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1900. سخبر7 1901. سخت12 1902. سخد11 1903. سخر17 1904. سخط13 1905. سخف141906. سخل14 1907. سخم14 1908. سخن17 1909. سد5 1910. سدج8 1911. سدر19 1912. سدس16 1913. سدغ3 1914. سدف16 1915. سدل15 1916. سدم14 1917. سدن17 1918. سدو6 1919. سذب4 1920. سذج4 1921. سر5 1922. سرأ8 1923. سرب20 1924. سربخ7 1925. سربل13 1926. سربن4 1927. سرج18 1928. سرجن7 1929. سرح20 1930. سرحب5 1931. سرحل2 1932. سرد17 1933. سرداب1 1934. سردق14 1935. سرط15 1936. سرطم7 1937. سرع17 1938. سرف22 1939. سرقن3 1940. سرم11 1941. سرمد13 1942. سرند6 1943. سرهد5 1944. سرو14 1945. سرول12 1946. سرون2 1947. سرى8 1948. سسب2 1949. سسم6 1950. سطب7 1951. سطح21 1952. سطر16 1953. سطرنج2 1954. سطع13 1955. سطل12 1956. سطن9 1957. سطو12 1958. سعب9 1959. سعتر8 1960. سعد18 1961. سعر20 1962. سعط16 1963. سعف18 1964. سعل15 1965. سعو3 1966. سغب16 1967. سف4 1968. سفح18 1969. سفد15 1970. سفر20 1971. سفرجل8 1972. سفط14 1973. سفع18 1974. سفق14 1975. سفك14 1976. سفل17 1977. سفن17 1978. سفند1 1979. سفه17 1980. سفو9 1981. سقب17 1982. سقر16 1983. سقرقع4 1984. سقط21 1985. سقف20 1986. سقم17 1987. سقمونيا1 1988. سقى11 1989. سك5 1990. سكب18 1991. سكبج4 1992. سكبينج1 1993. سكت19 1994. سكر20 1995. سكرج4 1996. سكرك5 1997. سكف14 1998. سكن19 1999. سل4 Prev. 100




1 سَخُفَ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. سَخَافَةٌ (Mgh, Msb, TA) and سُخْفٌ, or, accord. to Kh, the former only, (Msb,) said of a garment, or piece of cloth, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) It was, or became, thin, flimsy, or unsubstantial; (Msb;) scanty in the yarn; (Mgh, Msb;) or thin in texture. (TA.) and سَخُفَ, (TA,) inf. n. سَخَافَةٌ, said of anything, It was, or became, thin, slender, or unsubstantial. (Msb, * TA. [See سَخَافَةٌ below, voce سُخْفٌ.]) And سَخُفَ, inf. n. سُخْفٌ, (K,) or rather سَخَافَةٌ, accord. to what is said below of a distinction between these two ns., (TA,) said of a skin for water or milk, It was, or became, unsound, (K, TA,) altered for the worse, old, and worn out. (TA.) b2: سَخُفَ, aor. ـَ [or سُخْفٌ, q. v. infrà,] is also said of a man, meaning He was, or became, slender, or shallow, or weak, in intellect. (S, K. *) And it is also said of the intellect, meaning It was, or became, slender, &c. (K, * TK.) 2 سخّفهُ, inf. n. تَسْخِيفٌ, [It rendered him thin, lean, or emaciated,] said of hunger. (A, TA.) 3 ساخفهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. مُسَاخَفَةٌ, (TA,) i. q. حَامَقَهُ [He aided him in his foolishness, or stupidity]. (S, K.) A2: مُسَاخَفَةٌ signifies [also] The showing, or making a show of, foolishness or stupidity. (KL.) 4 اسخف, inf. n. إِسْخَافٌ, said of a man, His property became little, or scanty. (TA.) A2: مَا أَسْخَفَهُ How [slender, shallow, weak,] deficient, or defective, is he in intellect! (Sb, TA.) 10 استسخفهُ He deemed him slender, shallow, or weak, in intellect: but this is perhaps postclassical.]

سَخْفٌ Slenderness of the means of subsistence. (AA, K.) b2: See also the next paragraph.

سُخْفٌ (AA, JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ سَخْفٌ (JK, K) and ↓ سُخْفَةٌ and ↓ سَخَافَةٌ (K) Slenderness, shallowness, or weakness, of intellect, (AA, JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) &c.: (K:) or, as some say, a lightness [of body] incident to a man when he is hungry: [but it is not clearly shown whether this refer to all of the foregoing words or only to the last, or last two, of them: (see سَخْفَة, below:)] and some say that ↓ سُخْفَةٌ signifies weakness of intellect; or deficiency thereof: (TA:) or سُخْفٌ is in the intellect; and ↓ سَخَافَةٌ is [thinness, &c., (see 1,)] in everything; (Kh, Msb, K, TA;) as, for instance, in clouds, and in a skin for water or milk, and in herbage, and in a garment, or piece of cloth, &c. (TA.) سَخْفَةُ الجُوعِ, (S, K,) and ↓ سُخْفَتُهُ, (JK, K,) The thinness, and leanness, or emaciation, consequent upon hunger. (JK, S, K.) One says, بِهِ سَخْفَةٌ مِنَ الجَوعِ In him is thinness, &c., consequent upon hunger. (S, TA.) سُخْفَةٌ: see سُخْفٌ, in two places: b2: and see the paragraph here next preceding.

سَخِيفٌ, applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, (JK, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) Thin, flimsy, or unsubstantial; (Msb;) scanty in the yarn; (Mgh, Msb;) or thin in texture. (JK, TA.) It is also applied to anything, as, for instance, clouds (سَحَاب), and herbage, (JK,) in both of these cases meaning Thin; (TA;) and to a skin for water or milk [as meaning unsound, altered for the worse, old, and worn out; see 1]: (JK:) and to the iron head or blade of an arrow or a spear or the like as meaning long and broad [and app. thin]. (AHn, TA.) b2: Also, applied to a man, Slender, or shallow, or weak, in intellect: (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K: *) and, thus applied, (K,) or سَخِيفُ العَقْلِ, (TA,) lightwitted; or light, or unsteady, in intellect: (K, TA:) from the same epithet applied to a garment, or piece of cloth. (Mgh, Msb.) سَخَافَةٌ: see سُخْفٌ, in two places. [And see also 1, of which it is an inf. n.]

أَرْضٌ مُسْخِفَةٌ A land in which is little herbage: (ISh, K:) from سَخِيفٌ as an epithet applied to a garment, or piece of cloth. (TA.) [See also ارض مُسْحَفَةٌ, in art. سحف.]
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