خَرَّ(n. ac.
a. Murmured; gurgled; rustled; whizzed.
b. Snored, purred (cat).
c.(n. ac. خَرّ
خُرُوْر), Fell, fell down.
d. [La], Prostrated himself before (God).
أَخْرَرَa. Cut down.
خُرِّيّa. Hole in the millstone ( into which the corn is
thrown ).
خَرِيْرa. Murmuring, rippling (water).
b. Snoring.
c. (pl.
أَخْرِرَة), Plain lying between two ranges of hills.
خُرُوْرa. Prostration.
b. Snoring.
خَرَّاْرa. Murmuring, rippling (water).
b. Snorer.
خَرَّاْرَةa. Cascade, water-fall.
b. Top, humming-top.