2 خوّد, (L,) inf. n. تَخْوِيدٌ, (S, L, K,) He (a camel, L) went quickly; or was quick in his pace or going: (S, L, K:) he went quickly, and threw out his legs: or, as some say, he shook, as though he were convulsed: and in like manner, a male ostrich: and sometimes it is said of a man, signifying as first explained above. (L.) b2: خَوَّدَ رَأْلُهُ: see art. رأل.A2: He sent the stallion, فِىالإِبِلِ among the camels. (L, K.) A3: He obtained somewhat of food. (K.) 5 تخوّد He (a camel) shook in going, by reason of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness. (A.) b2: It (a branch) inclined, (A, TA,) or bent. (K.) خَوْدٌ, applied to a girl, (S,) or young woman, (L,) or a female, (A, K,) Soft, or tender, (S, A, L, K,) and youthful: (A:) or goodly, or beautiful, in make, and youthful, (L, K,) not yet of middle age: (L:) pl. خَوْدَاتٌ (L, K) and خُودٌ; (S, L, K;) the latter like لُدْنٌ as pl. of لَدْنٌ, an epithet applied to a spear. (S, L.)