1 جَنَى الثَّمَرَةَ, (
aor. ـِ (
inf. n. جَنًى, (
TA,) or جَنْىٌ, (so
accord. to one copy of the
S, and written in the
accus. case جنيا in the
Ham p. 355,) and جِنَايَةٌ, (
Ham ib., but there without any vowel-signs,) He gathered, plucked, or took from the tree, the fruit; (
i. q. ↓ اجتناها (
K) and ↓ تجنّاها: (
K:) and in like manner one says of a thing similar to fruit. (
TA.) One says also, جَنَاهَا لَهُ and جَنَاهُ إِيَّاهَا [He gathered it, plucked it, or took it from the tree, for him]. (
K.) And جَنَيْتُكَ أَكْمُؤًا [I gathered for thee truffles]. (
TA.) And جَنَى
ذَهَبًا He collected gold from its mine. (
b2: Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses this verb metaphorically, in the phrase جَنَى العُلَى, meaning (
tropical:) [He acquired] eminence, or nobility. (
b3: You also say, جَنَى عَلَيْهِ, (
S,) or عَلَى قَوْمِهِ, (
inf. n. جِنَايَةٌ, (
Msb,) (
tropical:) He committed, [against him, or] against his people, or party, a crime, or an offence for which he should be punished; (
Msb;) as also ↓ جاناهُ [or جانى قَوْمِهِ]: (
TK in art. جر:) [and (
tropical:) he brought an injury upon him, or them:] and جَنَى الذَّنْبِ عَلَيْهِ,
aor. ـِ
inf. n. جِنَايَةٌ, (
K,) with kesr, (
TA,) (
tropical:) He committed the crime, offence, or injurious action, against him;
syn. جَرَّهُ إِلَيْهِ: (
K: [see art. جر:]) thus used, also, the verb is
metaphorical, from جَنَى الثَّمَرَةَ: (
TA:) and so in the phrase, جَنَى شَرًّا, meaning (
tropical:) He brought to pass an evil thing or action. (
Mgh.) [See also جِنَايَةٌ, below.] It is said in a
trad., لَا يَجْنِى جَانٍ إِلَّا عَلَى نَفْسِهِ (assumed
tropical:) [An injurer shall not bring injury save on himself]; meaning that one shall not be prosecuted for an injurious action committed by another, of his relations or of others. (
TA.) And a poet says, جَانِيكَ مَنْ يَجْنِى عَلَيْكَ وَقَدْ تُعْدِي الصِّجَاحَ فَتَجْرَبُ الجُرْبُ
[which may be rendered, (assumed
tropical:) Thine injurer whom thou shouldst punish is he who brings an injury upon thee: but sometimes the mangy camels infect the sound ones so that these become mangy; and thus a criminal sometimes brings punishment upon his relations: for]
A'Obeyd says that جانيك من يجنى عليك is a
prov. applied to the case of a man who is punished for an injurious action; because brothers [sometimes] bring injury upon a man [by occasioning his being punished for an injurious action which they have themselves committed], as the latter hemistich of the verse cited above indicates: but
AHeyth says that this
prov. means الجَانِى لَكَ الخَيْرَ مَنْ يَجْنِى عَلَيْكَ الشَّرَّ [The person bringing thee good is he who brings, or will bring, upon thee evil: perhaps intended as a caution; for the Arabs often suspect that a benefactor has some evil intention]: and he cites the following hemistich: تُعْدِي الصِّحَاحَ مَبَارِكُ الجُرْبِ [meaning Sometimes the places where the mangy camels lie down, and which afford benefit to other camels, infect the sound ones]. (
TA. [See also Freytag's Arab.
Prov., i. 298.]) You say also, جَنَيْتَ هٰذَا عَلَى نَفْسِكَ [Thou hast brought this as an injury upon thyself]. (
K in art. جل.) 3 جانى عَلَيْهِ,
inf. n. مُجَانَاةٌ, He accused him of a جِنَايَة [or crime, &c.]. (
b2: See also 1.
4 اجنى said of a tree, (
K,) or of a palmtree, (
Msb,) It had ripe fruit: (
S:) or it attained to the time for the gathering of its fruit: (
Msb:) or it attained to maturity: (
K:) or, said of a tree, it had fruit to be gathered and eaten: and, said of fruit, it became ripe: (
TA:) and, said of grass, or herbage, it became abundant. (
b2: And اجنتِ الأَرْضُ The land had much جَنًى, (
K,) i. e. herbage, and truffles, and the like. (
S.) 5 تَجَنَّىَ see 1.
b2: تجنّى عَلَيْهِ, (
S, *
K,) or تجنّى عليه ذَنْبًا, (
TA,) (assumed
tropical:) He accused him of a crime, an offence, or an injurious action, that he had not committed; (
K;) i. e. he forged against him the charge of his having committed a crime, &c., he being guiltless [thereof]: (
TA:) النَّجَنِّى being like التَّجَرُّمُ. (
S.) You say also, يَتَجَنَّى عَلَيْنَا مَا لَمْ نَجْنِهِ [He accuses us of committing what we did not commit]. (Abu-l-'Abbás,
TA in art. جرم.) 8 إِجْتَنَىَ see 1.
b2: اِجْتَنَيْنَا مَآءِ مَطَرٍ We came to rainwater, and drank it: (
K:) a phrase mentioned with approval by
IAar, but not explained by him: thought by
ISd to have this meaning. (
TA.) جَنًى [in the
CK جَنِىٌّ] Whatever is gathered, or plucked; as also ↓ جَنَاةٌ: (
K:) or whatever is gathered, or plucked, from trees, (
S,) &c.; (so in a copy of the
S;) as also ↓ جَنَاةٌ: (
S:) so that these two words are of the same class as حِقٌّ and حِقَّةٌ: or the latter of them is a
n. un.: (
TA:) or the former signfies what is gathered from trees while fresh; (
Msb;) as also ↓ جَنِىٌّ: (
Msb:) or this last is an
epithet applied to fruit, signifying just gathered or plucked; (
K;) or gathered, or plucked, while fresh: (
TA:) and ↓ مَجْنًى, also,
pl. مَجَانٍ, signifies fruit gathered or plucked: (
Har p. 369:) جَنًى also signifies fruit [ready to be gathered or plucked]; so in the
Kur lv. 54: (
Jel:) and is applied to fresh ripe dates: (
K:) and grapes: (
TA:) and truffles, and the like: (
S:) and even cotton: (
TA:) and herbage: (
S:) and gold, (
K,) which is collected from its mine: (
TA:) and cowries, (
K,) as though gathered from the sea: (
TA:) and honey, (
K,) when it is gathered: (
pl. أَجْنَآءٌ (
K) and أَجْنٍ, originally أَجْنُىٌ. (
TA.) Hence the saying, هٰذَا جَنَاى وَ خِيَارُهُ فِيهِ
إِذْكُلُّ جَانٍ يَدُهُ إِلَى فِيهِ [This is what I have gathered, and the best of it is in it; when every gatherer but myself has his hand to his mouth]: or,
accord. to one reading, وَ هِجَانُهُ فِيهِ (which has the same meaning,
TA in art. هجن): a
prov., ascribed by Ibn-El-Kelbee to 'Amr Ibn-' Adee El-Lakhmee, the son of the daughter of Jedheemeh: he says that Jedheemeh had ordered the people to gather for him truffles, and some of them ate the best that they found; but ' Amr brought to him the best that he found, and addressed to him these words: and 'Alee is related to have repeated them on an occasion of his entering the government-treasury; meaning that he had not defiled himself with anything of the tribute belonging to the Muslims, but had put it in its places. (
TA.) جَنَاةٌ: see جَنًى, in two places.
جَنِىٌّ: see جَنًى. Also Dates cut from the tree. (
TA.) جِنَايَةٌ, primarily, The act of gathering, plucking, or taking from a tree, fruit: [see 1:]
b2: then, (assumed
tropical:) The bringing to pass an evil thing, or action: (
Kull p. 147:)
b3: then, (assumed
tropical:) Evil, [itself]:
b4: then, (assumed
tropical:) The doing a forbidden action: (
Kull ib.:) specially used in this last sense; though it has a general application: (
b5: [as a simple
subst., it generally signifies] A crime, an offence, or an injurious action, for which one should be punished: (
Msb:) or an action that a man commits requiring punishment or retaliation to be inflicted upon him in the present world and in the world to come: (
TA:) or any forbidden injurious action: (
Kull p. 134:) and in the language of the lawyers, especially a wounding: and an amputation, or a maiming: (
Msb:) and ↓ جَنِيَّةٌ signifies the same as جِنَايَةٌ: (
Ham p. 241:) the
pl. of جناية is جِنَايَاتٌ and جَنَايَا; but the latter of these pls. is of rare occurrence. (
Msb.) جَنِيَّةٌ: see what next precedes.
A2: Also A [garment such as is called] رِدَآء (
TA,) of a round form, (
TA,) made of [the kind of cloth termed]
خَزّ. (
TA.) جَانٍ A gatherer of fruit [&c.]:
b2: and also (assumed
tropical:) A committer of a جِنَايَة [or crime, &c.]: (
K, *
pl. جُنَاةٌ (
K) and جُنَّآءٌ (
K) and [of pauc.]
أَجْنَآءٌ, which last is
extr., (
K,) or doubtful. (
S.) Hence the
prov., أَجْنَاؤُهَا أَبْنَاؤُهَا, explained in art. بنى. (
b3: [Hence also,] الجَانِى (assumed
tropical:) The wolf. (
TA voce جَابٍ,
q. v.)
A2: Also
i. q. لَقَّاحٌ; (
TA;) i. e. A fecundater of palm-trees. (
TA.) الجَوَانِى
i. q. الجَوَانِبُ [
pl. of الجَانِبُ]; (
K;) similar to الثَّعَالِى and الأَرَانِى. (
TA.) مَجْنًى: see جَنًى.
مُجْتَنًى A place of gathering, or plucking, fruits, &c. (