ تَأَبَّقْ كَبِرْتَ وَلَا يَلِيقُ بِكَ النَّعِيمُ [Now surely Baháni said, and she did not hide herself, or did not restrain herself, Thou hast grown old, and enjoyment doth not befit thee]: (S:) or she did not hide herself [or her mind], but said openly: (TA:) or she did not go far [from the person whom she addressed, or from the truth]; so says Az, taking it from إِبَاقٌ as relating to a slave: (TA:) or she did not abstain from her speech, as from a sin, or crime: (IAar:) or she did not disdain, or scorn. (TA.) AHát says that he asked As respecting ↓تأبّق, and he answered that he knew it not. (TA.) 5 تَاَبَّقَ see 1, in three places. b2: تَأَبَّقَتْ She (a camel) withheld her milk. (TA.) b3: تأبّق الشَّىْءَ [or مِنَ الشَّىْءِ] He denied, or disacknowledged, the thing. (K.) One says to a man, “Verily in thee is such a quality; “ and he replies, مَا أَتَأَبَّقُ I do not deny, or disacknowledge: and one says, “O son of such a woman; ” and the man replies, مَا أَتَأَبَّقُ مِنْهَا I do not deny, or disacknowledge, her. (IF.) أَبُوقٌ: see آبِقٌ.

أَبَّاقٌ: see آبِقٌ.

آبِقٌ A slave running away, or fleeing, &c.; a runaway, or fugitive, slave; part. n. of أَبَقَ; (Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ أَبُوقٌ [but in an intensive, or frequentative, sense, i. e. who runs away, or flees, &c., much, or often; and so ↓ أَبَّاقٌ, occurring in the K, in art. ملخ]: (IF, K:) pl.أُبَّاقٌ (Mgh, Msb, K) and أٌبَّقٌ. (K.)
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