1 أَهَّ, (
S in art. اوه, and
inf. n. أَةٌّ (
K) and أَهَّةٌ (
S, *
K) and the same without teshdeed; (
K, *
TA; [
app. meaning آهَةٌ, which, however, belongs to art. اوه,
q. v.;]) or إِهَّةٌ; (so in the
CK; [but in some copies of the
K, and ↓ أَهَّهَ, as in the
TK, where it is said that the
inf. n. of this form of the verb is تَأْهِيهٌ;]) and ↓ تأهّه; (
K;) [
i. q. آهَ and أَوَّهَ and تَأَهِيهٌ; or] He expressed pain or grief or sorrow, or he lamented or complained or moaned, (
K,) as one in an evil state, and broken in spirit by grief or mourning, and said آهِ, or هَاهْ. (
K.) [See a verse cited in art. اوه,
voce آهَةٌ.]
2 اَهَّّand 5: see above.
إِهْ, i. e. إِ with the ه of pausation;
imperative of وَأَي,
q. v. (
Mughnee in art. الف) آهِ and آهٍ and آهًا &c.: see art. اوه.