1 أَسَا الجُرْحَ, (
aor. ـْ
inf. n. أَسْوٌ and أَسًا, [but in the
S, the latter seems to be mentioned as a simple
subst.,] He dressed the wound; treated it curatively, or surgically. (
b2: [Hence,] هٰذَ أَمْرٌ لَا يُؤْسَى كَلْمُهُ (assumed
tropical:) [This is an affair of which the evil (
lit. the wound) will not be remedied]. (
b3: [Hence also,] أَسَا بَيْنَهُمْ, (first
Pers\. أَسَوْتُ,
inf. n. أَسْوٌ,
M,) (
tropical:) He made peace, effected a reconciliation, or adjusted a difference, between them; (
K;) as also بينهم ↓ أسّى. (El-Muärrij,
A2: أَسِيَ
aor. ـْ
inf. n. أَسًا or أَسًي, He grieved, or mourned, (
K,) عَلَيْهِ [for him, or it], (
K,) and عَلَى مُصِيبَةٍ [for an affliction], and لِفُلَانٍ [for such a one]. (
S.) [This belongs to the present art. and to art. اسى; but is distinguished in the
M and
K by being mentioned only in the latter art.; though the
inf. n. is mentioned in the
K in both arts.] Hence the saying, الإِسَآءُ يَدْفَعُ الأَسَا [Medicine dispels grief, or mourning] (
TA.) 2 أسّى بَيْنَهُمْ: see 1.
A2: أسّاهُ, (
inf. n. تَأْسِيَةٌ, (
i. q. عَزَّاهُ [He exhorted him, or enjoined him, to be patient; to take patience; or to take example by, or console himself by the example of, him who had suffered the like affliction]; (
TA;) saying to him, Wherefore dost thou grieve, or mourn, when such a one is thine example (إِسْوَتُكَ) ? i. e. what has befallen thee befell him, and he was patient; therefore take thou example by him and so be consoled (تَأَسِّ بِهِ). (
TA.) Yousay, أسّاهُ بِمُصِيبَةٍ i. e. عَزَّاهُ [He exhorted him, or enjoined him, to be patient, &c., by mentioning an affliction that had befallen another; unless بمصيتة be a mistranscription for لِمُصِيبَةٍ on account of an affliction]; as also ↓ آساهُ, with medd. (
TA.) 3 آسِيْتُهُ بِمَالِى, (
inf. n. مُؤَاسَاةٌ, (
K,) I made him my object of imitation (إِسْوَتِى), [meaning I made myself like him,] in respect of my property: (
S:) or I made him an object of imitation [with, or in respect of, my property], I imitating his example, and he imitating my example: (
Mgh:) and وَاسَيْتُهُ is a
dial. var., but of weak authority: (
Mgh:) and آسَانِى [alone] he made me an object of imitation to him by giving me of his property [and thus reducing himself to my condition in some degree while in the same degree raising me to his]; (
Ham p. 696;) and أُوَاسِيهِ [thus without a second ء] I make him the object of my own imitation and so share with him my property: (Id p. 198:) or آساهُ بِمَالِهِ signifies he gave him of his property, and made him an object of imitation in respect of it: or only, of food sufficient for his want; not of what is superabundant: (
K:) whence the saying, رَحِمَ اللّٰهُ رَجُلًا أَعْطَى مِنْ فَضْلٍ وَوَاسَى مِنْ كَفَافٍ [May God have mercy on a man who has given of superabundance, and imparted of food only sufficient for his want so as to make himself equal with him to whom he imparts of such food]: (
TA:) [and آساهُ signifies he shared with him: and he was, or became, equal with him: for]
المُوَاسَاةُ occurs often in trads., signifying the sharing with another, or making another to share with one, in the means of subsistence [&c.]; and is originally [المُؤَاسَاةُ,] with ء: also, the being, or becoming, equal with another: (
TA:) and you say, آسَيْتُهُ بِنَفْسِي, meaning I made him equal with myself; in the
dial. of El-Yemen وَاسَيْتُهُ. (
Msb.) آسِ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ فِى وَجْهِكَ, in a letter of 'Omar, means Make thou the people to share [alike], one with another, in thy consideration and regard: or, as some say, make thou them equal [in respect thereof]. (
Mgh.) The saying مَا يُؤَاسِي فُلَانٌ فُلَانًا is explained in three different ways:
accord. to El-Mufaddal Ibn-Mohammad, it means Such a one does not make such a one to share with him:
accord. to El-Muärraj, does not good to such a one; from the saying of the Arabs, آسِ فُلَانًا بِخَيْرٍ
Do thou good to such a one: or, as some say, does not give such a one any compensation for his love, or affection, nor for his relationship; from الأَوْسُ, meaning العَوْضُ; being originally يُؤَاوِسُهُ, then يُؤَاسِوُهُ, and then يُؤَاسِيهِ: or it may be from أَسَوْتُ الجُرْحَ. (
TA.) [See also an
ex. voce أَثَرَةٌ].
4 آساهُ: see 2.
5 تأسّى: see 8.
b2: I. q. تَعَزَّى [He took patience; or constrained himself to be patient; or he took example by, or became consoled by the example of, another who had suffered in like manner and had been patient]. (
K.) Yousay, تأسّى بِهِ, i. e. تَعَزَّى بِهِ [He took patience, or constrained himself to be patient, by reflecting upon him, or it; or he took example by him, or became consoled by his example, meaning the example of a person who had suffered in like manner and had been patient]. (
S.) [See 2.]
6 تَآسَوْا signifies آسَى بَعْضُهُمْ بعْضًا [They imitated one another with their property, one giving of his property to another, so that they thus equalised themselves; they imitated one another and so shared together their property; they shared, one with another, in the means of subsistence, &c.; they were, or became, equal, one with another: see 3]. (
K.) A poet says, وَإِنَّ الأُولَى بِالطَّفِّ مِنْ آل هَاشِمٍ
تَآسَوْا فَسَنُّوا لِلْكِرَامِ التَّآسِيَا (
S,) in which تآسوا is from المُؤَاسَاةُ; not from التَّأَسِّي, as it is stated to be by
Mbr, who says that تآسوا means تَوَاسَوْاا and تَعَزَّوْا. (
TA.) [This verse cited and translated in art. الى,
voce أُلَى,
q. v.]
8 ائتسى بِهِ [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَسَى] He imitated him; followed his example; did as he did, following his example, or taking him as an example, an exemplar, a pattern, or an object of imitation; he took example by him; (
TA;) as also بِهِ ↓ تأسّى: (
TA:) he made him an object of imitation (إِسْوَة) [to himself]. (
K.) One says لَا تَأْتَسِ بِمَنْ, لَيْسَ لَكَ بِإِسْوَةٍ Do not thou imitate him who is not for thee a [fit] object of imitation. (
M. *)
Q. Q. 1 أَسْوَيْتُهُ بِهِ [I made him to imitate him, to follow his example, or to take example by him;] I made him an example, an exemplar, a pattern, or an object of imitation, to him: (
K:) from
IAar: and if from الإِسْوَةُ, as he asserts it be, the measure of this verb is فَعْلَيْتُ, like دَرْبَيْتُ and جَعْبَيْتُ. (
M.) أَسًا or أَسًى Curative, or surgical, treatment. (
S.) [See the verb أَسَا.]
A2: Grief, or mourning. (
K.) [See the verb أَسِىَ.]
أَسٍ: see أَسْوَانُ.
أُسًي Patience. (
A2: Also
pl. of أُسْوَةٌ, like as إِسًي is
pl. of إِسْوَةٌ. (
S *
K, *
TA.) أَسْوَةٌ: see what next follows.
أُسْوَةٌ: see what next follows.
إِسْوَةٌ and ↓ أُسْوَةٌ (
K) and ↓, أَسْوَةٌ, mentioned by
Er-Rághib in one of his works, (
MF,) An example; an exemplar; a pattern; an object of imitation; a person by whom one takes example;
syn. قُدْوَةٌ or قِدْوَةٌ; (
K;) each a
subst. from اِيتَسَى بِهِ; (
Mgh;) i. e. مَا يُؤْتَسَى بِهِ: (
TA:) explained by
Er-Rághib as meaning the condition in which is a man in respect of another's imitating [him], whether good or bad, pleasing or hurtful: (
TA:) also a thing [or person] by which one who is in grief, or mourning, takes example, (
K,) for the being consoled (لِلتَّعَزِّى) thereby: (
pl. إِسًى and أُسًى; (
K;) the former of the first
sing., and the latter of the second. (
TA.) The first of these meanings is intended in the saying, لِى فِي فُلَانٍ إِسْوَةٌ and أُسْوَةٌ [I have in such a one an example, &c.]. (
S.) The saying, مَا سَوِى التُّرَابِ مِنَ الأَرْضِ إِسْوَةُ التُّرَابِ is
tropical, meaning (
tropical:) There is nothing but the dust of the earth, or ground, that follows the dust. (
b2: Also an
inf. n., [or rather a quasi-
inf. n.,]
syn. with اِيتِسَآءٌ [
inf. n. of 8]. (
TA.) أَسْوَانُ Grieving, mourning, or sorrowful; (
K;) as also أَسْيَانُ and ↓ أَسٍ, (
M in art. اسى,) or ↓ آسٍ (
K in art. اسى [to which alone the first of these three belongs, but the second and third may be regarded as belonging either to that art. or to the present,]) or ↓ أَسِىٌّ (
Msb.) [See art. اسى] It is [sometimes] followed by أَتْوَانُ [as an
imitative sequent corroborating its meaning]. (
M.) إِسَآءٌ and ↓ أَسُوٌّ A medicine, or remedy; (
K;) the latter, (
S,) or each, (
TA,) particularly a vulnerary: (
pl. [of each, as is indicated in the
TA,] آسِيَةٌ. (
b2: The former is also a
pl. of آسٍ. (
K.) أَسُوٌّ: see what next precedes.
i. q. ↓ مَأْسُوٌّ; (
K;) i. e., Dressed; or treated curatively, or surgically; applied to a wound. (
M. *)
A2: See also أَسْوَانُ
أُسَاوَةٌ Medical, curative, therapeutical, [or surgical,] treatment. (Ibn-El-Kelbee,
K.) By rule it should be [إِسَاوَةٌ,] with kesr. (
TA.) آسٍ A physician; one skilled in medical, curative, therapeutical, [or surgical,] treatment [particularly of wounds]:
pl. أُسَاةٌ and إِسَآءٌ; (
K;) said by
IJ to be the only instance of فُعْلَةٌ and فِعَالٌ interchangeable except رُعَاةٌ and رِعَآءٌ pls. of رَاعٍ: (
M:) and آسُونَ occurs [as its
pl.] in a verse of Hoteiäh. (
b2: With the people of the desert, (
S,) [its
fem.] آسِيَةٌ signifies (
tropical:) A female circumciser [of girls]. (
K: [mentioned in the latter in art. اسى.])
A2: See also أَسُوَانُ.
مَأْسُوٌّ: see أَسِىٌّ.