سَفَّ(n. ac. سَفِيْف)
a. [Ila], Flew low, skimmed over ( the ground:
bird ).
b.(n. ac. سَفّ), Wove, plaited.
c.(n. ac. سَفّ), Took as a powder, licked up.
d. Drank without quenching thirst.
أَسْفَفَa. see I (a)b. Stooped.
c. Busied himself with trifles, trifled.
d. Fled from his companions.
e. Stuck, glued.
f. Put the bit on (horse).
g. [pass.], Became altered (face).
h. Fixed his eyes upon.
إِسْتَفَفَa. see I (c)
سَفّa. Spadix, spathe.
سُفّa. Flying serpent.
سُفَّةa. Mat or basket of palm-leaves.
b. Plait, frontlet.
c. see 26
سَفِيْفa. see 3t (a)b. [art.], Satan.
a. Plaited-work : plait, band; suspensory.
سَفُوْفa. Medicinal powder.
b. Meal ( of barley & c. ).