1 حَسَبَهُ, (
Mgh, &c.,)
aor. ـُ (
Msb, &c.,)
inf. n. حَسْبٌ (
K) and حُسْبَانٌ (
K) and حِسْبَانٌ (
K) and حِسَابٌ (
K,) which is generally an
inf. n. of this verb, but sometimes of حَاسَبَ, (
TA,) and حِسَابَةٌ (
K) and حِسْبَةٌ, (
K,) or this is like قِعْدَةٌ and رِكْبَةٌ, [denoting a mode, or manner,] as in a verse of En-Nábighah cited below, (
S,) and حَسْبَةٌ, which is of rare occurrence, (
TA,) He numbered, counted, reckoned, calculated, or computed, it; (
K;) namely, property [&c.]. (
Msb.) Yousay, مَنْ يَقْدِرُ عَلَى عَدِّ الرَّمْلِ وَحَسْبِ الحَصَى
[Who can count the sands, and number the pebbles?]. (
A.) And أَلْقِ هٰذَا فِى الحَسْبِ [Throw thou this into the reckoning]; i. e., into what thou hast reckoned. (
A.) وَالشَّمْسُ وَالقَمَرُ بِحُسْبَانٍ, in the
Kur [lv. 4], means And the sun and the moon [run their courses] according to a [certain] reckoning; or through a series of mansions [or constellations], the bounds of which they do not transgress: (
TA:) or بحسبان alludes to the numbers of the months and years and all other times: [but properly speaking,] حسبان is here an
inf. n.: (
TA:) or,
accord. to
Akh, a
pl. of حِسَابٌ; (
TA;) and so says
AHeyth: or,
accord. to some, it is here a proper
subst., signifying the firmament. (
TA.) حُسْبَانًا in the
Kur vi. 96 is held by
Akh to be for بِحُسْبَانٍ, meaning بِحِسَابٍ [as in the phrase quoted above, from the
Kur lv. 4,
accord. to the first explanation]. (
TA.) and حُسْبَانُكَ عَلَى اللّٰه signifies حِسَابُكَ على اللّٰه [On God be it to reckon with thee: see also حَسِيبُكَ اللّٰهُ]. (
Az says that the reckoning in buying and selling is termed حِسَابٌ because one knows thereby what is sufficient. (
TA.) وَاللّٰهُ سَرِيعُ الحِسَابِ, in the
Kur [ii. 198, &c., God is quick in reckoning], signifies that his reckoning is necessary, or of necessity, and that his reckoning with one person does not divert Him from reckoning with another. (
TA.) And يَرْزُقُ مَنْ يَشَآءُ بَغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ, in the
Kur [ii. 208, &c., He supplieth whom He willeth, without reckoning], means without sparing, or scanting; as when a man expends without reckoning: but the phrase is variously explained, as meaning without appointing for any one what is deficient: or without fearing that any one will call Him to account for it: or without the receiver's thinking that He will bestow upon him, or without his reckoning upon the supply; so that it may be from حَسِبَ
“ he thought,” or from حَسَبَ “ he reckoned. ” (
TA.) The saying, cited by
IAar, يَا جُمْلُ أَسْقَاكِ بِلَا حِسَابَهْ as related by
J [in the
S], but correctly أُسْقيت, (
TA,) means [O Juml, mayest thou be given rain] without reckoning, and without measure. (
S.) An instance of حِسْبَةٌ as similar to قِعْدَةٌ and رِكْبَةٌ occurs in the saying of En-Nábighah, فَكَمَّلَتْ مِائَةً فِيهَا حَمَامَتُهَا وَأَسْرَعَتْ حسْبَةً فِى ذٰلِكَ العَدَدٍ
[And she completed a hundred, in which was her pigeon; and she was quick in the mode of computing that number]. (
A2: حَسِبَهُ كَذَا, [a verb of the kind termed أَفْعَالُ القُلُوبِ, having two objective complements, the former of which is called its noun, and the latter its
aor. ـَ and حَسِبَ; (
K;) the former the more approved, (
TA,) of the dialects of all the Arabs except Benoo-Kináneh; the latter
aor. being peculiar to the
dial. of this tribe, (
Msb,) and
contr. to
analogy, (
Msb,) for by rule it should be حَسَبَ [only]; and حَسِبَ is the only verb of the measure فَعِلَ having both يَفْعَلُ and يَفْعِلُ as the measures of its
aor. except نَعِمَ and يَئِسَ and يَبِسَ [and وَعِرَ and وَحِرَ and بَئِسَ and وَلِهَ and وَهِلَ mentioned by Ibn-
Málik (with the preceding) cited in the
TA voce وَرِثَ]; but eight verbs having an unsound letter for the first radical have kesreh to the medial radical in the
pret. and
aor. , viz., وَثِقَ and وَرِثَ and وَرِعَ and وَرِمَ and وَرِيَ and وَفِقَ and وَلِىَ and وَمِقَ; (
inf. n. حِسْبَانٌ (
K) and مَحْسَبَةٌ and مَحْسِبَةٌ (
K) and حِسَابٌ; (
TA; [but see what follows;]) He [counted, accounted, reckoned, or esteemed, meaning] thought, or supposed, him, or it, to be so. (
K.) You say, حَسِبْتُهُ صَالِحًا [I counted him, or thought him, good, or righteous]. (
S.) And حَسِبْتُ زَيْدًا قَائِمًا [I thought Zeyd to be standing]. (
Msb.) And مَا كَانَ فِى حِسْبَانِى
كَذَا [Such a thing was not in my thought]: you should not say فى حِسَابِى, (
K,) unless you mean thereby it was not included in my reckoning, or, by amplification of the sense, I did not think it. (
A3: حَسُبَ,
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. حَسَابَةٌ (
K) and حَسَبٌ, (
K,) He was, or became, characterized, or distinguished, by what is termed حَسَبٌ as explained below [i. e. grounds of pretension to respect or honour; &c.]. (
K.) 2 حسّبهُ,
inf. n. تَحْسِيبٌ: see 4.
b2: Also He placed a pillow for him; supported him with a pillow; (
K;) seated him upon a حُسْبَانَة, or مَحْسَبَة. (
b3: And hence, He honoured him. (
b4: He buried him: (
TA:) or buried him in stones: [see حَسْبٌ:] or buried him wrapped in grave-clothing: namely, a dead person. (
b5: Nuheyk El-Fezáree says, (
TA,) addressing 'Ámir Ibn-Et-Tufeyl, (
TA,) لَتَقَيْتَ بِالوَجْعَآءِ طَعْنَةَ مُرْهَفٍ
↓ حَرَّانَ أَوْ لَثَوَيْتَ غَيْرَ مُحَسَّبِ (
TA) Thou wouldst have avoided, by turning thy hinder part, the thrust [of a thin, thirsty weapon], or thou wouldst have taken thy restingplace (
TA) not honoured, or not shrouded, (
TA,) or not pillowed: غير محسّب being variously rendered: one person prefers the meaning not buried:
Az says that the signification of burial in stones and that of wrapping in grave-clothes, assigned to the verb, were unknown to him; and that غير محسّب signifies not supported with a pillow. (
TA.) 3 حاسبهُ,
inf. n. مُحَاسَبَةٌ (
TA) and sometimes حِسَابٌ, which is also an
inf. n. of حَسَبَ, or,
accord. to
Th, it seems to be a quasi-
inf. n., (
TA,) [He reckoned with him.] And حاسبهُ عَلَيْهِ [He called him to account for it]. (
TA.) 4 احسبهُ, (
inf. n. إِحْسَابٌ, (
TA,) He gave him what sufficed, or satisfied, him, مِنْ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ of everything: (
TA:) he contented him: (
K:) or he gave him what contented him; as also ↓ حسّبهُ: (
S:) and both verbs,
inf. n. of the latter تَحْسِيبٌ, he gave him to eat and drink until he was satisfied: (
K:) and the former, [or both,] he gave him until he said حَسْبِى [It is sufficient for me]. (
S.) You say also, أَعْطَى
فَأَحْسَبَ He gave, and (assumed
tropical:) gave much: (
S:) and ↓ اِحْتَسَبْتُهُ, [if not a mistranscription for أَحْسَبْتُهُ,] (
tropical:) I gave him much. (
b2: Also It (a thing,
Msb,) sufficed him: (
Msb:) he sufficed him. (
TA.) You say, مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ أَحْسَبَكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ, and [مِنْ رَجُلَيْنِ] بِرَجُلَيْنِ أَحْسَـ
ـبَاكَ, and [مِنْ رِجَالٍ] بِرِجَالٍ أَحْسَبُوكَ, I passed by a man sufficient for thee as a man, i. e., supplying to thee the place of any other [by his excellent qualities], and by two men &c., and by men &c. (
S.) [The verb here is rendered, in grammatical analysis, by its
act. part. n. See also حَسْبُ.]
5 تحسَب (
tropical:) He sought, or sought leisurely and repeatedly, to learn news: (
K, *
TA:) he sought after news: (
K, *
TA:) he inquired, or asked, respecting news; (
K, *
TA; [in the
CK, اسْتَخْيَرَ is erroneously put for اِسْتَخْبَرَ;]) of the
dial. of El-Hijáz: (
TA:) he searched after news as a spy. (A 'Obeyd,
TA.) It is said in a
accord. to one reading, كَانُوا يَجْتَمِعُونَ فَيَتَحَسَّبُونَ الصَّلَاةَ (
tropical:) They used to assemble, and endeavour to ascertain the time of prayer: but the common reading is يَتَحَيَّنُونَ. (
A2: Also He reclined upon a pillow. (
K.) 8 احتسب [for احتسب أَجْرًا He reckoned upon a reward: or] he sought a reward [from God in the world to come]. (
TA.) وَيَرْزُقُهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ, in the
Kur lxv. 2, means [And He will supply him with the means of subsistence] whence he does not reckon, or expect; whence does not occur to his mind. (
Jel.) And مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا, in a
trad., Whoso fasteth during Ramadán, believing in God and his Apostle, and [reckoning upon a reward, or] seeking a reward from God. (
Mgh, *
TA.) Yousay also, احتسب بِكَذَا أَجْرًا عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ (
K) He reckoned upon obtaining, [or he sought,] by such a thing, or such an action, a reward from God: (
PS:) or he prepared, or provided, such a thing, seeking thereby a reward from God. (
K.) and احتسب عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ خَيْرًا He prepared, or provided, in store for himself, good, [i. e. a reward,] with God. (
Mgh.) And احتسب الأَجْرَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ He laid up for himself, in store, the reward, with God, not hoping for the reward of the present life; اِحْتِسَابُ الأَجْرِ relating only to an action done for the sake of God. (
Msb.) [Hence,] احتسب وَلَدَهُ, (
Mgh,) or ابْنَهُ, (
Msb,) or ابْنًا, or بنْتًا, (
K, *) is said when one has lost by death an adult child or son or daughter; (
K;) meaning He prepared, or provided, in store for himself, a reward, by his patience on the occasion of his being afflicted and tried by the death of his adult child: (
Mgh, *
TA:) when a man has lost by death a child not arrived at the age of puberty, you say of him, اِفْتَرَطَهُ. (
K.) [Hence also,] احتسب عَمَلَهُ [He reckoned upon, or prepared for himself, a reward by his deed: or] he did his deed seeking a reward from God in the world to come. (
b2: اِحْتَسَبْتُ بَالشَّىْءِ I included the thing in a numbering, or reckoning; or made account of it; accounted it a matter of importance. (
Msb.) And فُلَانٌ لَا يُحْتَسَبُ [for لا يحتسب بَهِ] Such a one is made no account of; is not esteemed, or regarded, as of any account, or importance. (
b3: اِحْتَسَبْتُ عِنْدَهُ means اِكْتَفَيْتُ [I was, or became, sufficed, or contented, thereat, or with him, or at his abode]. (
TA.) [and IbrD thinks that the verb has the same signification in the phrase اِحْتَسَبْتُ عَلَيْهِ بِالمَالِ, quoted in the
TA from the A; holding عليه to be here used in the sense of عَنْهُ; so that the meaning is I was, or became, sufficed, so as to have no need of him, or it, by the property: but I doubt whether this phrase be correctly transcribed.]
b4: احتسب also signifies اِنْتَهَى [He abstained, or desisted;
app. as one sufficed, or contented]. (
b5: And احتسب عَلَيْهِ كَذَا He disapproved and disallowed his doing, or having done, such a thing; (
K; *) namely, a foul deed: (
TA:) whence the appellation ↓ مُحْتَسِبٌ. (
K.) and
accord. to some, احتسب اللّٰهَ عَلَيْهِ means He said, May God take, or execute, vengeance upon him; or punish him; for his evil deeds. (
Har p. 371.
[See حَسِيبٌ.]) [In the present day, احتسب عَلَيْهِ is used as meaning He prayed for aid against him by saying, حَسْبُنَا اللّٰهُ God is, or will be, sufficient for us.]
b6: You say also, احتسب فُلَانًا, (
K,) or احتسب مَا عِنْدَهُ, (
A,) meaning (
tropical:) He endeavoured to learn what such a one had [in his mind, or in his possession]. (
K, *
b7: See also 4.
9 احسبّ He (a camel) was, or became, of a white colour intermixed with red (
TA) and with black. (
TA.) حَسْبٌ Sufficiency. (
K voce هَسْبٌ.)
b2: حَسْبُ is a [prefixed] noun (
S) [
syn. with كَفْىُ, as is implied in the
K voce قَطْ; or]
syn. with كَافِى; (
Msb;) or [virtually] meaning كَفَى [as a
pret. in the sense of an emphatic
aor. ]; (
K;) or يَكْفِى: (
Sb says that it is used to denote the being sufficed, or content. (
TA.) You say, حَسْبُكَ دِرْهَمٌ [and بِحَسْبِكَ دِرْهَمٌ, in which latter the ب is redundant; meaning Thy sufficiency, or a thing sufficing thee, is a dirhem; a phrase which may be used in two ways; as predicating of what is sufficient, that it is a dirhem; and as predicating of a dirhem, that it is sufficient; in which latter case, بحسبك is an
enunciative put before its
inchoative, (as also حَسْبُكَ,) so that the meaning is, a dirhem is a thing sufficing thee, i. e. a dirhem is sufficient for thee; as is shown in a marginal note in my copy of the
Mughnee, in art. بِ; or,
accord. to the
S and
K, a dirhem suffices thee:
accord. to
Bd (iii. 167), بحسبك means مُحْسِبُكَ, and كَافِيكَ, from أَحْسَبَهُ meaning كَفَاهُ; and is shown to have this meaning by its not importing a determinate signification in consequence of its being a
prefixed noun with its complement in the saying, هٰذَا رَجُلٌ حَسْبُكَ This is a man sufficing thee]. (
K.) You say also, حَسْبُكَ ذٰلِكَ That is, or will be, [or let that be,] sufficient for thee. (
TA.) And حَسْبُكَ اللّٰهُ, in the
Kur viii. 65, God is, or will be, sufficient for thee. (
TA. See also حَسِيبُكَ اللّٰهُ.) and حَسْبُكَ بِصَدِيقِنَا [A person sufficing thee is our friend]; in which the ب is added to denote emphatic praise. (
TA in art. بِ.) In the saying, هٰذَا رَجُلٌ حَسْبُكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ This is a man sufficing thee as a man, i. e. supplying to thee the place of any other [by his excellent qualities], (
K,) and مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ حَسْبِكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ I passed by a man sufficing thee as a man, (
TA,) حسبك is an expression of praise, referring to the indeterminate noun [رجل]; because, in its case, [what is originally (see below)] an
inf. n. (فِعْلٌ [under which term lexicologists, but not grammarians, include the مَصْدَر]) is rendered, in grammatical analysis, by another word, [i. e., by an
act. part. n.,] as though one said مُحْسِبٌ لَكَ, or كَافٍ
لَكَ. (
S. [Thus حسبك in these two instances is a صِفَة, i. e. an epithetic phrase; and من رجل is a تَمْيِيز, i. e. a
specificative phrase.]) When the noun to which حسبك refers is determinate, you put حسب in the
accus. case, as a حال, i. e. a denotative of state; as in the saying, هٰذَا عَبْدُ اللّٰهِ حَسْبَكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ This is 'Abd-Allah; being one sufficing thee as a man. (
S. [Here من رجل is, as before, a
specificative phrase.]) [See also 4, the corresponding verb.]) حسب, in this manner, is used alike as
sing. and dual and
pl.; (
K;) being [originally] an
inf. n. (
S.) It is also used alone, [as a
prefixed noun of which the complement is understood,] as in the phrase زَيْدٌ حَسْبُ, without tenween, for حَسْبِى or حَسْبُكَ [&c., meaning Zeyd is sufficient for me or for thee &c.]; like as one says, جَآءَنِى زَيْدٌ لَيْسَ غَيْرُ, for لَيْسَ غَيْرُهُ عِنْدِى. (
S. [That is, حَسْبُ, when thus used, is subject to the same rules as غَيْرُ and قَبْلُ, and بَعْدُ &c. when so used.])
b3: See also حَسَبٌ, in three places.
A2: Also, (
TA,) and ↓ حِسْبَةٌ, (
K,) Burial of the dead: (
TA:) or burial of the dead in stones [
app. meaning in a grave cased with stones]: or burial of the dead wrapped in grave-clothes: like تَحْسِيبٌ. (
K. [See 2.]) حَسَبٌ
i. q. ↓ مَحْسُوبٌ; (
K;) of the measure فَعَلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, like نَفَضٌ in the sense of مَنْفُوضٌ; (
S;) Numbered, counted, reckoned, calculated, or computed. (
b2: A number counted. (
b3: Amount, quantity, or value. (
L.) Sometimes, (
K,) by poetic license, (
S,) and in prose, (
L,) ↓ حَسْبٌ. (
K.) You say, الأَجْرُ بِحَسَبِ مَا عَمِلْتَ, and ↓ بِحَسْبِ, The recompense is, or shall be, according to the amount, or quantity, or value, of thy work. (
L.) And يُجْزَى المَرْءُ عَلَى حَسَبِ عَمَلِهِ The man is, or shall be, paid according to the amount, or quantity, of his work. (
Msb.) and عَلَى حَسَبِ مَا أَسْدَيْتَ إِلَىَّ شُكْرِى لَكَ [and ↓ حَسْبَمَا (for عَلَى حَسَبِ مَا)] According to the amount, or value, of the benefit, or benefits, that thou hast conferred upon me are my thanks to thee. (
L.) And لِيَكُنْ عَمَلُكَ بِحَسَبِ ذٰلِكَ Let thy deed, or work, be correspondent to the quantity, or number, of that: or adequate, or equivalent, to that. (
S.) And هٰذَا بِحَسَبِ ذَا This is equal in number or quantity, or is equivalent, to that. (
K.) and مَا أَدْرِى مَا حَسَبُ حَدِيثِكَ, i. e. ما قَدْرُهُ [
app. I know not what is the value of thy story]. (
S.) And أَحْسَنْتُ إِلَيْهِ حَسَبَ الطَّاقَةِ and عَلَى حَسَبِ الطَّاقَةِ I benefited him according to the measure of ability. (
b4: Also [Grounds of pretension to respect or honour, consisting in any qualities (either of oneself or of one's ancestors) which are enumerated, or recounted, as causes of glorying: and hence signifying nobility; rank or quality; honourableness, or estimableness, from whatever source derived:] originally, (
MF,) what one enumerates, or recounts, of the deeds, or qualities, in which his ancestors have gloried: (
Mgh, *
MF:) secondly, what one enumerates, or recounts, of his own deeds, or qualities, in which he glories: thirdly, what one enumerates, or recounts, of any deeds, or qualities, that are causes of his glorying, of whatever kind they be: (
MF:) or the memorable deeds, or qualities, of one's ancestors; and one's own deeds, or qualities, in which he glories; because they were enumerated, or recounted, by the Arabs in contending, or disputing, for glory; (
Msb, *
TA;) the latter consisting in such qualities as courage, and good disposition, and liberality: (
Msb:) or what are enumerated, or recounted, of generous actions, or qualities: (
Msb:) or good actions, or conduct, of oneself, and of one's ancestors: (
Mgh:) or generosity, or nobility, of actions or conduct: (
K:) or righteous, virtuous, or good, actions or conduct: (
K:) or good disposition: (
TA:) or religion; (
K;) piety; because true nobility consists in religion or piety: (
MF:) or wealth; (
K;) because it serves in lieu of true nobility: (
TA:) in this sense, and in the sense next preceding, it has no corresponding verb: (
TA:) or state, or condition; [i. e. good state or condition;]
syn. بَالٌ [
i. q. حَالٌ]: (
K:) or intellect, or understanding: (
MF:) and a man's relations, consisting of his children and others:
pl. أَحْسَابٌ. (
Accord. to
ISk, (
Msb,) حَسَبٌ and كَرَمٌ may pertain to him who has not noble ancestors; but not شَرَفٌ nor مَجْدٌ. (
Msb, *
K.) حَسَبٌ is also used elliptically, (
TA,) [in the sense of حَسِيبٌ,
q. v.,] for ذُو حَسَبٍ, (
TA,) and for ذَوُو حَسَبٍ. (
b5: اِشْتَرَى بِالحَسَبِ He bought a thing in an honourable manner with respect to himself and the seller: حسب, here, is said to be from حَسَّبَهُ “ he honoured him; ” or from حُسْبَانَةٌ “ a small pillow ” [because him for whom you put a pillow you honour: see 2]. (
TA.) حُسْبَةٌ, in a camel, A colour in which are whiteness and redness (
TA) and blackness: (
TA:) in a man, [a reddish colour such as is termed]
شُقْرَة in the hair of the head: (
K:) and also in a man, (
TA,) and in a camel, (
TA,) whiteness and redness produced by a whiteness of the skin arising from disease and infecting the hair [so as to turn it red]: (
accord. to
IAar, blackness inclining to redness. (
b2: Also Leprosy. (
K.) حِسْبَةٌ [originally The act of numbering, counting, &c.: or a mode, or manner, of numbering, &c.: see 1.
b2: ] A
subst. from اِحْتَسَبَ أَجْرًا; (
syn. with اِحْتِسَابٌ (A) [as meaning A reckoning upon, or seeking, or preparing or providing, or laying up for oneself in store, a reward in the world to come]. You say, فَعَلَهُ حِسْبَةً [He did it reckoning upon, or seeking, &c., a reward in the world to come]. (
b3: هُوَ حَسَنُ الحِسْبَةِ He is good in respect of managing, conducting, ordering, or regulating, (
K,) and examining, or judging, (
Msb,) and sufficing, (
A,) فِى الأَمْرِ in the affair. (
Msb.) This is not from اِحْتِسَابُ الأَجْرِ; for احتساب الاجر relates only to an action done for the sake of God. (
A2: A reward, or recompense:
pl. حِسَبٌ. (
A3: [The office of the مُحْتَسِب.]
A4: See also حَسْبٌ, last sentence.
حُسْبَانٌ: see حِسَابٌ.
A2: Also A punishment. (
b2: A calamity; an affliction with which a man is tried. (Aboo-Ziyád,
b3: Evil; mischief. (Aboo-Ziyád,
b4: Locusts. (Aboo-Ziyád,
b5: Dust: or smoke:
syn. عَجَاجٌ. (
b6: Fire. (
TA.) This, and each of the five significations next preceding, and that next following, have been assigned to the word as used in the
Kur xviii. 38. (
TA.) See also حُسْبَانَةٌ.
b7: Small arrows, (
K,) or short arrows, (
S,) which are shot from Persian bows: (
Msb:) said by
IDrd to be, in this sense, postclassical: (
TA:) or arrows which a man shoots in the hollow of a reed, or cane; drawing the bow, he discharges twenty of them at once, and they pass by nothing without wounding it, whether it be an armed man or another object; they come forth like rain, and scatter among the people: (
TA:) or small arrows, with slender heads, in the hollow of a reed, or cane, which, when discharged, come forth like a shower of rain, and scatter, and pass by nothing without wounding it: (
Msb:) or iron-headed arrows, like large needles, slender, but somewhat long, and without edges [to the heads]: (
n. un. with ة. (
A3: It is also said to signify The circumference of a mill-stone:
b2: and hence, in the
Kur lv. 4, [see 1, above,] to mean The [revolving] firmament. (El-Khafájee,
MF.) حُسْبَانَةٌ
n. un. of حُسْبَانٌ [
q. v.]. (
Mgh, &c.)
b2: Also A thunderbolt;
syn. صَاعِقَةٌ: (
K:) and ↓ حُسْبَانٌ, [of which it is the
n. un.,] thunderbolts;
syn. صَوَاعِقُ. (
Bd and
Jel in xviii. 38.)
b3: A hailstone;
syn. بَرَدَةٌ. (
K. [In some copies of the
K بَرْدَةٌ.])
b4: A cloud. (
A2: A small ant. (
A3: A small pillow; (
K;) and so ↓ مِحْسَبَةٌ: (
K:) or this signifies a pillow of skin, or leather. (
TA.) حِسَابٌ and ↓ حُسْبَانٌ [A numbering, counting, reckoning, calculation, or computation: see 1:] both signify the same: (
S:) or the latter is
pl. of the former, (
accord. to
Akh (
TA) and
AHeyth and others, when the former signifies what is numbered; &c.; [a number; or quantity;] and the former has also for a
pl. [of pauc.] أَحْسِبَةٌ. (
TA.) You say, رَفَعَ العَامِلُ حِسَابَهُ and حُسْبَانَهُ [The
agent presented his reckoning, &c.]. (
A.) Hence, حِسَابُ الجُمَّلِ and الجُمَلِ: see art. جمل. [And حِسَابُ عَقْدِ الأَصَابِعِ The numbering, counting, or reckoning, with the fingers.] And يَوْمُ الحِسَابِ [The day of reckoning; i. e., of the final judgment]. (
Kur xxxviii. 15, &c.)
b2: حِسَابٌ also signifies The reckoning, or enumerating, or recounting, of causes of glorying; or of memorable, or generous, actions or qualities. (
b3: And (
tropical:) A great number of men: (
K:) of the
dial. of Hudheyl. (
b4: and (assumed
tropical:) A sufficing thing, (
K,) and gift, (
K, and
Bd in lxxviii. 36,) as also ↓ حَسَّابٌ: (
Bd ib.:) or a large gift: (
Jel ib.:) or a gift according to one's works. (
Bd ib.) حَسِيبٌ A reckoner, or taker of accounts: [see also حَاسِبٌ:] or a sufficer, or giver of what is sufficient; (
TA;) from أَحْسَبَ, of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفْعِلٌ. (
TA.) It has the former of these significations, or the latter, in the phrase, كَفَى بِاللّٰهِ حَسِيبًا [God is sufficient as a reckoner, or as a giver of what sufficeth], (
TA,) in the
Kur [iv. 7, and xxxiii. 39]: (
TA:) and so in the
Kur iv. 88. (
b2: [Hence,] حَسِيبُكَ اللّٰهُ, (
K,) in the
L اللّٰهُ ↓ حَسْبُكَ, (
TA,) [both of which phrases are used in the present day in the sense here following,] May God take, or execute, vengeance upon thee; or punish thee: (
K:) meaning an imprecation though literally predicatory. (
Har p. 371.) [See also حُسْبَانُكَ عَلَى اللّٰهِ,
voce حَسَبَ.]
A2: Also Characterized, or distinguished, by what is termed, حَسَبٌ as explained above [i. e. grounds of pretension to respect or honour; &c.]: (
K:) generous, liberal, honourable, or noble: (
Msb:) bountiful, or munificent: and having a numerous household: (
pl. حُسَبَآءُ. (
K.) حَسَّابٌ: see حِسَابٌ.
حَاسِبٌ [
act. part. n. of 1; Numbering, counting, &c.:] a reckoner; an accountant: [see also حَسِيبٌ:]
pl. حُسَّبٌ and حُسَّابٌ (
TA) and حَسَبَةٌ. (
A.) أَحْسَبُ, (
fem. حَسْبَآءُ, (
TA,) A camel of a colour in which are whiteness and redness (
TA) and blackness: (
TA:) a man in the hair of whose head is [a reddish colour such as is termed]
شُقْرَة: (
K:) a man, (
K,) and a camel, (
TA,) whose skin has become white by reason of disease, and whose hair is infected [and turned red] in consequence thereof, so that he has become white and red: (
accord. to
Sh, that has no [distinct] colour; of whom, or of which, one says, I think so, and I think so. (
TA. [The latter clause of this explanation (in the
TA الذى يقال احسب كذا و احسب كذا) I have rendered conjecturally; supposing يقال to have been omitted by a copyist, after يقال,])
b2: Also A leper. (
b3: And (assumed
tropical:) A mean, avaricious, man. (
TA.) إِبِلٌ مُحْسِبَةٌ Camels that have much flesh and fat: (
TA:) or محسبة has two meanings; from حَسَبٌ signifying “ nobility; ” [i. e. noble camels;] and from إِحْسَابٌ; i. e. satisfying, with their milk, their owners and the guest. (
TA.) مِحْسَبَةٌ: see حُسْبَانَةٌ.
مُحَسَّبٌ: see 2.
مَحْسُوبٌ: see حَسَبٌ, first sentence.
مُحْتَسِبٌ [The inspector of the markets and of the weights and measures &c.] is an appellation derived from اِحْتَسَبَ, as shown above: see this verb. (
K.) You say, فُلَانٌ مُحْتَسِبُ البَلَدِ [Such a one is the inspector of the markets &c. of the town]: you should not say مُحْسِبٌ. (