شَاخَ (ي)(n. ac. شَيَخ [ ]شُيُوْخَة []
شُيُوْخِيَّة []
شَيْخُوْخَة شَيْخُوْخِيَّة )
a. Was, became old, elderly, aged.
شَيَّخَa. Was old, aged, ancient.
b. Called, made a شَيْخ .
c. [Bi], Affronted.
d. ['Ala], Reproached, rebuked, blamed.
تَشَيَّخَa. see Ib. Pretended to be old, to be a شَيْخ .
شَيْخ (pl.
شِيْخَة []
شَيَخَة []
شِيَخَة []
مَشْيَخَة []
شُيُوْخ [ 27 ]
شِيْخَان []
أَشْيَاخ []
مَشَائِخ [ 44 ] )
a. Old man, graybeard.
b. Elder; ancient; ancestor, forefather.
c. Shaikh (Sheikh), chief.
d. Master; professor; principal, director.
مَشْيَخَة []
a. [ coll. ], Republic.
شَيْخُوْخَة شَيْخُوْخِيَّة
a. Old age.
شَيْخ الإِسْلَام
a. The Shaikh-ulislām ( the ecclesiastical head of
all Muslims ).
شَيْخ البِلَاد
a. Mayor; prefect; headman.
شَيْخ المَرْأَة
a. Husband.
شَيْخ النَّار
a. Satan.